THURSDAY, THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR (Second Section) 107 Haywood Men Pay Supreme Price (Continued from page one) local historical records. Along with the 107 killed in ac tion have been 221 wounded; 26 who have suffered the hardships of war prisoners and 24 missing in action, bringing our total casu alties up to 379. But this tragic list will not be all our casualties, for many of our boys will return broken in spirit and body from the strain of combat. They will suffer forever in their souls and minds the price of what they have seen. It has been hard on us all. The men on the battle front who gave their lives and those who fought, but no matter how much strain we have lived under at home our price has been nothing compared to theirs. Our hearts have bled for our Haywood boys scattered over the world, but we have been helpless to save them from the ravages of war except to pour our money into supplies which alter all has been no sacrifice as compared to the giving of life. We will be living in a new world tomorrow a world where the af fairs of our neighbors on the other side of the world will be our busi ness as never before. The names of the 107 Haywood county men should ever be reminders that we are no longer a lone country set apart from the rest of the world. With the necessity of protecting ourselves against the cruelty of mankind in a war fought on such a scale never known before, we should turn to (-ori and arm our selves with forces that will cleanse our hearts of the bitterness that has been necessary to hold our own with our enemy. Hut along with (his spiritual armor we must not lorget that we must exert every effort to be ready to protect our i elves materially from another war for ttie great men of our day seem to be of one arcord that preparedness will be the means of defeating the next war before it can starl. William 15. Garland Is Serving Aboard The USS Suwannee William IS Garland, chief elec trician's male. I'SNH, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Clay (lailand, of YVay nesville. helped the escort carrier. I'SS Suwannee, send her planes auninst the enemy at Okinawa. The .ship's planes provided close sup port fo it ho U. S assault troops, boinbinjj. rocketiiiR and machinr fiunninc the Japs until airfields could he established and the job could he taken over by land-based planes. Her pilots Mui aircrewnien flew a total of 2.852 sorties at Okinawa and after her planes were no Unifi er needed against the enemy she cruised alone the coast of the island, driving off enemy planes and submarines. The Suwannee is one of the oldest carriers of the V. S fleet She was commissioned September 24, 1942, and after participation in the North African invasion moved to the Pacific. She was damaged by Jap bombers at l.pyte. but soon returned to that theatre after be ing reconditioiipd" at Bremerton. Wa-sh Lake Junaluska Having Record-Breaking Season Junaluska days are winging their way through a se.nson that for his j toric interest In relation to world events, and for inspirational inte rest in relation to the permanence of this church center, will hardly be surpassed. The unprecedented and unex pected attendance has set a new mark numerically. It is apparent that before another season some provision must be made to take care of the crowds which are going to storm the gates from this time on. Already some who had saved gas and tires in order to make the trip without burdening public transportation facilities have had to be turned away because there was "no room" at any Junaluska Inn This will hardly happen mother season, for impromptu housing arrangements have been set up to take care of some of the overflow and plans are in the mak ing that will assure increased ac commodations next year Indicative of the spirit of the people and their appreciation of I he Assembly management, a ten niinute auction collection last Sun lax, conducted by Bishop Arthur Moore, netted nearly $8,000 and ion! i ihutions are still coming in. No. I Health Exhibit As one Navy craft sailed cut into the Vngh;,h Channel on ttie eve of D-Pay. thp skipper railed the crew together and delivered a lecture on fear "Fear." he said 'is a very healthy thing." A third-class venman near the front spoke up "Capt'n," he said. ' you rp look in at the healthiest sailor in the U. S. Navy'" The Host on (Jlobr The Leadership School is in the midst of a successful sesson and the Asbury Bi-Centenary Com memoration (Aug. 19-211 is just around the corner. Unprogrammed events which have been secured by Dr. V. S. Love, superintendent, include a series of addresses by Bishop Arthur J! Wosley, Dr. Rob ert K. Speer and Bishop Edwin H. Hughes. A dream which shows signs of being realized, at least in part, by next season is for a series of lec tureships or preaching missions. Friends of the Assembly are in vited to underwrite one or more of these. According to the Sup erintendent's plans, they will be presented at intervals during next season and will emphasize evange lism, missions, education and in ternational questions as related to the Christian message. A revival of interest in real estate, partly a result of the lack of sufficient hotel accommoda tions, and partly a result of the number of newcomers to the grounds, lias enlivened the season and augurs well for the future. A Greater Junaluska is evidently in the picture. Pfc. Roy Kirkpatrick Enroute Home From European Theatre Private First Class Roy Kirk patrick, son of W. N. Kirkpatrick, of Cove Creek, is enroute home from the European theatre with the 5-Star-"Sante Fe" Division, which in ten months battled across the Elbe River to within 42 miles of Berlin. The 35th ended its occupational duties in Germany during the sec ond week of July and moved to Camp Norfolk, one of the as sembly area command's 17 rede ployment camps near Reims. Ele ments of the division served as Honor Guards for President Tru man when he arrived at Antwerp. Hitting Omaha Beach. July 17, 1944, the 35th forced the Ger mans from St. Lo, broke the counter-offensive at M o r t a i n. swept across France, cracked into Germany's Saar Valley on Decem ber 12, and then whipped into Bel gium and Luxembourg to within Von Rundstedt's Ardennes bulge. Pfc. Kirkpatrick is entitled to wear the European theatre ribbon. Combat Infantryman badge and two battle stars. Discharged i i fvf x JAPS SURRENDER (Continued from iage one) forces. 2. CrantiiiK the Allies occupation zones at any point in Japanese territory designated by the Allies. :i. Punishment of all war criminals. t. Elimination for "all time" of Japan's war-rnakinn lasses and leaders. .r. Release of all territories gained by conquest or other means since I !:, which would include Sakhalin, Korea and Manchuria as well as the Netherlands Indies, Thailand, Ma laya and other areas overrun in the ruthless Japanese march of conquest since the infamous attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1911. (i. Japanese sovereignty to be restricted to the four main home islands of Honshu, Kokkaido, Kyushu and Shiko !u and other such minor islands as are designated. President Truman in his report to the nation Thursday night : Warned the Japanese people that if they do not sur render thousands of civilians will be killed. Promised that steps are being taken to safeguard use of the new atomic bomb. Declared his great objective to be that "there shall be no next war." Said this country will build the military bases it needs on captured Pacific islands. (lave assurance that the only secrets at Berlin were military ones. Disclosed that Russia agreed to declare war on Japan before it learned of the atomic bomb. Stated that the agreement to give Russia the northern third of East Prussia was agreed upon secretly at Yalta. Full Freedom Of Press Is Promised Said the Allied press would have "full freedom" to re port on happenings in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland and Poland. Disclosed that a United States proposal for free use of Kuropeatn waterways was referred to the foreign ministers' council. Promised that tin; country will help "to the limits of our strength" to prevent Europe from going cold and hungry this winter. Ever since Russia's declaration of war at one minute after midnight Thursday (Japanese time) Tokyo had been broadcasting intermittently that an "important announce ment" was expected. The Potsdam declaration, issued by the U. S., China, and (ireat Britain, on July 2(5. and later subscribed to by Russia, provided the Japanese an opportunity to end the war and ultimately regain sovereignty over their four main homeland islands. Eyes Examined For Appointment Glasses Fitted Telephone 2481 COX SULT Dll R. KING HARrE OFTOMETR1ST 9S fgi km wells BIdg. Canton. W. C. WOOD FOR SALE With Coal Rationing and Labor and Trans portation Difficulties, We Will Probably Ex perience A Severe Shortage of Fuel Next Winter. i Now Is The Time To Lay In A Supply Of Wood Call 248-V7 or 331 HAZELWOOD LUMBER COMPANY I Lt. Thomas Hill i Here Knroute To Edgewood Arsenal Lt. Thomas Hill, of Waynesville. is spending a few days here with his grandmother, Mrs. Charles R. Thomas, enroute to Edgewood Arsenal, Md. l.t. Hill, who has served in chemical warfare, enter ed the service in 1942 following his graduation at Georgia Tech. Having taken ROTC, he was given a commission as second lieu tenant at the time of his gradu ation, and was sent to Edgewood Arsenal, Md.. for special training and from there to Pibe Bluff, Ark., and later to Huntsville, Ala., where he has recently been stationed. Lt. Hill majored in chemistry at college. Scotch Prudence Sandy McTavish attended a cele bration where the amount of good whiskey was unlimited. About the middle of the evening he got up and started the rounds of the guests saying goodnight very po litely. "But surely you're not go ing yet, Sandy," the host object ed. "Nay, raon," said Sandy, "I'm not gaein, but I'm tellin' ye gude nicht while I still know ye." Many Hard of Hearing Can Hear Tomorrow ll?.2flf3,?!H "" """I yrintr. If ZSi bMh"d br rln.ln, bnuim hmt ?.,'Vrrt " "mlateo' wm (cerumen). W th. OuHne Home Melted ten tint to man? my has enaMed Uiem to bear well afaln. Yoa njurt Mar better afur making tola atmpl teat or yoa M w SMaqr back at once. Wi riirrmtl Ouifaa, SMITH'S DRUG 8TORB Thomas VVyatt, USNR, Stationed At Oahu, T. II. Thomas Wyatt, USNR, of Way nesville, is a member nf the great tqam who had a hip share in the rain of shells, rockets, and tor pedoes striking the Japs, accord ing to information received from tile U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Aaiiu. T. II The mighty warships of the Pacific fleets are serviced from the depot. Wyatt carries out his duties with the organization as an ammunition handler. Me " enlisted in the Navy in February, 1914, and has been overseas for the past ten months. Before entering the service he was employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Wyatt and his teammates can take great pride, according to headquarters at the depot in the Pacific theatre, lor their record. With eoiiinuinkue.s and pictures recording cadi step to destination Tokyo, these men know their blows for freedom and peace have landed on the target. Bishop It. E. Gribbin To lie Here On Sunday At Grace Church The Right Reverend Roller! Kin mett (.Srihhin, 1). IX. of Asheville, bishop of the diocese of the Epis copal church of Western North Carolina, will visit Grace Episco pal Church in the Mountains here on Sunday, August 19. according lo the rector. Rev. Robert G. Tat un i. liishop Gribbin is coming at this lime lo take part in the confirma tion service to be held at the local church. (PI, HARRY T UNDER, ol Waynesville, who has recently been discharged on the point svslrin with 1 14 points to hr. credit He served XI months m Hie European theater of operations Hr u as at tached to the H'l Armored I h is inn, better known as the "Hell on Wheels Division," u hnh made such an outstanding record from the time they entered Normandy unlit they reached then' destination in Germany. At the I one ol I he Git man breakdown the division was on rest, but were called back at the lequcst of General Pail on Cpl l.inder participated in -i major battles, and is entitled to wear the llrone Star. Combat I ntanl is man s badge. Good Conduct Medal. Presi dential unit citation Prior 'o his discharge Cpl lander spent a month at Fort Mragg alter return ing to the States. School Bus Drivers To Be Paid Fifty Cents Per Hour In an nllort lo secure adult driv ers lor the Haywood count v schools, the county board of education and the county board of commissioners Have authorized sullu ieul money in this year's budget to pay I lie driv ers a total of $f() per uioiilh for t heir services. Sixty hours will be allowed for the actual driving of the buses and 40 hours will be directed to the work on the building and grounds at the rate of fill cents per hour. Hie same to lie paid for the driving of the buses. This will equal an ave rage of $250 per day for Hie 20 school days in the month. Anyone interested in driving a school bus or serving as a substi tute driver are asked to report to the high school building on Mon day. August 20. School For Bus Drivers Will Be Held On Monday A school for the forty drivers of the Havwood county school buses will be conducted at the Waynes ville Township high school building at 111 a m Monday. August 20. according to an announcement this week by M II Howies, county sup erintendent of education The school will lie conducteu by (' I. Yclton. representative of the North Carolina State Highway Saf ctv Commission. The course is compulsory for all school bus drivers as well as sub stitute drivers. The assignment of the drives to the various school areas has not been made as yet. it was learned from Mr Howies, but will be an nounced following Hie school on Monday The midday whistle had blown when Murphy shouted, "Has any one seen my vest'.'" "Sure. Murphy," said Pat, "e've ;;ot it on "Right, and I have." replied Murphv. i.aing solemnly at his bosom, anil it's a good thing ye seen il or I'd have gone home with out it It's An Imporianj Nailer! I'lnlr Don't make the mistake of "wan,,, morrow" to arrange for insuiam, Th limn to net is now Thl. , matter that needs immediate atii-m,,,,, Hentals Heal Estate In, m.ux.c PHONE 7, cmt MM Buy War Bonds and Stamps. Increase Farm Profits By PRODUCING EflOEE Many More Grade "A" Producers Needed We Are Paying Top Milk Prices Pet Dairy Products Co, Phone 10 Waynesville, N. C, pJMUmtW-Ji'iWAIIAiMJl I m. I 3 Mot El Our Tcnlh Season In Waynesville TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. This Season We Have Our Largest, Finest Collection Offered At Auction Daily Fine Diamond Jewelry Imported'Porcelains Watches Clocks Genuine Paintings Antique English Silver Antique Furniture TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. 8:00 P. Sterling Silver Art Goods Hundreds Of Items Too Numerous To Mention And The Finest Collection Of Lace Dresden Figures Ever Offered To The Public For Sale. Valuable Gifts FREE at E Art Gallery Two Sales Daily ll:00a.m.--8:00p.m Main Street 2 Doors From Theatre ach Sal 3 Two Sales Paill 111:00 a.m. 8:00pj ""hi iJ

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