nninr-ir TTTT T" . THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER H good Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park HKST YEAR NO. 31 14 PAGES WAYNESVILLE,' N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1913 (One Day Nearer Victory) $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties air niiiiii i mil ""JW $L3 lith Re-Elected For l,lh As Assistant nr Ai:nit I1 or link. i.ui' rt'unty firm n if appointed for the county board Mr Clapp has i i n in agent for ii. . past three and He came here Miinty, where he iiiuii in Febru- ilic vacancy caus- k-"l I., 1.11! ihr ir.i;:iMiHn ot wav ne nj- Uil IM I till' VI - v - L in ilic armed forces. M,in Margaret Smith. ii,,iiir iicmonstration agent, itiiinicil to serve another llhs SiiiiUi will have com- (mi h as county home I;,,. in si i.( September. Inul i.raliain lias resign- ii..i a-- assistant county iiii.iiistr.it inn agent to ac iMiimi u illi I he TVA with ruins in lliincninbe couniy. !cn Smith, of Forest. City, turned tn fill the vacancy mini Iter duties this week. kt of assistant home dem- uenl is appointed by lie intrusion service and "1 In the county board of imit'is C.ildwcll, county lire war- rcapiHiiiiied for another ilic hoard. Mr. Caldwell M'l.cd Hie co. inly in this fur Ilic past year eatherwood Jeptod For Red s Service 11 1 '"ii c Leather" ood, "I Mr and Mrs. Troy i'f .lonathau Creek. i M.i nm liter of Mr. and K"vd, reported to the I cross hoadtiuarters I). "th'ii on Monday of this " If' she u i enter an i"ll pencil ,,,jor 0 as. b"r duties as a staff aid R'-d Cross UiM..r, ls a gi-aduaip Jimmr Collcgr ,P "y f North Carolina. She r rnr-rnHv rnmnlptpri toad. rilk m sotitilngv at the ,m"r-i At (he lime she 'PM t"i service with thp '"sv shp "as a case worker If Ma'unnH rniintv uselfro enl I'pon completion of Mil ; rmnd in Washington ! -H-.-'?ned to a naval or Ft!al in the Southeastern jWaynesville Men ' BronC Arrow- fvnr-.,-,!p mei, ,,,th ,hp 1 'Ulllv 1.... - .'o-r just oeen Z hr"'" arrowhead to h"'r Kuropean theatre 'on, rihhnns grrow oH.erno and Riviera "hen ii. , .. Inh.k "laae tne u Fhoi"Us assault. zr;,s n C. Mrs V, n W- Duckett. Nh .Vre tnelt. route Wrs "'r'"""s of the Company Is ew Location Mr AH,., , h the'J S. an"OUIlcing Plan f hU tin "S-rv,, ",e Park- '"'f-al f.,r ,. H use ' elec- r- iK-on lapp,n- and the ,n operation for a 1. rW -221 tt In .... 4 fai nl""n 25 22 ...37J roal iOl B uard Clapp And Miss krwood Farm Projects .onos Also ne-Elccted Agent lll'lf'll - HOWARD CLAPI was recently re-elected by the county commis sioners as county agent for an other year. Mr. Clapp has been here 3' a years. Thirty Men Report For Pre-Induction Examinations Thirty men left here on Tues day morning for Fort Jackson, making up the prc-induction group under the selective service system going from this area for physical examinations during the month ot July.- Hugh Turner Francis was named leader of the group and Hurke C Still well served as assistant lead er. In the group were two trans fers as follows: Hoy Vaughn Buch anan, from lliawassee. tin . and Jack .lames Ferguson from New port News. Va. Others included: Fred Mance McDonald, Floyd Kdward Hat h bone, Kdward Kussell Messer, Cole man Edwards. Ferguson Marshall Duckett, James Duncan Hrad shaw, William Theodore Deweese, Vivian Ward, James Dennie Dee Crawford, Charles Franklin Dor rick. Hubert Fliijt Smith. Willie Claude Allison, Hugh A. Hill Lloyd Furnian Holen. Arthui Sinilb. Jr., Wilhiirn Virgle Massie, John Wesley Murphy, William Orion Davis. Jr., Charles Coolidge Haney, James Gettis Kathboue, Glenn Hardy Davis, Judge Edgar Hall, Charles Rav Conard, James AKin Sutton. James Ellis McMa han, and Carroll Lee Smathers. Mrs. Osborne Is Superintendent i Mission Hospital Mrs. Evelyn A. Osborne assum ed her duties as superintendent of the Mission Hospital. Asheville. yesterday. Mrs Osborne was for mer superintendent of the Hay wood County Hospital, which posi tion she held for two years, re signing on June 1st of this year. Mrs. Osborne, a graduate of the nursing school of Johns Hopkins, was a member of the nursing staff of the Orange General Hospital of Orlanda at the time she accepted the post here in Waynesville. Mrs. Osborne's family will re main here and she plans to spend the week-ends in Waynesville. Kerr Scott Sees Great Future For Turkish Tobacco In This Area "I see great possibilities in this area for the development of a profitable crop in Turkish tobac co," Kerr Scott, state commissioner of agriculture, said here last Thursday night, as the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce was host at the Park way Knoll to Mr. Scott and the State Agriculture Board. "Turkish tobacco is especialTy suited for small farms and on land such as is found in this area. It requires lots of hand work, and must be planted clos together in order to keep the leaves and stalks small," he said. Mr. Scott also pointed out the distinct advantages of this area in First traders Must Have 3 Vaccinations For School New S f;te Law Is KfTcrtive Ptpinnini; With This School 'IVi m. The I'M,' Croerl As.poililv made it e.iiiipolsoi v for all chil dren entering school this fall for the fust linio hp immiiniod against whooin(' cough and smallpox, .iccnrdinn to Dr C. N Sisk, (tiiiuty hciillh otVicer For some e,ns il has been op tion.il with the counties as to whether or nut smallpox vacci nation was compulsory, but the last legislature made the law state wide and applicable to all counties. Heretofore il h,)r not been com pulsory in H.n wood county, though the majority of students have been vaccinated. This brings the total of compul sory ininiuni7al ions for school en trance to include three communic able diseases, namely: diphtheria, which has hern compulsory for many years; whooping cough and smallpox. Ccrtilicales of inimunizat ion or of immunity arc now required by law fur all children entering the first grade of school fur I he three diseases named The new law requires that all children in North Carolina be im; munixed against whooping cough before I hey reach one year of age. The parents, guardians or person in loco parentis of any such child not previously immuniz ed, shall he taken to a licensed phvsician and have administered a sufficient dosage ol a phophy lactic whooping cough agent, it was pointed .nit by Dr Sisk M 11 Howies, county siiperin tendeol of ethical ion. is urging that all parents with children not yel immuni.ed against these diseases, who are mailing their Initial en trance in school either go to their physician or visit the county health department and have Mip children vaccinated Thi' willul idl.it nm (if any pail of the law is considered a mis demeanor punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or im prisonment lor not niuie than 'M) days, it was pointed out hy the health otl'uer and the county su perintendent Hyatt Family To Hold Annual Reunion On Shoal Creek, Whittier I The annua! Hyatt reunion will be held ' Sunday, August the Mb, j at the home of Kev. John L. Hyatt I on Shoal Creek, near Whittier. ac- , cording to an announcement this ! week All relatives and friends ! of the family, which is a large i connection in this section of (hp ! state, are invited to attend and bring a basket lunch An interest ing program has been arranged Col. Wm, I. Lee Goes To Veterans Hospital j For Treatment ! Cnl. William I Lee. of Gatlin hurg. chief engineer with the Great ! Smoky Mountains Park Service, is I a patient at the Veterans Hospital I in Chicago. He was accompanied i In Mrs Lee. the former Miss Mil j di ed Crawford, of Waynesville. combining agriculture and indus try. "In such a community as this, where the employes of manufac turing plants can have small farms, or at least extra large gardens, it takes a long time for a depression to set in." Richard Barber, chairman of the committee, told the group how Korth Carolina had come from TTtlf place in the nation, to 3rd in the value of farm products in the past ten years. He praised the board and Mr. Scott and as sociates for their work throughout the state, and told how much their services had meant to farmers. Mr. Scott was warm in his (Continued on page 3) Claimed By Death J f ' ' DR JOE F BAXTER, uirmer ritien of Wa nsville, died tlii:. week at" Dolham 'Cut courtesy St. John's SchooL. Dr. J. F. Baxter, Former Resident, Buried Yesterday I Fuller. il service, were condiKlod yesterday in Dolhan. Ala. for Dr. Joseph Find llaxter. X!, tornicr Waynesville veterinary surgeon who tlieil at his home in Dolhan on Monday night, act online, to inloi mat ion received here by his wile's aunt Mrs T L Uramlell Dr Baxter came here in Febru ary, UI44 from Kinsttin. where be hail practiced lur Iwu and a half years, prior to which he had been connected with the Stale Depart ment of A gl iclill in e at Jackson ville. Dr. Baxler was a graduale ol Auburn School ol Velei inary Medi cine, ol Alabama He was active in civic and religious ullairs here, iieiny a member of the Wayiicsi'dlw Hotnry Club, and the I 'i csliylerian Church, and served as athletic coach at SI John's He was also a high tanking Mason III Master gave up hr. piatlice here mi account ul ill health Prior lu hi. ii'tiiriiiim lu Ins Ik in ii' in Dolhan a few weeks ago he had been a patient in Duke Hospital for lour months Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Sarah Mullin llaxter. and two dau ghters. Jean and Fli?abeth llaxter: his mother, two sisters and several hi ol hers Frank Davis Is Developing Dairy Farm In Iron Duff Frank Davis 1m:, Mar ti d d"vel npment of h modern dairv farm on a :'S0-aere tract in lion Duff. Mr Davis has acquired the J S Davis latin, which was his father's, and is going foiwanl with plans to develop it into a leading dairy farm He now has a herd of 2Ti cows, and plans ta'1 for eoitsiderJihle niuie Ml Davis is foi i or i oninti coinmissioiiei , anil faimci ! this county, and for the past four years has held a position with the North Carolina Ship Building Com pany at Wilmington H and fam ilv moved hack here several months ago F, B, I, Arrest Haywood Man For Deserting From Army 18 Years Ago Clem Cabe, of the Oellnoori Road, who had lived the Hfr of a freeman for 18 years, was placed iindT federal arrest on a charge of being a deserter from the I'. S. Army late Tues day afternoon. Cahe, who will be 3fi years old Saturday, 4th. is reported in have told the officers who arrested him that he had not minded serving the sentence, that the unbearable thing had been the dishonorable dis charge from the army. lie told them that his wife had been told nothing: about his escape. Cabe was in the regular army, and since his escape from confinement at Fort Ben ning, Ga., May 2, 1927, he had married and had become the father of three children. The arrest was announced by Edward Scheldt, special agent in Charlotte of the federal bu reau of investigation. Two FBI agents, along with Deputy Sheriff Wade McDaniel, of the Sheriffs department, found Cabe on a painting job bere. He made no effort to resist ar rest, according to the officers. fL!n.. til:..!... I III Says World Charter Better Than League Over 3 Inches Of Rain Falls Here In 3 Days Some of the heaviest rjin. in veais fell here during the fn st ot the w eek, flooding many basements, and causing some roofs to Ipjik thai never leaked bet ot e The official weather oh.erver at the Stale Test Farm lime reported a fall ol 1 .Vi inches Sunday night with ;Ui ot ,m inch liefore the downpour that night, making almost two in (lies fur Sunday alone A hard rain fell Monday after noon during an electrical storm, anil on Tuesday after noon 1 02 inches fell during a cloudburst a n d electrical storm Storm sewers and drams proved inadequate to take care of the sudden flow nf water as it swept here and t here Lightning Starts Six Blazes At Tapestry Mill Holt Jumps Fuse Plugs During Storm, and Huns Into Royle-I'ilk-ington Plant. Six fires were slartcd fn the plant rif lln.v le-l'ilkiiigtoii Company in Haelwtiod about five o'clock Mondav. when lightning struck power lines in the vicinity anil ran into the plant Two outside transformers were set. on (ire and bla.es started in six ditleri'til places throughout the plant, as the bolt lumped all fuse plugs and safety devices. Ben F. Colkilt. general manager of the plant, praised the employes who went to work with extinguish ers and put out the bla.es "Our employes had the (ires under con trol in a very lew minutes. They went about the task like veteran firemen," Mr Colkilt said No estimate has been made ol tl'e extent of property damage. Cp). H, C. Meccc Wounded In Action On Philippines Corporal Hubert (' son of Mr and Mrs G of Canton, was wound Meere. ? . H Meece. ed on May 28. while serving in pines, according to a i e ly received from the his parents Cpl Meece is all.it the Philip port recent hospital by lied to the I' S Marines and has seas sinrp last Septe had previously served in the Marines been over niher He two years He was placrd In the Hay wood rounty jail Tuesday night and on Wednesday morning was moved to the Buncombe rounty jail in Asheville, where he was put in the rustody of Major Leo S. Jobe, provost marshal for Western North Carolina. Major Jobe is waiting orders from the fourth service com mand as to further steps In the Cabe C ase, and the officers here had received no further information as to the final orders. He will fare eourtmartial at either Asheville or Fort Ben ning, it was learned, and the opinion expressed by the offi cers was that at least two charges will be made against the Haywood man, breaking confinement and desertion. Cabe had been sentenced to a year of hard labor and had been ordered dishonorably dis charged from the army at the time he escaped from Fort Bennlng. He had been court martialed after giving himself up in March, 1927, following an earlier escape from army service. 01 Nations ! Dr. Y. C. Yang Was Member of Chinese Delegation To San Francisco Conference. , LAKE JUNALl'SKA. Declared by many who heard it to be the most i.eholarly. careful and accu rate analysis of the I'nlted Nations' Charter yet made public, the ad dress of Dr Y. C. YaiiR. interna- : tionally known Chinese scholar and : former diplomat, featured the opening meeting of a South-wide I missions! v conference here Tues day night Dr Yang, who is president of Soochow University In China and is for the lime being head of the Chinese News Service in New j York City, was a member of the Chinese delegation at the United i Nations Conference at San Frnn- cIsco. Here he was secretary of the Security Council, an Import ant section of the proposed World Charier. After commenting upon I be his- torlc and moral significance of the j World Security Conference, Dr I Yang summarized the various pro visions of the charier. The six , basic organizations to I he charter j were discussed as follows, the Gen ! eral Assembly, the Security Coun cil, (ho Economic and Social Coun cil: Hie Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. He spoke at some length on the Security Council, around which, he said, most of the controversial questions centered He also ' rf-usw and explained Uie vat. ..., .. Declaring his belief lli.it the charter will work and that lu his opinion il is superior to the League of Nations Covenant of Woodrow Wilson's time, the speaker enumer ated several outstanding impres sions he gained al the San Fran cisco meeting, among Ihcin the following: "There was decidedly an effort by the five major nations ttbe Big Fivel to present a united front that argues well for the fu ture of the world "The influence of the Small I'oweis was not 'small'. " The universial desire lor peace and security was keen and real and made possible necessary compro mises and accommodations in for mulating the charter. The charter Is the first lotei national document ever drawn up in the name of We, the Fcople Fur the first time we had the thought and respect for human rights and fundamental rights of individuals as well as of nations put in an international document "The emergence of woman as a factor in world politics was en couraging and prominence was culture as a factor in world se curity " The speaker closed with the thought What has the Church to I contribute Can the charter sin i ceed without the church and what j is the task of the church now and I in Hie future'.' Questions which he answered partly as follows: "II was due largely to the ef forts of Christian churches that the cause of peace is receiving r serious consideration: breaking down isolationism and contribut ing to the spirit of world fellow ship "Can the church now rest Not entirely, because good and import ant as the United Nations' Charter is. il cannot be substituted for Christian fellowship out of which world peace must be built " - 'Continued on page 3 Twenty Notches On Gun Of Sgt. Willie Rathbone Means He Killed 20 Japs With the 32d Infantry Division In Northern Luzon. P. I. Twenty notches on a rifle stock can mean twenty squirrels or twenty rab bits. In the case of Staff Sergeant Willie A. Rathbone, a soft-speaking soldier from Haywood county, the twenty notches equal twenty Japs. Sgt Rathbone, employed as a tanner at the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company before entering the service, is now skinning the Nips on Luzon. Serving as a platoon guide in "E" Company of the 32d (Red Arrow) Division's 126th Infantry Regiment, Rathbone has seen more than two and a half years of ac Board Likes Work ;x.s v-v r STs'x s DEAN COLVARD. nrector in charge ol the Stile T.-sl Farm hole anil in slic county, was high ly praised last week for his accom plishments by the coinmis.siolier of agrieulliire .mil the slate hoard as they inspected the l.iiin, on an official loin o tins aie.i 35 Caught For Parking Qvcv Time On Main St. Tllll l V fn e moliil ;, p. lit! fines don id.; ,1 u I v lot ov pi-tinie parking m resli u letl ones, ac cording In ( hii'l ui Police O II. liuhci Is veslcrtlay I il check lllg I he list ul v nilaloi s it w as shown llt.it I!,, per i enl weie local people All were lined one dollar for the lirst olleiise, and on any second charges, they will he baled into mavor s court. A lotal nf (Hi arrests were inade by II-' lopar.i, oil dur ing the nmn'li. 1 1 1 drunks leading the h i Pfc. Sumrnerrow Gets Bronze Star, Oak Leaf Cluster Private Fust Class John C. Sumrnerrow. sun ol Mr and Mrs. G- C Siininiei i.e.' . ut Haelwnod. has been aw, oiled the Bimie Stai and )ak I e.il i lusi. i .e coi ding to word received . In, l.niulv f'fe Si nil"': inleieil the service in Fehruai v I '.) I.i. and ha.', been mctse. is suite September, 11144. serving with the 'llh Army. Al present lie is .ili.iched to (lie Aroiv of Occijpaiioii iii la'inntiv The ii.it nm v in. ii . ompanied the a- ai-tf. r .ri 1 1 1 p.i, i fr,. Inn s ' I o In ion i. Ill, i in. .n' in Get mam fiom '; I rn nil- I'lITi, to March I'M onnrftion with riolilai '. "" i il ions against (lie roeni', liinmc tt, 'tossing ol a dancei mi . I r . i oid the sub sequent i.i.i i,,.. ,,(' , ).,. Private First ('I.e. ' .muni. 1 1 tendered invaluable m i m !,, In nt gant .'itinn as an a nun 1 1 tut u n In irei " When suil .ihle In. ul.o hi idgrs rtc not .. .iM.I, I,.- , ,J j,,, unused ,, ..., 1 1, , if in, despite Hie inlen in in' file ui i c .sflll- ly delivei it il al m.,, hm, gtm and nioilai an, ii iii nil ion In front line tioops 1 1 v he. ih I ' i tn mat ion and out ii in,': i iir';;-. lie insured an ewi red 1 1 1 . f I -. ot ammuni tion, tin i i.v i ..nt i d.'ii nm mater ially to I he in , , . ,, t i,e ,,,' ,-, lions III (HIS III SI'. AMI SIIIIV Mrs Willi. on I Mill. in. the former Mi.s ib n Senlclle, daughti i of m, .n, .( Mr. f) fs Sentolle, will U.iw as soon as she is assigned pue o) a plane for Trinidad . In will loin her husband, , ( HI M n Millan. who is Stationed tot ..err .pei duty tion in the I'.h 'die He made the initial landing with the 1-2-6 at SaiHor. New Guinea, and Morotai. in the Dutch East Indies Now on Northern Liuon. lip has also been in combat at Adape. New Guinea, and Leyte. in the Philippines. A graduate of Waynesville high school. Sgt Falhbone entered the army in August. IS42. He left for overseas in January. 1943. to join the veteran 32d Division in Aus tralia. A crack shot, he has been personally credited with 20 kills during five operations against the Japanese. His father. Alien Rath bone. lives on Route 1. w Only Slight Changes Are Sade !n Hew 1946 Budget Hudget Requirements For Coming Fiscal Year Almost $100,000 For Haywood. ' There will be no increase in the county tax rate for the coming year, according to George A. Brown. Jr . county manager and of commissioners. The rate will remain $130 per $100 property valuation, which was the rate of last year. The esti mate of property valuation in the county has been set at $23,500,000 for the current year, according to Mr, Brown, who also announced the budget as adopted and approv ed for couniy expenditures for the year When the requests of the various rounty agencies were submitted t;o the board of commissioners, "... 4t , was found that the county wel fare department asked for an ad ditional $7.onn over the alloted amount in the budget of the past year. ' A vote was taken on the propos ed amount, with D. J. Noland vot ing " or of the increase, and .1 11 il.,ps opposing. To break the lie. the chairman was required to vote, with the result that the appropriation will remain as of liiat year. It was pointed out by Mr. Blown that in view of the fact that there was more money than usual in circulation, the board felt that it should not raise the appro . priatiou.at ibis time... . . 'hf The total budget Cairs ' for . a " ckpendittire of $31)3.764 .13. and will be alloted to the following county agency requirements: Genera! Fund $ 42 535 00 Special Fund 11.750.00 Foor Fund 16.000 00 Debt Service Fund 71,731.25 Hospital Fund ti5.000.00 Capital Outlay Fund 7.650.00 School Fund 134.097.88 Penalty Fund 2.000 00 Old Age Assist Fund 21,420.00 Aid To Dep. Children 6.000.00 Welfare Fund 12,580.00 Lt, H. M. Jennings Now In States Wounded In Action LI Howard. M Jennings, of Sumter, S C . husband of the former Miss May Crawford, daugh ter of Mrs. W T. Crawford, who was wounded in the Okinawa campaign in May. is now a patient at the Naval Hospital in Charles ton .it was learned this week. Lt Jennings who is serving with the t: S Marines, took his train ing at Parris Island. Quanhco, and San Diego, Calif . prior to beinjj spot to the South Pacific where he served for the past fifteen months j After he was wounded Lt Jen ' nings was cent to a naval hospital ! at Guam, and later to Oakland. Calif . and was recently brought to Charleston, where he has been joined by Mrs Jennings Turkish Tobacco Stalk On Display Here Yesterday A stalk of Turkish aromatic to bacco, eight and one-half feet high was being displayed here yester day on the courthouse grounds by Waldo McCracken. of Crabtree, one of the three growers in the county outside the experiment being car ried on at the State Test Farm of this varif .v The stain which is of average height according to Mr. McCracken. was selected from his patch to bring to town because it was the only one in bloom It bore fifty thick healthy leaves, where the average Burley plant shows only twenty. Other growers in the county, who like Mr. McCracken are trying their luck with a quarter of an acre of this foreign variety of to bacco include: Grayson Nichols. Francis Cove, and Fred L. Saftord. Fines Creek. The state test farm under the supervision of Dr. Luther Shaw, is experimenting with, an acre in Tux- .. kish tobacco, and the feasibility off its cultivation in the mountain sec tion will be determined by these plantings. , ': . T b" ' . ',- i - ' iii ' ' ' I 1 1 1 n - 1 I

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