THURSDAY Al THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I ll-tt-T ll'OIIl I olMMl.tlllt of IcMiik', hrr .icl III-! r PAGE SIX (First Section)" r- " Tribute Paid To I Pfc. Owen Hudson p By Commander i Mrs. Irene Hudson, ulio.-c sun. Pfc. William Owi-n IIlkImhi. :is j killed in act inn on Okinawa Is- land, Hyukyu Islands, on June 21. has recently rcccivci Lt. .1. .1. Kreeinan. i her son's cnninany some of the details. Excerpts from the le'tor fol low: "It is with li j j -I icvii l 1 inform yon of the n cinnsl ..iiccs which hidni'hl aliont tin death on the ! 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' of 21 .lone. 1 -4 : . :' your son. lie volunteered to as a stretcher hearer when company was eneaeed with enemy on 'Hill ".!'. Tin- 'tret team was forced lr. enemv the to find shelter. Your mhi was hit while he was attempting to lind cover. The bullet nraod Ids tore head. Me was iiimieduli ly eva cuated to the I .i I ion medical station where he re eived medical treatment from the medical nlliccr. It was found tlial the liullet hxl penetrat'd his brain tissue Your son died later thai dav without re gaining consciousness. "No words can brim; bac k Hill to you. but be died a hcioic ileal h fighting for what he believed was right. Me was respected anil ad mired by all of us in I" ('ompany. He didn't have to voluiuoei lor a stretcher beaicr as Ins i'ci;ulai duties were in the tnor'ar platoon but he realized that we were in need of another man to complete a stretcher team of four men He had alwavs enacted hi-, duties without any questions asked. "You have eveiv rinht to be proud of Hill. .To us who lomdd beside him and lived wiili can personally 4a.v we shal forget this memory ol Ins action.'' Invasion Scenes Of Jap Held Islands hun. I ll"l CI heroic Joe Davis, of spending this wt parents, Mr. and U ihnim'lnn. is ek here Willi his Mr-,. C S Davis. Good Hearing is Good Business! BE'ITKH work and more succcsh ure fri-ijucnlly flic resul I o!' im proved heat-int;. And romrmln-r if you are liard of hearing, you may In,, I ynursrlf about not. neeciiatf a hearing aid. llut you can't foul your liusim.iM associutes and friends'. So coinc in today for a fr, r dem oustrulion of ll,c .eniiii Hailionic Hearing Aid. Tlien tion to buy. uur decide. -.l,liK:i-is will RADIONIC HEARING AID A model for practi cally every t v " of correctiihle lu-jirinjj Iotas. Cotllffl ready 1 wear. Only $ Ul mid $50 coiiipli te with iUOOIIHll U"IH N i-u- trul - ( 'olor i ;.ir(liwii aud Cord. Choirf? of amplifier colors ;il no extra cost. t a Jap he'd Island in the I'acilic. After' I he beachhead was , Heel to keap the armies supplied with men and equipment. endless line Iroin Hie bi'ai h, to su- ly advancing Allien hoop luva ion Heel pi bai k- 1.1. Iiiul A. Smilh nosjiilal In Miami WMr '.''I - Smith, son of Mrs UPr ;r,a Smiilt. of llazelwood. ha, . been ad iiil I ( i! ' o 1 tie A I-' le(.'ioiial Itadirc ol lloni(,. ' oin.'de ii hi Hospital at Mi- ainilisi i u l lor I real inenl and rest . " " ai i ordiiiL'. hi inloi mat ion received ,, , ,. , liOlli the hosiolal. Itickman. Ilu.'li j D. Iludilnvvcis 1,1 adddion to reci'ivin" recular j 'reatiiienl h'oin a slab of aruiv pic, -.ici.iii .. mu se s aim specialists ' lie iai icni win . i i 1 1 c 1 1 1 , 1 1 e in ill v , lliichanan. .Iodic . . , , s ic o i I a 1 1 1 1 H . i ec i i ,11 ion a in I l i siooii! activities which are part o t he hospilal s pi ocrant to help . I he m, idler at lain coinplele recov ei v raln-iils al a, lake part in the ' con vale- eeni en ices p i' o i; r a in which !'ies I hem an oniaiit u nit v I i to plan post war homes, sketch imiii!. w..ik m I be machine anil vo d w oi l. in,' shops, and si inly mu- ' sic and l.uc'iiaces. I'hoto shows the invasion life line oil' established it was the job of the invasion Insert shows tin Mi ound. Welcome Home 'I'he l idhnviiiR Haywood Men Have Received Honorable I'rom Military Service, AccnrdiiiK To Itcccirils Received Here. A moni! ai tnei - ai i-a vv eck men discharged from irees 1 1 imii 1 ne vv a.v nes- i I In- count v during I lie are: arniv Kohi-i'l l.i toil lirag-J. cchnuiau lillh grade llarvev I. London, from aiin.v ai fort Hiagg. I i -ank I i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 m . lames. I'm i-inan second cla. s, navv. from li. S. Naval Hospital, H.uubridge, Md. I 'ri vat e A 1 1 Inn' ( i leiidou Thouip sou. aruiv. ii oui ( 'o:i alesceiil llo-.-pital. Camp liiitner. Private la-sler llrowii. from army -seoaral ion ('(iiler, l-Url lii agg. I'rivalc Lawrence Vaughn I'ull hri;;!i! . I'rnni army at fort Bragg. Private first l.yinan 1''. Kinory, from Army at Convalescent Hospital. Camp liutucr, Technician I'd'th grade .James Dewey W.v.ill. from army at Sepa ration Center. Pint Bragg. Private Millard Merrill Buchan an, from Army at Separation Cen icr. l-'orl Bragg. Private first Class (li'ovcr Ken neth Kobinson. Iiooi army at l-'orl Bragg. Among recent discharges from the Canton area of the county arc: I lav wood Curie;. Saunders, Henry Davion I linkw i ill ii. John Leonard Snyder. John Alden Anderson. Jaiiies li Hawkins. John David Page. Chillies Broadway Wells, Jr.. Orville Keed Clark, Joe Sam Sclicnck, Charles Lawrence Fowler. Charles Kllis Presslev. James Kub erl Warren, Levister Thompson. Ualph Mcdiord Sniathers. l-.bner ciloit Hawkins. Archie Jackson Scott, Fred Carol Clonlz. Brent Conklin McClochcy. Lelloy Myers, llayncs lninan. Klmer Kog ci's. Krnesl S. Kuykeml.ill, Isbmaul 'ailoit. John Waller Matins. Sam Lewis Burross. l.onnie Smith. Ver non Fdward Presslev. Marshall Henry (.'hilders. Paul Jewell Jami son. Turner Holland. Henry Glover, John Coleman Medlni'd, .lame (,uv V. Kobeits. Kiebard Vov le McCants. Claudi billion Clonlz. Jr. Itiilus M I A odie James Paul Hardin Clark. Ira Clark dels. ( 'lint el, i w. Ira I , J. Keno James Carl Gibson, lioherl Lewis Saunders, James II. I iitrlev . (Ill lord Green. Lawrence A. Fnslov Crnint Lucius Wright. Don IVIelvin Nichols. Fdward .Andrew Pressel.v. William I Jbeil Worley. Cb.u It s Bruce Hawkins. Phillip T. S.iun- Jat k Freeman Cosnell. V an Burnett. James Kalph llollz 1 1 ugh 1 leron Smat hers' I' Medl'ord, Ames Warren. Thompson. Cordon ( 1 It-nil I Charles Lynn Gentry. Mor- ris Ftlwaril Wells, Woodrow W. j Cairnes. Mellon Alonzo Conh-lb; Clifford 1-'.. Brown, Jr., Lloyd Don j Tucker, Millard Howard Hemphill. ! tlrie Lee Ueynolds. Cecil William j Connelly. Dock Jenkins, Bill Cor dell. Broadway Jones. John Calvin' Connelly anil Waller W. Presslev. " ' ' " i Two married men were discus- I sing their home life. 1 "My wife." said one. "is very I poetic. She gets up at sunrise. awakens me, and says. T.o. the: morn'!'' Said the other sadly: "My wife awakens nte at sunrise anil says. 'Mow the lawn'." Local and County School Principals VI it Here On Monday The classified and building principal-, id' I he W'aynosville dislric! and Haywood to'inly met here ie the court house on Monday morn ing Willi M. If. Bowles, county atpe i i ul i-udcnl . presiding. if the - two The worl eipals lor I tin- opeinn cussed and school year ficillv all county s, sleui w en thst ussions. classified prin weeks prior to of schools was dis geeeral plans for the were outlined. Prac lie principals of the present for t he II ood For War iroup Labor Hay fStSH SHIPMENT ZENITH LONG LIFE HEARING AID BATTERIES JUST RECEIVED! Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store Tftllllitfl'lifMftWIhMft W0MEN'38ti52? re you embarrassed by HOT FLASHES? Wiijpiii'iiwinniii.wwiiB, Vlf you suffer from hot flashes. -teel weak, nervous, hlKhstrung, a hit blue at times due to the func tional "nilcldle-age" period peculiar to women try this preat medicine Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to rellive such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound helps n.vtcjhe. It's one of the best known medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions. The Army's "Wood fur War" motorcade under the command of LI. Joseph II. Mitchell, veteran parachutist with six wounded light ing men who have just returned from Kuropcan :md Pacific bat He fronts, will reach Haywood on Labor Day. September Urd. and give their show in Canton that night. The veterans will be guests of j Champion Paper and Fibre Com j pany at Lake Logan. 'Ihe motorcade is on a 1,500 mile tour of North Carolina's wood producing areas for the purpose of bringing to the farmers and workers in the woods and the mills a message of appreciation to those who have been responsible for North Carolina's tremendous pro duction of pulpwoud and saw logs i during the past year. Lt. Mitchell said he hoped that the direct me.-v saue from Ihe innloreadc's combat veterans would influence any workers Who have not been carry ing their share of the production load to slay on Ihe job and gel out the urgently needed lumber and pulpwoud products. While in Haywood and vicin bv i In- nn, Inn ade will visit woods and mill onerators where walk throughs, assemblies or coinmun dv tallies wi . held. The veterans traveling with tile mol or ,'itle have all been in Ihe t Lick ol Ihe lighting in Kurope and Ihe Pacific and wear many deco rations for gallantry in action. The motorcade is a fully equip ped field ii ii i I with stall' car and sound truck equipped with motion picture projector anil loud speaker facilil ies. Omr AA-D Senice DmxcDycSes WMIIMG POLISHING GEE! Chassis and Motor Cleaning By Steam W. N. C.'s Most Modern Service Station S1H0 GOODYEAR TIRES AND BATTERIES IMS TIRE AND BATTERY CO. ED SIMS, Owner SINCLAIR GASOLINE AND OIL Hazel Frances Wright Graduates From University of Kentucky Miss Hazel Wrigli'. daugh'er m" Mrs. W, M. Wright, of Balsam lioad who will teach in flu- Waynesvillc district schools durin.g the coming . year, received an A. li. degree from : the University of Loi isvillc, Ky . J on June 22. Majoring in history and political science silic holds a teacher's certificate in secondary education. As a university si indent Mijss Wright was president ol Ihe Inter national Relations Club, vice piesi denl of the religious couin iI. junior counselor, chairman of the con vocation committee, prcsadcut of the Independent Woman's Alumni Association. She is a member of ICippa Pi Kpsilon. honorary sot aal si icni i fraternity, the American Associa tion of rniversity Women, anil group chairman of t ht Ki-nl ucky Chapter of the I nion Tor Demo cralic action Miss Wright was a member of Ihe gradual m i "ias- o 1942 of the Wayncsville high school. She has arrived here and is with ner mother at lin n boon on the fialsain Koad Led U. S. Fleet 'pjf38'-'''"; The .'5nl Sundav Sini in To He licit! In iLizchvood The Third Sunday ineiiig ice will be held on Suntlav. gu-,1 Hi. id the llaelvood -.. auililoi nun. according lo 'v . tueen, w ho is in charge t.l event. Those attending are a lo assemble at 2 p. in and singing groups in this scciimi a keil to be present and takt in Hie program. si-r-A il lool r Hie ked all are part Manpower lleav Shin tiiK-i :-n. I ..:t .'islw got .tos Sit m bo Ib't-.t us, t ar below . on I hi otiijit board ' Hello. It;!-. Ins, how are you get ling along''' "Oh. I'se bavin don't hid lo work n in some t-oal now ,'i line nut h. jes -and then. I line, hovel How iff vij.uiuAL KKiNKSl .1 Kl(. played an important rob- in mel ting the Navy in position to ftu-e-lively bontbard Japan's houiel mils with shells anil ship-borne planes. Way nes vi lie and County Schools To Start Work At 9 O'clock The Way nesv ille disl i icl --t b and those throughout Hnyvv ituinly itre scheduled to o Monday morning. Align I 7. tt.i.'lt o'clock. As lime goes on and the - row shorter the hour iii hanged, and the adjust nn-ni-I In- opening hour w in i t- iiiis. ed by I lie superint endeut . .oil nn in ine- M's. i-:. Citroly n. ( 'hnrlolle A. Creer spent a last week liter, and dan few d.n with relatives in on 'I'se workiu' purly hard. We I lo sweep up tie cloud ,. mill in i be st.ti's. switch on Hie lighl. and give tie ole sun a shove every looming." How come you :ill have so much work to do'.'" Well. sab. In tell tie truth, we re kintla sboi I o' help up beah." FAMOUS DISCOVERY acts fast on the kidneys to ease painful bladder irritation caused by excess acidity in the urine Thousands are thanking DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT for helping them to re move the cause if needless "getting up at nights". For this pure herbal medicine, originally createa by a practising physi cian, acts quickly to increase the flow of urine . . . helps relieve backache, run-down feeling, uncomfortable symptoms of bladder irritation. SWAMP ROOT is a ecientific preparation. A combination of carefully blended herbs, roots, vegetables, balsams. Absolutely nothing harsh or habit-forming when you use Dr. Kilmer's medicine. Just good ingredients that act fast to bring you new comfort! Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department C, Kilmer & Co., Inc., Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at once. AH druggists waiu Rot. si'i:cm ii wiLwn s nos um; DAVIS -SMITH (Jewelers Since 1805) Our II Complete Stock Church Street Opposite Masonic P.iiildhir; Telephone 51 I "Good Ole American Soil... AMm Now, to phone home!" The South is honored. It has been chosen as the place vlierc thousands of returning heroes i!l first set foot on their native soil. You may see some of them kiss that soil. And you may see many more waiting hopefully to get a long distance call home. How about all of us skipping some long distance calls? How about keeping the necessary ones brief? Let us gladly accept this inconvenience for those who have given so much for us. aV CAU F0 5 SCRVUtf MEM f Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company iff -W. IHC0f0TI0 5n I to a CHliCIC TNlf is iusyovuttP?m MAIL BOX? - IS THAT ro UNGUARDED ALLOTMENT ciSj The Governmciu m.nK p, A 1 M n g dim ixavy aiiiitniiiit .md ,!!, ance cnecks to taimlRi ot Ani soldiers and Sailors. nsi mm- Thousands of these th and forged every year. Every unlocked mail bx Jr optn maj receptacle is an invitation to the checj thief. Put a Strong Lad w, ;, jx lutiv may jJitvcnt a loss. The check thief watches forvoj check to be delivered. Do Y,,u j at Home to Get Your Chub li 74 Are Due. Then Thy Cant Be wj Protect your CHECKS ad Jbcfp tb yMIKD,5TATES';SIC?lET!$ERJ( Irsasury DepsrtffiCfnt in fcMWl m Progra: ft A!) SEEN IN "CHARM' : 1 , -Ac- ( C, 0 ir- -4" 1., -y A black and while Shepherd's check "heart throb" with that casual look. Red leather bell with silvered hob nails and waist whittling tie. Sizes 9 to 17. $19.98 Others $14.98 - S16.93 Take A Membership To the North farolln Symphony Orchestra On Friday

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