(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY. AlTi c i - J o THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR (Second Section) Sugar-Saving Reminders Compiled By Haywood County Home Agent (The ret ipos Mount.; ,' S t.'.C reo: tint in. !c v to fol'.o'A in.;: ii::f-tiHis wp:'' cur.t 1 . I') ;:eer In Miss Mur -.nth. ritt:;t hi:v.e .;e C.I '.I. V. M.i 1 p: and The u i.i 1 1 1 eui' Hill .1 ll.lt ( ( i Ileal ! II I) '. illll si i ll tip 1 1 ii. I pui' l c H i - It il hi'.n u-.:ii ... .-.. , - ileiible lid . ri. I I .ll IMII' ! I sweet - I.niiier eeteiinc. 'I'll pro U.'ll li.ii'l' ir;. ii' ' ,--p l. Ml d in Mi. K Meanwhile, beat 2 willi ;t pinch of salt Into tlicm. )our tin' hm ly heatin;; well be- . ili: inns and continuing until Unify, lilend in 1 in i'l racl and 1 j tsp. or . hi ('liruj I Hill differ Cake 1 . 1 1 1 1 i ri i; 1 t-p cninam; Il aii.cil. No m p.: . iliiin r Imt canned cherries ' 1 1 ' ..ml cinnamon. anno ol hiilter I i 'HI' 1 in Idler III iclic 'I Colli 1 p 111 i HI II Il ' .wild' 'I I Ii,. I ll; II ;i liMiie;. . i nil". -.1 cup 1 1 iii.;nl : I 111 open : r .; l- n ill, C'llW ' 'ace ' iic : .,). ilaci .1 I-1 1 1 . ,1 t, I i;k)' i I! U !t i; nn so! rsi .il Vi p amn el h.-l ' I' 'Of-it in I Hi ilil Ml ll iCIlts nun cl pe'irl I. no hollo'. - h In each i o ol' butter anil Irmnti iiin-e arniiii'' lor I "J halves' li'l hoi oven oi .i!ol browned i Inii.'l u il h h i place Me I'.r.i 'uit ' en in a n ;oi U i i.i I until ('" re hoi or co!i o.'iiii or v lupp. il cream I itiil ."lars!imai'ii ream lio.'il 1 ciii si rained Iriiil mire r ol 'ai'.uo ol I'.: Ill led pi lle.ip- c. i a-.jilvi : v, etc , ei! i ion ju n o in i .-. about Mi I. '' St. i" null! ii e':ed. Cool I i : t up w ini i i j hipped I'oiir i 1 lv r.i'lnil mollis, mold. I':e-,h : I'arl P i j i I ? i Chill alien! :: Serve i!h ;i 'mil or I, erne... 1'eppi i inin allv (Is.soP 'll. I lp mat -liin.il-r oe' lov i'Iow are h. fold am. Mill'l. itleied 7" u,iii idii.il lours In j.'.arnisli ol Mousse It PPel ll 11 I.I 'am i l'i .ini s'-nie in la'..:. 1 i Up Vitlipp I'oid m the , l'i i . '.e mil i ' i. torv l( in." r hoi 1 an Chill Whip n unlil slid' i iiiii.i -- cup o I '. e I '. Ill ' I J W'l S" or tier M il,'!.". Oiice Fat! Now Has a Model's Figure "I lost 32 lbs. wear size 14 again" i ,.-f Htm ', I .,! '. I ' . i.J :U In hoi : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; . i U'.a r, hak I n.L' .it e;:i;. Add leiiin,: Add ;:il: only mi- 1 llto C.I e. IS- hail' I he bal le Sprinkle or cherries : b.iivi. and ii". lo.piui; n i Kill ' I I .. . Inii" Chill l'i mi' P i h ah.!;, i i . .1. : ('ombiiio prion UliI limlas.'o- ani mil 11' I'l'.ih.iio , nt II re 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 : el .1 I !! salldw it la's S rii( ( hoenlali Pfc. Robt. II. McKay Serves With Engrs. With Great Credit I'fc. Robert M. McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther McKay, of Ilazclwood. is now stationed a! Camp Chicago, Franco. He has been attached to the 24-lth Kn gineer Combat Battalion and iias been overseas since September, 1944. He entered the serviie at Fort MePhcrson. Oa.. -nd received his trailing al Camp Shelby. Miss., and Camp Forrest. Tcnn , before goine, over.icfis. Hi; group lias received a num ber of commendations and ex- j rerpls t'rr.m one received on June I 5 of this year from his eomniand ini; officer will qive a review of j Hie activities of the proup: I "In January of this year the yroiip moved into lh' Southern ! sector of the Western Front to ! ..erve with the Seventh I' S Armj, 'ind were assigned in the 1 1 09th l''.n,cinerr coinbal ;:ioiip in direct upporl of Hie !Jili Corps They .core assigned Hie mis. inn ol dig-Miii-; ( niplacenients, Mnimmcf harb (d wire entanglements and layi'ng mini fields, to defend a mo.it im portant area thinly held by a de pleted force Thc.x siillered Iron1 cold, bill did their lob well They were later moved lroni i the illh Corps and attached to the iituh rntiiiiecrs during the thaws and rams ol March lo construct and maintain the main supply road to the trout ot the '.'lh Army, pav- n K Hie way foi he imy's great piine nHcnsive They had a dlf liiult deadline to meet, but by hard work anil gieal sacrifice the made the goal "They were then ordered to leave the 71 li Army and join the !Mh A i my in March and assigned 'o the Khiue operations and ac complished engeenng missions necessary lo laciltlate Hie army's dash through (iermany On the nigh! of April UO-IM. they were at tacked by a desperate hand of i e i in hi tanic. and Infantry, rhoiich I he enemy was superior in numbers, with small arms only the outfit inflicted heavy casualties and disorganized the enemy, con tributing lo I he iiltiniale desliuc I ion. "On April :)(. I he outfit con slrucled a heavy ponton bridge across the Islhe Nicer, suhect lo artillery lire that was intense and well directed In over 111 hour.1 1 . .Mini but'ei j Hie bridge was completed and the bli nd. Spread j 1 roups, armor and supplies moving over it Tins was considered a leal unique ill bridge construction under artillery lire " Timely, Practical Household Suggestions by Ruth Currant of State College Prospects of a izeable drop in civilian supplies of commercially canned foyds particularly toma toes is an added incentive for putting up plenty of tomatoes at nome this summer. If a tomato plant gives a good average yield of 6 pounds of to matoes, this will be enough to can about 3 quart jars of tomatoes. On the average. 9 to 10 plants will yield a bushel of tomatoes enough for putting up 15 to 20 quarts of tomatoes. in. I ik.d p lines on, I. n ll, . until li;:lit II lid lie.ltell sill i mil I in egg pi. ue pan el a I Inn hi bolt. mi. i crackers acker , are r ol liiul III Serves 1 i lh (I Ci ill. ini ( i ai kci s do ..i chopped prunes pi., mill holler raikei' I .i.'kers and lop j Makes 1 :t lah - w ei I 1 1 -em ( 'rii lie lies svveel chocti- Ini'i, '. .null ii! pel! ,1 ii l he. real ( omb iV I'll p. s l,.ie ho. -oh' hoi leolale P of ll water Med 11 1 r loi siper : II lll Willi I i l'i . ll'lo ill III ..ll, inlo balls Makes I, d b ll I I e r. oiihio boiler, . ileal ll ll ( 1 1 dd vanilla, i ereal. loss to coat each litis ; i ",'ised H e, w II Cool, cool on waxed " 1 ' " ' still arcs, bopped mils lo It s I IIP ' mil ' H. ,. I I.,. borl e I omli lib. Useu.l doll -ceipe or ; boll oil! ,!, into round. Car! I ill t- mud pipi h do ke ii I y rii 1 1 lost a swri using ' dak. Smilli's t lit K.itc In in; Store warned -iv ingredi 'hortcakei cup Hour his. aiil mi ll I !i "; cut Ii sv nip-nut ' I 'oiigji-niil ' in a hot or bgbllv . poo i'i our hel llg. Louis Lnslcy, S. 2i : hi Naval Hospital j I anus Knslev, seaman second j class, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. . I Knslev . of Balsam, who volunteer i ed in the service on January 8 j of this year and called lo active I duty a month later, is confined to ! tire Naval Hospital at Dublin, C,a. Seaman Knsley was a member of Ihe graduating class of 1944 from Ihe local high school. After com plelmg his boot Iraming at liain bndge. Mil., he was sent to Dublin as a patient. Pfc. Walker L. Chambers RcliniiN From Overseas ''i 'v ate First ( la s Walker Fee l chmnbri . .no ot Mr . low a i 'li.im . her .. ol I'nvr I reek, has arrived latter sciving IK nionths overseas. ' He lirsl reported lo Fort Bragg and was given a ,'ttl-day furlough al home. I'fc Chambers entered Ihe ser viie on December l!!!. 1942, and was included at Fort Jackson, and later sent lo Fort Sill. Okla., and before being sent overseas in Jan iiarv. I9i:t. was transferred back lo Fort Jackson t the lime he entered the ser vice he was engaged ill Farming in Haywood coiinlv iiuy War Bonds and Stamps. More GRADE A roaucers Needed Gardners who want to get the most in vitamin value from their sweet peppers will pick thein red instead of green. This suggestion jomes from scientists who recently 'ested different varieties of pep pers at different stages of growth Peppers are rich in both vita ntn A and C when they are at the nature green stage, but they show i remarkable increase as they red len Ten varieties of peppers jrown at the Rhode Island Station ncreased an average of 3,175 per cut in carotene and 49 per cent in ascorbic acid as they become cd Pmiiento peppers grown at he Georgia Station and harvested ate in the season after frost were id per cent richer in ascorbic acid han those harvested early in the season Even Ihe small amounts of sweet eppers ordinarily used stuffed or n salad, or to add color and flavor o main dishes may do a eonsider ible bit toward adding food value o family meals, especially if they ue allowed to become red-ripe. UnlTed red peppers are attractive, and delicious, and sliced red pep ors add appetizing color and flavor o salads ar do green, say nutrition specialists Mrs James A. Gwyn. who is spending sometime here, has been joined by Mr. Gwyn and upon their completion of their visit here, will both return to Wilmington, Del. They had as their guest for several days Mrs. C. C. Curtis, of Tryon, the former Miss Elise Gwyn of this county. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adtninistra oi' of the estate of Captain George Plott, deceased, late of Hay vood County, North Carolina, this s to notify all persons having laims against the estate of said leceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 17th lay of July, 1946, or this notice vvill be pleaded in bar of their ecovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im nediate payment. This the 17th day of July. 1945. JOHN A. PLOTT. Administrator of the Estate of Capt. George E. Plott, deceased. o. 1450 -July 19-Aug. 23 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of J. W. Sum mers, deceased, late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at Waynesville, North Car olina, on or before the 10th day of July. 194(i, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 10th day of July. 1945 MRS J. W. SUMMERS. Administratrix of the Estate of J W. Summers, deceased. No 14 49-July 12-Aug 16 1 o r ili Ever Increasing Demand For PET PASTEURIZED MILK i t Wo Are Paying Top Milk Prices et Dairv Products Co. Phone 10 Waynesville, K C. J NOTICE OF TRl'STEE'S SALE On Thursday, August 30. 1945 at eleven o clock, A. M., at the court house door in Waynesville, the undersigned J. R. Morgan, Trustee, will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lots or par rels of land: Lots Nos. 5. and 34 in Block "C" and Lots Nos 8 and 9. in Block "A" of the W. T. Shclton property known as the Waynesville Development Corporation prop erty, as per survey and nlai nf John I,. Stacy, made June. 1926. and recorded in Map Book "C" page W-l. Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which reference is made for a full description of said lots. Each of said lots will bo sold separately. Sale made pursuant to deeds of trust executed the undersigned Trustee, to secure indebtedness to Waynesville Development Corpor ation assigned to W. T. SheltonJ as follows: ' Lot No. 34. in Block "C" deed ' of trust from Mrs. Carmel Ross,! recorded in Book 19, page 40. I Lot No. 5, Block "C" deed of ! trust from Lois Briggs recorded! in Book 19, page 50. Book Lot No. 8, Block "A" deed of trust from Jessie Herren, record-' ed in Book 19, page 42, j Lot No. 9, Block "A" deed nf' trust from J. B. Ware, recorded in Book 19, page 41, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This July 30, 1945. J. R MORGAN, Trustee No. 1452 Aug. 2-9-16-23. Where Is Your Life's History Recorded ? In Your Town Home Newspaper ! For 61 years, The Mountaineer and those news papers which came before it form an unbroken chain since 1884, have been recording the life histories of Haywood county men and women. For the great majority of them, it is the only record made of their achievements and their contributions to the cause of humanity. This is the purpose of a newspaper, and those of us here at The Mountaineer of fice keep that fact ever before us in order that we may do the best possible job in recording the history of Haywood coun ty people in as complete a form as pos sible. Of course, there are limitations to the space available, but we can certain ly record the high spots. With this thought in mind, we appeal to all citi zens to co-operate with us in recording history by furnishing us news and by giving us tips re garding news which should be printed. Down lluouyh the. years, the publishers of Waynesville's hometown nwespa'per have sought to make improvements in the publication, and the ambition of the pres ent publishers is to broaden the solid foundation of The Mountaineer in order that there be no question as to its continu ation through the decades to come. The Mountaineer again pledges itself to con tinue to serve Waynesville and Haywood coun ty by recording the history of their people, by furnishing them with information which will be helpful, and by offering public encourage ment to worthwhile causes and undertakings. Yes, The Mountaineer is recording history, and as an example of what we mean, we give the highlights in the life of a mythical Waynesville citizen in the column to the right. The Mountaineer Serving Haywood County Since 1884 In the Ufe i ii'i i As Recorded ,Q kit-.-. V vo.hm .eWliJ ;,;,v, Air. and M, , s nounce the i,;,,, , r' Ham Ha:iiin,,;:, , , HOVoi; ,,0 hth (,rj1; William II .i Jim Brow n 1 98 C.r,. ..... . ""'Km- rrtini Local H.oi, S(.,)(Kj The foliov.ii- .. uates who James Smiih ;, t, William II .1,,. ,. s VVav Man En I crs l ( William II j,,,.,. and Mrs. s.m, k .i.,,,,.f nesville MoihI.u ;, (1 where he ill , m, , i;l , of North ( .ii,.;,,., man . Jones In (Jraduali Ot the l.niuTsiu Among I hex,, n M, , mas at I 'M ' f i ,,;, ., H. Jones, ol . , , Jones Takes r0s With Local Firm William II .! a position wn!i 1; ,. 4 . Department Mm. Miss Sally Smith Weds Wm. II. Jams Anions the niiM;i::,i events of ihe r.ir u. riage of Miss s.r. William 11 Jones NEW AIIHIVtLS Mr. and Mrs V, 'ilium ! announce Ihe iunli . ter, Mary . . . Jones Piirehiises Control Of Locil Department Store William 11 .li.n... ad Monday dial lie li.nl pi control of I he ., nr-u!lc menl store m;w i;kivai,s Mr. and Mis Uilli.mi 1 announce Ihe hi, ir ul a s. liam H. Junes. -U Jones Named Head Of Rotary Chili In Election Tiwisfliiy William 1 1 .li.i-r. H Wavnesville inei 1 :i..i,! president of the f',,n f the comiiif, '" Jones Is Cli.iiinuin Of War P.ond Drw William 1 1 Je'-i- '"1f nnrl mnt-elei ll I u 1 ! I ,f' ! War Loan i niii"i.:,: Jones Is Heard In Address At Mod William 1 1 '"'"'- 1V)' merchant, u.'is In i'1' ,n -I-,,. , i ll. .iinii.il IllOl'W Ul csa ni in. State Merchants ii i.iiinr. Jones Retire A Store Executive William H '' '- ;.'r. the Waynesville ir1 : ,v. announced Tlmr'1 '; would retire from .t':m "(, in the next tbtri W William H. Jem- ; president of flu' Heart Attack U Fatal To WH'." H. Jones Tucsrlaj William 1' '''" "' ',,fns nesville s leaiimu Tj cumbed to a h He t pveninC best of health t',! r;f Jones Rites HrW Friday Afternoon , IC, 11 Mil 1 Final rites tor ,a were held Friday- cttrj to rest in Fairer I