THURSDAY, AUr,T'g r KTCE EIGHT TSrtona Section? THE WATNESmE MOUNTAINEER TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Beaverdam Township Glenn Moore, ct ux' to J. K. Biyson. .1. L. Conard, ft ux to R. E. Putnam, ct ux. D. U. Bryson, ct ux to t. C. Powell. Ulrs. Aililic TeaKiie Wells to II. II. PilkiiiKton. ct ux. T. M Rhodarmcr lo Nell Rob erts, et vir. Ulcss Hall to A. M. Wall, ct ux. J. VV. f'aison to (' I.. Cole, el ux. Hufus F. Swanjjer, ct ux lo A. I-'. Mashhurn, et ux. A. E. Kvrrhnrl to Melvin llen linc, et ux. J. W. Kvans, ct ux to Dcssie Mc ha (fry. .1. W. Carver to N. W. .I.iynes The Champion Paper and Fibre Company lo George Arthur, ct ux. A. K. Mashhurn. ct ux to Kul'us K. Swanger. et ux. Yoder Pink Surrett. ct ox to Hoy Iiohcrt Tranlliam. el ux O W. Sutton, ct ux lo Dorothy Driver, et vir. A C. Howe, et ux lo I) II Howe, et ux. Clyde Township .1. S Hrmvn. c ux lo larlc Smith. Bon-A-Vcnluie, Inc., lo Fred O Mehaffey. Cecil Tounship .loc Burk anil Davie lluik lo Will Swaner and Mini Sw.uiKcr Ciabtrcie Township Kred Noland. et ux to II. II Holt, et ux. Canton ItuildiuK and Loan As sociation to S. M. Itohinson, Tniv. to Fred Noland. et ux. THE BOOK CORNER Heading From Left To Right With FRANCES GILBERT FRAZIER Fast Pork Townsttip C. II Burnett and May ,1. Hancy to T. M. Ct)(jbiirn. el ux Jonathan Township W. P. Boyd, el ux to Trustees Shady Grove Methodist church. Ivy Hill Township I). I.. Plcss. ct ux al to Gor don Brown, et ux. ' S. J. Moody, ct ux lo M. O. Galloway. H. B. Milner. el ux lo Kliza heth Carver. Minnie Plot), el al lo S. .1. Moody, ct ux. Pigeon Township W. II. Look, et ux to Sylla Da vis. W. H Look, et ux to .1. II Heeee, ct ux. H. Arthur Osborne, ct ux to F. H. Panning, ct ux. Claude W. Burnett to J. II. MALARIA CHECKED 'w 7 DAYS WITH LIQUID FOR . (ttV MALARIAL TirifJ SYMPTOMS Take only al dirnoted At Ion? last, FORKVER AMBER has been relegated to the omitted side of the list of best sellers. For months too numerous to mention, FOKKVEK AMBER has strode her imperious way at the head of the parade. And let it be said now I in AMBER'S favor that the only reason she has dropped by the wayside is because she is unavail able. The listing lias put her aside only because the orders can not be filled and there is no point in advertising something a fellow eaiu.ot attain So long, AMBER, for the time being. With the leader stepping aside, there is an opening for the new hook "The WAYFAR ERS" by Dan Wickcndcn. This hook was the selection of the Literary Guild which bespeaks more than a good word for it. Then, too, the fart that Para- m it Studio paid $100,000 for the movie rights certainly adds up the total that it must Singleton, el u Norman II Singlrlon. ct ux to .1. II Singleton, ct ux. Waynesi ille Township Howell ( 'raw I'm d ct ux lo Cliar- lie Parker .1 M Is. -Ili-lt lo lioberl F, Luth er. Anna I. Seercsl lo W. P. Smith. et u. W Clark Medfi.rd, el ux lo L N Davis ,la. k l-'clnii l H ux lo Horace I Itickel I . el us II W ('raw-lord el ux lo Ever ett MeElroy. el ux. V. W Freeman, ct ux lo Luther F Myers, el ux John II Sinai hers, el ux to Ralph William Mercer, el ux. 1. E. Suns et ux lo Johnnie J. Norris. R L llogeu, ct ux lo Plcss Presucll, et ux. John E. Han Id Thomas Oalcs, ct ux. Leona M Hurst lo Leon Russell, el ux. David I 'ndcrwood. Jr., ct ux, et al lo Waller Sutton, et ux. l.em Sliopanl lo David Under wood. Jr. Floyd Lyle, et ux to John B. Rhineliai (II . et ux. J A Provost, et ux lo L. II. Wood, et ux. J. A. Provost, et ux to R. A. Wood, et ux. Harry L. Mashhurn. . it ux to Delmas Caldwell, et ux. Delmas Caldwell, el ux to El wood Caldwell, et ux. J M. Palmer, et ux to Ronda Henderson. V. P. Gentry, el ux to Edward Hill, et ux. Jsincs IViondv to jiayfoifi BriiwiK el' ux. t ' Raymond Monroe: Spates, 'Jr., "to V. E and Carl Arringlon.. Ronda llcndui son, et uk 16 Co-'-liimbus Boone, et UX. be a good, readable story. The Wayfarers are a family who have wandered away from a father who had thought to find surcease from his grief over the passing of his adored wife, in drink. He was a small city newspaper man but lost all track of work, family and moral responsibilities when the habit reduced him to com plete apathy. His endeavor to find his way back to his chil dren forms the story. These children, Laurette, Charlie and Patricia, had wandered away on their own little side roads and were self sufficient or so they thought. Very entertaining. We are still talking about "THE WORLD. THE FLESH AND FA THER SMITH." Somehow, at this present time our thoughts and hearts turn toward religious mat ters and this book seems perfectly fitted lor the trend. We have been denied laugh ter for so long a time that it seems quite lit and proper we should find ourselves in a merry mood. If you aren't when you pick up the hook, "THE IIAI'I'Y TIM E," by Rob ert Fontaine, you will be be fore you turn over the fif teenth page. It isn't a novel in the strictest sense of the word: it's just "THE HAPPY TIME." So come on in and join us for "THE HAPPY TIME." No need lo till you about Un popularity of "UP FRONT'' by Mauldin; or "THIS IS WHERE I CAME IN" by Robert .1 Casey; or "BRAVE MEN" by Ernie I'yle. The fact that these books have been re-ordered eight times tells its own story. We have them now but for how long well, that's something else again. "REDEI.IA" by Vera Cas pary. Now. there is a story that is a story. We spent one precious Sunday reading this hook and found ourselves re luctant to lay it down for mealtimes, liedelia was quite a gal, if you know what we mean. She had a way with the men but somewhat a differ ent way than you would imagine. It all depends upon how you divide those two woids "a way." What it took to acquire insurance money, Bedelia had the proper policy. But as happens to all women good or bad Redelia's prem iums lasped and liedelia be came a bad risk. "For beating your wife. I will line you $1 10." said the .judge. "I don't object to the dollar," said the prisoner, "but what is the ten cent's for'.'" "That," siid the judge, "is the Federal tax oil s." SELLTDDIEM lEJULTTMIEM Check the' market first make "lore what local needs are, then cut. There is still urgent need forj lumber of all sorts. The need is not the same in every location, so obtain a contract in 'advance. Keep your nearest war industry supplied with lumber. For advice on proper Imarketinj and cutting, call on your local Forester or County Agent. For market call: ' Hazelwood Lumber Co. Hazelwood Grace Lumber Mills Lake Junaluska Reclassifications Went Up To 85 During Past Week Reclassifications by the local draft board stepped up to eighty five during the past week, accord ing to the figures released by the clerk of the board serving the Waynesville area. John S. Bradley was the inly man placed in class 1-A. Placed in class 1-C i inducted in to the service were: William A. Hunter. Brownlow Conner, Marion L. Burgess, James E. Smith, How ard R. Phillips and James M. Pal mer Placed in class 2-A was Lloyd A. Blanton. Placed in class 2-A iFl was Handy W. Kirkpatrick. Placed in class 2-15 was Ray mond K. Pearson. Placed in class 4-F were: Vein E. Powers. Joseph J. Alkins. Char les W. Grasty, and Horace II. Sut ton. Placed in class 2-C Fi was Rob ert V. Fisher. Continued in class 2-A were Woodrow W. Rich, and Ernest B Wood. Continued in class 2-A iFl were I George M. Queen and Arthur H. I Franklin. I Continued In 2-C (F) was Ver I non J. Messer. Continued in class 4-F were: Ed ward Jenkins, Wydcmen Rogers, Jack L. Conard, Arthur H. Gallo- i way, Earl Conard and Alfred W. ', Fowler. Continued in 2-B (F) were: j Grady W Overman. Thadus B. j Messer, Hughes F. Morris. Grady j A. Downs, Roy K. Edwards. Ralph ! Leatherwood, Horace S Downs, I Thomas B. McCracken. Thomas II. i Rogers. Jr., Frank J. Hannah. Car j roll J. Glance, Claude Sutton and j William C. Green. ! Continued in class 2-B were: I Glenn Tranthan. Celovis C. Boone, j John A. Messer, Dewey A. Scruggs, j Willie D. Sherrill, Cleveland G. J Parks, Joe T. Gaddy, Ira McClurc, j Jack Felmet, Gay L. Bradshaw, : Jack II. Snyder, James V. Oliver, Waldo Green, John F. Moore, Hugh Edward Leatherwood, Burl E. Nichols, Jack E Burnette. Vernon O. Winchester. Thurnian E. Smith. Jacob 1). Haskett, Joseph Manson Carver, Horace F. Craw- ford, Clarence O. Green, Harry L. j Scruggs, Wiley ,V McElrath. Clif I ford C. Stamey. Allon Ralhbone, i Itoscoe Overman, Charles E. Alli- i son ; Ralph B Woodard. William H. Howell. Guy H. Gunler. Salnia M. Hill. Ernest II Carver, Donald I Cpl. Troy J. Stevenson Is Enroute Home From European Theatre Cpl. T. J. Stevenson, of Waynes ville. R. F. D. No. 2, is enroute home, according to information re ceived from headquarters of the assembly area command, France. His group handled two million gallons of gasoline daily in combat in the European theatre, but his 137(Jth engineer petroleum distri bution company would consider themselves fortunate to get an extra gallon on their return home. His group is heading for the United States through rcdeploy inciii orocedure. At Camp Atlanta, near Chalone, France, these en gineers recounted how they laid the famous pipeline and installed the pumping stations to expedite the movement of gasoline to the advancing American armies in Europe. They also maintained the line and held to less than one per cent the loss of gasoline through leakage and theft. Medlord. Woodrow MeElroy. Rat clifT C. Kinsland. Virgil L. Mea dows. John G. Hipps, Charles E Blair. Milliard Jonos, Eckel 11. Mashhurn. Frank F. Birchfield. Troy I). Cutshaw, and Thomas Hoglen. I Don't Expect Too I) loo Soon - The situation is easing up .,, , enough to expect too much lhe "0 items all at once. orl YOU CAN EXPECT Till-; sA,,E High Quality Always Pearce's Bake Let Us Bake For You The purpose of our ANIMAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT is to provide farmers with ;i (lepondaMc source of reliable preparations relating to the health and care of livestock and poultry. Hut we MORE than answer this purpose we are pre pared to answer your questions about disease prevention and control programs to jjive factual information on how to use animal health products for the greatest elliciency and economy. Our professional training and scientific knowl edge qualify us to he of real assistance to you. Do Your Own Vaccinating Veterinary Syring and Two Needles - - - - $1.95 Dehorn Your Calves While Thev Are Young Dehorning Paste - 49c He Able To Identify Your Cattle One-Half Pound Branding Fluid 75c INSECTICIDES & DISINFECTANTS m Pulvex Powder 39c "" ro,,IMl -0 Size 20c .Size Bird Seed Sodium Flouridc 39c LYSOL 89c Frenche s 2 for 20c Full Tint Kills I lies Makes 12 Gallons Dry ( lean Vour Dog or Cat Pulvex FLIT 19c KRESO DIP 44c Dry Cleaner ,. 44c Kills Burs On Plants Serjeant's Disinfectant To Stop Bleeding On Animals Black Leaf "40" 29c PINE OIL 59c Blood Stopper 60c For Colic In Horses Sloan's For Roup In Chickens Pratt's COLIC MEDICINE $1,12 R-P TABLETS 30c Worm Your Doris and Cats l ull Pint Disinfectant No. 6 NEMA CAPSULES 25c to 65c Makes Twelve Gallons 49c For Cuts and Scratches Metal Self Retaining Balsam Of Myrrh 25c to $1.19 MILKING TUBE 19c Poultry Tonic Pratt's Vaccine Against Blackleg POULTRY REGULATOR 50c TEN DOSES 60c A Flock Treatment Pratt's f, na.,in i or spavin In Horses Poultry Worm Powder 60c BLISTERING OINTMENT 75c SlXJnS" R0St-PraUS 50c S- For Lameness In Stock ROOST PAINT $l YEAGERS LINIMENT 39c For Baby Chicks Pratt's Vaccinate Aagainst Black S CHICK TABLETS 30c Ten Doses BlackScour Vaccine 75c Values For THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES Arc you letting th, J cramping restrictions of i ly fitted truss keep yo, having fun? o, a,-e vm to get out and enjoy jgj actively . . . i-omforlahl, safely? You'll hnd tht answer to these QUfslinut modern lightn-richt ImJ fcctly lilted by onr trainn experienced truss fitter lift and hold the hernia i with a gentle touch thai' mits fun and protection and the same time. 50c Size l or Chicks Walko Tablets For Colds Amow; Stock Sphons Comp, Vitamins For Pets Vitamet Kills Moles Mologen $1001) Roach Killer Kills Roaches Kills Rats Rat Nip $2.25 Si7,c Cold ('ream Luxura i Kills hitchrn drs Air Wick 25 FfH M,n 1'aprr Cut Rite 5r For Jlead.-t'i' Goody Po. 3 lor $1.00 Toilet Water Lilac Vegetal. M ' I ill men, ituihcu 40;50,60!faiFi Want to Feel Years Yorf 'T ntt With? A-XnM .Th.iiiynriA nm'.Z'' ' w . curiorv in.- iTablew for dw pr-) VtlEAM KM! ton sen 1,1 ...eMOt nn it ' n nn0 CUT RATE DRUG STORE YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT SMITH'S ICE-MI' white it" rr.fnt u tFine,WJ CAuoo 49c

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