THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (First Sftion) ; kary Notes In Berlin LARET JOHNSTON ouiHV 1-iwana.. oi . .,. . :ind Fat h- bl fj f Marshall is ; I)UU. about a Catholic , Si-utkuul ' Asper.gei iiin U '"' -'tl,"Ls-rle llu' nsl'hiol ,'iwrli 111 siinilin; V at .in)'1""' l'lsl'-. ,.,ui-kablf collection tp Front " with ae L text Ij tii- intantry t L jrtwiiM H'li Mauiinn uoilc (i! I.I lilt' 1 !' ! ell Ill-quo co iiuuuij; t I.,..lirwl iiu,' mid "as f brother in- son in the . I... M... t,1 VU'lltC ,1111111 ,iiuiiiiuiiu. unit-Its "I He 1S Lnd tuuclu"g little story L aI1 tpisuiic in me nit' r i. ..(: li American laim onicei JiuiK i" a military hos Cjil and movingly told. A Free Country rscn lianis lake. n b neiu i lui-kv fellow who is Hit economic and es The story plays tin ,l,rii farm during the irars. anil is directed to that is wrong with that ,n anil with I lie govern- li bri't'tls tin- conditions h hf Millers. Not pleas- Ik Moon" the two Ken- , wlio have combned muter the name of fc't'i'kin give vull a good historical novel with a ,1 running from Pitts- Iwanl as background, illinill asccnsiolllsl . as Mm beautiful ligiitropt liernine. It is lively lliiiuus ii i ict good reading Sliuw Boat." Irei iiKKiin. I'rivate r irst sume infract ion of the WAYMCSYII.l.!: I UK.sin TKKI CHIUCH Rev. Malcolm H., Williamson, Pastor. Wliitener Prcvost. Supcrinlcn !cnt oi Sunday Si hool. Sunday School at loot) o'clock. Morning V.'t rship 1 1 .o-l o'clock erinon subject: It U Finished.'' Pioneer ho;, s and t;i, Is and oung People meet at 7:00 p. m. Pray er service Wednesday i ve i:;i..; at 8:00 o'clock. Mackhlf, Too, Went l-ast Ve, it is true, thffp is ft Bud h.nmlf im-ilk-alt-d liquid called KLCtRCX (lues li pimply 4l,triait a,l tolMisi ii and lenmvr 1,-Ktlll I llOW WllO IlllldWI'tl Mill litlumi uixl urplu d Hler ut'Oi, ven iiiii.iimiuI) mil ii ii'O wlien tli- ul l,U, kin' uln Nat! cltt,.ipiKiin-il kiitaiuatirlly jiroiaf KImtci am M 1uuh'I CiuImi I ;n-d Hlul ilie HOW 1,'jt lllilliillli. U Hlr. 1,. It.,t v , v,u K-t d.Hlt.le 'A t,.r It'wri ' 1 , il- Cut il.-ite Drug; Store iiAZKI.V.OO!) I'KPSh Y Tl'.ltlAX ( 'HI K( II Rev. S. I! Crockett. I'astor Sunday Scn-iol iiiini o'clock Lawrence Dav is. Su nei mteiidi'iit. Moriiiiu; Serv ice I ! DO o'clock. German subject: M- ,, Than ( luers." Pioneers meet at 7 00 o'clock. Prayer services We.lnesda eve ning at t! o'clock. imisTi st m:ci: Church rooms lot on the iecond Moor of lh,. Masonic Temple. Sunday st'rv ice t1 a c h norniiiM at 11 o'clock. (in the .irst Wednesday of cat h month metlui-s Wj he held :n the evenings. "Soul" will he the uhjecl of the lesson-sermon on n,'l Sunday liol iiinu and the Cnldi n TeM vv ii! he taken fioin l'salms i:i(J (i, "My oul waiteth for the Lord more ban they that watch lor the moin .n: I say more than t hey that .vatch for I he moi ni u!es reduces lnn to the rank of mere private, who hails from Urooklyn and talks as no man there or anywhere else under the sun ever talked, hut makes it iound coin inciiu:. moves Ihrou.uh a succession of sketches In Harry Brown, the author of "A Walk In he Sun", rise to constant chuckles as he yoes. In his latest novel. "So Well Ko- lliea hered " .l.imes Hilton recre- ites a small Lnnlish town through lie period of two World Wars and tile brief, disturbed peace which ay between, lie has taken for his 'hero" a 'little 111:111" horn into the owcr middle class, self-educated. but with a personal philosophy which drives him into public life ocial reform and political olliee. A hook very different from the fanciful record of "Mr. Chips". from the imaginative world of Shangri-La. .lames Hilton has rulv "well remembered." "Tune To lie Young" edited by Wlul Burnett is a collection of. SO aulobioi'rai.hiral skeiches about the childhood and youth of many writers, old and new. It will be enjoyed by most adult readers. FIRST MLTIIODIST ClU'RCH Rev J. C Madison. Pastor Church School under the direc tion of M. H. Bowles opening al 10:00 o'clock. At the morning hour the pastor will speak on the subject Bombers or Builders." A program of sacred music will be presented at the evening service. The Mt' Youth Fellowship will meet at 7:00 o'clock. For a program a second in a series of forunib will be held. (jJtACE K.I'ISCOPAL CI11RCII Kev. Robert C. Tatum. Keclo. Holy Communion al H:00 a. n, Church school at 10 00 a 111. Morning Prayer and cunlirm.i linn at 1 1 a. 111 Young People's service leagiw and crusaders al 7:00. Holy Communion each Wednes day cm ning at 111 a in. ST. M UIY'S MICAOAI l. Kev Robert C. Tatum. Hector Kv cnsoii'-: at li 00 in. U N AI.l SK A Ml THOmsT ( III K( II Pastor. Miles A. McLean Sunday school at 10.00. with classes for all ages. Church serv ice at 11:00. at w hich time the pastor will take as lu topic. "Preparing lor the Kra 01 World Peace:' and the text wil he taken 110111 1 Kings lti:;il, "Am1 he 'Klij.ih' repaired Hie altar o! the I.01 d thai was broken down' There will he a number by the choir which is directed by C. (I Klopp and with Mis-, Peggy Mc Cracken. pianist. The young people will meet at 7:li0 p in. and Jerry Liner. Jr will ue 111 charge ot the program and Wallace Ward 111 charge of Hit worship. MUST BAPTIST ( III KCII Sunday Si hool. under the general supervision of Fail Messer. will 1111 el at 10 00 a. ill. There an classes for all groups, irrespee! im of a.:,e. Morning worship at 111 i. The pastor will bring a message on Un timely subject of Christian Patrio tism." There is nnronllict between Christian Patriot ism and National Patriotism, for. "Happy is that pen p!e whose Cod is the Lord " Training I nion meets at 7:00 p 111. Kvery church needs more and better leaders in all departments The Haplisl Training Union is the answer to this great need. Miss Jlat.sic l-'recvman and her associates in this training program would like to see more people taking advan tage of this opportunity. Kvening worship at li o'clock. Tin house was almost filled lasi Sun autiful riioom nouse ON BALSAM HIGHWAY E0I.IT BY OWNER k West Of Dayton Rubber Plant 2 Baths - Basement 3 Outjiouses Ny Faces 350 Feet On Paved Highway -Lot over 300 feet deep. Known As Sam Jones Residence ;Ced Reasonable for Immediate Sale R. I. HENDRICKS OWNER At Above Place Or Call 2721 For Further Details J" X S. i s. Ns' 1 ft as' sSXTs s N N PRIVATE MAUYTN H. PAHTU.N, on of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Par on of Ilazelwooti. who is now slu loned in Berlin. He entered the erviee in 1943 and look his train ing at Camp Young. He has been jverseas for the past 19 months, iiid has served in Fngland. France, viianr.i, Holland and (ieriuany l the tune he entered the service e was employed by the Dayton lubber plant. .lay evening, but we t an seat a few more. The pastor will preach on Spiritual Blackouts.'' The Scrip ures have much to say about black iiits physical, spiritual and nilel cilu.t! darkness To ov ercoine such l.ii'kness the Bible poiills to Cod vho is Light, and in Him there is no darkness. Monday at 0:00 p. in., 'ill tin junior organizations of the W. M S will meet at the church for thou !ro-.:i ,iii;s, after which the ladies will serve supper in the social hall Wednesday and Thursday are set aside for the Haywood Baptist As sociation. The first day the meet ,ng will be held at the Pleasant church. hc;'inning al 10:01 i in The Woodland church wil be host on Wednesday Mid week service and choir re on Wednesday nighl at it i cock Kev. L. A. Free, pastor of lie Fast Baltimore Baptist church, i.ili niiore. Maryland, will conduct .be service. sr. John's catholic ciii'itm Schedule of Masses Way nesv ille. every Sunday (K W. T ' 11:00 a. m. Andrews, every filh Sunday (C W. T.)- 11: 00 a. m. Bryson City, every Sunday (K W. T.i 8:00 a. m. Canton, every ,r)th Sunday (F. W. T.I - 11:00 a. in. Cherokee, every 3rd' Sunday IK W. T.i H OI) a. m. Franklin, every 2nd and 411 Sunday (K. W. T.i 8:00 a m Highlands, every Sunday iK. W T.I 1 1:00 a. in. Murphy, every 5th Sunday IC W. T.i (1:00 a. m. Sylva. every 1st Sunday IK. W I'.i 11:00 a. m. Ivt. Keevcr Is Now At Augusta Hospital Private Harold M Keever. of Way nesv ille. has arrived al the Olivei (ieiieral Hospital al Augusta. 1 ron i overseas for further medical 1 realinent . Teacher: Why was it that David said he would rather be a doorkeep er in the house of the Lord' Little Boy: So he could ko out side if he didn't like the sermon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICF. Laving qualified as administra tor c. t a. of the estate of F.phi !eiua Louisa Penney, this is to notify all persons hiiving claims ig.ynst said estate to file same with the undersigned al his olliee in Wnynesville. N. ('.. on or be fore August 1st. 194I). or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This August 1st, 1945. A. T. WARD, Administrator r.t a. No. 1455 Aug. 9-Sept. 13 I JJ WW THE. CHAMOIS hrl . EXTINCT. ' THtV ARE NOTED FOR TMEII? JUMP ING SKILL 4CROS5 WIDE Cf?CV! CES IN BOUGH MOUNTAINS. That we have just re ceived a shipment of 1 and 5 Foot Chicken Wire. WtiHIMilM DEATHS Naillon Infant Funeral services were condiiit ee'. on Saturday afternoon in Hart ford. Term., ior the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Naillon. o, Lake Junaluska. who dil Friday Burial was alsti in a llartfoi.i cemetery. Crawford Funeral Home was ;. charge of the arrangements Miss l.uciie Bishoo, who is now employed in Baiktitoit. Ohio, has recently visited her parents. Mr. .iiilI Mis K C Bishop. ,t their heme on Clyde, i! F D No 1 She had as her guest. Miss cr.i Kaul. i I Barkei ton Mr their nut soil' and Mrs. : uesls over Mrs Prank Frank. Jr .1 1. Way Iftul as the w eek-end. Mr. Ttierrcll and two .mil Ashton DAVIS-SMITH (Jewelers Sintr 1865) Kxpert WaUh and Jewelry Ilepairing Complete Stock Ouposit Maiii Temple 8 Church Street Tt-lrpiuiue 514 J Samuel Cunningham . Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at I Allen's Creek Baptist church for Samuel Cuiuiinshani. 4T of Haei wood, who died in the Black Moun i tain State Sanatorium on Sunday i following a lonjj illness. Kev. William Sorrells and Hev I M. C. Wyatt officiated. Burial was in the Hocky Branch cemetery. Mr. Cunninghaiu had b. en em ployed by the A. C. Lawrence leather Company for eighleen years. Surviving are his widow, one son. Humphrey. U S. Army, si.i tinned at Augusta, (ia ; two daugh ters. Mattie and Maxiuc Cunmie ham. both at home; one brother.' Humphrey Cunningham, of New port News. Va.; three sisters Mr- ' William Talley. and Mrs. Wiley McClure, both of Candler, and Mrs Hoy Metlford, of Way nesv ille Cralord Funeral Home was in charge of the aVrangoiiiriils Four From One Family Serving In Armed Forces Mr and Mrs, Will kui;:!il oi llaelwood. have tine son and line sons-in-law in the service. Tl:t y are: Sgt, Alfred Knight, who is now j stationed with the 304th Infantry n Ceiinany. ' Private F.llis Morgan, who is also I serving with the II. S. Infantry m ' liciiiianv Cpl Wilson MeClure. wlio ha served 12 months in Italy, and e now in a hospital in Koine, ll;i Pvt. Clayton Massie, who is sia tinned at Camp Croll. Si,l William Cowartl. a fourth on in-law, has been tliscliai ",cd after serving 17 months in He Southwest Pacific. Miss Helen Noland is expected lo arrive home this week from Newport News, Va., for a week's vacation with relatives She will ')o accompanied by her cousin. Miss Shirley Silvers, of Canton, who has 'icon visiting her in Newport News A F ew Words oi Caution o Discharged Veterans about 0. 1. Home Loans Nn returned Serviceman need rush Into Imiiie huylm: or buildinc. The Covernment v ii.n .inter of up to Si. 1100, as provided in the (.. I. Kill of Ititilits. extends lor u period of two years limn dale of tliscliarue or from Hie i nil til tin- war. whichever is later. Thai means that ample lime is available for i . n ef ul traiLm: or intrllijtf lit planniiiK w'lln.ul losing . iiy licnt-lit of Hit- loan guar anty. Our atUiet- is ko slow. Buy or huild as i .ii cl ully as if every penny involved was out of your pocket. In the long run, they are. So. to assure your Ioiik time satisfaction and prolil. don't let haste dielate your decisions. Your loan guaranty is good for at least two more years. Some Serviceman, enthused over the pos sibility of home ownership, are apt to "bite olT more than they can chew." Don't over reach yourself. Our experience convinces us that iny home buying program that requires more than 29 or 25' of income la unsound, (auce your ownership program by your In come and circumstances. Don't endanger it by buying beyond your means. We cordially invite your application for a i. I. IIOMF LOAN. Information and friendly advice is absolutely free. H A Y V O O D HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION V;.iin Sired YVavnchvllle 4 jI . if "Kit I i f 'Wifl iWJf HERRINGBONE TWEED FOR ALL-'ROUND WEAR 1 hen-'s nothiiijT cjn it. likt- a k 'o1 tweed suit tn s (' a man smartly thmiiKh almost any businoss or six'ial occasion, and there's no tweed quite like a sturdy herringbone ! Come in and try on one of these smart suits. THE TOGGERY

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