' .v ' i; i (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, AtGl.ST r PAGE EIGHT (Second Section) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ' 1 a', 5 . M k ff .'tt ; :' .!'.) 1, V -, i t I It i ! J 1 Rev. S. G. Worley Dies At Home Of Daughter I ' 1 1 1 ) i;i 1 services wen- ( ..mini te.l at Brown's Chapel near on Tuesday af'li'i ihm.ii ;il :' :iu u i lock t'cr Kcv Shei mai : U i.i !e. . (14 Melliu.li-t niinislc; . mil r. e ..I Hun C.milic (Oil lit . wlin (lli-il :il the home ul his dn.ii'.lil i'i'. Mi'1- ! il liohiiiscii, on Hi.ule I C '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ,il ,' p in SiiiiiI.i.s Ilex CrnriH' Coll. i. II. I I ix- Mi.-itiH .ism li-il le. lies I i 'i Koi;.!', il i i ' 1 . 1 1 ' i i Paula! ".-.a .ii the clilll'.'ll n'lMi'l.i", Sci viut; a- j ' i 1 1 i o . 1 1 .i ...t. .laiui's. Willi .in hi;ii 1 1 .i . 1 1 Sanloi il. aurl Ua I ( 1 1 1 o. I. 1 all nephews Surviving are I In a e -mi . .cm .: W in le . ul ( anlmi. Ii I I .. I Howard ami Ralph Win Ion m I., . eesler. five ( la iu;l it el' v Mi-. i n i ' . West, ul ('anion, 1! I- I o Mi Mike Teai;ne. nl I .eiei -I ri Mi lialph Snrrell ol ( 'anion U I I No I. Mrs Vintl' l.'ol.in mi ..I 'anion. It I'' I N" I an'l M i Hnvle Clarke, ol ..i mlk V a imn hrofhers. Sieve. I.e.i'.e an, I ( h, i Worley. all ol ('anion .mil Mo of I .eiresl rr, one .1 In li Tlioinas ( il ecu. ol ( 'anion .m l .' I e.raiuh Inlilren (barrel I h'liner.i I Hume . m ehai;e ol Ihe ai i a iijeine i il . AIMIIMSi It VI OI! S MHK I I lav 1 hi; ) i i . i I i I i e i I ,e. ail mi 1 1 1 1 1 a lor of I he cslale ol ( aplain I ion is Is I'loll. ileee.e.eil. lale ol II. i. uiin.t I i I . oi I 1 1 ( ,o ol i o i I h i l , to mil if y all pel mi . Ii.mn claim-, aiMin-.l Ihe e-.lal. nl ...ml deceased lo evliilnl llicin In lln undersigned at Way nesvi I le mlli Carolina, on or lieinii- fhe IVlh flay ol .Inly. Hill'., or Ihe in.lr e will he pleaded in h.n m in. :, r.-cnverv All pel -ons niih l'li d In said estate will please make im mediate payment. This Ihe 17th flay ol ,liil , Ihl,. JOHN A I'l.i HI. Adniinislralor of the I'sl. ( 'apt (Jeoi r.e K I'loll dis cccil Nn. Hal) July I!) Am; '.T.l AKMIMSTH A I S MOI'ICi: Havine, iiialilied as .iihnim .In liix nf Ihe cslale of .1 U Sinn luers. deceased, late ol ll.nuu.nl County, North Carolina, f Ins i lo notify all persons havnu; claim .ij-.ainst the cslale of said do i -a -. cd to exhibit I hem lo lln- under sn;ticd at Way nes 1 1 le. N-.rlh Car nlina. nil in- heforc tla Kith da ol July. 1 !(;. or Ihi-- uoln-e will he ideailed in bar ol I heir reeov rry. All persons indehled In --.nd estate will please make iinnu siiali payment. This the Kith day of Jul v. I'M.-, - AIKS .1. W. SI M MI L'S. y ' 1 1 1 1 1 II i si l t 1 1 i a ol I i,..- ! i J. W, Summers, deeea ( I . No I 111) July 1 ii IC, i In Germany Program At Lake t Tursclu , A in; list 7 8 110 p. in Hishop' ( I,, i e I'ii 5 Chailolte, "The Christian .Mil In A New World ' Wednesday, August X 10.00 a. in. l)r I. it I'us lie pa im Central Methodist cluu.-u Vim villi'. "What Should Ihe Mini .icr Read'.'"; 11:00 a m la Wm k Anderson, dircclor l'ini;:iu ma mi Ministerial Train: m "-.a h- :i i. Tenn. "'I'hc Call To the Mim-li . :()() p ill l)r C h I'm , I. i pastor Melropolilan M ii.mli-1 ehurcli. Detroit. Mi. Ii . sni.l i. Substitutes " Thlllsd.n , August 'i I 10 00 a in In m K - ii.1.-. son, "The I'reparal i..n nl tin M 1 1. : lster; I 1 ) a m In r '.! la. Is. Messer, son uf i I'heetcrs, "We Talk Cm .;.- !! on Messer. of Cove Creek, i P- Hr. Nolan I! Ilamam ho -k is: in (h-rmany. accord- editor. The .Mclhodi l ( Inn h .-v. I'riday. AuriisI 10 1 i '.) .Ill a. in. Dr. I. I.aiuont (Jies- j .iiii.ei -. "Stev ardship" Boat d ol Lay j , I ml I---. Clin -ano. Id; 10 .'10 a. in ' I )r I ' .-, I .nvc. supori nlen h-nl . .Iiinaluska A-.semhly . 'Missions lie I In- mill.: I ( oulci i ni ( . 1 I HO a 11 j in I h Noiaud H I lai inon. The Asliurv lii-ceiilennial". H '00 p. m I Dr C A Mi -I'heelei s. The ( 'litH'cb Dion;: II- .lob." DEATHS ii. William Hicks Cagle Kuneral services were conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Ihe Delhvood Methodist church for grrat E" andchildren and seven step grandchildren. Garrett Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. I, 1 1 nl nil ormat ion received York. N. Y nl, I'lr Messer entered Trainiiu; " i h. i i - .. r m December, 1943, and ii.m.'! la I rsininu at Camp i i In II K ( amp IJarley. Tex., .ol mi mam-la or- iii Tennessee. I'm ! ' 1 1 1 1 ii- Hie service lie was in;"'.' i I In a class factory in m .1 pi mi lo which he ii.nl l. i n mi' :am'd in tanning in In i'oihiIv 'Ti nun in Mniici'n ; Wilhaffl Hicks Cagle. 8b, retired Saturday. August II n;ivwo(K county farmer, who died in i, I In I 2 nil a in i.ldrc-s and , a i(,c home of his daughter, Mrs. op.-n Iniiiin Dr .1 (.j Sclush i . Wilbur Whidclen. on Saturday aft . i,ii!i, .secret .m. I eparl inenl j crnoon at 5:00 o'clock. Rev. Mr. I.,, al ( liiir ii Hoard ol Kd ileal ion 1 Hoss, iastor of the church, official s'., h ill.- Tenn . "The Local,,., . assisted by Hev. T. S. Koten. I'h.ii.ii a Ik I the Win Id Tomorrow " Burial vas in the Dellwood ceme- Similay. m;ust I i " Servinu as pallbearers were, II mi a in Conlci i im i- Sermon Knfus A. Slie."han, Krnesl Moody. In c Mel'l teis 'Mm.' Than .;, Smith, l.owie Jaynes. Amof. I'lia:- l'a-l..;s Cut. rem e. Moody . and lien Kugate Surviving are three daughters, nl ma nl makes poor -owrn- Mrs Hena McC'lure. of llazelwood. mi nl W .- kri n a L'ood man on Mrs Cracie liohlen. of Dellwood. nn, joh (.i i , is or else let him and Mrs. Whidden with whom he :;o. because he mmhl he shamed lived; Ihree sons, Jeff Cagle, of :1 i i ai a I . , - e..'i 1 1 -d pnsi I ii m. 'Dellwood, Kston Cagle, of Sylva, .ind Clenn Cagle, of Raleigh; Diiy War lionds and Stamps. thirlv-lwo grandchildren and 27 Mrs. Bcthalona Swift Kuneral services were conducted ; ,1 the Morning Star Methodist i church Wednesday morning at 11 ( o'clock for Mrs Hethalona Dwell i Swift b'R. native of Haywood conn- i ty, who has resided in Atlanta for the past twenty years, and who died in an Atlanta hospital Sunday followini: a brief illness. Kcv Ceorge Cnlbrelh and Ihej Rev .1 Doyle Miller olliciated f flunal was in the church ceinelciy The body was brought to the home of .Mrs l'erry Smalhcrs on Tuesday noon, where il remained until the hour of t he serv ice j Surviving are her hushand. l Swift, ol Atlanta: two sons, (i rally L Owen and li u I lis Owen, ol Al-i lant.i, two brothers, and two sisters, all of this counly. WCIIs Kuneral Home was in charge ol Ihe arrangements. ems I ai I Snyder, of Ihe hll'tll of a 1 1 ; . 1 1 .1 .I .! W K Slanheny, iniiiinie Ihe birth n ugiisl 2 i h ( nai li s II Mathis. - I.' III " I . announce ii ol a .mi on August 2. ml Mi- Kov W Meador, ( ill, I; K D No. 1, an i In Im ih ol a daughter on I Mr. .1 C l-'isher, of I .. 1 1 1 1. . 1 1 1 ii i Ihe birth of u:-'l I :'nd h .lames A Webb, of In annouiiee I he birth of ', ii "i -1 L'ud. i Mi W illi, nn Lite, of 'e .mii.iiiuce t he birth of Na il ; lih Mi- John Williamson. ill.-. K I' D. No 2. an i im I Ii of a son on Au- n i -p OKIUK OK I'l T.l l A I ION N( HI I'll CMv'l ILIN , j (J HAYWOOD OOl'NTY ( IN Tills Stll'KUIolurfv i it ; 1 I' l l I l-:H CL'RTIS Mr ,-,n, Mr Kstes M Myers. 'I ' il aiiiiouii. e Ihe hirlh of a m: --il ii il -I ..III 1 1 ! ui I 1 1 K , iiiini l. ( lal low ay, 1 1 . n I - I'D o l , announce !l' ol ii il.iughler fill Aii- 'i' I' ( ai l Slaev . o Way- "' ce the hlllll of a i mi ugiis( fllli. Mfi. DKivD il ci i : 1 1 : . It appeal inc from tin- ain.! n i Of Luther Ciuiis in tin-, action thai Mildred II Curti... Ihe dsl. ml ant therein, is nol lo he found i . in !lwwmH--M44--!w-ei.iM.I i I1 lilt's ( I't't'K ( XHUo(Cry alter due dilipcn.c h- Inui-d III the Slate, and it luillni- aj peal ing that a can ..- nl ai I urn m To He ( If.mcd On Kith l-.ts in lavor ot the plaiuhll .m. against the defend. ml Im a di i otp () Ihe ground, ol .. - in ieparation II IS. thrrrt',! r. ,.i ,,a i d I hat notice ol this , linn he pul.li h.-d once a week for lour -ai. . . .-ne weeks in the Waynesnlle M fainccr. a newspaper puhh hid in HavHiind County, selling Imih Ih. t it le of I he act ion. I he pm p.. e of the same, and i ripi u a ug Ihe do fendant to appear belore the i I. i I, of the Superior I'iiiiiI in Wavue ville. Haywood Counl mlh ( ,ii olma. al the ( 'nui I I Imi w it h o thirty days from the lil-.l da ..I July. Ill-ta, and answer or deimu to the coinplainl of the plainlill This the :il day ol JuK . I'D., C II. Lis ATM IsliU ( il Ml. Clerk Superior Coin I .. H.n wood Counly. North I'.uohna No. )4.ri:t Aug. 2 ii lo I 1 1 I he Ul, i.e m ii -I "Iii'. at Ihe I aiwer k Mi ihodist Church aiied nil no Thinsday. im lo- i- i ,-iat in-., and led llieie arc invileil d In lp w il h t he work, nation nl' Ihe graves I ke I ol lowing Sal urdav. 1 I' 1 lluul and il.iughler, M.n : al ' lables. Kla . are visum:- M. and Mrs Shuford How ell 1 ' . i ',., . ! Mill Road, for a few W I! l-. ,nis. of West I'ilts- ' ha- arrived lo make a ith her d.itigliler. Mrs. L. l l.'i. In I'aiv Wai I ". i ' 1 1 I s for keeps. 1 t's In in Important attcr! Don ! make IIk im Like of "wailinj; unlil lo nionow" to aiT;in",v fur instiranct' protcdion. The lime to ad is now. This is an important matter that needs immediate attention. L: Ef. Jlf is & CO. , Kintals Keal Estate Insurance :'' ' . niONE 77 . - Y WIL0R00T 1 f 1&S C1EAM-0IL FORMULA Y L i I Hi jI SS iii r ji ii i I A J l 1 lit II ji H H SPECIAL si Sie lor Colds NEW PERUNA I or llhi-iimatism ALLENRU :; Sie Carter's l ittle LIVER PILLS s :.i Sir MOTHER'S FRIEND 75c Size for Kidneys DOAN'S PILLS '.Tie Si,c Laxative EX LAX . Tussy Lipsticks $1.00 ( linn- on in Ihe saving's tine at this once -a-vear sale of su miner needs things to help vim enjoy the hey-days of summer fun to the fullest. We've health and lie.uil.v aid-, . . . play time accessories . . . scores of things that add comfort to sport and . i : I i l. ..i .. i : 1 1 1 .. -..-.. pleasure lo leisure, ana everyintngs priced 10 neip y uu mi e it in i ic moi e jusi loriiin. s !.:,() Double Deck ongress Playing Cards WEST'S M'ree-Tifr. TOOTH J BRUSH tire Aspirin Tablets H)0 Tablets : (irain Ironized Yeast Tablets $1.00 Size (ienuiiie I V 63c I U i f I PEBECCO TOOTH POWDER I il.imnis Lor I'ets A R I) ; I0e Sie Tooth l'owder VITA KING 98c SQUIBB'S : ..2 for 59c alh- Sie Kills Fleas - ' 25c Or. Miles PULVEX POWDER 39c ANTI PAIN PILLS 19c I. lie sir Kills I'lics .I.Sr Size Salve FLIT 39c V I C K S 25c I i.i Sin, mis, Iti inscs Kills Moles Absorbine Veterinary 2.25 MOLEGEN 50c 1'iilT l..p Tulip 35r Kills Rats PINK EYE POWDER $1 RAT NIP 29c ::c sue r I Brytens hj&i E Smoker's T ip 7 1 lie Ready I'or Winter With I Vi ,,ul " VI ,:K i''tti.i: . r I ANTISEPTIC DRESSING I 29c f-r minor cut, burn, inn - PfiiMinous insect uiti, ftv cr blisters I- --- . ' .... , 1J5 Jeet CUT KITE Wax Paper 17c NEW WORLD COMING Statesmen are buildiiiR a hriclit new world o fthe future and medical science and research are doing wonders to make it a healthier and happier world. Penicillin and Sulpha Drugs, to mention only two recen't dis coveries. Rive promise of liber ating mankind from many in fections which formerly struck drcd into the hearts of the af flicted. We are prepared to fill prescriptions calling for these vtondcr-workinff drugs for we keep our prescription stocks ever abreast of science's march to a better world to come. l-dr (xill and I iiin; I Sun Visor Hats 59c Protect em l ,rs 'r Wind and Sim nl' ( V ICE-MINT The very touch of this white stainlesi oint ment is toothing and cooling to TIRED BURNING FEET Fine, too, to soften and relieve pain of STINGINQ CALLOUSES Regular tli ar 49c Add 2Qft Federal excise tax lo Cosmetics Cosmetic Asst. Colors Bags .... $10.45 Air Plane Type Week-End Bags .... $lU5 Values For THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY I Y59co $4 j THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRlcE$ YU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ATT SMITH S Why Have Hislipan lUii When Von Buy ,(","", (illivps Inr n

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