(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, AUCI ; PAGE FOUR (Second Section) THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER . 1 H . Capital Letters By THOMPSON GREENWOOD WESTEHNKH-IifiiiK from Cis 1 oi.iu. Governor Gros Clicny na turally loves that sta tion of I lie Statj. best of all. However, as the first man of North Carolina, he is trjing to show no partiality to any area, and so this week end he yoi's to the const to Mnrehcad City, hut not tor play to work at that annual hack hreakim: meeting of the stockholders ot the .Vlanhr and .North Carolina Hailio.id Co Very little traveling ha-, the Governor done since takmc oftire last January, and his letters de (lining parties, speeches and veils would fill a hook What hiMe mov mp about he h is done, lias been m a westerly due. lion HecentU he went to h'oeky Mount, winch r. .iliont 50 miles east ot li.ileifch. and that's the extent ot Ins l! a vols Inward the ocean drinkers and their slonoinoss were ioterleiin;.' wilh their toiir.s. trade, and so they -oi a law I hrnuith to put an end to the slulV You can buy it in llaood. hut yon can't drink II on the pieiniscs Go to a lu.HKidc catnip place in I layu oikI an. I vim will find dozens Ht tecn-a'e no' s ami mils drinking miik. ciioiol.iie milk shakes It's quite reli I'slniii. to uatrli tliem ' 1 T 'i on haw been hearing and ! i padmj; ,i i;. e.it ile.il about wet -. - il her d.OM.o'e to i tops Well. .!- lias been ...me Ifltle hiss, but ' not a . much as on nii.;hl Hunk. "Ins i il ii i rin p 1 1 (I .el s I li.jt I lie to . h.icei. i i i.p Mill i on six per cent !. ii i.t i th.oi la .1 veat t he corn i mp sIh.iiM .r at bast lice per ni I n ,:ei i i.i ..ii i si nnated live 'i 1 ci 111 II .s .,. I l a;''' I l,-l 111 I !4 4 HK1NKKK A ipret htile -I;. ear-nld Indian sat down ipnelh at a beer .joint m ( .1 censboi n I.e. I week and ordered a heer t Inst everybody lhoin;ht he was net a regular old billiard diml ei but In MMproved as he went en nieaninne 1 .ii 1 1 111: on a com er-.ai mn 11 h r?iese about Hun. urinnin-: a wend, toothless smile He tossed olt tin first (lo,'C!l hott'es with '! al t civ a halt, and then he 'novel to the sec ond do.'en b v I h i- time, he w a jiettin some Itttle al I en' 11 .11 h.ini lis fellow dnnki-is He dianf. a tlinil iln.-en ttotlie. Innp-d Iwnc and called loi a do. en more nw ) ho had 1:. lined lie ei . 1 1 . 1 w 111. 1 and ; I lie I mil til do.'Ci 1 s! n .1. .w 11 w il h j raw He drank live n,en bullies Itclore leavin;: be a, lied the ta j lipied batienilcr it he would cash - I a check a j;o rrniiirnt check bi $1 I ,.rio0 HI. Then the old Indian I soldier threw back his head and laughed, burped rather heavilv three times, and .1 .11.1 1 1 oh. so casnallyi he made he wav out In the street Since vim think the little .Im v is a lie, It is siiKl'.esled wm write, phone, or call at Caiiiands in Greensboro for critical inn (HIT There is at least one coim l in North Carolina where beer has been all but banned In Ha.v umxl. they found that the beer- MALARIA CHECKED " 666 " DAYS WITH LIQUID FOR MAL.A RIAL SYMPTOMS T.ike. n e I y ns iliriti tcil Si n il v ,'m miet urn , society .Mi 11", i i il 111.11 1 lai'es. etc -hav e 1 e'lil nun h polit leal signti .i'Hee ahoul them it von will' read helvveeu Itn hues In one article a ,t H'-i von didnt have to do eui h I'll inn,; lielve-cu I lie line:, I'lie wold'. II nilei the 'al S piel t J lit lie. to, I volume A 111 how I'dwin I 'al es dot ler was .ill ii .1 I o Senator Hal lev s soli in 1 hi e v eiii h n;; al I all I I ahui K When 01 1 1 on a.. 1 the v a 1 line dinner 1 .11 . ot v. . alt Ii I. hie hh.oil. sense, I". I I'olill. al si, 111)1 II mi olvi d. Il ' .III . 1, ill;. I '. 1 1 I Y I ' I I Ii niav be that n fi 1.1 th. tat 1 1 1 -1 s in law ot the ollple will h.- 1.1 I hi- I'olil u al tight Willi neillal al.le lo help t lie She' a gleal deal I 'ate w a. I 1 'al did ,r. one ot the o-euesl men in the I .egela! in e lasl 1 inter and no. be a 1 andidate tor Inv ei nor in I'l H.u lev , oil t he e hoi 1 1.1 in I ,111. 1 , I.i- i uniinc; toi 1 c Ii . I ion lo thi' : .111 lie A I least en- lion : see ii- fiettv certain 'ate w 1 1 1 in -t 1 . j i j . 1 1 s 1 - Ha 1 ley . 01 . lee ct s a I.H.W lG h'uiiiois aie flying III oiu'hiiu! I he St al e I hal I he cap idle Marry t 'a Id w el I , mast cr of t he Slate Ida ijs'.e. will leave t his po dion sonicluuc between now and Yost In ci 1 to the National l''crti-i,i-- .ssneial ion So i.ir Caldwell 1:1s neilher confirmed nor denied he sloiv However, the new- po lion il ho lakes il should pay him a little more than twice the 1 . 1 m 1 . 1 1 salary he is now receiving It should be nolcd here tha1 iliirry Ca. dwell is one of the mosl Sgt. Kenneth Parrott At Camp Boston, France Sgt. Kenneth H. Pa-rott, of Waynesville, is a member of Com pany "B" of the 638th Tank De stroyer Battalion which is the first combat unit to report to Camp Boston for deployment from the assembly area command, prepara tory to return to the United States, according to informaiton received from headquarters in the Kuropean theatre. Camp Boston is one of 17 camps set up in Northeastern France to speed Hie shift of troops from Eu rope. Company "B" sent its armored destroyers against the Germans for the first time on De cember 1, at Linden, Germany, and fought in the vicinity until December 20, when it was sent into the Battle of the Bulge. The unit was in direct support of the elements of the 84th Infantry Di vision until the end of the war While at Camp Boston, men of Company "B" are receiving phy sical examinations and testing alter war tasks. .apable young men in the United States. Since coming here from Ohio several years ago, he has es tablished himself as an authority .111 Southern agriculture. He is a iroiuineut member of the Baptist ,'hun h 111 Greensboro, here he has aught a men's Sunday School rlas lor many years, and he is a member af the Board of Trustees of Mere lit h College. The Grange will, of course, put 1 man in this position, but there s not one on the horizon who can .rplaee Caldwell Since one-sixth of all fertilizer manufactured is sold here in North Carolina, it is assumed that there is a good chance 1 hat Caldwell can keep Ins resi dence in North Carolina I'KA NUTS-- You oughta eat more leanuls They arc good They ire- healthful. North Carolina is Hie leader in the production of aeanuts in this section of the coun ty On August 23. peanut folks from ill around New York, Atlanta iiid everywhere else will meet in ialeigh to consider plans for get ing you to eat more goobers. Wis This little magazine put out ')y the N C. Citizens Association s a wow! This label will no doubt diock the dignity of its editor. Jule Warren, ,who used lo be editor of he N. C. Education Association nagazine. hut it's still a wow for SI you can become a member of Ibis group which is working to reduce your taxes and also get the nagazine for a year. The articles will make you think. Timely, Practical Household Suggestions by Ruth Currant of State College To do a first-rate job of home canning, can freshness. Capture and hold all possible flavor, color and food values of the fresh vege tables or fruit. Home canning specialists who stress this point offer the following tips to home canners who want to keep their canned foods from being on the dull, droopy, tasteless, and vlta minless side. Put up only firm, ripe fruit; young tender vegetables. No can ning magic exists which can bring old tough beets or snap beans back to youth again. Neither will canning improve hard green fruit, nor bruised or overripe fruit or tomatoes. In fact, a little dam aged food can cause spoilage of a whole canning batch. Work quickly, (.'all on the men and children in the family, if necessary, for many hands make fast work of getting produce from garden to tanner When foods must wait, they wilt and toughen, and vitamins and fresh flavors disappear. If foods must he held awhile, keep them cool and well ventilated Count canning tune accurately. Allow the full time advised for processing, and then lose no time in removing jars of fruits or to matoes from the boiling water bath With a pressure ranner, used for canning non-acid vege tables, follow carefully directions for opening canner. then take the jars out promptly. To let jars linger inside the (aimer gives them more cooking than needed. Store immediately after canning in a cool dark place. Warmth and light tend to increase the loss of vitamins, and, color as well. Use during current year Longer storage is not unsafe, if foods are properly .'aimed, sealed airtight, and store well. Hut canned foods decrease in quality and food value as time goes on. Marriage Licenses Sam G. Kneu.e, of Tulsa. Okla., to Marian Elizabeth Rickards. George William llullender, of Gastotiia, to Jessie Lucile Gibson, of Canton. John Davis Jones, of Asheville, to Louise Stringlicld, of Waynes ville. Francis James, of Penrose, to Annie Lou Beck, of Clyde. Pvt. Joe Leming Served With Famous 7th Army Private Joe L. Leming. son of Mrs. Mabel Leming, of Asheville Road. Waynesville. was recently awarded the Combat Infantryman's badge while serving with Company I, 398th Infantry Division, accord ing to information received by The Mountaineer frcm the headquar ters of the 100th Division of the Seventh Army in Germany. The local soldier s unit is a part of the victorious Seventh United States Army commanded by LI Wade H. Ilaislip It was the first American Army to taste combat in World War II, and after sweeping the enemy out of Sicily in .17 days of hard fast fighting, the Seventh became the Mystery Army of the European theatre until revealing its power in the invasion ol South ern France From the beaches of Mir French Reviera the forces of the Seventh Army launched a drive that was to carry them more than 1,000 miles through the heart of For tress Germany. No other army fought over so long a route in has liberated so vast an area as the Seventh during its history making drive. In addition to the tremendous toll of prisoners taken, elements of the Seventh Army liberated thousands of Allied prisoner ot war. Among sonic of the world famous personages libera led were Leopold, kiny of the Belgiums. his queen and family, and Edward Daladier and Paul licynaud. both former French premiers in the other side of the ledger, the pie oners of the army included Her man Gocring. Heidi air marshal. F'le'ld Marshal Albert Ki "ssi'lnnc, commander in chief of the Western Front, and bis predecessor. Field Marshal Gard Von lliindstcdt Before climaxing its speelaeulai drive to victory, wilh a link up with elements of the Fifth Army, the Seventh captured hundreds ol key towns and cities on ludini; Nurnberg, Salzburg. Wursberg. Innsbruck. Munich, and Miller's hideaway town of lieichlcsgadcn It's GOOD Business To Borrow Money Going Into Debt Woi Help You To Make Money! Would A Loan From This B Permit You To , . . Jf Refinance your farm loan to nun e I a in ,0,1. . i i ! I I IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US FIRST! Repair your buildings lo make them l.n and keep your livestock, machinei v am ... better condition. fr Muy needed livestock to keep join taint npq at capacity. fc Repair your machinery to keep it m ( lt carrv on until the boys come hmne. Bonds keeps. Buy Wat THE First National Ban ORGANIZED 1!H)2 The Friendly Bank" Ji pi-- direct iona nn-l siI"m1 Klcwre in flirinit were ain.iiiiRly aitrpnjwM nnenii found) th. ir pimplra ,inl M.h klie.nla h.i.l -Itu'i"' " TLn-e urr cil hiisiintn-.i!l v priii-c- Kleri n -inln ihv iito ho Idiioer ptith.itMS.ietl ii 111 n n hjtimv wilh their !-. ir cnmpWcint. Ui Klrai. If onr application lws not sahsly. Vn K' t your money h.M k Aslt for KleercK l "1' -. SMITH'S DRUG STORE Me Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System TO Ml MITOMOBILE OWNERS - - Do n't Be Misled Ey "New Car Jiaf It's iinally happened: All remaining new 1942 passenger automobiles are being removed from rationing to dear the way for new models. Thai's the headline new;; direc! from the OPA at Washington. Im! don't be misled, Remem ber the OPA also headlined these facts: 1. These rationing restrictions being elim inated apply lo only around six thousand auto mobiles. This is the small number of new 1942 passenger automobiles remaining throughout the entire nation, 2. Similar rationing certificates which ap plied to the new 1942 cars now are being drawn AVE! Defend up for the new models manufacturers are just beginning to produce. And this rationing is expected to last from the time the new models first appear on the market until at least "some time" in 1946. So, even though you might be getting a little more gasoline, it all adds up to one vital fact; We must continue to conserve our old car if we're to keep riding. For the great majority the car now owned will have to carry on for many more miles. Remember: Present automobiles will have vto last for many more months because: Yoorself Now L New cars, when they do come, will! few. 2, New cars, when they do conic will 1 .rationed.. 3. it will be months, perhaps a year or mof before the car shortage is relieved to en extent. Play safe. Utilize the local car-conserv tion facilities regularly. Your local automobi dealer below has modern tools and equipme: and expert mechanics so necessary to kee your present car on the road. Take Your Car "Back Home" Your Local Dealer Listed Here Represents Its Maker or Manufacturer Hi Mechanics Are Specially Trained To Give You GUARANTEED SERVICE - - AT & MMmZ COST 001 AS IEW AUTOMOBILES ARE RELEASED, THESE DEALERS WILL HAVE THE! DeSoto - Plymouth CHEVROLET Ford -Mprrnrv-Lincoln DAVIS-LINER E20T0R SA'i Parts Service Sales I WELL MOTOB CO. DILL HOWELL, Owner CHEVROLET Sales and Service WATKINS CHEVROLET CO. Phone 75