PAGf FOUfc (First Section More Than 600 Attend Services (Continued from page one) gregation from the beginning to the end, Rev. Mr. Elliott spoke on Following the Ways of Peace", using as hs text, "Let us there fore follow after the things that make for pence," taken from Rom ans 14:19. His remarks in full were as follows: "Peace! At last it has come. The day for which we have been waiting, working, fighting, hoping, longing, and praying. Let the guns of the world be silent while the voices of nappy people till the un accustomed void with the joyous language of peace. Three months and nine days ago, at this very hour, this beautiful sanctuary, a monument of peace for yers to come, was the scene of a heart-warming service We ranie together as cituens of this town and surrounding community, to voice our thanksgiving in song, prayer, and praise to Almighty God for the "unconditional sur render" of hostilities in Europe Pastor Williamson thrilled our hearts with his superb address in which he recounted, step by step, the long hard road which led us to that hour. Anticipating dark days ahead, the einpassioned speak er challenged us to "gird our loins" at home and abroad tor a hard fight with the enemy in the Pa cific, and bolstered our hopes for ultimate and final victory Here we are in the same place a little more than three months later, for the purpose of giving thanks to Cod for the ultimate and final victory. It is with un bounded joy that we come together on this occasion. Yet there is an aching void in our hearts when we think of the millions who have given their lives that we might come to this hour. Peace: It is almost a rank stranger. Yet. we had little dif ficulty in recognizing its presence last evening when the news was flashed around the world that .la pan had surrendered uncondition ally As I stand here on this momentous occasion, looking into your faces. I can see there is an unbounded joy. a true sense of thanksgiving. A world of emotions wells up in our hearts, givirfg ex pression to our unspoken thoughts in our faces. What shall I say to you now" II I could speak one sentence that would sum up your feelings. I doubt not that it would be some thing like this: "Let us rejoice and he exceedingly glad, for the Lord hath done great things for us." Surely all of us can sing, from the depths of our glad hearts. "Praise God from whom all bless ings flow," giving adequate ex pression to our thankful libera tion. In that matchless editorial in this morning's Citizen there is an ad monition that we would do well to ponder. The victory which we celebrate today came at a great price. "Over the lonely little mounds and the great immaculate cemeteries from Oahu to Okinawa, the war's last bugle sounds its Jilvery requiem." Thore is no longer terror for the living, for the honored dead who lie sleeping in the volcanic ash of Iwo .lima, and on the green fields of Luzon, the tnrror is long past in the final repose whi(-n comes, soon or late to all men. This is a soldier's victory. He gave his life that we might come to this glad hour. But this is a time of rejoicing We are deeply sympathetic with iou who have lost loved ones 107 men from this county paid the supreme sacrifice But somehow. I feel that this should not be a time of mourning. "Weeping en dures for the night, but joy comet h in the morning." The dark night has passed, and the sun of peace has risen upon a world which has long been torn with hostilities and hltVlnA in Ul 1 11- . iii uiuiju. nr now nun our thought and energies to a world of peace. What of tomorrow' Did ever human language pack into words such anticipation. Did ever hu man heart ponder such release of emotions0 What of tomorrow'.' The night has passed, and the dav of peace dawns with a mixture of rapture and foreboadings beyond words. Chief among the antici pations of tomorrow is the trill wrapped up in this thought: "When he comes hack!" When husbands come back to wives who have been waiting all these months and -ears' When fathers come back to chil dren whom they have never seen! When sons come back to moihers who have kept the candles lighted on their altars of prayer through the long dark night! "When he comes back" is on the lips of mil lions who have stayed at home and kept "the home fires burning" during these four years of the greatest blood-shed the world has ever known. It is the preface to millions of hopes. It has entered the language of our prayers, it recalls cherished pictures of Uic past. It calls for the making of plans. What are your plans? What of tomorrow? Do your plans in clude the promise to make real the home, which he has defended with his life? Do your plans of tomorrow cover the effort to make sure the peace, the freedom, and the opportunities for which he has fought, and given his life. Immediately we face a day of reconversion, not only in business and , industry, but also in home, family, social, and spiritual life. We have been geared to a philo sophy of death and destruction. Now we must switch over to a philosophy of life and construction. Talks On Peace XjP " Dt-V T : ITI t IOTT natter nf the First Baptist Church, yesterday 'irougnt a message at uie teace Union Services at the Methodist hiirch here Our implements of war must be beaten into ' rilow shares and pruning hooks " Our energy must he turned into ttie cnanneis oi peace and good-will Some of us have been so busy under the strain of war that we have forgotten God, His Son. and His Church. What are our plans of tomorrow' regard ing the church and its influence in a post-war world.' Let me step into the role of a preacher of the Gospel of peace and bring you a word from Holy Writ, and bold up its admonitions and promises for a moment After forty years of wandering in the heat of the desert, Israel stood on the banks of the Jordan m sight of the Promised Land. There before their eyes lay Ca naan, the land flowing with milk and hnnev . deeded to them in God's own covenant. In order to lossess this unpossessed posses sion, they had to cross over stormy lordan and deal with the unseen forces fortified against them. Many things were behind them, as many things are behind us now. They knew how to deal with the wild erness, its geography, climate, and enemies. They knew how to live and fight in the wilderness. For four years we have been living, working, and fighting under wai conditions, hut we stand on the banks of the stream now, and look out upon a new land. Like Israel, ive stand on the threshold of a new experience. What will to morrow bring? God spoke through the lips of .loshua. saying, "San ctify yourselves; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." i Josh. H:5. They needed special guidance for the untrod way be fore them. They needed faith and courage to no forward. Above all I his. they needed consecration. As w meet here today in this special thanksgiving service, we stand upon the threshold of a new experience Behind the curtain of tomorrow there are world-rocking potentialities for good or evil. We have come through four years geared to war. There have been war work, war goals, war drives, war talks, war prosperity, war ex cuses, and all the disconcerting in fluences thai a war-torn world can bring Now wo are faced with a new experience of peace and all its many ramifications What are we going to do with if How shall we meet its exegencies? Do we have what it takes to face tomor row and all the tomorrows that lie out ahead of usn We can and will if we act upon this admontion of Joshua: "Sanctity yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do won ders among you." Consecration is the need of the hour. Consecra tion to God and to His Christ must come first. If that sounds too much like an impractical preacher, then read history and see the results of nations and individuals this im portant fact. We must consecrate ourselves to task of I he church home, and school: to the ideals ol liberty and freedom. We must see the need of rebuilding a world which has been reduced to shamb les by the most horrible conflict that man has ever known. Israel obeyed, and you know what happened. The Jordon di vided before (hem: Jericho's walls fell flat: the sun stood still in the heavens, and the Promised Land became their possession. God will do wonders for America, for the Church, for you and me. if we will consecrate ourselves to Him, to His will, and to His way. We must invest ourselves in God's great dreams and enterprises. World evangelization; the struggle for racial brotherhood; for under standing between men of all classes and groups; the task of achieving a sober nation; the staggering effect to bring to pass a warlcss world all these enter prises make a reasonable claim up on us if we dare lift the curtain of tomorrow. When we think of what tomor row may bring, the words of Thom as Clark sound an authoritative note; "Build me a world, said God, Out of man's fairest dreams; Heaven must be its dome, Lighted by prophet-gleams; Justice shall be the stones On which my world shall rise; Truth and love its arches. Gripping my ageless skie-s. Out of dreams, on the earthv sod. Build me a world, said God." "Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent relgneth." Mrs. J. R. Barr Dies At Home Of Daughter Saturday Last rites were conducted on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First Methodist church for Mrs. Cornelia Stocker Barr, 87, widow of John R. Barr, Jr., who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Livingstone, on the Eagles Nest Road at 11 a. m. Saturday. Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor of the church, officiated. Serving as pallbearers were: Clayton Walker. J. C. Patrick, W. A. Bradley, N. M. Medford. Hurst Burgin. and Col. J. Harden Howell. Mrs. Barr, native of Eastin, Pa., had made her home here for the past 12 years with her daughter. The body was taken to Easton, Pa., on Monday for burial in the family plot in a cemetery in Eas ton Mrs. Barr. native of Ear-ton, Fa., friends during her residence here, is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Livingstone; one son. Col Elvin L. Barr. U S. Army, who is held as a prisoner of war of Japan; Iwo sisters. Mrs. Ann A Sampson, and Mrs. Idah Altemus. of Easton, Pa.; Three grandsons. LI. Hobarl H. Hyatt, Fort Sill. Okla.. and Wayne L. Hyatt, of Pickwick Dam, Tenn., and Elvin Barr. of Manila, Philip pines Islands; and one grand daughter, Phyllis Barr. of Enid. Okla Garrett Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements Dr. J. McCloskey To Address County Medical Society Dr Joseph McCloskey. medical officer in charge of the Western Medical Center. Charlotte, will be the guest speaker at the meeting tonight of the Haywood Medical Society, which will be held in the Nurses Home at the Haywood County Hospital at 8:00 o'clock. Dr. McCloskey will address I he 3roup on "The control of Venereal Diseases." All nurses and dentists in the county are invited to at tend the meeting. Dr. V. II. Ducket), president, will preside over the meeting, with Dr. Mary Mlchal serving as secretary. W. 11. F. Millar Returns From Business Trip To Kngland (Continued from Page Onei in brought back 7,500 men on the return trip. "The clothing situation is very bad over there, and a strict ra tioning is maintained on every bit of clothing. The women are worse off than the men, because their garments are not made of as heavy material." he pointed out. In discussing his plane trip back, the veteran air-traveler said in a casual manner, "nothing exciting, just a nice trip home and it s swell to be back in these moun tains again." Atomic Bomb Plant Built At Cost Of Thirty-Nine Lives OAK RIDGE. Tenn - Clmon Engineer Works, home of the atomic bomb, was built at a cost of 39 lives, J R Maddy. district safety engineer, announced. He said 33 lives were lost in con struction and six in operational accidents, and that the death rate was less than half that on compar able construction jobs. To Give Addresses REV. DR. WILLIAM L. STID GER, of Boston. University faculty, will deliver the first of a series of addresses Sunday morning at Lake Junaluska featuring the 200th an niversary of the birth of Francis Asbury, first bishop of American Methodism, who pioneered Metho dism in the Western North Caro lina section. Radio preacher, col umnist, world travelor and author, Dr. Stridger is considered one of the striking and versatile minis ters in America. Among his forty books are poetry and short stories said to be epics in American lite rature. His Lake Junaluska engagement includes sermons and addresses on the following subjects: Sunday, August 19. "Francis Asbury, the Prophet of the Long Road"; Sun day, 8 p. m., "The Spirit of Early Methodism"; Monday, 8 p. m., "The Pioneer Abideth Forever"; Tues day, 11:30 a.m.; "The Pioneer Took the Long Look Abed." i ' 1 t Jr Her Marriage v.: MRS. WILLIAM J. KANOS. the former Miss Kathryn Blalock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John V Blalock, of llielwood. whose mar riage to Pfc. Kanos. of Fayetteville, took place in Conway. S. ('.. on Tuesday, July 31. Kathryn Blalock Becomes Bride Of Pfc. William J. Kanos, U, S. Army Joseph F. Brown Haywood Farmer Passes Tuesday Joseph Fletcher Brown, h'7. n Haywood County farmer died Tues day afternoon at 5:10 at his home near Lake Junaluska. The date of the funeral was not announced last nigh) due to a delay in icontacting members of the family. The services will be conducted at the Citadel Chapel of the Moun tain Division of the Salvation Army, of which Mr. Brown's daughter is head. Hcv. Jarvis Underwood, pastor of the Barbers ville Baptist church and Dev. Miles McLean, pastor of Longs Chapel, at Lake Junaluska, will officiate. Burial will be in the Hurricane cemetery near the Citadel Ac-live pallbearers will be Ar thur Hobinson, Bill McCluie, Glenn Hipps. Guy Fulbrighl. Cau ley Bcasley. Walter Bruce Hath hone. Surviving Mr. Brown are Ins widow, the former Miss M.iggie Rogers; three sons. Fletcher Brown, of Clyde. RED. No. I. and John D. Brown and Sam Brown, both of Lake Junaluska: four daughters. Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson, of Lake Junaluska. Maor Cecil Brown, of the Mountain Division of the Sal vation Army. Mrs. Oleta Allen and Mrs. Unfits Downs, botli of New port News, Va., one half brother. Bill Brown, of Dillshoro, one grandson, Pfc Joseph Brown, serv ing in South Pacific, ten other grandchildren and one great grand child. Garrett Funeral Home w ill be in charge of Put arrangement:- Mountaineers To Get Grid Practice Underway On 23rd The Waynesville Mountaineers will get down to work for the 1H45 football season next Wednesday, 22. at the local stadium to get the pre liminary work out of the way he fore school opens on the 271 h The Mountaineers will start the football season with many new faces as the losses were heavy last year with only a couple of last year's starters expected back. Spring drills helped some but anything looks good with the wind as opposition. Coach Weatherby staled. He also is looking forward to seeing a good turnout at 3 o'clock next Wednesday. The schedule is complete with the exception of the opening game which has not been scheduled, but Coach Weatherby hopes to have this game on the schedule hy next week. Two new teams will face the local gridstcrs this year. Marion high and Elizabcthton. Tenn. The schedule follows: Sept. 14. Open. Sept. 21. Murphy high at Way nesville, 8 p. m. Sept. 28. Marion high at Way nesville, 8 p. m. Oct. 5, Elizabethton high at Way nesville. 8 p. m. Oct. 12. Canton high at Canton. 8 p. ni. Oct. 19, Hendersonville high at Waynesville, 8 p. m. Oct. 26, Christ School at Arden. afternoon. Nov. 2, Murphy high at Murphy, afternoon. Nov. 10, Asheville School at Asheville, afternoon. Nov. 22, Canton- high at Waynes ville, Thanksgiving 2:15 p. m. The following are the boys who were on the squad last season but did not see very much action, but will probably see plenty this year: R. Powers, B. Rlcheson, B. Wil- THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Is Announced i Mr and Mrs. John V Blalock, of llaelwood. have announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Kathryn Blalock. lo Private First ! Class .1 Kanos. of Fayetteville The ! wedding took place in Conway, S. C , on Tuesday, July 31. I Following the ceremony the couple left for Ocean Drive. S (' . I where I hey spent a few days, re turning to the home of the bride's parents for a brief slay before I leaving for Miami Beach, l-'Ia. Mrs. Kanos was graduated from the Waynesxilk- Township high school and Peace College, where she was a member of Pi Thela Mi. local sorority at Peace and presi dent of Tau Chapter, Pi Kpsilon, National honorary secretarial so ciety. For the past two years she has held a position with the W'ellen Shoe Corporation The bridegroom is I he son of .lames V Kanos and I he late Mrs. James' V Kanos. who before her marriage was Miss Lucy I nder wood. of Waynesville. He grad lal ed from the Fayel I evil le high school and entered the service in I!lt2 and has recently returned from eighteen months in the Euro pean the. iter lie was .it I ached lo the 820(1 Airborne Pulsion. SOHth Parachute Heginienl Pfc. Kanos was captured In Hie Germans in September, 1044 and was held a war prisoner until April of this year when he was liberated Since he has returned to the Stales he has spent pari of his furluimh with his family in FaelteviMe and with his grandmol hei , Mrs V 1 L'lulerwooil. of '.iyne. ill(. After the w o y, over Pfc and Mrs Kanos pl.'n to make their home m Fj eftci i!!r Hubert Ferguson Will Be Buried Friday Morning Funeral services will he lu-lr. . , , Friday morning at II o'clock at the Fines Creek Baptist Church for Hubert Ferguson. 57. well known Haywood farmer, win. died at his; home on Fines Creek at 8.00 o'clock ' Wednesday, following a lingering ill nes. 1 Ftcv. Thomas Frwiu and I,V Roy Young will officiate Burial will he in the church cemetery Surviving are his wile. Mrs Sallie Harris Ferguson, and four daughters: Mrs. Herbert Pressley. of Canton. Mrs. Glenn .lames, of Waynesville. Mrs. Herbert Ducked of Crabtree. and lJrs James Turl ington, of Newport News. Va.. three sons. Vernon Ferguson. Wilming ton. Robert Ferguson. Fines Creek and Rowe Ferguson of Newport News, Va.. two sisters. Mrs. Wiley B. Greene .of Fines Creek, and Mrs. Robert Noland. nf Rioevillc. ! Tenn., and three brothers. Theo dore Ferguson of Fines Creek. 1 Ulyess Ferguson, Jonathans Creek! and Vinson Ferguson, of Ports mouth. Va.. and 13 grandchildren. Wells Funeral Home of Canton are in charge of arangements. i Marriage Licenses! Edgar Pressley to Naomi Brown, both of Canton. son, C. Burgin, L. Messer. C Mm nett. B. Milner, B. Ferguson, L. Roberson. R Russell. H. Caldwell, B. Morris. B. Carver. B. Hightower! Gibson. E. Roberson, S. Rudisall. Dan Watkins. T. Ray. B Hardin! .1. Noland. ,1. Alley. .1. Coin. B Swayngim. Price. Carswcll. J. Lin er, and W. Liner, together with several who did good work In the sprlng'prWrWe who may see plenty of action. State Baptist , , l)K L. L. CARPENTER, editor nf The Mihlical Rei'oriler. state iZto Hold 'T:!SfT!n as the closing feature of the first : day. j The Thursday morning session ; will begin at ten o'clock with a i IS-minutc worship period conduct I ed by Rev. Forrest Ferguson, fol- lowed by flic following reports: Training Union, Mrs. Sam Knight; ! Sunday Schools, Clarence Taylor: Evangelism, by Rev. Jarvis Under wood, and Stewardship by R. A ; Kelly. The business session of the as sociation will be held at 11:10. followed by special music before the sermon by Rev. A. E. Peake. ; with the association adjourning at i noon for an hour and a half lunch period. M T Mann will conduct the 1T miniite period in the afternoon session followed by a report by T. E. Erwin on the American Bible Society. Rev. Oder F. Burnette will talk on colleges and semin aries, followed by Rev. R. P. Mc Cracken discussing rcligiou liter ature. At 2:4., Dr. L. L. Carpenter of Raleigh, will bring the last mes sage of the associational meeting. The annual election of officers, appointment of committees will be made for the closing scheduled feature on the two-day program. Associational leaders announced that they expected several state and district workers to attend the meeting, and all would be recogniz ed during the session. Among those signifying their intention of coming were Rev. J. C. Pipes, missionary of this area, and L. A. Martin, state temperance leader of Lexington. WE GIVE THMKS We, along with millions of oilier Americans, are earnestly I hank- ful that peace has come agim lo the world. We express our hope that will endure for all time to come Leaders Coming To Haywood . i mt-'lt n -m f lll.l IMS I State Baptist C onvention ta"r 1 Service Men No! Eniil To Carry Cncealed (J Souvenir pistols have been tak en from five returning service men. it was learned this week from Dep uty Sheriff Sam Kelly. The men were carrying the weapons conceal ed, and all of them had a permit from their commanding officer granting them privileges of bring ing the guns home, but the officers explained the permits did not jus tify carrying them concealed after reaching home. In most instances the guns were returned when the men promised to keep them at home. One service man had a midget German pistol when officers stop ped him for investigation of other changes. Two men passing through here enroute to camp, were flashing their guns at a dance, when officers took their weapons away and gave them to military police on duty here at the time. "The action was taken in a mat ter of precaution to the men, their families, and friends. II is all right to bring the guns home, but put them up immediately," officers advised. Warren Whitman Goes Back To Army Post AM 1 c Warren Whitman re turned to his post in Norfolk Tues day, alter spending a 26-day with his parents, Mr. and D. F. Whitman, here. leave 1 Mrs. j He has been in the air since April. 1041, and has corps i spcnl ! the greater Africa. part of his time in PEAC. this, will be a peace BELK-HUDSOp COMPANY "Home of Better Values' ff THURSDAY, ArcrST ? I fkil the Milk . h: Gig Young rJ To Return To C.lg V 1 star, ami i,,.... Barr. son .i ; .. turn to i In U ,. . . lots on t!a ; after benu u. v., the past ::. . For the ..,-.; been in .i cd kidin . .,n, in the I'll i . . i -; . Mr. I!..:i .a.: . get lo ii !.:r . fore resiuiiinj - ; movies I;;-:.- :, physicians ,i his weight h.n : lOsillg 2.") .,i;.,! .;, ness. Smiths ( ui ll.iii H0UStM 60f ' - i' .-!; 9Q ;;.., ...... Uriifl Fill

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