PAGfc FOUR (First Section) Will Boost Production ew Bomb OAK RIDGE, Tcnn Col. K. U. Nichols, district engineer for Ihe Clinton Kngineering Works, had revealed that facilities lor produc tion of the atomic bomb are al ready being expanded. In his first interview since the military made public its top-drawer secret, Nichols said that tin- Oak Eidge plant had been given its pro duction schedule in 1942 "and we're right smack on it." "We were given a job to do." he said "That job was the develop ment of explosives for the use in war We are fulfilling that job now, and more plants are being built for the purpose of manufac turing atomic bombs " Describing the- development of the bomb as the "greatest gamble in history," Nichols expressed the opinion that it would be worth the two billion dollars invested be cause it would "very likely shorten the Pacific war " Me disclosed that the Oak Hidge location was chosen for the bomb production because of the nearness of the Tennessee Valley authority with its unlimited supply of elec tricity "Since the very first bit of ground was broken for the project. Dak Ridge has received top priority lor literally everything it needed," Nichols said. Nichols said that he was in no position to speculate on the pos sible peacetime application of Ihe newly harnessed energy, hut he added: "I trust that it will be kept right here in the United States." ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor c. t. a. of the estate of Kphi genia Louisa Tonncy. this is to notify all persons having claims against Ka'd estate to file same with the undersigned at his office in Waynesville. N. (' . on or be fore August 1st. 1 946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted to Said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This August 1st, lf)4.rv A. T. WARD, Administrator e l a No. 1455--Aug. 9-Sept. 13 DAVIS l Jewelers Expert Watch and Complete Stork 8 Church Street WORE FOE WM Mi HE FOE PEAC! Both men and women can help in the war effoit by doing top priority work in a permanent peace time industry at the AMERICAN ENKA CORPOR ATION. 51c per hour to learners. Increase after 210 hours of training. No maximum ngp limit. Mini mum age for women lb yenrs. Minimum age for men 18. if draft exempt. Apply todav 1T. P. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Summer Clearance 1 Lot Summer s. DRESSES 25 Off ags and Bathing Suits Given Bronze Star pr- !JJ9-J 1 S(H' CLAL'DE M SUTTON, of Salem. N J , formerly of Haywood :ounts, was recently awarded the Brnne Stai medal for meritorious ervire in coiiibat in Italy, accord ing to information received from ihe headquarters of the Filth Army in Italy He served with the Fifth Army in the With Mountain In fantry Regiment, loth Mountain Division He is the son of Mrs. Minnie Sutton. nf Waynesville, R. K P No ', vVoiiNin's Society of First Methodist Church To Meet On Tuesday The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the First Metho dist church ill hold their regu lar meeting at It .'to o'clock on Tuesday. August 11. in the, Youth Chapel ol the church A returned missionary from Cuba will be the guest speaker of the afternoon and Mrs Bonner Ray, president, will preside. All members aie urged to attend. Mrs. W. (list Finley. of York. S ('., was the guest during the past week of Col. and Mrs. J. Harden Howell, and their daugh-tvr-ili-law. Mrs .lames Harden Howell, ,lr ., at Wmdnver. Mrs Carl II Rohluns. of Man hattan Reach. Calif., is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry II. Rung She will be here for an indefinite stay awaiting the re turn to the States of her husband, who is now serving in Ihe Pacific theatre. - SMITH SiiR - r st5i Jewelry Repairing Opposite Masonic Temple Telephone 514 GIBSON'S 400 Haywood Men Are Employed At New Bomb Plant (Continued from page one) United States was violating Article 22 of The Hague convention and showing disregard for humanity by attacking a non-military city with the atomic bomb. Hiroshima actually was an im portant quartermaster depot and garrison city for the Japanese army. Radio Tokyo said both the dead and wounded had been burned be yound recognition and confessed that authorities still were unable to obtain a definite check on civil ian casualties. "Those outdoors burned to death, while those indoors were killed by the indescribable pressure and heat," Tokyo said. It called the city a "disastrous ruin." Seared To Death "Medical relief agencies that, were rushed from the neighboring districts were unable to distinguish, much less identify, the dead from the injured," the enemy broadcast said. "The impact of the bomb was so terrific that practically all living things, human and animals, were literally seared to death by the tre mendous heat and pressure en gendered by the blast. "With houses and buildings crushed, including the emergency medical facilities, the authorities ire having their hands full in giv ing every available relief possible under the circumstances." Radio Tokyo still referred to the atomic missile as merely a "new type bomb." It said order gradual ly was being restored In the strick en city The Japanese cabinet was called into a special session at the official residence of Premier Kantaro Su iuki yesterday morning to hear a report from Its chief secretary, Hisatune Sckoinizu. on the raid, Tokyo said. Jap Prince Killed The Japanese imperial household ministry announced that Prince Rt Gu, nephew of the head of the for mer ruling house of Korea, was killed in the raid, while fulfilling his duties as a lieutenant-colonel in the Japanese army. Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, commander of the American strategic air forces in the Pacific, said reconnaissance photographs revealed that fires touched off by the almost unbe lievable heat of the bomb leaped block-wide streams and spread into the outskirts. The city appeared desolate in the photographs Bridges across seven channels of the Motoyasu river delta within the city were damaged Strangely, the photographs show ed no crater However, Tokyo had reported that the bomb was drop ped by parachute and exploded in ihe air. It was likely that the en tire force of the blast was directed horizontally across the city below. Think Few Escaped Although the built-up area of Hiroshima came to six and nine tenths square miles, the city as a whole totalled 12 square miles with a population of 318,000 an average of 26,500 persons per square mile. Few, if any, of the more than 100,000 persons in the totally-devastated four square miles were be lieved to have escaped death or in Juiy The blast alone of the atomic bomb could kill persons within a four-mile range .and it was ltkelj that there were many casualties outsides the utterly-destroyed sec tion SpaaU told newsmen that other Superfortresses were ready to car ry more atomic bombs to Japan Leaflets warning the enemy of his impending doom already were be ing prepared, he said Both Spaatz and his chief of staff, Lt (Jen Curtis Le May, agreed that if the bomb had been available in 1943 there "might not have had to be any D-day" for an invasion of France. Spaatz declined comment on the potentialities of the deapon's use in the Pacific, but added: "One of our few fears in Eu rope was that the Germans would All Summer HATS Half Price SEDUCED Distinctive Ladies' Wear THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER FOR SALE One large heatrola In good condition. Call 435-J, Mrs. S. H. Keller. Aug. 9 FOR SALE Farm, Mooney Cove; forty acre tract, plenty springs. Twenty acres under cultivation, balance in woods, saw timber. Couple small boxed houses; two barns. Price $3,000.00. See K. C Rathbone, Route 2. Aug. 9-16-23-30 WANTED A good reliable man or woman to supply customers with Rawleigh Products in Waynes ville, also North Haywood and Jackson counties. Write Raw leigh's, Dept. NCH-245-127, Rich mond, Va. Aug. .9 AVON PRODUCTS INC., has good territory open here for woman who would like pleasant, profit able work. Write Mrs. Sarah Sorrell, 16 Ravenscroft Drive, Asheville N. C. Aug 9 LINDSEY RADIO SERVICE Reasonable prices. Work guar anteed. 56 Main Street, Way nesville. tf WANTED TO BUY shoats and hogs. Will pay top prices. See Junaluska Supply Company, tf LOST One twenty-five dollar war bond, bank book, head scarf and small comb and mirror belong ing to Mrs. Hester Moody. Re turn to Mrs. Hester Moody, Rt. 2, Waynesville, N. C. Aug. 9 LOST No, 4 Ration Book bearing name Martha Rowena Gifford. Anyone finding same please re turn to The Mountaineer. July 26 Aug 2-9 FOR SALE One registered Poll ed Hereford heifer. Call Rex Shuller, Medford Cove Road, FOR SLIP COVERS, button holes, covered buttons, buckles and belts, also hemstitching, see Mrs. T. L. Campbell at 11 Masonic Temple, phone 525-J. HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired at Campbell' Slip Cover and Repair Shop. 11 Masonic Building, Phone 525-J. tf FOR SALE 5-rooni house and lot, and small orchard near Hazel wood Garage on Balsam Road. See Deny Norman or Phone 171-J. July 26-Aug 25 FOR SALE 5 good acres, 3 four room houses, wood, water, near Rubber Plant. Now rented at $45.00 per month, a bargain at $3200. 40 acres close in, 30 in cultivation, balance in woods and pasture, plenty water, good 3 room house and very rich ground at $5000. H B. Milner, Belle Meade. Aug. 2-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE Two wheel trailer, 7 ft. bed, ton ca pacity, extra tire and tube, fair condition. $25. See John Reeves, Lake Junaluska, or call Canton 2883. Aug. 2-9 rYPEWRITER REPAIRS Type writers and adding machines overhauled and adjusted. We also carry typewriter ribbons, all makes and adding machine paper CROWDER S TYPEWRITER EX CHANGE, phone 2487, 74 Main St., Canton. Aug. 2 CASH PAID for all old typewriters and adding machines, bring them to us, CROWDER S TYPEWRIT ER EXCHANGE, phone 2487, 74 Main St., Canton. Aug. 2 find a secret weapon like this We were vitally concerned whether the Germans were ahead of us not until we reached Berlin did we know that the Nazis were probably two years behind us." iA Washington dispatch said that the U S. army was going uh-'ad with its plans for an Invasion of Japan despite the possibility that the atomic bomb alone might in duce Japan to surrender.) Spaatz said that the imoact of the singl" atomic bomb vas equal to a raid of 2.000 Superfortresses. Vanied Immediately Experienced edgerman. Good wages and over time. Living quarters at Job. Priority War Work. Apply WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION OFFICE Waynesville, N. C. Want Ads LOST Ration Book No 3. bear ing name Medford Parkins. ( Clyde, Rt. I. Return to above, j Aug !) 16-23 DR. T. L. ALLEN. Cancer and Nose Specialist, Sylva, N C . will be at the LeFaine Hotel , Saturday, August 11, 1945. Any. one having cancers or sores of long standing should see me Examination free Aug 9 FOR RENT One 5-rooin farm house, unfurnished, with lights and water. Located on Hill N Dale Farm. Three miles from Lake Junaluska on highway 209 See O. L. Yates after (i .'lo p m Aug 9 FOR SALE Two-burner oil cook stove, one oil heater, one radio R. L Ownbey, Littleton Road, Lake Junaluska, N. C Aug 9 IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS We have plenty of them in gold, silver, etc . and we will sell you one at less price than you can buy it from any other store In fact, we will not be undersold We must sell you cheaper, and we will cut the price until we do. Bargain Jewelry Store. 9 WANTED Roll away bed with or without mattress. Good con dition. Reasonable Call tl.r or 534. Aug 9 WANTED Experienced waitress Green Tree Tea Room Call 307-W. Aug 9 In DIAMOND RINGS We have a few wedding sets solid gold set with small but real diamonds values up to $25 00 We are going to sell these at $10 1)0 per set plus tax. Bargain Jewelry Store. Aug 9 FOR SALE Studio Couch, pie j war. good condition. Mrs I, 1. J Harbeck, 15 Pigeon Street, Up stairs, Garage Apartment 9 FOR SALE Several homes in walking distance of Ha.olwood They range in price from twen ty one hundred to four thousand. H. II. Holt, office at Boyd Fur niture Co. Aug. 9 FOR SALE Three-acre farm, four room house, barn, chicken house and wash house. Five acres, good house and out buildings Both of these are near town and the price is right. II II. Holt, office at Boyd Furniture Co. 9 WE HAVE some nice wedding sets in sterling silver set with flash ing brilliants. Makes a nice show and will last a lite lime Price $6.00 tax included Bar gain Jewelry Store. Aug 9 WANTED I have two buyers who will pay the worth of a well located residence. Must be in the best residential section of town. Contact H. H Holt, of fice at Boyd Furniture Co. !) FOR SALE Two and one half acres, with two houses; one four room and one two-room, good spring. Also one and one half acres with two houses, hoth two rooms; good spring. Good road to both tracts. Mooney Cove. D. L. Haney, Box 70, Route 2. Aug 2-9 FOR SALE 13 head of cattle one mare, 12 years old Alt at reasonable prices Se' Al'rn j Hannah, Cove Creek Vug 2-9 FOR SALE Two team- of log- ' ging horses, 1500 pounds Crich Priced $250 per team, including j harness. Can be seen at Cold Springs operations of Grace Lumber Mills Aug 2-9 PIANO TUNING, Voicing and Repairing Bethel H S, Way nesville. N. C. Paul .shepherd ( Vt 25 WANTED TO RENT OR PUR j CHASE An electric stove and 1 electric refrigerator and to buy I a used kitchen cabinet Call j 428-J, Waynesville Aug 2 9 i WANTED TO BUY- Corn hinder j Call 2213 or see Walter Reiner i I at Farmers Exchange Aug 9 16. REMEMBER anything on buy from our stor" if you want your name on it von can have it wit linn- anv cnaT.:e. fiat gain Jew- i..,. i..;,r.. Aug 9 I il . . j GOLD PLATED Bahy Riny free! with each dollar you spend in: c..i iii'iiiv t ree I OJII SUM " ' . . . . .. i.i... ii.. n li-u. i'ilius as ou jiivi-. i"ih'M" " ... Aiil' 0 cry Store "- ff E in MA N It's really so simple oil you do fAc i i .r-' i pocket, dab each curl with PORTRAIT Permanent Waving Solution?, and in ju-.t 'r j i..,,, everyone admire your new found waves. PORTRAIT is perfect for children's ' r-,( fin, ttntr IaaI l.Tr ... ..n,.;nA . . . your hair deserves the best Ask for PORTRAIT Permanent Wave, j ' ' H ospitality has The American Home Still Bids Welcome -Still Retains Its Charm and Comfort GARRETT' WS (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, at WANTED TO BUY Small bench saw and jointer. Contact The Mountaineer. Aug 9 WANT TO RENT Furnished apartment or small house. J WE carry at all times more than five thousand rings of all kinds We have hundreds of metal watch bands. Bargain Jewelry i WF. Ii Store Aug. 9' FOR SALE -- Fine country home every convenience. ei-,l,t acres small orchard, ideal for one w In . . Ill desires quietness II I Holt. : , r, nllice at Boyd r liruil lire ( o 9 E NT,f i in only 2 to 3 hours . . . with J the same quality materials CEILING PRICE St. 00 4f PLUS TAX THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY is put your hoir up in curlers which ore included in - i kkiM loveliness . . . o nolo ot beautiful, gleaming, long-kni-ny en's anj ifi, Smith's Cut Rate D ; , Store een RationeA II is a (lcli;lilfl fp i t' '" (hat is skilfully and M-' Here, voti know intim-diii t 1 people wiio have learned i'1 (Jarred Furniture Si"' ' home an inspiring place ! nishings that arc lovelv t to live with, holh no" peace to come. fiood Values Friendly Credit FOR SAI home. Iiu erl en acres m plenu , . t he i. ii. t cnuni Ro.l I i luce ' The i sell , MH.ill 111 Ih I'l HI It-Si,,,. WE used by many Beauty Salons in expensive cold waves COLD WAVE PEKMAHEH! 1101 , . .1 M , iiMl PHONE lj i

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