AUGUST 1, 1 THE WATNESTTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Suoni Seetlanl n, Francis f pts Position merciai nrusi ,, ul.,. Francis, dau- " . .... vc R Fran- "' , 111(;h Point, where : ".pled J position with lk,,- and designers " " as commercial :,"!'"'KMiuis will also be ,I;',h 'ii.c blueprint and i't the company. '"' ' graduated from ''J. i:!n College. Rich ' n U:1,e. where she M". ,,, t nimiercial art. It the local high -M. attended Peace , ntering William , ,,, .ii Tomlinson de ., person for the -r.,u,-i noias, uiey and Mary Col 1 they recom ilMi outstanding stu ,H al talented girl ,.(, .ni'ion. After ,1 i ic position Miss days at the 1'iniii prior to ac- SunbasSclfool ykddoti Jacob Realizes the Presence of God HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON WW I'll- !l'!'r Id C. Iiivis Jed IJronze Star i I t.i i . lornierly of , in rn awarded the ,r :in 'iU tor meritorious ,i'(luii; to information ,,:n iic.,d(iiarters of the !U- isiom now in Eu- By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for Aug 19 is Genesis 27. 28. the Memory Verse being Gen. 28:15. "Behold. I am with thee, and will keep thee whithersoever thou goest.") In t lie son oi i nomas ,,l Dillsbnro. He is at I' A. loth Tank ,t t! Airborne Divi- knenawc girls et wanted relief factional periodic pain Its a liquid medicine which rcmen sny lias orougni reuei t crair.D-like oeony and ner- bara oi functional perlodlo , Hcre s how it may neip: 1 Taken like a tonle, H should stimulate nnmtue, aid dlEes- tinn." ihus help build re t;..unce for tha "time" to come. 2 Started 3 days be fore ' your time". It should Help relieve pain due to purely func tional periodic causes. r Cnrdul. If It helps, you'll : glad you did. CARDUI ISAAC IS an old man when to i day'a lesson begins. His eyesight is poor, so that he cannot tell one person from another He lived . many years after the episodes re , lated here took place, but he thought his life was nearly ended. His sona were twins, you re member, Esau being born first. and he was his father's favorite. I Jacob was Rebekah's This was a : very bad thing and caused trou , ble, as we shall see. Isaac called Esau to him. and told htm to go forth, kill venison, prepare it as Isaac liked it pre pared, and bring some to him. Then he would give Esau the older son's blessing Now Rebekah overheard Isaac's Instructions and, as soon as Esau had gone, she called Jacob to her and told him to kill a kid and bring it to her that she might cook it as Isaac liked. Then he was to go to hia father with the food and get the blessing in Esau's place. To Jacob's credit be it said that he did not favor his mother's scheme at first, but when she ex plained that she would disguise him so his father would think he was Esau, the temptation proved too great and he did as she said. Isaac Is Deceived With the savory food in his hands, with the rough hairy skin of the kid covering his arms and the back of his neck, Jacob went to his father. Isaac recognized Jacob's voice, but when Jacob In sisted he was Esau, and when he felt his arms, he thoughfit surely was Esau. He, however, asked how Esau had prepared the meat so quickly, and Jacob, once launched upon a lie. said (blasphemously, it seems to us), "Because the Lord thy God brought It to me." Jacob was convinced, bestowed his bless ing, and kissed him. When Esau returned and real ized what deception had been used to steal his blessing, he was grief stricken, saying, "Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father." and he wept. Esau was given a bless ing, but he was told that he. the older brother. shoulJ serve Jacob and should live by the sword. Naturally, being cheated twice by Jacob. Esau hated his brother and swore that when their father died he would kill turn. Rebekah, learning this, thought it best to send Jacob away for a short time to visit her people, giving as ex cuse for his absence that his par ents did not want him to marry a Canaanite woman but that he should choose a wife from among her relatives at Haran. Isaac agreed to this Jacob started alone on his journey, and one night, being very weary, he put a stone under his head for a pillow an 1 laid down to sleep. In his sleep he dreamed that he saw a ladder leading from earth to heaven upon which angels were descending and ascending. "And behold the Lord stood upon it," proclaiming Himself as the God of Abraham and Isaac, and saying that the land where Jacob lay should be his and his seed's after him. God With Him "And behold. I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest. and will bring thee again into this land," said the Lord When Jacob awoke he said, "Surely the Lord is in this placa; and I knew it not. ' He was fright ened, and said, "How dreadful is this place! this is none other than the house of God. and this is the gate of heaven." He rose early in the morning," took the stone he had used for a pillow, set it up for a pillar, and poured oil on the top of it. He called the name of the place Bethel, and vowed that if God would be with him and "will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on. "So that I come again to my fa ther's house in peace, then shall the Lord be my God." He promised that of all that should be given him one-tenth would he give to the Lord. Thus Jacob realized at last the presence of God of his fathers, and he went on his way, probably comforted. Jacob never returned to his home while his mother lived, and she never saw him again. So Re bekah lost the son she loved SO much and schemed to prosper. Auction Sales Scheduled For This Month Penny Brothers announced last week that they plan to return later this month and conduct other land auction sales in Haywood. On sale is the 350-acre Travis Camp boll farm near Clyde. A 'sale is also scheduled for Sylva this month The IVmvy organization were pleased with the four-day sales held in Max wood last week. SNAP SHOTS By Frances Gilbert Frailer Staff Writer Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Pfc. Robert E. Forga Enjoys Stay At Rest Center In France Private First Class Ruber! K Korga. of Waynesville. U.K. 11 No. 1. was a recent visitor al the XV Corps Rest Center. France, accord ing to information received from the Third Army headquarters in the F.uropcan theatre. l'fc Korga is a member of the 2i!0th Kngineer Combat Battalion unit which took part in the Allies' xistorious Western Front drive The rest center, located at Nancx. France, is operated l M.ij (Jen Walter M. Robertson's veteran lfith Corps which engaged in spectacular military operations from Normandy across France, (iermany and into Austria Ouring their sojourn in France troops arc treated as guesls at the rest center and are given unusual liberties which make their care free stay a holiday devoted to comfort and pleasure Among the conveniences which are free for the asking are movies, gymnasium, swimming pool, library, barber shop, parcel wrapping service, watch repair, minor clothing alter ations, lied Cross Club, and ta.stx meals prepared by French chefs and served by pretty French wait resses. There is no bugle call, anyone can sleep as lale or as often as he wishes Rules are few and a large community is nearby where the men are able to enjoy civilian activities, according to in formation from the headquarters Pvt. Medford Grasty Given Combat Badge In Germany Private Medford A. Grasty, son of Jarvis Grasty, of Waynesville. R.K I) No 2. has recently received the Combat Infantryman badge Pvt. Grasty is now serving in Ger many. He is an ammunition hand ler, and is attached to the 3SHIh Infantry Regiment of the 901 h In fantry Division, now in Germanv B 'etter Prices FOR BEAN WHEN PROPERLY HANDLED Beans Bring Better Prices When Shipped The Same Day As Picked --This Is Important To Good Prices. We Buy Beans Every Day Except Friday. Wo Receive Beans Until 7 p. m. We Pay Highest Cash Prices For All Farm Produce. Farm 9 era Lxcoaoge . D. Ketner, Owner Phone 130-M East Waynesville Things have happened so last and with such stupendous results during the past week that must of us are gasping for breath The suddenness and euormit of the events that have crowded so close ly on the front page- of histoid have left us bewildered with the fact that the whole world has been changed overnight The Potsdam Conference and all that it meant to the war-weary peoples of the earth started the ball lolling even holorc other in cidents got into action The most momentous gathering in the world's long pages of bistorx . tins contorence A meeting thai would change the complete topogiapliv of the Allied world and one thai would probably govern the Inline destines of nations Then wo found ourselves spcci b Icss with the ternfving conquest of the atomic homb. found ourselves drawing deep breaths over the potentialities of this destructive vet peace forming missle lake the Hash of a light theio cone into being one ot the deadliest weapons of war over conceived In man. a weapon so unbelievable thill one could almost believe II a ligmcnl ol the imagmat ion Hut the eneinv knew it was ili.isticallv real It is almost a ti ail of I hi' hum. in race lo feel a pilv loi a fallen adversiiiv. lo wanl to eMoiul a helping hand to aid them in re ginning then feel, even though thev had been ll'.e aggrcjsnr There has alw.ivs been the bidder hope Dial the cause ol the battle was something that would be bet tered bv the light Hut in this case their i .1 mint pussihlv be one seme ol rumpus sion I' v el v I lung was slituev suciikv. underhanded .mil eon tcmptahlc has been brought lorlb by the enemv Not in a single instance have these aggressors fought liinlv and above hoard Keen while bowing then lowest and smirking their wide -tool bed hypocrisy. Ihev were teaching lor ii knife to disembowel those In whom thev were bowing Since tune began this 1 ;w e ol peoples have been doubled .111, 1 watched ciirclullv but will I heir usual greased and oiled ahililv lo slide through and under the guise of Irii'iul. thev have cihiic up to crc.ile liouble Out ol even war has conic great good at a terrible pi ire ves' but still the fad remains. Dial the world will be hollered lo the extent id .1 lormid.ible weapon that may he the whip hand for vo.irs to come The atomic bomb is some thing beyond the ken of the aver ago lav man. hut iis irsiills are known to i'vi'm I lie 011 ngesl listen-' ers on the radio or reader ol I he papers. Thai it holds in its power ' death and 1 1 1 - equallv In such an extent as lo he destructive lo whole cities or iiclion In motive uses (bill : will iccons! 1 net whole cities, seems unreal Vet I hat is u 1 1 . 1 1 man has devised anil brought into being ! We ale 011 lb,, threshold n a 1 new hie now anil II is up to each ! and evei v one ol us lo I brow ImiiiI : tier 1n shoulder and make e cry I slop one ) or w.'i rd I'nilv r strength land Ihc onlv progies ion we as people. 1 iturns and lamilii . an make 1, to bold l.igethei and go onw a nl logcl 1 1 i I Sin el v t hese li c v e.n . ol bit ler W.'lll.'ire should le.irh .1 to I Imil. I carcfiillv . a i I vv Mb 1 ami J thank God I hat w 1 hav e been '.par I I'd lo lake up 011 1 lives m a sanr and sensible manner We have plenlv ol good honest work ahead ol Us so l. l s ,;, , p ' )( ; . 1 1 FU Boosters Club To Have Ladies Nihl At Lake Logan The I lael w oorl I'.oo ;! r - ( 1 1 1 1 1 will hold their annual summer outing at Lake l.ngan tonight al seven o'clock, as thev honor then wives at supper, A program ot cnlcrtainmeii! has been arranged by a special com mittee, headed bv (' N Allen Dewey Myall is president of the club. .lobnn.v: What was voui sisler angry wilb you about'1 Willie: She sent me lo the dru4 j store to get sonic cold cream, anil I got ice (team. was the I coldest I could gel Can You Eat Corned Beef and Cabbage Without Distress? Try Hot Water and Nrntraeid To Counteract Any Kxress Stomach Acidity and Aid Digestion Never mind w hat brought it on -nvereating. too much smoking or drinking too little rest or sleep: there's one quick way to change this. At once put one toa.sponnl'ul of Neutracid in half a glass of hot water, stir thoroughly and drink. Relief from distress comes prompt- ! ly in a very few minutes! Neutracid is now: it's different. Excess stomach acids arc quickly neutralized and very pleasantly too. It's wonderful! Try Neutracid give your stomach a fighting chance. Get a" package today of this new, different relief for excess stomach acidity. Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store and all good druggists, State College Hints Mattresses need special care in warm, humid wea,ther to keep them from acquiring a musty odor or mildew, say textile specialists. At least once a week mattresses need airing and occasionally sun ning in bright, dry weather. Brush ing tufts and seams prevents dust from collocting at these places. I A convenient time for the week 1 ly airing is when sheets are ehang- l I'd and bedding removed. Stand I the mattress up so that air from open windows can reach both sides. To prevent the mattress from sagging in the center or be coming lumpy. lurn il from ton to bottom one week, and from side to side the next week. Making bods up each day without pulling back the covers and airing may save tune but does not save mat -trcsws. Uody and head moisture made up in the bed may cause .1 stale odor to develop. A pad between mattress and sheet protects the mattress from soil and wear. Heady-made quilted cotton pads may he hard to find in stores these days but they may he made at home. Smooth quilts, cotton blankets or old spreads may he used tor this purpose. Many good housekeepers also protect their mattresses with cov ers These are made with boxed corners like square slip covers and with open ends The open ends may he fastened by tapes, snaps and zippers. The same sort of cover for open springs protects the mattress from rust and saves sheets from catching and tearing. Ileavv muslin is a good material lor such covers Feed sack mater ial is excellent. POISON IVY HOW TO Kil l, IT Kill the outer skin II peels olT and with il goes the ivy infection Often one application is enough (hi Tc-ol solution at any drug store It's powerful. Stops itch ing quickly. Your a lie back to morrow if not pleased. Today al Smith's Cut Rale Drug Store. PARK THEATRE 1 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MATINEE: Sunday 2 and I P. M.; Saturday 2 and 3:30 P. M. NIGHT SHOW: 7 and 9 P. M., Sunday Night, 8:30 ADMISSION: Children I nder 12 Years, 12c: Adults, All Seals. 3'c TAX: On Children's Pass, 2c; Adult Pass, 6V THIUSDA Y-FKIDAY AI GI ST Ih-17 "Diamond Horseshoe" Starring Hetty Grahlc and Dick Haymcs. SATURDAY Al'Gl'ST IS "Lumberjack" With William Hmd and Andy Clyde. LATE SHOW l(t:.!0 P. M. "The Pantom Speaks" With Richard Allen and l.v nn RoJierts. Sl'NDAY Al'Gl'ST I!) "That's The Spirit" Willi Jack Oakic and Penny Ryan. MONDA Y-Tl'ESDA Y Al'Gl'ST 20-21 "Christmas In Connecticut" Starling; Itarhara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan. WEDNESDAY ACGI'ST 22 "Utah" Willi Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. MONDAY, AUG. 27 9 MAKE RAY! School Headquarters With A Complete Line Oi SWEATERS SHOES Many Styles and Colors For Hovs and (J iris SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION HOOKS ERASERS TABLETS UOOK HAGS RULERS PENCILS PENS INKS RAY'S DEPT. STORE i Ml