." D A TO THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park r - IrY-rilWT YEAR NO. 33 )7 Haywood 1m WAYNESVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915 $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties I Men On ualiy List m County c name of World Peace d count)- has paid a Biat tan never be esti--a heart breaking price c that will he naid as those who live today member, ror homes on broken and earthly ics severed for there ws he vacant places cs and hearts. alone can soften the e have paid, and those pve su tiered nefsonnl I hac to find comfort fact that those who c supreme price died glory of God and man- II fS nf nnr ...J Iwp been unvan in a V J vl lvwld pattern nf hu. and we trust the "ill prove strong ' bold together for- 1C Mllllv nf n in I, Inst another such tragic with peace in sii?hf. bumbled as we count Plt.v list of Haywood Ciev (hp namoc nf no will never return. 1 lf'7 Haywood men 1(1 War II who lie PJ country, on for- or who have found '"ft piatcs Whs. Their ien Pay Supreme Sacrifice R 4 local fit Atomic Pacific Leader Bombed Tokyo ," v&v' '87 vTxii r?i GEN. DOUGLAS MacAKTHl'l! headed the ground forces in the Pacific area, and has been on the job since the day the Japs made the sad mistake of staging thnr sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. MA.I (iKN. JAMES II DOO UTTLK lrd thr (irst bomber at tack mi Japanese homelands, l ater lie was sent to Europe and recently back to the Pacific to help finish blasting the Nips. in names "azuned forever on larts !CI"ory should be kent P 0Ur COirtmnnifv nJ HHJ U11U f ntinnofi on page 4) Property Valuation In County Shows Increase Of $820,448 Over 1944 This Second Time The Mountaineer Has Issued Extra This is the second extra that The Mountaineer has published during the past few months. The first extra was on the streets in exactly 14 minutes after President Truman announced the surrender of Germany. When Russia entered the war against ' Japan on the 8th, The Mountaineer was the first news paper on the streets here with the news. rd Decides To Let nook And Dellwood ols Remain Intact y County Board of 81 a neetirig here Mon 1 veld to the wishes IIs of the Saunook-and nr ., "-vain lllCIll ne Waynesville Dis- fr 'han consoiirtaio !olher schnnl. 1- tu ras learned from M. H. PU SUDerit,tenf "'VMMVUV VI- te1'001 to have th ik , c ueuwooa 3trn . xuiiaiusna to h! thc tw schools Ire' . nsPortaUon of ca and in .jji.- . . the higher cost involved in tbe new set up. They voiced their sentiments in a number of peti tions and several hearings have been held regarding the matter since action was taken by the board last April. Since May when the petitions were first sent to the board from the patrons of the schools in the two communities, the matter has been agitated with much dissatis faction on the part of the people in the affected areas. " . wo hve for the oast two years maintained an organization at Dell- Souvenir Page Of The Extra Due to the large number of requests, The Mountai neer is reprinting the front page of The Peace Extra which was on the streets a few minutes after the news was received Tuesday night Rfflen Wwk Group From Here Work At Oak Ridge More Men At Work From I Lay wood Than At Any Other Single War Joh Outside County. More than 4110 Haywood men are employed at Manhattan Plant at Oak IJidge, Tenn . where the fam ous, and destructive atomic bomb was made that played such havoc in Japan Monday, when one bomb killed and wounded 100.000 as it w iped out 60 per rent of Hiroshima Practically all living things, human and animal were seared to death by heal, news reports said. The check on Haywoofl men at work in the bomb plant was made by Mrs. Edith P. Alley, manager of the local U. S Employment Service, through whose office re cruiting was rairied on for the gigantic project Workers of all types from common labor to high ly skilled men have gone from here to Oak Ridge since the project was started two years ago. The entire world has been .startl ed by the destructive force ol the new bomb, which was made public Monday by President Trumen, when he announced one atomic bomb alone carried a wallop more violent than 2.000 B-29 Superfort resses normally could band an enemy city using old type IM bombs. The president made the initial announcement immediately after getting information of the success of the bomb dropped on Japan that morning. The second atomic bomb drop ped on Japan obliterated Nagasaki in an inferno of smoke and flame that swirled more than 10 miles in to the stratosphere and could be seen for 250 miles, an Okinawa dis patch said. Okinawa-based pilots attacking other objectives on Kyushu said the clouds of smoke from Naga saki spread rapidly until they ob- Jscured bombing targets 60 miles from the port. Fliers said that thc atomic bomb explosion was "too tremendous to believe." One said that the blind ing glare of the blast was so great that when it faded he thought for a moment the sun was setting. The airmen's stories bolstered a growing belief that the entire ur ban or built-up area of Nagasaki major naval base, industrial center arid Japan's 11th city, was destroy ed by the atomic bomb. Stunned By Blow The Japanese, stunned by the de struction of Hiroshima, charged over the Tokyo radio that the U. S. was violating the Hague Con ference agreement. Tells World Good News Haywood county had a valuation of $820,448 in 1945 over 1944. ac ini ding to a report completed this week by C. A. Black of the tax col lector's office. The new report shows a total valuation of $24, H02.037, thc highest in the coun ty's history. The largest gain was in real es tate, with $550,995 in valuation be ing added to the tax books from that source. Personal property was second, witn a gain oi i 3,uot. while corporation excess amounted to $94,399. The largest gain was in Beaver dam Township, with an increase of $191,026, and the second high est was Waynesville Township with $186,986. Ivy Hill. was third with $101,134. Only one township in the coun ty showed a loss that was Cata loochec with $5,143, most of which was real estate. Beaverdam colored taxpayers also showed a loss of $1,557 over the 1944 valuations. r " t --" - ' SI"- --:k th '? A - . ? PRESIDENT IIAItKY S. "Nt TRUMAN Atomic Bombs and ussian Entry in War Hastens End The news the world has waited so tensely for more than four years came Tuesday evening at seven o'clock when the White House announced Japan had accepted without reser vation the peace terms as sent the Japanese government Saturday. General head the A Japanese authorities MacAithur was named chief commander to ied delegation to sign the peace papers with at (3 Tin :10. Japanese answer was delivered to the White House Committee Will Make Report On New Hotel Special Committee Have Plans To Present For Community To Get Modern Hotel. Definite plans for getting a mod crn hotel here will be presented within ten days to the community, it was learnedf yesterday from jonatnan Woody, chairman of a special committee named to for mulate and present the plans. "We have something which we feel will interest everyone wanting a modern hotel erected here. A concrete proposition will be pre sented within ten days at the lat est," the chairman said. "An option has been secured on some choice Main Street property which has a frontage of 177 feet," Mr. Woody said, as he related some of the details already worked out on the matter. About six months ago, the di rectors of the Chamber of Com merce, at a special meeting in dis cussing a modern hotel here, I Battled Japs Hit 04 ay I MARSHAL JOSEPH STALIN sent his Red Army against the Japs Wednesday through Manchuria route. The Japanese emperor has called upon every one of his fighters to lay down their arms and follow the command of the Allied commanders. President Truman announced shortly after the first an nouncement that every government employee would have a two-day holiday, and it would not count against their annual vacation time. Crowds in Washington, as elsewhere around the world went wild with excitement and mingled were voices of thanksgiving. It will he sometime before Japan will pifpi on the dotted line, but that was .secondary, inasmuch as hostilities have .-eased, and the matter of getting the legal status cleared was iust another item of red tape clearance. The telephone office reported the heaviest number of :alls in the history of the company. It seemed that every one wanted to talk. Many were afraid that their friends ind neighbor:-; had not heard and the calls were turned in faster than the switchboard operators could manage them. Waynesville was a badlam of noise when the news was ltmounced. The lire siren blasted forth, factory whistles blew, while automobile horns pealed forth as drivers ran up and down the street. There were few people on the street at the time the news was announced due to the heavy downpour. Unoflicial news came bv wav of Tokvo around 2 n'rlnrlr Tuesday morning that Japan would accept the peace terms as outlined by the Allies, and the suspense gained hourly as the final news was awaited. TERMS OF PEACE AT POTSDAM The Potsdam declarations terms included: 1. Unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed (Continued on page four) Waynesville Chapter Eastern Star To Meet Tonight At 8 The Waynesville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold their regular stated meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the as sembly rooms . in the Masonic Temple. All members are urged to be present and visitors from other chapters will be cordially welcomed. Mrs. Noble Garrett, worthy matron, will preside. Sgt. Vernofi Leming is visiting friends in Barkerton, Ohio. Formal Plans For Observing End Of War A committee from the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Associaiton after making a survey of the town, find that the majority of the heads of stores and businesses feel V-J Day should be observed in closing everything and in quiet thanksgiving that war is over. However, the restaurants and drug stores have gener ously agreed to rmain open for brakfast and lunch only since the town is so filled with summer guests who de pend on those places for food. Union church services will be held in the morning at 1 1 o'clock at the Methodist church, with Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist church, bringing the message. All churches will remain open all day for those wishing to go and worship. and in addition to wood and Saunook.