U'GlTST , 1945 (On Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First Section! 1 AT. mi' 5 H V Ik C3: Ul 4 t , . ! "T!f '- Louise Stringfield Major jonn Jones MuMia Fust ! Corps, .lames ( John Winy. ,i i li ti was -.il iii' i . I .nf helt ; i, )l o- ,n l.lll with :air .1. n illiil nw s Mlft- bv ..,l,ll , ' i: inii ! Mi'ii- i iii.ii' a n l.illela. hudlCC. w hu ll was edged in sheer organdy em broidery. The same patterned em broidery outlined the high round neckline. Tiny sell euvered but tons were used down the front of the bodice, and the sleeves were Ion? e'l'.mg in points over the hands The organdy embroidery was also used on the full skirt as a pepluni. Her ti rigor length veil of illusion was worn with a cor onet of orange blossoms She carried a white prayorhook to which was attached a bompiet of white orchids showered with single tuberoses. The bride had as her maid of honor her cousin. Miss Henrietta l.ove, of Raleigh and Waynesville j She. wore a gown of violet sal in, j with three quarter length sleeves j shirred at one side The neckline of the fitted bodice was cut square j in front and edged with a ruffled insert of the material of the gown j The skirt was full with a ruffled I insert in the back, winch fell the ' lull length of the gown She wore j an arrangement of yellow and vio i let colored (lowers in her hair. and carried an old fashioned arm bouquet of mixed (lowers with yel low and violet shades predominat ing. Mrs Kinmett Gailouay. of Rich mond. a also a eousm of the bride, was matron oi honor. Her, gown wos ot deep coral modeled on similar lines to that of the maid ot honor and she wore an arrangement of (lowers harmoniz ing with her gow n m her hair. She carried an old .asluoned bou quet ot mixed (loweis. a duplicate ot those earned by tne maid of honor Frederick l.ove ot Raleigh and Waynesville cou-in oi the bride, served .is lu st man to ..ijor Jones L'shers vveie H. r. Sloan, and-Sergeant Robert 11 liieeec. of the AAF lhei wore a black -ow h vv it li larce ); .tei-evsnru's u.i- ot white or- Their Marriage Took Place Saturday The bride - i crepe .d'tcrtioo black hat and and her cms.it cluds. The In iile w ho i- m aiiuoaiigh Ici of the I. Me M.uor and Mrs W 1 1 ! i.i ti W Sti nmti, hi of Wav nos ville. attended tin local schools St Genevieve's Mhool in Asheville and is a graduate ot Fassifern School tor Girls She volunteered 111 the service in the Marine Corps in March. Ill 14 and was sent to Camp l.eieuiie tor her basic train ing after which she was translcr red to San Hugo, C.ihl where she I J - . s . S Kt T sV s , n.-:, ;x MAJOR an iniportan! formed by tin here Mrs Jones Lome Slnnglield M) MRS JOHN IVU IIl event on Saturday. August Rev. Robert G Talum rec ti was before her mania daughter ot Mr and Si 0 w IOM.S v hose wedding vv as 1 I he ceremony vv as per r ot (Ir.i.r I'piseopal ( "linrch. 'e the In! nii'i M i-s Cat ol i na li- James 1 ,ov e SI i mi: held ille's Beautiful New esidential Section Absolutely Restricted w Being Sold PRIVATE SALE V 4 LOU is now stationed At the tune she enleied the service she was taking pnvale iiistiuelion in living at Kru in. Bride Jones attended Christ and graduated trom the I ma Stale College. Ral- 1 !M I I pon Good Street- orlooks Waynesville Klovation Ample Shade Trees : Main Street Near School- Today and Look This Property Over . . Details or Appointment To Visit Property, See . . . Man. Sell. ml orlh I ' eu;h in llie class t:railuat ion he was commissioned i second lieutenant and given credit for Ins HOTC training. He was sent to Philadelphia for a course ol in'tiuetion anil alter comple tion was ti anslerrcd to llarlingeu lex. tor liulher training in the ordnance department in which he has served Ma tor Jones has reeenllv return ed to the Stall's trom three years ol serv n e in I he I'aeilic theat re He was sent to New Guinea 111 Jul. IIIK' and served there lor one year Later he was sent to Netherlands Kast Indies and from (here to the Philippines, where he was stationed at the time he was grained a leave, returning to this country the latter part of July. following the ceremony at the church the bride's parents were hosts of an informal reception at their home, receiving with the bridal party in the living room. The residence was arranged in quantities ol garden Mowers in miscellaneous arrangements, while the bridal motif was carried out in the appointments in the dining room The bride's table was placed in Iront of the; fireplace, which had been transformed into a back ground of white and green by the use ol while gladioli and fernery. The table was covered with a lace and centered with the three wedding cake, and at either were candelabra bearing light - apers l one end Mrs Ruber! SIiium'!! ol Shelbv. (Hun. an ol I he bride, poured c odec sx s; sxV h six i s! X V I I. MiiS GC.ORG t he lol iner M iss (laugniei oi Mr mom Clarke, ol marriage took place Chin ch in Halt nnoi c KOItN'M ANN ii nest ine ( larke ml VMs i-; Sev a el ood , v hose at Mt .inn hi June la'l I p m n cr N n n m 1? f Agent 8 ;" ' mi null i (Mr Bride-Elect Given Buffet Supper By Four Cousins Mis Mi -.Mai th vv it h . dav e a I oi pal I Ml -s mat I 1 Jones John lleu liu noli I lali I Stlllll'lie Pullet s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 elong tiillnw Milled .11 I lllll. ud Miss enl ert allied art v on l'i i I he I elleai s III si I I lllll held J. IH ook p ill. Ill' Gl. I he 1I1L' vv a in and li il lol l anil it o I hen i.::ieU John l.isl . II at I I in Mini i in' in urn a bridal i hserved. The wa- centered v ii li In iila I mi t v ii inl candles and Mow i i n io tu' 1 1 ii isi lie. i hi ide ami hi idegi o and Mis .1. cousin. V ho .e 1 1. iv id I III dav e home drill n ii i ll in in Ihe iliii i' ot while l ide - table Ml l li nil tile II. ink AN ABUNDANCE of drclnc pov.-cr has aiwoy.-. hm available in Way'nrsvillr. Nov the Cnrohra Tovr f, Liaht Company has an avalanche of var-!irr.p power ready for peace-lime production. It is reiianic, tips mananed nower that rays its own way fn Keina readv for war production, it helped pay J-xr urfir nrnri nrl'OTI t h rouah tnxes. This surplus, war-time, business managed power able to you now. Waynesville has plenty lerials . . . native labor . . . delightful living conditions . . . real market advantages. These are things- that help make a great city greater. Our industrial depart mn j rooneratina in an effort to make these advan tages go to work for your city in a new rurge American enterprir-e busi- In addi- alanche of r, is avail- of raw ma- of i Mi Oil III Villi I Mi I i Mi V I I li but- : 1 1 -I II I I ill' I do. 1 SI l in Mi i I io Mis 1. Mi i I nd Mi . Hen Moan Mi anil Mf Hugh Mo and Mr- Hugh Mi, an J, M.ur.ui't S! i mt'lii Id Mrs R.iv. Miss Kli.abi Hi lta n.-utv Marshall. Ml-- Uosal Mrs .lames K ilpalru k li Osborne, liev lloheil G w il h the Ml Ma 1,1 Hugh Mi fin I ove I aha Jane an Mi Me, Svdia Mrs. v n Ray . s Anne Miss Rose 'I . it urn loin Slnnglield. Dr III and Mrs and Mrs Sam Slnnglield Mrs C I' Sy minton. Mrs Uinln I' hel Mrs Hob Mi - il i;.i llessie Atkins, n Mis M S Allen Mel.ean. ii and Mrs. .1. and flu il,, ud Mi Mai V ui i II hers assi ting serving wen Mis lick. Mis .lame Taliaferro. Me. Ji Mes v I ihellii Sinnil Pol low 1 Ilk' I I couple left for -in unannoiiiK el w Inch 1 hey will i to then families back to their post Ihe bride wore Ik n i t'i i n tug and Junes Kilp.d l.ove Mitchell II well I. Row!. ' I- bin in' and Miss ol Athens. C,,, leceptloli the wedding flip to destination, after ('turn for a visjl before reporting Por traveling white uniform ol vv lute orchids de hor bi'idai arrango- .ind a rorsagi 1 achahle lion ment Minor Jones report to Port Bragg tor reassignment when Ins leave is completed and Mrs Jones will return to Ik r post at Ihe Ma rine base in San Diego. Calif Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were: Mrs. C. K. Baldwin anil Mrs M. S Symington, of Asheville. aunts of the bridegroom. Mr, and Mrs Leslie Toms, and Mrs. Knimetf Galloway , of Richmond. a . ("ol and Mrs. Prod W Alsleatter. of Savannah. Ga . Mrs Allen I.ind say. of Memphis. Tcnn . Mrs. Rob ert C. Stimson nf Shelby. Ohio. Miss Henrietta Love and Frederick l.ove. of Raleich and Waynesville. and Sergeant Robert H. Rreece. ! MacDill Field. Tampa. Fla. Miss Henrietta Love and Frede rick Love, both of Raleigh, were the guests of their mother. Mrs. ' Hygh A. Imp -binng thp u ppic. THE UNION S port Clothes for Active Duty Build your wardrobe around sports clothes! Wonderful for school, for work, lor fun choose your sports clothes here! From a big collection of superbly tailored jackets, skirts, slacks, sweaters ail low priced for thrifty budgets! m Mix-Match Jackets Really wonderful value' Well tailored sports jacket in classic :i button cardigan . mid button-up slvles Plaids, .solids, checks Wools. 2 2(1. Warm Cozy SWEATERS Wonderful with all your skirts, slacks, jumpers! Con warm sweaters in cheery fall colors in bevy pullover, and novelty styles. 32-40. x f ' 1 X& ill Mix-Match SKIRTS They'll make up into suits with your "rxtra" jackets team up with all your blouses! New. new. troiiser pleat skirts, jrored and v box-pleaf styles. Plaids, checks, solids.

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