Standard PRINTING CO 220 S First St LOUISVILLE KV nnn See Story On Page One, Section Two THE Waynesville MOUNTAINEER is onr who can nun and yet stay Published In The C ounty Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16. 1915 $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties L. r7ir7 n n TfoTRST VKAK NO. 33 16 Pages laywo otel Plans ails For Project To Given Friday Night The Court House Here rma.l presentation of plans for the construction of a ludern hotel for this community will he presented by fial committee Friday night at the court house, ictinu "ill begin promptly at eight o'clock, according than Woody, chairman. least MO business and civic leaders of this corn arc expected to attend the meeting, and hear the for construction of the much-discussed hotel for this nily. lis is I he most important civic meeting held in this litv in many years," one member of the committee It compares with the meeting which created Lake ka, and the one that established the Park," the lan said. , Woody pointed out yesterday that plans were to i.ono in stock, of thousand dollar units. He emphasiz facl that the project would be debt-free before one ras spent. option has been secured on 177-feet on Main Street id details of the site will be among the things cx I'riday night. lumher of summer visitors have contacted the com ieeking slock in the proposed hotel. Some wanted if the purchase of stock would give them a priority vations during the summer time. One man wanted a large clock of stock in the project. ! meeting is open to every person who is interested rin for Waynesville a large, modern hotel, Mr. pointed out. irepared statement by the committee, said in part: iresence at this meeting will express your approval iced of a hotel. Your absence will mean that you think we need a hotel. If we don't get the hotel s quit talking about it. This is not a promotional hut a combined effort to put into effect a long-felt committee is composed of Mr. Woody, chairman, Allen, George A. Brown, Jr., J. E. Massie, Charles J. W. Ray, R. L. Prevost, and W. Curtis Kuss. d Wild Ow 1 (SSLO FTPS to EeP reseifted Fnday ff s,retf To J Lmmirafp Pparp FIoiuc Has Hotel Plans bp i - pi AS1 ihvj -"w $1 It? I r Kll Hlf, i ; ! V s 1 1 i- x " ; JONATHAN W WOODY, chair man (it .i coin null (. vv liith will report Fi ida.v niuht on plans lor a large modern hold here I Cases Of ti Beans Have Canned Here ins like 10.000 cases of ns have been canned at i Mutual Cannery at 1 'his season, according arr. general manager. is short, and the 'Id have reached 50,000 me. Mr. Barr said. The !avp had too much rain nal crop, and (hen there r'ae of acreage to start 'omted out. mer is now employing People. They will oon an beans as long as the up. Three Men Caught For Robberies Local officers have cleared up three robberies in Haywood, with the arrest of three men. Two have been turned over to the army as deserters, and the third was given a year on the roads. The places entered were 11 S Ward Station at Lake Junaluska, Branson Motor Company, Canton, and The Texas Company in Way nesville. The arrests were marie by the sheriff's department, and the men convicted upon evidence gathered by Sam Kelly with the use of finger prints taken from the places of robberies. wood Baptists Will i Two-Day Session d Baptists will hold their Kin of the Hay a,'". in a two-day Xt The first day. - August 22, will be Pleasant Balsam church with the Woodland Aerator and will pre- o? .S'ate leaders wi .program, start at ten o'clock Jsgins. state secretary, Pnncpal speaker at Rev' ' lSS WiU dellver th 1U01 The Biblical The Wednesday session will be- ; ...... i : .. : 'A ,J , . I gin wiin a wurMiip pciiuu Luimmr ed by Claude Gilstrap. The mod erator will name committees and the following reports will be made: State Missions by Doyle Miller; Home Missions by W. H. Whitlock; Foreign Missions by Roy Young, and the Co-operative Program by Rev. Everett Murray. The association will adjourn for lunch at 12.15 and convene at 1:30, with Cretchin Johnson eon ducting the worship period. Rev T. H. Parris will make the report for the executive committee, while Mrs. E. C. Horton will report on the Woman's Missionary Union. Manuel Wyatt will discuss the orphanage, and N. Stevenson will talk on hospitals. Hobard Rogers will report on the ministers re tirement plant, and Paul Shepherd will discuss, temperance and morals. Following a musical pe riod, Dr. I. G. Greer will speak (Continued on Page Four) Millar Returns From Business Trip To England V 11. V. Millar flew back from a tuo-weck stay in London on business last Friday, leaving Ire land at cij;ht o'clock Friday night and arriving in Knoxville at II o'clock Saturday night, covering the 4.00H-milc trip m a little over 24 hours. Mr. Millar, a local attorney, was accompanied by a business asso ciate on the business trip. In discussing the bombings of London. Mr. Millar said it was "spotted". Some places there was one building out in a block, and then for three or four blocks there were no signs of damage. "All around SI. raid's, there was con siderable damage, but none to the cathedral llseU." be said "The lood was better than what we gel in America They have a rationing that calls for so much butter, bacon, sugar and the scarce ilems. and they get that amount, but no more While lood is not plentiful, it is ample," lie continu ed. There are many American of ficers in London, he said, and the War Department is bringing thou sands home as fast as they ran. The ship Mr. Millar went across (Continued on pace fniirl Employers To Hold Conference Here Tuesday An employers onfeicnre has been railed for Tuesday. August 111 si. at the l! S Kmployment Service office here by Mrs. Edith I'. Alley for the purpose of dis cussing labor problems for the post war era The conference will begin at two o'clock All emploers of this district are extended an invitation to attend this conlei ence. Guy Messer On Police Force (;uy Messer assumed his duties here yesterday as the fourth mem ber of the Waynesville police force. For the present, Mr. Messer will be on day duly with Chief O. R. Roberts, while O. L Noland and Herbert RufT are on night duty. Plans are to alternate the work between day and night shifts. Haywood Fully Enjoys Celebrating Peace, As Highlights Well Prove Some places of business that re main open 24-bours a day closed immediately upon hearing the peace news. Onr visiting- soldier wanted some extra gasoline and did n't havr any coupons, so br swapped a shoe stamp for live; gallons. The weatherman took a big hand in the celebration. At 6:20 one of the year's heaviest rains fell in fact, the official recording showed 1 m inches fell In 40 minutes Just as the whistles and hells slartcd to peal forth the good news, the rain ceased. One 8-year old boy found that he could make an unusu ally loud noise by hitting the hood of an old model truck. An adult suggested that he not tear the truck up, as it would be a long time before more were made. The young ster looked around, and said, "Mister. I gotta make a noise, my brother Is in the Philip pines." "If I could just talk to my son over there tonight, I would call this a perfect day," said one moth er, as her voice broke with mix ed emotions. Cars and trucks were run ning bumper-tn-humper up and down Main Street. One wo man across the street wanted a Mountaineer extra and could not gel across to a newsboy, nor could the boy g'el to her. Special services in thanksgiving for peace were held at 6 o'clock in St John's Parish, the feast of the Assumption. Mothers wept with joy for the sons who would soon be return ing home To practically every one the great Victory bad a per sonal meaning. "Well, I won't gel a chanre to go now that it's all over. Of course I'm glad the war has stopped, but I sure would like to have been in it," said one sixteen year old. As far as could be learned there was no damage to prop erty or destruction of any kind during the hours of celebration. While the crowds were noisy there was good will at every turn No one was impatient over the traffic jam. They waited their turn behind the other fellow, ac tually got a big kick out of an excuse to blow their horn with all its power. ""Well, it may be a long time before my son gets home from the Pacific, but I can sleep at night now," said one mother, "for I have nothing to worry about, for 1 know he will get home in time." Main Street was practically de serted between, t and 7 o'clock Tuesday night but within a half hour it was a bedlam of cars and trucks filled with people joyfully celebrating the Great Victory. Two summer visitors com ing in around 8 o'clock from a fishing trip thought there was a big ball game on hand, and inquired the way to the sta dium and rould hardly be lieve their eyes when they were shown the front page of the Peace Kxtra The Moun taineer that they had bought, and jammed in their pockets, not knowing1 what big news thry could find in the local newspaper. "1 have cried more since the Victory has come than I did the day the message came from the War Department telling me my son was killed in action," said one mother on the street, who had joined the surging crows, "as it seems so much more final now." "Here give mr six papers. I want one of those Mountai neer Extras for each of my rhlldren. I want them to keep 'em as souvenirs," said one man as he leaned far out of a truck, filled with children, part of the great stream mov ing on the street. Gas And Some Foods Taken Off Rationing List OPA announced yesterday the discontinuance of ration ing of gasoline, canned fruits, vegetables, fuel oil and oil stoves. Mack Stamey S 2-c Reported Missing Declared Dead Mack Stamey, Jr., 20. seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs Mark Stamey, of Canton, who was reported missing in action off Guadalcanal on August 8, 1942, has been officially declared dead ac cording to the War Department. His parents were advised during the past week. Seaman Stamey entered the navy in October, 1941, and had been at sea for some time when listed as missing the following August In addition to his parents he is survived by three brothers, J. B. Stamey, U. S. ' Navy; Mazielee, a twin, also in the navy; and T. A. Stamey of Canton; and two sisters, Miss Arthetta Stamey and Miss Junncanc Stamey .both of Canton. Postmasters Of District Met Here Saturday Postmasters of the 12th con gressional district met here Satur day night at Green Tree Tea Room, and heard their state president, Mr. Darken, of Wilmington, dis cuss various matters confronting postal officials today. J. H. Howell, local postmaster, was official host to the group, and W. T. Porter, of Franklin, is presi dent of the association. There are 48 members in this district. GOES TO ST. LOUIS Charles E. Ray left Saturday for an extended buying trip in St. Louis. He will buy for Ray's De partment Store. Peace Extra Front Page Is Reprinted Due to the unusual interest in the Peace Extra front page which The Mountaineer published a few minutes after President Truman gave out the news Tuesday, we are reprinting the page in its entirety as page two of the second section of this edition. Hundreds of people wanted copies as souvenirs of the end of the war. Almost 1,500 copies were disposed of within a little more than an hour Tuesday night. Calls for more were still coming in yesterday morning. To Boss Japs v f ijWMIihiiih ii" 4 J GEN. DOUGLAS MaoARTHUR has ordered the Japanese to send a competent representative to Ma nila fo receive surrender terms. Memberships To State Orchestra To Sell Friday . A one-day drive will be staged here Friday to get memberships to the North Carolina Symphony Society, sponsor of the State Sym phony Orclu-slra, according to Mrs Hugh H. Love, chairman for the county. Mrs. Love said plans bad been completed for taking memberships at the First National Hank and the Town Hall all day Friday. The membership are divided in to six groups, as follows: General membership, $1, which will entitle purchaser to ailend any local concert of I he orchestra, plus payment of 21) cents lax A $2 general membership will entitle purchaser to admission to a full-orchestra concert in Ashc ville. , Active memberships are $." and will admit purchaser to any con cert in the state free Donor memberships are $2li and makes purchaser a member of the society Patron memberships aie $100 and their names arc carried on all programs Memorial memberships are $T00. and ran be taken out in the name of some loved one who is deceased. A memorial inscription will he car ried on all programs of the society. Charles Klopp is chairman of the Canton area which also in cludes Clyde. Members of the local committee, besides Mrs. Love is composed of Mrs. It II. Stretcher. Miss Nancy Kill ian. ( C. Ferguson and W. Curtis Huss. Former Pet Man Passes Away Funeral and burial services were held Tuesday in Asheville for W. Ryan Woodall. former manager of Pet Dairy Products Company here. Mr. Woodall died in his Norfolk home after a short illness. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Emily, and his mother. Mrs. L. R Woodall. Mr, Woodall was manager of the Western Carolina Creamery here in 1938. which later sold to Pet Dairy Products Company. He managed the local plant until pro moted as manager of the Greens boro plant. Later he was an of- cial of Coble Dairy Products Com pany, and at the time of bis death was manager of Bircherts Dairy in Norfolk. While a resident here he was active in civic affairs, and was a leader in promoting increased dairying in Haywood. Largest Crowd In Town's Celebrate Peace Hews The pent up emotions of the people which have grown daily more intense since the smoke rose over Pearl Harbor on December 7, ill 11, were released Tuesday night on a burst of joy and gratitude as (he news of peace was flashed around (he world. Tears were- mingled with laughter in the reaction of relief from suspense of nearly four years, and the intensi fied tension of (he past few days. People who had been listening at (he radio every spare moment of (heir (ime, since (he first hint of peace negotia tions, felt (he urge Tuesday night after the great news to leave home and join (he crowds giving public expression to their joy. People came to Waynesville from every direction. All ages and sizes crowded Main Street. Cars moved slowly in the trallic jam and kept a constant stream down Main Street while pedestrians picked their way on the sidewalks. Far into the night (he cars traveled up and down the streets, hut not an accident was reported by the police de partment, and accordng to (he law enforcement officers only two drunks were at large and they were in the early stages of intoxication and must hav taken to their homes before becoming a nuisance. Wednesday morning all places of business were closed, with (he exception of the drug stores and eating places that were open until afternoon for the convenience of the many visitors in (own. All manufacturing plants wre closed, with most of (hem starting up again at midnight last night. The employes of the Waynesville post office in keeping with goveinmenl rulings are having a two days holiday Wednesday and today. The general delivery window will open from 12 :."() (o 1 :.'!(). The First National Hank also closed i(s doors for the day, bul will open (bis morning as usuaJ for business. All stores in (he community will be ooen todav after -enjoying a holiday yesterday. Main Street was quite a contrast Wednesday to the night before, for little traffic was noted yesterday with all lilling stations closed, for most car owners had ridden out (heir gas on Tuesday night. The telephone office was the busiest in their history. Starting at seven o'clock, the heavy toll of calls continued until the early hours, and then resumed about breakfast time Wednesday, and were heavy until noon. Long dis tance calls jammed circuits, and offices in other places were just as busy. It seemed (hat everyone wanted (o talk at one time. "The people were very nice, and seemed to understand why (he delay,'' an official reported. "The oast 21 hours ex. ceeds anything we have ever experienced before." Police estimated (hat between 5,000 and 7,000 people jammed Main Street here Tuesday night. Everyone was in a joyous mood, and as far as could be learned no acci dents marred the celebrations. Cars and trucks wer over loaded with people, l?uighing, yelling, blowing horns, and making every known means of noises. Police reported sane driving was the order of (he nigh(, and no one seemed to be in a hurry (o get places. Hazclwood police said "about everyone went to Way nesville fo celebrate. It's been miehtv ouiet here. Of rnnrsp plenty of yelling, and blowing horns, but no (rouble makers. Most of our folks wen) to church tonight, as everv church door opened for thanksgiving services." More Than 600 Attend Peace Union Services Haywood Casualty List As of Today: Killed in action 107 Wounded 221 Prisoners 4 Missing in action 24 Liberated 22 Total 378 A congregation ot over (100 made up of local people and summer visitors at'jnded the Peace union service at the l-iiM Methodist church here on Wednesday morn ing at 11 o'clock, w'lich was mark ed by great solemnity am' spirit ual significance h' '!iig toward a world and community of peace. "he news flash of last night brought a flood of emotion un paralleled in the history of man kind Today is the first day in years to greet ns with a glorious dawn full of hope, faith and peace. This is not a patriotic rally, but a religious service in which we may humbly express our gratitude to God for the peace that, has come," said Rev, J. C. Madi son, pastor of the church, in his opening remarks, which were fol lowed by the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. i Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the Baptist church, was the main speaker, of the morning. Preced ing him in the service was Rev. M. R. Williamson, who offered a prayer for guidance and gratitude for peace. He asked that this na tion not become a proud nation but humbled in the great victory, and forgiveness for the sins that may have been committed in try ing to save the nation. Rev. Robert G. Tatum, rector of Grace Episcopal church, led in the responsive reading, and Rev. J. Clay Madison read excerpts from the second chapter of Isaiah and . the 5th chapter of Matthew. Fal lowing the address of Rev. tr. Elliott, Rev. Walter B West ofTer ed a prayer, pleading for conse cration of the people, pointing out that God was ready to show a new full way of life to those wbo would follow after Him. Mrs. Fred Martin, accompanied by Mrs. W. L. Matney, sang, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains." - With the attention of the con (Continued on Page Four)

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