LY. AUGUST 23, 1945 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Second SeclionT 2 Important Haywood Couraty Farms TO BE SO D mam "1. l 1 7ATCH FOR SIGNS NEAR C YDE WATCH FOR SIGNS EM, A (jil nil CT3 in AT 10:30 A. M.-RAIN 1 MINE 530-ACRE ARVI C A M 3BELL F MILES FROM CLYDE In Thickety Section - Known As Former W. J. Brown Farm n a q 0 n tS 3 MH.ES FROM CANTON RACT NO. 1 TRACT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 3 TRACT 110. A TRACT NO. 5 TRACT MO. 6 pm land, with good ranch through prop- fy. This land will oily produce good ops, Another 10-acre tract of this good farm land, this also enjoys good clear branch. Soil of highest producing type. A 6-acre tract, with a large spring, and nice building site. This is all farm land, and will make a good small farm home place. A 30-acre tract, with house, barn, outbuild ings. Excellent farm land, with 1 1-2 acres in tobacco, 8 in wheat, 10 in woodland, new barn, large branch. A 75-acre tract, with 6 room house, log barn, crib, best of springs. Part of this in farm land, and the remain der in excellent pas ture and woodlands. A 200-acre tract of well watered pasture and woodlands, of about 100 acres each. Fine springs, and big vol ume of water in branch. ALSO AT AUCTION - Machinery - Tools - 30 lead Cattle - 3 Horses - Wagon - Harness Best Watered Farm In This Area - Natural - Drainage - Plenty Of Fruit Trees -Property Served By Year Round State Road- ft 2:30 T he Acr e r OIF FA M 2 MILES from Clyde Good House Fine Barn and Buildings Crop Land Pasture Wood Land Watch For Signs m 0 m n n H Y O La Sale Rain or Shine MM it-. If you an( to buy or sell land, write or wire Penny Brothers. 909 Liberty Life Building, Charlotte. y ww Live Wore Band