7 5D-Y. AUGUST 16, 1945 ( THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (Second Section) rp T3 'Camp ao ucted By odist Church I , . ,. u will be con- f 1 Melodist Church l0 Camp 1 . ...j inns will be It afternoons from 1:00 I, o'clock. Lp ,s made uuss.me uy . ' Y ntrous bene- ,..,'.iiniiv who asked .... m.i lie mentioned. be under the "K f Mrc I f T i h , i line Kotha will 1S. - ,ui.- Assisting her !' Watfi-nfeld. Rose ,rman. Hetsy Siler and I , crei'ii all 01 wnom firaiiunt- i" camping !lt. program of the Girl Lp pros i f m will consist Farm Questions and Answers Question: Will cliloropierin kill thistle in alfalfa'.' Answer: Yes. says Howard Gar riss, extension plant pathologist, who has tested the material on a field of Jan:.s Adams near Willow Springs and that of D C. Worth of Raleigh, both in Wake county. The chemical was applied in the soil around the plants with the hand applicator commonly used by nurserymen in treating plant beds. Garriss says that this method is practical only where there are scattered plants and the soils are in a porous state to allow for the easy injection of the applicator Where there is a large number of weeds, he recommends treatment with a lire gun. t groups in nature lore. rafts Inst am. swnu- . .....J ..tlior tvnu iju spoi i "" -j I ion A ilciolionai periou eld eaih day, and a re- Imospiiere oe maiii- L.ulpllOUt Liy or more girls who part in the camping pro L been selected by the L trie Central Elementary the basis ol tlieir line ivcurits Girls who have ,j an opportunity to at caiiip this summer were kon Army bid Youth kite At Lake uhuii Army will conduct hstitutt' I mm August 27th Sunday. .September 2nd, to an announcement by ul Hrow i) The Institute leld at the Mission Inn, laluska he attended by Young In: Ninth and South Caro- iluikv. Tennessee and The teaching will be Hnsadici Kicliard Fit- Al) likICK IN HIS ' IH H)l 10 YEARS ji recently staled that for It- felt like he had a brick 'iiiacli This feeling was lump of undigested food had inside of him. He ;. worn out, headachy, nil gas and terribly con- Kecrntly he started tak- JH-AID and says the feel- a brick in Ins stomach d the second day. Uowels t now. gas and Jieadaches and he feels like a new AID contains 12 Great py cleanse bowels, clear stumaili. act on sluggish kidneys. Miserable peo- M different all over. So in suffering! Gel 1NNER- M by all Drug Stories in runtv. Question: What is the best means of renovating an old pasture that has been "grazed to death'"' Answer: Since you are in the Coastal Plain. ,t is best to double cut the sod with a heavy disc to a depth of about 4 inches, and do a thorough job. The carpet grass will come back fast enough. Since you have an average sandy soil. 10 pounds of Oallis grass and 15 pounds of Kobe lespedeza per acre is recommended, or 10 pounds of Uallis grass and I pounds of low hop clover. Question: Can too much lime be applied to soils? Answer: Yes. State College agronomists suggest that you have an analysis made of the soil in the field where you plan to apply lime and find out how much is needed for the particular crop you wish to glow. Your county agent will tell you how to lake the soil sample. Too much lime may cause an increase in certain plant diseases. Certain plant foods may be tied up. How To Keep Wife Home A dignified Ml ilon was taking home a pair of his wile's shoes which he had gotten from the shoemaker after they had been re paired. No box or paper was, of course, supplied, so he, slightly embarrassed, was carrying them loose. A man opposite him in the bus watched him closely and said as he got out, "Not going to let her gad about, eh. guv nor?" ton ,of Atlanta, assisted by mem bers of the Divisional stalf from Charlotte and Atlanta. Outstanding on the program will be the meeting each night in the Assembly auditorium. This meet ing will be conducted for and by the young people There will be a musical program each night put on by the delegates. Commission er William C. Arnold, territorial commander from Atlanta, will be in charge of the Sunday services, assisted by Lt. Colonel Harold Madsen, of Atlanta. The public is urged to attend these inspirational gatherings at the auditorium. Lions Will Hear Discussion On Commercial Hotel The Wayneswllc Lions will meet tonight a: 7 :M at the Maplus on , Walnut Street to discuss the much talked about commercial hotel which has been proposed for Way nesville Claude Woodard and his committee on Conventions will , have charge of the program. Lion Woodard states that he will bring to the club some person who knows the facts about the hotel project Last weeks meeting featured an illustrated lecture by Dr. Crum. professor ul Appied Christianity at Duke I nivvrsily. The speaker showed a large collection of pic lures of the heaulilul Gothic archi tectural designs of the Duke build ; nigs. These pictures were made by Dr. Crum and mounted on slides which he projected on the screen I The speaker gae evidence that his j hobby of photography atl'urded j pleasure to Imu and instruction to the members present j Many out ot tow n Lions attended : last week's nieelino Tliere .is . good delegation from the Sylva club, and several from the chilis of Florida and Ceorgia who are summer residents of our (own The president extends a cordial invitation to all wsiting Lions to take advantage of this opportunity to make up attendance while ab sent from tlieir own clubs Secre tary Lloyd Kirkpatrick will'see that they get iredu h,r attendance. B I R T 11 S Haywood County Hospital Mr and Mrs Lloyd T Campbell, ol Lake .liuialuska announce the birth of a daughtel on Augusl tit li Mr. and Mrs Kulus Hlanton, of lla.elwood announce the birtli of a son on August 7th. Mr and Mrs lioheil I. Glance. Canton, announce the birtli of a son on August 7th Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Asheville. II F D. No. 4. announce the birth of a son on August 10th. Mr. and Mrs .laifies K Moore. of Clyde. II F I). No. I. announce the birth of a son on August lotb. Mr and Mrs James Winfrey, of Clyde, announce the birtli of a son on August lUlh. Mr. and Mrs. James Trull, of i Waynesville. announce the birth of a son on August 10th. Mr and Mrs. David Underwood.; of Waynesville. announce the birth! of a son on August I 1th. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gibson, Jr.. of Waynesville. announce the birth of a son on August llth. DR. W. KERMIT CHAPMAN DENTIST OTFICE IN BOYD BUILDING PHONE 363 WAYNESVILLE. N. C Mr. and Mrs. George High, of Waynesville. announce the birth of a daughter on August 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph York, of ( lyde. announce the birth of a daughter on August 12. Program Of Sacred Music Given By Methodist Sunday A program of sacred music will 1 he presented at the First Mi'th - dist chinch next Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock. This is the hour for the regular evening service. Featured on this program will be Mrs. Henry MacFayden. soloist for All Souls Fpiscopal Church in ! Hiltmore. and Mrs. J. C. Spooner. ) soloist for the First Presbyterian Church mi Fort. Myers. Fla Sev eral numbers will be given by the choir of the local church which is under the direction of Mrs. Fred Martin. Mrs. W. L. Matnev will be at the organ console. Sunday School Teacher: And when it rained forty days and forty nights, what happened then'.' .Bright Willie: The natives said it was very unusual. Special Sunday Dinner Choice Of Chicken or T-Bone Sleak With GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES food Prepared And Served To Your Taste auks We appreciate the many compliments we have re- v"c since opening our piace. Bcragg' s Cafe Eelk - Hudson Brim You I jO Everything Tfoey'l Boy's Pants $1.82 - $4.95 Polo Shirts $1.48 $1.79 Dress Shirts 79c -$1.98 Leather Jackets $10.95 - $16.95 Mackinaws $5.95 $10.95 School Bags $1.95 Mittens - Gloves 69c - $1.98 Boy's Sweaters Wool $1.95 - $4.50 Striped Overalls Sizes 2 to 8 $1.19 Boy's Outing Pajamas $1.98 Boy's Sport Coats Sizes 8 to 15 AH Prices Boy's Suits Sizes 6 to 17 $10.95 -$18.95 Boy's Raincoats Sizes 14 -16 $5.95 - $6.95 Neec Girl's Sweaters $2.48 - $3.95 COATS $8 to $20 Raincoats $3.95 - $5.95 BLOUSES 97c - $3.45 SLIPS 79c -97c DRESSES $3.95 Suit' To Take Out A Membership In The North Carolina Symphony Orchestra On Friday. HOE FOR GIRLS AND ROY? Red Goose Tom Terry Freidman Shelby Great Atlantic Belk-Hudson Co "Home Of Better Values" ftt EARL SCRUGGS, Owner Hazel wood 8