LfBSPAY. AUGUST 9, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNES YILLE MOUNT A INFER M ll.l 'I H 1 IV fcT I b"iMSt Alii . 4 ' : '1 SCIENCE mWSTlAS r rooms located on second K"1 r.. . Minnie Temple. , lnr - V u niornl n f HI On the nrai uru.ic- month testimonial .. :i. iu, h.-ld in the eve- the subject of next Sunday. , ..n-SWIIIOll Golden Text will be taken 11 cunntrnans 2 11. "What lni)wth the things of a luan. L .pint of man which is ' ' . tlie things ol M r". ' t h.- fcnuetn iw "'V IS MAN'S t'HAPEL Sunds. August 12. begin- Rump will u ui) me nsmu ... I homecoming "- It will be " lhe "a,urt of LrimvTary i ememoi aiier ui lfr Ionian ' louuuei oi lluiri-h relalivvs ami menus are w be present. Please tell abuul lhe service and bring i. .. Kj utliti ountw 'in 11 i i and Worship . I hose M- t.. l.i'itiu si Ing re ei-v it dinner All oiienngs uuveii bf used as memorials. ksT MKTHODIST CIIUKCH j i' Madison. Pastor urch School, with classes foi Its will open al 1U:0U o'clock i pastor will he in the pulpii morning service al ll:U(i lib subject will he. "Man'i si Resolve I Will." Methodist Youth Fellowship iDcit al 7 :(mi o ciock lor a table discussion. IeLWOOD PKLSBYTKRIAN ( 111 KCH S K Crockett, Pastor May School. 10 o'clock, Law- Dsns superintendent. jjsiui will preach at the church Sunday morning. 'Uing services at the llaz'l- cliurch al H o'clock. Seriuou rt "iollow Me jieers meet at 7 0(1 o'clock. ier services Wednesday even- 8 00 i) 'cluck JET STOMACHS IYIKLI) INCHES OF (JAS AM) BIA)AT as so full of gas I was afraid kirst. Sour, bitter substance up in my throat from inv stomach alter meals. 1 got K-AIU, and it worked inches and bloat from me. Waistline y down now. Meals are a pre. I praise Inner-Aid to (he This is an actual testimo- irimi a man living rieht herp ynesville. KR A1D is the new formula imng medicinal juices from fal Herbs; tliesc herbs cleanse clear gas from stomach net tosh liver and kidnevs ble people soon feel differ- over So don't ao on KnffW- fH Iiuier-Aid. Sold bv all Stores here in Haywood WAYNESV1LLE PKESBYTER1 CULRCII Kev. Malcolm K. Williamson. Pastor Whiteuei I'revost. Superinten dent of Sunday School Morning Worship, 1 1 .00 o'clock. Sermon Subject "THE M1KACT.K WORKER:" Pioneer boys and girls and young people meet at 7:00 p m Prayer Service on U'ednesdav evening at 8 UO o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHl'KCH Schedule of Masses Waynesville. eciv Sunday (K W. T .1 11:00 a. in. Andrews, every 5tli Sunday U" W. T.t 11:00 a. m. , Bryson City. ever Sunday iE W. T.i 8:00 a. m. Canton, every 5th Sundav (E W. T.i 8:00 a m Cherokee, every :inl Sundav (E W. T.) 8:00 a. in. Frank 1 in. every Und and 4th Sunday E. W. T.i- K HO a in Highlands, eveiv Sundav E W 1'.) 11:00 a. iu. Murphy, every 5 1 1 Sunday iC W. T.) :0() a in Sylva, every 1st Sunday (K. W T.I -8 00 a. m. (HACK EPISCOPAL CIU'UCII IN THE MOUNTAINS Rev Roherl C Talum. Heelor Holy ( oininuiiion at H a in Church School In a in Moniiiiij prayer and sermon 11 a. m. Holy Communion Wednesilav s at I 10 a nr St. Mary's, Micad.ile j ReV itolieil ti Tatiini, Rector j Evensong al 3 p. ni. Ji NALi ska mi niooisr CHl'KCH Pastor, Miles A Mil. can Sundav schoid at 10.00. with classes for all ages. C hurch service at 11:00 at which lime the pastor will speak on the Opic, "The Measure of a Man." aking as Ins text I Sain l(i:7, "For he Lord seeth not as man seetli; or man looketh on outward ap pearance, but the Lord looketh on .he heart." There will lie a special number by the choir. The joiing people will meet at 7::iO p in ami the program, which will he presented by Joyce Under wood, will be on The Methodist Youth Fund Joe Terrell will he in charge of the worship. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sundav School at 10:00 a. m. Earl Messer. superintendent. The adult department has been reor ganized with Ralph Fore as su perintendent. The class of young men Mr. Fore formerly taught has been combined with the men's class taughl by J R. Morgan Morning Worship at 11:15 The pastor will bring an evangelistic message on this theme: "The Neg lected Warning"- based on Ezekicl 33:5 "He heard the sound of the trumpet, and look not warning; his blood shall be upon him." The un saved and unchurched should hear this message. Training Union at 7:00 p. in. Miss Hatsie Freeman and her asso ciates arc presenting a worthy pro- , Modem Cafe Is Opened On Main 3t. In Hazelwood Scruggs' Cafe, on Main Street in Ha.'ehvood opened lor business Tuesday with Earl Scruggs as ; owner and operator. The new place is in the former Hazelwood Theater building, with "e and modern equipment throughout. 'Die building was re modeled and a new front adiled lor the new business The eaie will set tif person;., and a Lu -e shut ut experienced as. sist.mts have been employed by Mi Scrubs R.-tfulai meals ..ml sand wiches uil! be featured No wine oi beei will he handled Welcome Home The Following llaywaod Men Have Received Honorable Discharges From Military Service. According To Records Received Here. Badffe of Honor THE o, NO BLI'ES 'Soil!' Idcl.t 1 Went to the said. "Nu more shoi t uin shot inn bread No more sugar (or you to All I e Ki'l is just the Blue- on Application' grocer the gun lor your use No. Those discharged dUiiig the week from the Waynesville area include: Private Robert E. Parson. U S Army, from Kennedy General Hos pital. Memphis, Tenn. Lewis Charles Wlutmire. Sea man second c.'ass, from Navy from I S Naval Hospital, Shoemaker. I'alif from tl: Private Fust Class Rufus Rich- thi'out.h aid Lovedahl. V. S. Army, from were: Separation Center. Fort Hragg Fred Private First Class James . Marion Francis. V. S Anuy, from Sepa- Kutledgt ration Center, Camp Atterburv. Ind Private Glenn 11 Scruggs t S Army, from Separation (.'enter. Fort Bragg Pfc Clyde Teaster. I S Army from Brooks Convalescent Hospital Ft Sam Houston Texas Among the ren in discli.n e: ( ; the nUiii area roccssci C..nton iJr.it 1 llo.iu Woodrow Uhy nier. 1 leaver (,' Mcdt'nrd. John Frank Kogers iihlis, W A.lUllr Flobertson. Will Frizzell, Roy Spen cer Gosnell. Glenn William Stanley John Phillips. Jr., Arnold Guy Hughes. Doyle lion Pressley. Kieh ard Robert llaikins. Alfred Clar ence Riekman. Dewey Elmer Good son. Fain Edgar Gregg. Robert Vernon Gosnell, Milliard Clinton Ensley. Glenn Weaver Allen. Ray mond Luther Burwell and Blil Silvers. Leo Matthews. Verlron Mmgus Hayncs, Paul Koselee l.auner. James Larry Drake. William J laiR-y. Milliard Paul Plemmons ' W alter Robert Garrett. James Frank Inrian, J.iines Carl Lee, Willie Hoi ace l.etteral, Charlie Wesley Clontz. William Harry CaUv 1 Luther William Clout. Paul I'hoinas Logan Roy Allen Owen Itobcrt Fred St.ini. y. .lame;' Ainsoe. Sisson. William Leonard Turpii! 1 Charlie Winlred lianev . Theodore; W Shelton and Harold G. Press ley WHAT OO TOO USUALLY C.f FO TEACMIMC LIKtS Of- Mfc , to swim p ..: J Z1 i ahO mow imx. Fm0 I ' j v "v j h iiiini nuiiuiiM i - -No more vvasliin;; powder: no! Iliole soap ' Can t buy .i cii'ai elte. can't buy a ilojie. Can't eet coll.-e I'm druiking lea Lord Lord cliillen U s a Uilliu me V j "No more bcelstakc; no more i cheese Regj iiU' lor tobacco on my ben- 1 lied knees i Can't l,n,l ,, tin, (,.it a tellovv j i an use ; All I've col is the No. N,j Blues " I s s?'. t 1 s s ' no tub your eii "No. li,, buckets no No. in, vi .ishbo.u ds lu rub All I can do is make jn excuse Cause I anil e.ot nolhni:' the No. Nu Lines " tin bill "Some day w a i -. Ami 1 11 Ke 1 hope our gaps Till there conies there 1 hope there'll be no a tire to put on my car boy. vi ill close up the the word no more Japs " that AT II ( I I It CAMP Fiances nun are , camp al II W illiauis and L. .ilteuding a 4 II oilman tills week J C.'in- ullll'lTS gram ot training lor church lead ership Tins organization embraces j not only the voiine, people, but adults as well. j Evening worship al 8 o'clock In j spite of the down-pour of rain for , the past two Sundays, this service I has been well attended There I must he a reason: come and lind ' out The pastor will preach on ! this (heme "Our Great Salvation.' i 'The text is Hebrews 2:H "How shall we escape if we neglect so : great Salvation"" Sunday Scliool ollicers and leach- j crs will meet Monday night al 8 I o'clock lor the second discussion in ! the series of study. j 'The general meeting of the M j W. S. will he held 'Tuesday nri;bt : al 8 o'clock al the church j Mid week service and choir re- ! hearsal Wednesday night at 8 j o'clock, al which time the pastor ;! will begin a brief exposition of the Sermon on the Mount iiitn-'m'"-Tnii""' 1" - -- iu 1 ' i .win" .s . ....-.,-.'ftj.' v . ' - "s,:U.lew0",',': .: i cellnillL The Mountaineer Book Department lust Received An Exclusive Line Of One For Every Age and Desire Help Them Acquire The Reading Habit Boxed Sets Works of Art Many Subjects Educational Kelitfious Story Hooks Animated Cut-outs Coloring Books Yours For The Asking Tle Aueust issue of "The test Books", 44-paee diest of the latest books Published in America. Get ur copy today and 'wry month. Your, for th askinr. also the best of reading for the adults The MOUNTAINEER Book Department The First Plant In Aineticn Built Kspecially For The Processing Of Synthetic Rubber This Is Dayton Rubber.... The Door of Opportunity for Hun dreds of Haywood County People! Many Openings For Men A Good Place To Work- V-Belt Cutters A New Modern Plani Press Operators Good Working Conditions Mixing Mill Operators Vacations With Pay V-Belt Builders Group Insurance Benefits . V-Belt Molders Good Wages Apply Today At The Employment Office Of REG TDA0E MAI liii St PR Awarded In June, 1945 Manufacturing Co. All Applications Must Comply With WMC Reeulations ! 1 ,'t t. f ' " 1 my :riV !-

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