Ill 1 AUGUST 9, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) tnToiIATC THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second Section? At New London rrazier antes S Staff Writer irl, a;0waiu-e for the , ',1 u, ,iu- present time, ' ' pass each other ' " ' K,, -as You have ' i 1 am looking ."r.ung tHat letter 1 r" ,. straighten out ""r,'jlli have already ''red-m' "' ,ny Pst-war lit (!.!" unlay j ' ' j",',,; our cross-eoun-.r mi we shook hands :' .1 k H pier in New ', : ,id bye"? We ;rt.,.:,l, ii the welcome " ' with the torch mwII Mster she did ','' ,- ami the other ui'ie hondrcd , ,.,..,l lvs win) were ' . c ,,,!,, . i lie USI IVL , I ami some to rt,-ll as they shov ,,,h t -1 1 lire. 1 his Farm Questions and Answers J Thomas Davis, Aviation j Florida Paper Hints ; Radioman, Reports To ; Chamber of Commerce j Memphis After Leave Ideas Here Copied Iiulia i.'M I an 11, Hi I IrMirl Hit- dav vvi i.ra a 1 .l.illl t' tW' di i collie a day nbci our first embarked. It .mil a typical No- weather wasn't in our depressed id, l mind getting liglit iui tin- uncertainty VW Uun-r! U ll us all mud U, ui-ie iiretty yuung. i u, ! taught to go out in, i up bringing you ! j miinsiiT and me the .,. line a lawyer as , i i-u,ilineil i anyway opinion ul bnni had iI:l'iii1v and right , !;,u . and this mess i.ikr sense. Iniii uln'ii we look oacK, inn- Iiiim- birth places uliiii -hi apart should meet mil i i.i it : 1 1 meiit with each J liuir nii In death with i iln i;li,i'ie.s of North .uui m,u it listen patiently i Inn ned up with Jhe de ,t'l in the beauties of your ;ihl,,!ina We learned el I hi ue il never known ul the two oceans got a a ill, ml belp. ale ill the fact that I iiji.l In hear how you ,u iiiuud everything urn selfishly waiting for Idler You always had i Mm lii smooth out my ui,ri u s ami though this JAMES BRACKETT. seaman sec ond class, son of Mrs. Bertha Brackett, has been sent to New London, Conn. He recently com pleted his boot training al Bain- ' bridge, Md Question: When should fall and w inter grazing crops be planted? Answer: About September 1. ! sa extension agronomists al State College If moisture conditions are I favorable and the crop is well I fertilized, grating will generally begin in late October. Often enougn grazing can be obtained during the fall to pay for all ex penses of the crop, especially with dairy cows. A grazing crop of small grains and legumes, with a relatively heavy seeding per acre to furnish a good sod, offers ne of the cheapest sources of rough age. The feeding of cured hays can be delayed until mid-winter and the milk flow can be increased. Maximum spring grazing begii.s about March J. Question: Can crop insurance be obtained on wheat? Answer: Yes, insurance will be He was inducted in I Provided only under contracts cov- fciut Iiiiw iRnra - And many olhar Household insect Hcrea answer to you r p rob lem of what tl, Use tn If ill hliira In , me in, me without tn- dUHRring rhildrrn. pets, food or unJl! Cet new, non-pohon-m Wttll. pwder. Sprinkle u ilneoVd. HiiKb walk through ll-rriwl wy ..,t! Bu new, w,n.pui.unii, IlH.-KIL today. s Cut-Kate Drug Store ering three consecutive crop years, beginning with 1946. The plan provides for insurance against loss in yield, and the applicant may request that either 7S or 50 per cent of the average yield be in sured An application may be submitted by any person to cover his interest as landlord, owner. I tenant, or sharecropper in the j wheal crop at the time of seed inn For most counties a niini- How are us boys who have been'! iuiii of 50 applications must be March of this year and at the time he entered the service was a student at the Waynesville Town ship high school and employed part of the time by 1'et Dairy Pro ducts Company. thing that is bothering me is lar more serious. 1 still feel so sure of you that I'm depending upon von to show me the wav out I Thomas C. Davis, aviation radio i man. second class, USNR, son of ! Mrs. Thomas J. Davis, of Waynes I ville. has -snorted to Memphis. Tenn., after spending a 30-day j leave here with his mother j He has recently returned from a tour of duty as an air crewman i aboard a Navy search plane that I operated from a South Atlantic base. In carrying out their war against the U-boats operating in ( the South Atlantic area, he and i his squadron mates flew foui-cn- gined Martin Mariners on long. unescorted searches, day and ; night, in all kinds of weather. They not only provided air cover for convoys but also made innum erable lone patrol sweeps in an effort to locate and destroy enemy submarines. One of the outstanding feats of the squadron was locating a Ger man blockade runner. The enemy vessel's position was relayed to surface craft which arrived prompt ly and destroyed it. On four oth ! er occasions crews from the squad i ron spotted survivors of s disas 1 ters and directed aid to them j Young Davis, radioman and gun I ner, lias participated in 22 combat i The St. Petersburg Times can ied jthe following in their feature co! junin: "Your Pineallas" recently I Nick Dennis, general manager of jthe Dennis hotel, writes from Way I nesville. N. C that mountain re sorts are now luring visitors with features borrowed from St Pet j ersburg. Not only is shuffle board I being offered as a standard attrac tion, but green benches abound on prominent thoroughfares "And believe me." Nick adds nostalgical ly, "they are appreciated after a walk up them thar mountains Nick also found the daily St Pet ersburg Times on file in the offices of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce Maybe it's about tune the Sunshine City thought up a few new wrinkles to keep its indi viduality The first step to insure peace should be an agreement to forget how much we have wronged one another in the past. aci c: Setzer. Estelle Hyde. 6 acres Sutton. Jim. ,10 acres Sutton. Ted. 10 acres Swanger. Carson. 13 acres. Bal White. W 1) . 2 acres 1.95 . Finlev 11 38 1.30 3 30 8 12 1 30 patrols during the 13 months ot duty in the Atlantic. Me attended high school here and was employ ed as a clerk before entering the Navy in March, 1843 serving under regular discipline going to readjust ourselves In d s ciplining ourselves ' Are we uoing to be able to put a rein on our characters after we have hilari ously thrown away bridle, halter or any other restraining implement made consul For full details of the plan the county AAA office. Question: Can timber thinning be made to pay? Answer: Yes, says Roy Thomp son of Windsor in Bertie county the moment we have discarded With the aid of Farm Forester E. regimental orders'.' How about those boys who think they are en titled to any fling nowjto compen sate for the years of abstainence. regardless of the effect it may have upon their fellow men who have been forced to keep on the sigm oid grind? A grind, by the way. that has well served its par; in gaining the freedom we others have won in allied causes. Their regis tration numbers just happened to be in a different batallion. Are you restless'.' 1 can't settle down to any regular routine and that's what has me worried (let adjusted I must for I have a full anticipated thirty years of hard work ahead of me and every day I waste in finding my appointed groove is that much time out of the thirty years not only thrown away but leaving me in a still more unbalanced state of mind. My old job is waiting for me due to one of the finest bosses on earth but, Sam, the idea of sitting down at a desk and not striding alnjut in search of the unknown: ducking a sniper's accurate aim or hearing the roar of a B-29 overhead simply drives me into a frenzy of appre hension. When I realize how safe ly I have come through this hola caust without a burn, my soul rises in such gratitude that I must he up and doing doing something really worth while. Dad realizes that the three vears J. Sylvester and County Agent B. K. (I rant, he marketed 230 units of pulpwood by cutting the defec tive, diseased, stunted, and over crowded trees on 15 acres. Many of the trees cut for pulpwood would have died later from -natural thinning. Thompson considers the tract worth more now than before the thinning was made because he has a stand of choice trees ranging from 10 to 14 inches in diameter. It seems to be a rule. The more they spend and suffer to be beau tified, the less it works. be something that the three lost college years won't affect too deeply. Kach day brings more forcefully to my mind that war has many casualties besides those listed under the heading, "Dead and Wounded." Readjustment is the greatest problem the returned ser vice man has to solve, and it is something that he and he alone can work out. Best of luck to you, Buddie. Your frivnd always, Paul. Notice Of Tax Sale Notice is hereby jriven that pursuant to law, and utxler order of the Hoard of County Commissioners, Haywood Coun ty, th? undersitfiu'd, J. K. Ferguson, Tax Collector and Supervisor, for Haywood County, will otiVr for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Waynes ville, on September 15)15, at ten o'clock, A. M., and con tinuing thereafter until all property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the property of the property owners aa hereinafter de.scribt'd, which taxes were levied for the year 1944 by the County of Haywood, hereinafter designated in the name of the owners as follows: JONATHAN CREEK TOWNSHIP Cagle. Cordon. 19 acres $ 10 78 Caldwell. Medford. 7 acres .78 Ferguson. Kankiu & Roger. 45 acres 24 05 Ferguson. Roger, 22 acres 38 60 Ferguson, Hugh H . 73 acres 98 80 Franklin, Lawson. 1 acre 195 Franklin. Thomas. 11 acres 5 38 (ireen. Walter. 2's acres 2 65 Hannah. David. 2 acres 2 58 Hannah McKinliley. 4 acres 3 91 Haywood Electric Power. 2u acres 2 92 Jenkins. John. 12 acres 5 93 Jenkins. Mrs Lena. 50 acres 12 04 Messer. Clenn. 15 acres 6 42 Messer. Mrs James. 55 acres li 95 l Iwens. James. Sr . 18' a acres 5 13 Owens. Manson. 12 acres 5.77 Phillips. Hubert. 19 acres 3 66 Uallibone, Herman. 13 acres 5 85 Sutton. Neilus. 37 acres 1024 W ood. A F , 300 acres 29 93 WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Clark. Francis. 45 acres $ 8 74 I'ounaid. Arthur. 50 acres 6.50 Connaid Baxter. 100 acres S. 12 Connard Willard. 25'2 acres 1 79 Duckett. ) C , 3 acres 5 75 F.wail. Cleveland. 200 acres 9.10 Fish. Odie. 25 acres, Bal 9 27 Hunter, i II . 197 3 acres 26 95 Jenkins, lolet. 75 acres 8 92 McF.lioy. Hosa, 5 acres .65 liuccrs. Taylor. 50 acres 7 55 Sloan, Hugh. 140 acres 37 96 Smatlieis. Dr. li F , Est.. H73 acres H3.42 Teague. Mis Anna. 1)3 acres 12.80 FINES ( KEEK TOWNSHIP H F 1 lot Finney . Bert 1 lot Fisher. J A . 1 lot Fiterald. Sam. 138 acres Flynn. Glenn M . 1 lot Fountain. W. C 25 acres Francis. Willard. 1 lot Franklin. J R . 5 acres Franklin. Walter R . 44 acres. Bal i Freeman, Howell Freeman, Tom S acres. Bal. Gaddis. James A Galloway. Mrs Grace. Galloway, M () , 409 Galloway. Nelson Est Gambill Reality Cu . 1 Garrett, Mrs Louise S . Gentry. Nelson 1 lot George. Rev 1. H I lot Gibson. Fay. 1 lot Gilmer Est . 1 lot Gilmer. R 1) H Q Cracked. 1 lot Goldfinch. A 1) . 1 1 lot 34'v 22 acres 1 lot acres 1 lot lot . 1 lot Mc- Mi- lot Herman 1 I lot 1 lot 5 acres . 1 hit lot lot lot lot CATALOOCHKK TOWNSHIP Leather ood, James C . 18 acres $ 135 Phillips, Arthur, 15 acres 2 01 Ward, George II , 15 acres 2 60 White, James & Wade. 80 acres 6 70 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbors for their many kind expressions of sym- away have sort 'of put me out of ' pathy and condolence during our the running to fill his legal shoes : recent bereavement in the loss of when he passes on. and he agrees our beloved son and brother, that my future work will have to' Mrs. Irene Hudson and Family. BILL V. WORKV SAYS . . . Batteries are dying like flies!.." "Most people think of winter as the hard time on car batteries. But a lot next winter's battery failures are being caused right now. Hot weather dries 'em out. Running dry they run down and can't be recharged. J what?. . .So take special care of your bit tprv In 1j-y4- Al C?. ...... T?aar. Tjaaf pow. See that your engine... chassis... gears.. 'attry . . . tires . . . all are protected against the pious harm hot weather can do! . .," fie safe, not sorry. . . see your Esso Dealer and SAVE THAT CAR! Ess Of Alt care saves wear STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY .. ha. CRABTREE TOWNSHIP Allen. Mrs. Annie K.. tt'i acres $ 5 Arrington, W. M., 35 8 acres 11 Bradshaw, Gay L. 8 acres 10 Chambers, Cromer C . 25 acres 5 Kvans, Lawrence, 31 acres 8 Ford, Joe, 40 acres 1 1 Hannah. F. II . 101 acres 22 Henderson. Donald J . 3 acres 3 Hoelan, Fred M . 40 acres 15 ! Jones. Chancey C . 12 03 acres 5 Justice, H S , 12'S acres 12 Morgan, Mrs Dela, 34 acres 10 Morrow, Amercus, 1 acre 3 Noland, Grover W . 7'v acres (i Ray, Mrs. Maggie, 61) 2 acres, . Bal. II Sloan & Harris, 10 acres. Bal. 3 Wells, Hubert E , 90 acres 42 Wood, L J , 40 acres 10 IltON DUFF TOWNSHIP Crawford. N. W., 23 acres $ 25 GO Franklin. Hardy. 19.09 acres 10.54 Green, J I'.. 30 acres 10 78 Hooker, (!. C, 11 acres 10 84 McElrcy, Famiy, 20 aci-es 11 96 IVY HIM- TOWNSHIP Anderson. W H A I .owe. 50 acres $ Hlanchard, J. C. 414 acres Hoone, Edwin. 5 acres liradley. Hay. 310 acres, Hal Campbell. Kalph. (i acres Carver. John, 130 acres Carver, HA, Est 218 acres. Hal Fie, Frank M , 32 acres Fie, Johnny, 7 acres Finger, John (' . 7511 acres Galloway. M (). I4H acres Garrett. T A , 25 acres Gentry, Alice Hrown, 23 acres Gibson. Dan. 010 acres Grant, Floyd, 4 acres Henry, Hoosevelt, 5 acres Howell. David A . 12' a acres James. Jack. 5 acres Lindon. Harry L. 2' j acres Moody, Cora. 10 acres Moody, Helen. 13 acres Moody, Horace II . 230 33 acres Moody. Mrs S A , 7 acres Moody, Sarah. Est.. 5 aires McElroy. Manue l, 29 acres MrKaughii. Mrs .1 V , 74';. acres Odell, Lewis E , 7 74 acres Parker. I) E . 5 acres I'leininoiis. W H, 143 acres Hathboiie, George, 17 acres Uallibone, Seldon. 3'-j acres Rich. Alelha. 10 aires Itieli. James II . I 1 1 v acres Russell. Joe I) , 09' a ai res Shuinaker, George i) . 3 (i 50 21 70 8.45 H 12 ii riii 15 (ill lit 49 7 35 4 15 27 31 5 20 3 25 2 92 311 h: 3 97 5 7ll 4 07 2 00 I 03 27 17 3 4(1 38 05 I 18 7 411 3 05 , 4 110 I 3 .'ill .') 9 8 1 3 10 i 3 73 ; 85 ! 3 03 ; 33 24 j lleaslcy . Mack, 12 acres t Hrown. Larry, 20 acres Hrown, K Fletcher, 5 acres Ferguson, V. II., 107 acres Fincher, C L . 84 acres Green. V 1! , 99 acres, Hal. Haywood Electric 1'ower Co 45 acres Keener. Marion. 0 acres Lcdlnrd. Dee. 0 acres Led I old. .1 C . 40 acres Noland, Ernest. 52 acres Noland. Mrs. W. A . 23 acres Xolanil. W H , 41 acres Itedniond Heirs. 124 aires. H.i I Hediiiiniil. .hick. 190 acres Unssell. R L , 32 acres Sw anger, Carson. 75 acres Teasler. Mrs Hirdie, 35 acres Tranl liani. Mrs Georgia, 32 aci es 1 85 HH8 7 20 2791 893 18 33 702 .78 4 80 13 02 9.10 3 51) 19 18 6 70 33 80 7 93 7 93 5(H) 17.(10 Goodwin lot Gordon. Luther. 1 lot Gordon Mary I'utinan. Grasty, John 2 acres Green. Frank. 1 acre Green. Mrs G W , (ireen. Leonard II . Gregory. M I. . Est Gutherie. N It , 1 Hall, Moody. 1 lot Hauler. Win . 1 lot Hanev, I) 1. 5 acres llai kins. ( Hr.ii Jen I Harkins Mrs V 1.1 Harper. IS, I lot Harwell. Mrs. Fralik. 1 Hembree, E. (I . 29 acres llembree, Harry, 1H acres Hembree, W A . 29 acres Hendricks, Els;i. 2 9 m ics Hal Hickson. .lames Allen. I lot Hill. II W . 29 78 acres Hill. Robert. I lot Hickson. .1 C . 1 lot Holler. .I t' 1 lot Howell. Alden. Sr . 1 Howell. Mrs Hilda I. . Howell, Tlioinasine acres, 2 luls Hoyle, George R . 10 acres Hyatt. Mrs Alden 5 acres Hyatt, W C. HI acres luman. llinner. I aire lsenhour. Mrs E S.I lot Jackson. Gabby. 1 lot Jones. Dr Hob. I lol Jones, llillard. 1 acre Jones. Mrs Nannie E . Est 3 lots Jones. ( Iberii Jones II E , Jones. S A . Jones. S H , Kelly. I) 1), Keillor, Mrs Kibler, Di (' lol 1 lot 1 I 27 4 Est.. 1 lot 1 lol I lol Lois I L . I lol 1 lol WAVNESVII.I.I. TOWNSHIP (i G . 1 lot Est , 1 lot . 2 acres Lee. 1 lot . 1 lot Jr., Est., Mary, 3 E , I lot acre Adams, Rev Allen. ,1 (' . Allen, L I. Allen, Nettie Askew. E S Atkins, .lames lot Atkinson. Mrs Sallie A lol Hailev. Ida & llaine Rev I. Hall. Ilrvan. 1 Hand W A . I lot Harber. I) R . 3 lots Itiliee. Mis G A . 1 lot Mini Frank. I lot Black Mrs R I. , 1 lot Blades J V . 3 lots Blades. W. I) , 3 lots . Boring. Spray A Recce, 3 luls Bosil, I'rof C. Bradley. It E Bramlelt, Mrs 1 1 lots E 1 lot , 1 lot Nita, 1 lot cell's Esso service HOWFLL, Owner ""in street Leathervvood and Phillips Esso Sta. Irving Leatherwoud and Ben Phillips, Owners Fast, Courteous Service Vhont 9172 AsheviUe Road Walker's Esso Station CLAYTON WALKER, Owner "Capiptete One-Stop Serrlce" Ftone SIR Our New Series Now Open Start a Program of Regular Savings The best way to save a part of what you earn every week, every two weeks, or every month. BUY SHARES THEN- HAYWOOD HOME Building and Loan ASSOCIATION ! Breeding. Kelly. 1 lot I Briiidle, Addie V . 3M( acres Brown, John. 29 lots Buchanan. Dewey, 4 acres Buchanan. Elmer, 5 acres null. Mrs .1 M . 1 lot I Bunigarner, Mrs. Rachel, j 25 acres Burnett. Llus, 1 lot 'agle, Howard, 1.8 aces, ; Hal ; Caldwell. F. II.. 23 acres Caldwell. Raul, .0 acre Caldwell. Silas, 1 lot ' ( 'allioun. Clyde, 2 lots I Campbell. R. V.. 38 acres j Candler. Rev. J. S., 1 lot Cannon. Mrs Vaughn, 1 lot I Carpenter, Mrs. Harry J., I 3 lots ! Carson, Mrs. Nina M., 3 lots i Chase. Mrs Josephine, 1 lot Chrietberg. A. M., 1 lot Clark, James, 1 acre Clark, John, 1 lot .... i Clark. Mrs. Kenneth, 1 lot Clark. Mattie, 3'i acres Clement. Rev. E. E., 1 lot i Coble. W. A., 1 lot ( 'ochran. Dewey, 1 lot Collins, Hawyniar, 4.7 acres Colvard. Ray. 1 lot Council. W. W 1 lot ; Cook, Osgood F., 1 lot j Cope. Richard, 1 lot Cox. Frank, Est.. 1 lot Crane. Albert. 1 lot I Craw ford, Mrs. W. I., 2 acres Crawford. J. E. Est., 2 lots I Crisp, J. A., 1 lot j Crimes, Lula & Dorothy, 2 I lots i Curtis. Jess, 3 lots j Davis. Emma, 2 lots Davis. Floyd, 3 acres Davis. Julius F., 2 acres Davis. Mrs. L. P., 'l lot j Davis. N. M., 2 acres Davis. Mrs. Burrel S., 1 lot Davis, Ruth, 1 lot Denehee, Robert, 3 lots DeShazo, Mrs. T. N., 1 lol .. DeBoise, W. R. & Alma I., 1 lot Dunham, David R.. 1 lot . Earley, Jerome, 1 lot Earley, W. D., 1 lot Evans, Harry, 1 lot .. Ferguson Est., 1 lot 3 90 7 80 6 08 2 00 3 90 5 85 4 87 4 87 3 90 5 20 1 30 5.20 0.50 j 13 .00 WW) 3.90 5 85 ! I 3 90 I 1.95 1.95 27.30 2800 15 00 9 10 7 00 5 10 3.45 2.85 1 95 2 01 17.03 10 22 1.95 5 90 005 5 85 16 25 488 3 90 10 40 5.20 6.50 3.90 5 20 9.42 9.10 3.90 6.55 4.75 9.80 3.90 1.30 480 35.75 4.40 22.75 1.95 1.75 1.95 14 95 3 90 13 83 21.19 1.30 21.76 10.40 2.73 3 25 5.20 1.95 7.08 8 54 6.50 15.00 46.80 Miller, Miller. Miller, Miller, Mills. Mills. Mint.. Ray. 1 1 i acres Mrs R E . 1 Inl S. .1 , Esl . I lot. W. J., 1 lot James. 7 acres Jeff. 2 lots Bob. 4 ' acres 10 HO ti 94 13 00 70 62 3 90 21 58 4 23 0 50 22 54 5 20 9 80 34 07 25 48 404 07 3 09 5 85 3 90 1 30 2 21 2 12 1 30 0 5ll 2 00 1 95 0 50 5 20 3 12 1 30 1 30 4 00 0 50 2 00 1 7 34 1 30 3 25 1 30 1 9a 15 00 5 52 1 5 9 1 32 HH 12 35 0 23 9 75 2 00 (I 50 1 95 2 34 5 H5 (J 50 Lancaster, .1 IV. 1 lol Lanning. Waller. I 1 ae'i es Laughlin. Rev Kobt , I lol Leatherwood. Ilunh E . 2 acres I Leal lleru ond, Shell ill, I lot Leill'ord. I'ny H . 4 acres Lewis, ( 'haiiie. 1 1 j acres Lewis. Mrs Fred. 10' l' acres Liner. Mrs .Inn. 5 acres Logan. C (I . Est . 1 lot Long, Leo Jones. 2 acres Love. Rev Dave, 1 lot Ludvisin. I. I... I lot McGruder, Itulh, 1 lol Mashbiirn Harry L . 7 acres Mashbiirn, Harvey. 5 ,n i es Mathls. Bob, 31;- acre:. Malhis. Ed. 12 aires Malhis. Eddie, 2(1 aires Mai his. Frank. I I 5 acres Malhis, Robert. 4 aeic Maxwell. Mrs. A. .1 . I lot Mehalley. Dock I . 1 lol Hal. Esl , lti 54 Milchel, Sam. Esl.. 5 acres Mohley. Mrs Anna Lee. I lot Moody, Mrs. Florence. 1 i acres Moody. Ray. I lot Moodv. Mrs. T. Jerome. 1 lot Moore, lierllia. 1 lot Moore. Mrs. Herlie V.. I lot Moore. Klorenie. 1 1 l' aeies Moore. Homer. I lot Moore, J. H . 1 lot Moore. W. II.. 1 lot Morgan. Everett. 3 acres Morris Fst.. 25 acres Mull, Granvilo. 1 lol Muse, Clarence, 1 lot Muse, Mrs. I) )'.. 1 lol Muse. Fred. 2 acres Mcliride. R (' . 1 lot McCall.Mrs. Mary S., 1 lot McClure. Glenn. 3 acres McCIure, Mrs Julia, 5' z acres McColnian. H. S . 1 lot McCracken. Manson, Est.. 1 lot . McDonald. Mrs. Marie. I lot McDuirie. W. It.. 1 lot MeElrath. E. W.. 2'- acres McGaha. Burl. 00 acres McKinley, Mrs F. H , 1 lot McKinley, George H . 1 lot McKinnon, Jane. Est 1 lot McNabb, George. 5 acres Nickols, W. A . 137 acres Nickols, W. Jack. 16 acres Norman, Claude, 55:l i acres Norman. Homer. 22 acres O'Neil, George, 1 lot Parker. James. 1 lot Parrott. Grant A., 7 acres Parton. Lillie, 1 lot Phillips, Mrs. Carrie I... 1 lot Phillips. E. S., 1 lot Phillips, Hugh, 3.9 acres .... Phillips, Walter, M acre . Penson, W. W., 1 lot Pruitt, Bill, 13 acres Quattlebaum, Mrs. E. G. 1 lot Queen, Carrie Brooks, 2's acres Queen, C. C, 21 acres .... Queen, Guy F., Vi acre .. C Rathbone, J. R., 1.8 acres .. 59 77 III 12 5 oo 5 Mil 7 07 5 20 5 13 2 34 1151 23 20 li 43 li 09 43 0 50 ',' 53 5 20 27.30 4 III! 3 00 2 27 III 12 23 45 13 00 1 30 2 34 2 (id 05 7 15 38 02 (i 50 3 12 I 1 10 9 15 3 511 9 10 5 20 8 33 II III 13 Oil 15 15 12.40 9 75 9 75 5 40 I 30 9 02 13 30 1 30 23 40 3 12 3 90 (i 50 (i.50 4 87 3 95 li 87 1.95 13 00 3 47 33.80 5 59 4 80 4 88 5 85 39.50 7 80 9.16 8.58 3.90 1 95 5.20 3.51 7.80 27 35 14 09 44.38 3 90 1.88 24 77 12 85 1275 17.43 8.50 10.02 1338 2.08 1.95 .98 5.97 .1.04 1.95 5.07 1.30 2.60 20.52 7.85 2.08 Rotlibuiic Shuford, 1 lot ... 825 Rauls. E D . 1 Itft 190 Iteece. D C. & tWtha, ! lot 2 60 Reynolds. Mrs. T. F.. 1 lot .. 11$ Rhudy. Mrs. A. E.. 1 lot 1.30 Rhimer. O S.. 1 lot 3.90 Rice Mrs Ethel Ford Jones. 1 lot 125 Rich. James. 1 lot .98 Robinson. Frank. 2 acres .. 7.22 Rogers. Glenn, 1 acre 6.03 Rogers. Harmon. 1 lot . ... (.22 Roland. C G . 3 lots 1 30 Roe. William. 3t acres 148 Royall. Mrs. Elizabeth W., 1 lot 5.85 Rung. Mr & Mrs. H. H.. 1 43 acres 34 97 Ryder. Bruce. 4 acres 3.90 Salisbury Bank & Trust Co., 1 lot . 832 Sanders. Mrs Delia. 1 lot 3.90 Scales. Frank. 32 acres 38.85 Scales. Dr John L . I lot 3 90 Scruggs. Kenneth, 1 lot T.85 Shackford. J A . 1 lot 65.00 Shellon, Floyd. 9 acres 5.97 Sh'elton. Joe. 1 lot 5.85 Sheppard. Glenn & Boyd, 30 acres 8 58 Shoal. Mrs G. E . 1 lot 6 50 Silcr. Mrs Frank. Est , 1 lot 38.00 George. I lot 2.80 Sloan. H J . Est . 2 lot 15.28 Smathers. Harriett, 3 acres 1.30 Smathei s. Mrs Will A , 57 acres 21 19 Smith Mrs Alice. 1 lot 25 67 Smith. Mrs E E.. 1 lot 1495 Smith Grace Francis, 52 acres. Hal 4.55 Smith. Henry. 11 acres 8 7 Snnili. Mrs Isobella, 1 lot 2 27 Smith. Mrs Lottie B, 1 lot 175 Smith. Mrs Mollie. 24'i acres 3 90 Smith. T C A Co . I lot 4 88 Smith, eh, 3 acres ,78 Smvlhe W G . 1 lot 4 88 Sorrel Is. Ellis. I a., acres 6.75 Sonells George, 'U acres 175 Sorrells. Clint. 2 acres 1 75 Sonells Sam. l'U acres 2 58 Stackhouse. Mrs Jacquline 1.1 lot 3 25 St.u ks. I'rof J M . 1 lot 8.45 Stevenson. Howard, Est, 1 lot 3.77 Stepp, George, 4 acres 8 72 Stepp. Jack, 7 acres 5.86 Stuart Mrs George It., 1 lot 3 25 Stillvvell, W C. 1 lot 760 Slinson, Lee. 1 lot 2.92 Stinson. Mrs Liziie. 1 lot 1.30 Stockhan Est , 1 lot 2.73 Stoddard. Josephine Jones, I lol 325 Sulton. Jessie. 1 lot 2.80 Swanger. Carl. 1 lot 17.40 Swindale, .1. F . 1 lot 1.30 Sw il t . J l . Kst , 1 lot 2 92 Taylor, John A . 1 lot 25.35 Thompson. Mrs Florrle, 1 lol 1.95 Tittle. Fred. 1 lot 12 53 Tuttlc. 1) II fj M. F... 1 lot 1.95 lllmcr. Mrs M W.. 1 lot 2.60 Underwood. Medford, 1 lot 1404 Walker. W. D. 1 lot 1.95 Warlick. Frank, 34 acres 7.52 Waters, R V . 1 2 1 v acres 19.50 Walson. Millie. 4 acres 5 20 Weaver. Miss Pearl. 1 lot 1.56 Webb. Ernest. Pv acres 7 20 Welch, C D , Est , Ofl acres 11 57 Weslcott. L W., 1 lot 6.50 White. Hev C M , 1 lot 2 60 Wlul tier. Robert. ''2 acre 4 08 Winn. II I. , 100 acres 29 90 Willed. W W, 1 lot 1.95 Williams. Mrs C M , 1 lot 1.30 Willis. Mrs Emma. Est., 1 lol. Bal 2.60 Willis, Mrs Sallie F, 1 lot 4.55 Wilson. Mrs I. W . 1 lot 39 00 Winston. Mrs Katherine. 1 lot " 325 Wood. A L . 1 lot 3 90 Wood. Bragg. 14 acres ' 5 81 Wood, Frank K.. 1 lot .45 Wood. J M . 9 acres 1.95 Wyatt. Annie J , 5 acres 5 40 Wyatt. Mrs Frank, 1 lot 5 20 Wyatt. Howard. Est.. 49 acres 43.50 Wyatt. John II , 6 acres 13.57 Wyatt. Lon. 3 acres 2.91 Wyatt. Tom. 1 acres 2 92 Younl. Oliver. 1 lot 13.55 H'AVNESVIIXE TOWNSHIP :CH.ORED) Allen. Tom. Est., 1 lot llabb. Bud. 1 lot Rabb. Thomas, 1 lot Bryant. Inez Hanks. 1 lot Casey. James. 1 lot ('lav ton. Leila. 1 lot Davis. Charlie, 1 lot Dodd. William. 1 lot Dunn, Ella Kemp, 1 lot Forney, Tom, 1 lot Foster. Charlie, 1 lot Gibbs. Anna D, 1 lot Gihhs. Claude, 1 lot Hackett, Delcie, 1 lot Hall. Annie. 3 acres Hall, J. W., 1 lot Hodge. Robert, 1 lot Huston. Alice. 1 lot Howell, Ada. 1 lot Kemp. Lelia. 1 lot Love. Andy. 1 lot Love. Etta. 1 lot Love. George. Est.. ll4 acres Love. Howard. 1 lot Love. Josephine, 1 lot Love, Leon, 1 lot Love. Luther. 12 acres Love. Millie, 1 lot Mitchell. Will. 1 lot McDowell. Cora Thompson, 1 lot McDowell. Leona, 1 lot McDowell. Leo, 1 lot Osborne, Mose, 1 lot Osborne. Sanders, 1 lot Sisk. Robert, 4 acres Smathers, Ella, 1 lot Smith, Callie, 1 lot Stewart J. H., 1 lot Thompson, Gaither, 1 lot .. Thompson, Tiny 1 lot Trotter, Mag, 1 lot Welch, Louisa, Est., 1 lot .. White, J. C 1 lot Jessie II., 1 Williams, J. lot FERGUSON, ; 5 20 1.95. 5 20 585 2 50 1 30 11 05 1.30 1 82 1 30 390 325 240 2.60 8.80 260 520 3 90 9.10 11.70 520 3.90 520 3.90 585 6.50 14.17 1.30 2 60 1.95 4.95 3.00 iS.85 1.30. 3.45 1 95 .65 2.50 1.40 160 190 1.90 3.23 4.60 Tpx Collectojr and Tax SuBer visor for Haywood County.

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