being given ui the rf 1(1'' if ' . h.n tho Ly. Al'GrST 23, 1945 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second Section! fepital Letters board. However, it is said thai he is interested in resigning, feel ing that he does not have the time necessary to devote to the board's meeting, etc. re develop nient the vi aiaw !..v tobacco anC r, Wuc Turkish ! .... nntlt'S Will k1"""' ..hlishment a".'iiiu office at H"" ., .nt the j.f l.v so"11 a ntt Uieir i Ilic-e. coinpict sLa(f and special fr mainei nr- hf Sl'I "I' rrK. II Die Asheville ,mk tanners ol ,,rtct the cost, may II.- ' IwniH sen lie lain ,,i ui t'liarlolle. ,e tear among t In' ware- that bring down tail. Dt-pi-ua ,,( it,,- fanners - Hiiunu t his i ii ,v II. 1 lias "ecu mi- ,r ai,u! three weeKS pnir has been ,.: hun.hcil pounds, production costs Ihc jJukli n weed must ea:.t l ii IK n I" ;l,r uniiih hells li In N.jki' L'ond profits. I,,,-,. r talk around Ra- who as a leigh that William Umstead a month ago wa regarded certain candidate for Senator Bailey's seat in the Senate, has now changed his mind and is con sidering making the race for Gov ernor. If this is true, his Senate ambitions were brought to a pretty sudden halt ... for the Govertw s plaee wns leaning in other direc tions rather sharply. Here are other liLely candidates for Governor: Libby Ward. Edwin Pate, John Kerr, Jr., Tom Pearsull. IUmus Valentine, L. Y. Ballentine, Charlie Johnson, and Judge Henry Stevens. V-J State and Federal offices were closed in Raleigh last Wed nesday and Thursday. This was goodbut all stores were closed on Wednesday, and the only two eat ing places open were at the bus station, and the two railroad sta tions. Many a fellow whose wife and cook were off on vacation went hungry. AHEAD State official were ad visee! by private message from Washington last week that things will be rather tough on the eco nomic front during the next nine months. However, after this readjustment period there will be something nue 10 a Doo in ior me io nu. ni DORTON There won t be a "ve 'ears. This near-boom will State'Fsir this fall, it seems, be- , not be artificial. It will come as cause there just isn't enough time , a 'esult of the filling of wants left to prepare for it. Too. the! had to wait and pile up buildings have been rented to a 1 wnile "u" war was in progress. tobacco concern. However, Dr. J. S. Dorton. who has been directing the War Man power Commission work in this Slate for about 30 months, will be free pretty soon now to give his full time to planning for the best State Fair in the nation. He expects to make public with in three weeks his ideas for a Fair that will knock your eyes out. LYBROOK There is only one Republican on tlie State Board of Agriculture D. J. Lybrook of Ad vance, near Winston-Salem. He married H. J. Reynolds' sister, is one of the best horse men in the South, and has made worthwhile contributions as a member of the ii.MiH il For Appointment y.iu-d , TelephoM 2488 CONSULT I) It. R. KING HARPB UI'TOMETRIST n Stiwt Wella Blrlg. Canton. J " oes Your Insurance SiveYou Complete Coverage? A small amount invested in Insurance Premium may save yoii Thousands Of Dollars We will lR. ol-id f0 Hisrusu with vim nur Complete Coverage II. DAVIS & CO. Rentals Real Estate Insurance PHONE 77 We Can ELP YOU OWN our HOME Investigate Our Ways of piping You Own Your me...No Obligations . Seek This Information. 0W Y l'R HOME SAVE RENT "AYWQOD HOME Hiding and Loan association I RADIO Look for around 20 n iduio stations to pop up in North Carolina within the next two years. The Federal Com munications Commission now has applications from every corner of the Stale, and at least six of these new stations should be operating by next summer. They will all be small from 250 to 1,000 watts - and they will be owned in the main by other stations or by newspapers. With frequency modulation just around the corner, all the new sta tions and the 30 old ones now op erating in the State should be out of date entirely by 1955. There is talk now that the big clear-channel station's like WHT WPTF. WS13, and WRVA may have their power reduced. This report may not be true, but it comes on good authority. VACANCIES - If you have ever taught school in your life, you owe it to your old profession to get back into the school room this fall. The pay now is relatively good, and you are needed, what ever your age may be. On the whole. North Carolina's schools have never been in such bad shape from the teacher standpoint. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor c. t. a. of the estate of Ephi genia Ixjuisa- Penney, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file same with the undersigned at his office in Waynesvilie, N. C, on or be fore August 1st, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate settlement. This August 1st, 1945. A. T. WARD, Administrator c.t.a No. 1455 Aug. 9-Sept. 13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Clark. Mrs Evelyn. 1 lot Having qualified as administra- I CLark- Roimrt 1 tor of the estate of Captain George I Coble, W. A.. 1 lot E. Plott. deceased, late of Hay-; Cope. Richard, 1 lot wood County, North Carolina, this Cox. Frank Est.. 1 lot is to notify all persons having j Croustr. J. C., 1 lot claims against the estate of said Davis. C. F , 1 lot deceased to exhibit them to the Davis, Emma, 1 lot undersigned at Waynesvilie, North Carolina, on or before the 17th day of July. 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 17th day of July, 1945. JOHN A. PLOTT. Administrator of the Estate of Capt. George E. Plott. deceased. No. 1450-July 19-Aug. 23 ORDER OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LUTHER CURTIS vs. MILDRED H. CURTIS It appearing f-oia the affidavit of Luther Curtis in this action, i Moore that Mildred II. Curtis, the defend ant therein, is not to be found in Haywood County, and cannot after due diligence be found with in the State; and it further ap pearing that a cause of action ex ists in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant for a di vorce on the grounds of two years separation. It is, therefore, ordered that notice of this action be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Waynesvilie Moun taineer, a newspaper published in Haywood County, setting forth the Davis. Will E., 1 lot Dicus, Mrs. C. M., 1 lot Earley, W. D , 1 lot Evans. Harry, 1 lot . . . . Ferguson. Est., 1 lot Galloway. M. O., 1 lot Gibson, Fay, 1 lot Gilmer, Est., 1 lot Gilmer & MeCracken. 1 lot Green. Mrs G. W . 1 lot Gregory. M. L., 1 lot Hamer, William, 1 lot Hampton. W. C, 1 lot Harkin. Olga Jerry, 1 lot Honeycutt, Grady. 1 lot Howell & Boyd, 1 lot Isenhour. Mrs. E. H.. 1 lot Jones. Mrs. Nannie, 1 lot Jones. S. A.. Est., 1 lot Lee, W. H.. 1 lot Magrudder. Ruth, 1 lot Miller. Sam K , 1 lot Mitchell. W. A , Est., 1 lot J. 11.. 1 lot McBride, R. C. 1 lot McKinley, George A., 1 lot Norris, T. C, 1 lot Osborne. H A., 1 lot Peacock. J. N. Est , 1 lot Queen, George. 1 lot Rathbone, Shuford, 1 lot Rawls. E. B . 1 lot Recce. D B & Bertha. 1 lot Reece. Hoy. 1 lot Rymer, O. S , 1 lot Russell, J. T. & J. T , Jr., 1 lot tail terth wait, Withers & Bass. 1 lot Satterlhwalt. S. C. Est.. 1 lot Smith. Mrs. John. 1 lot ime oi me action, the purpose . sdiulhoner, Mrs. Mary. 1 of the same, and requiring the de- o( fendant to appear before the Clerk f shacklford, J A., 1 lot of the Superior Court in Waynes-1 xhoaf Mrs G E 1 lot vine, Haywood County, North Car olina, at the Court House, within thirty days from the 31st day of July, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This the 31 day of July, 1945. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina. No. 1453 Aug. 2-9-16-23. 11.20 44.30 4.20 4.01 38 50 32.20 19.20 1.40 11.90 35 00 7.00 15.00 50.40 201.60 2.27 1.40 700 1.40 7 00 1.40 5.20 1 40 8.00 1 40 5.(50 24 85 10.15 14 70 3 38 980 5.95 2 10 41.39 46 t4 2 10 7 00 280 17.50 3 50 4.20 2 80 10.50 4 20 21.00 14.00 05.80 50.40 70.00 7.00 1.40 Smith. R. Earl. 1 loi Smith. R. Frank, 1 lot Tate. J. N.. 1 lot Townsen. Pearl & Virginia, 1 lot Turbyfield, P. L. Est., 1 Lot Tuttle, Mrs. W. H.. 1 lot bal. Walker W. D.. 1 lot Wells, Reagan. 1 lot Wilson, Mrs. L. W.. 1 lot COLORED Allen. Tom Est., 1 lot Babb. Bud. 1 lot Babb. Thomas. 1 lot Brown, llilery Est., 1 lot Bryant, Inez Banks. 1 lot Casey. James. 1 lot Clayton. Lelia. 1 lot Copney. S. A., 1 lot Davis. Charlie. 1 lot Dodd. William. 1 lot Forney, Tom Est., 1 lot Foster, Charlie, 1 lot Gibbs Annie D , 1 lot Gibbs. Claude. 1 lo( Griffin. Nelson, 1 lot Hackett. Delsie. 1 lot Hodge, Robert. 1 lot Houston. Alice. 1 lot Howell. Ada. 1 lot Love. Andy. 1 lot Love. Etta. 1 lot Love, Howard. 1 lot IH'e. Leon, 1 lot Love, Millie Est.. 1 lot Melton. Allen. 1 lot Michael. James 1 lot Michael. Will. 1 lot MelX)well. Cora Thompson, 1 lot McDowell. Ieona. 1 lot McDowell. Leo. 1 lot Osborne. Mose. 1 lot, bill. Osborne. Saunders. 1 lot Sisk. Robert, I lot Smith. Callie. 1 lot Thompson, Gailher. 1 lot Thompson. Tena . 1 lot Trotter. Mag , 1 lot Welch. Louisa, 1 lot U.80 2.80 26.60 1 40 9.80 4 55 2.10 1 40 42.00 j 5 60 i 2.10 5.60 3.50 6 30 2.80 1.40 2.80 11.90 1.40 1 40 4.20 3.50 4.20 9.80 5.60 4 20 4 20 7 00 1 40 3 50 1 40 2 80 2 10 2 10 4 20 20.30 1 40 7.00 .70 11.20 2.80 420 4 20 This August 15. 1945. .1 W Boyd. Tax Collector, for Town of Waynesvilie. NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. PAUL MILLER vs. PAULINE MILLER. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce absolute on the grounds of adultery; and the defendant Will further take notice that she is re quired to appear within thirty days from the 9th day of August, 1945, before the Clerk of the Superior Court in the Court House in Way nesvilie, North Carolina, and ans wer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or ttie plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 4th day of August, 1945. C. II. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court, Haywood County, North Carolina. 1454 Aug. 9-16-23-30. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Thursday, August 30. 1945, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in Waynesvilie, the undersigned J. R. Morgan, Trustee, will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lots or par cels of land: Lots Nos. 5, and 34 in Block "C" and Lots Nos. 8 and 9, in Block "A" of the W. T. Shelton property known as the Waynesvilie Development Corporation prop erty, as per survey and plat of John L. Stacy, made June, 1926, and recorded in Map Book "C" page W-l, Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which reference is made for a full description of said lots. Each of said lots will be sold separately. Sale made pursuant to deeds of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee, to secure indebtedness to Waynesvilie Development Corpor ation assigned to W. T. Shelton, as follows: Lot No. 34, in Block "C" deed of trust from Mrs. Camel Ross, recorded In Book 19. page 40. Lot No. 5, Block "C" deed of trust from Lois Brings recorded in Book 19, pae 50. Book Lot No. 8, Block -A" deed of trust from Jessie Herren, record ed in Book 19, page 42, Lot No. 9, Block "A" deed of trust from J. B. Ware, recorded In Book 19, page 41, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This July 30, 1945. J. R MORGAN, Trustee. No., 1452 Aug. 2-9-18-23. notice of summons in the superior court North Carolina, haywood county. ROBERT H. WRIGHT vs. JENNIE F. WRIGHT The defendant above named will take notice thai an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolma. to obtain a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear within thirty days from the 11th day of August, 1945. before the clerk of the Superior Court in the Court House in Waynesvilie, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 11th day of August, 1945. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court, Haywood County, North Carolina 1456 Aug. 16-23-30 Sept. 0 Notice Of Tax Sale Notice is hereby given that pursuant to law, and under order of the Board of County Commissioners, Haywood Coun ty, the undertHgned, J. K. Fitkusoii, Tax Collector and Supervisor, for Haywood County, will ollVr for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Waynes vilie, on September 3, MM!), at ten o'clock, A. M., and con tinuing thereafter until all property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the property of the pnierty owners as hereinafter deHeribed, which taxes were levied for the year 1914 by the County of Haywood, hereinafter designated in the name of the owners as follows: CATALOOCIIEE TOWNSHIP Phillips, Arthur. 13 acres 2 01 Ward, George H., 15 acres 2 60 White, James ft Wade, 80 acres 6.70 Notice of Tax Sale Notice is hereby given that pur suant to law, and under the order of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Hazelwood, the under signed G. C. Summerrow, Tax Col lector, for the Town of Hazelwood, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Waynesvilie, on Monday, September 10th, 1945, at ten o'clock A. M. and continuing thereafter until all property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the prop erty of the owners hereinafter de scribed, which taxes were levied for the year 1944 by the Town of Hazelwood, as follows: Byrd, Frank. 1 lot $14.50 Clark, Mattie & Ernstine, 1 lot 16.02 Hill, Robert, 1 lot 8 32 Moore, Homer, 1 lot 8.77 McCall. Mary S., 1 lot 8.70 Scates, Mrs. John, 1 lot 14.07 This August 15th ,1945. G. C. SUMMERROW, Tax Collector, for Town of Hazelwood Notice of Tax Sale Notice is hereby given that pur suant to law, and under the order of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesvilie. the under signed J. W. Boyd, Tax Collector, for the Town of Waynesvilie, will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door in Waynesvilie, on Monday, September 10th, 1945, at ten o'clock A. M. and continuing thereafter, until all property is sold to satisfy the taxes levied against the prop erty of the owners hereinafter de scribed, which taxes were levied for the year 1944, by the Town of WaynesyjJle, as follows: Allen, J. C. Estate, 1 lot ... $ 8.40 Alley, F. E 1 lot 56.00 Allison, Jack, 1 lot 11.20 Badget, C. S., 1 lot 23.80 Band, W. A 1 lot 1.40 Bourley, L. H 1 lot 3.36 Bradley, A. E., 1 lot 2.10 Bramiette, Mrs. Neta, 1 lot 29.40 Breeding, Kelly, 1 lot 30.80 Brown, W. S., 1 lot 21.00 Burgin, Otis. 1 lot. baL .. 19.81 Chase, Mrs. Josephine, 1 lot 11.20 Christian, R. L 1 lot ........ 4.20 CRABTREE TOWNSHIP Allen, Mrs. Annie K., 6!-fc acres $ Arrington, W. M.. 35.8 acres Chambers, Cromer C, 25 acres Evans, Lawrence, 31 acres Ford, Joe, 40 acres Hannah, F. H.. 101 acres Henderson. Donald .!., 3 acres Justice, R. S., 12".! acres Morgan, Mrs. Dela, 34 acres Morrow, Amercus, 1 acre Hay, Mrs. Maggie, 09.2 acres, Bal. Sloan & Harris, 10 acres, Bal. Wells, Hubert E.; 99 acres Wood, L. J 40 ',i acres Messer, Mrs. James, 55 acres Owens, James, Sr., 18' i acres Owens, Manson. 12 acres Rathbone, Herman, 13 acres Wood, A. E , 30(1 acres 095 5.13 5.77 5.85 29 93 WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP 585 11.12 5 00 8 06 11 05 22 70 3.95 12 04 1007 3.90 11.17 3.25 42 20 10.90 IRON DUFF TOWNSHIP Franklin, Hardy. 19.69 acres 10 54 Hooker, G. C, 11 acres 10 84 McElroy, Fanny, 26 acres 11.96 IVY HILL TOWNSHIP Anderson, W. H. & Lowe, 50 acres $ Blanchard, J. C, 414 acres Boone, Edwin, 5 acres Bradley, Ray, 316 acres, Bal Campbell, Ralph, 6 acres Carver, John, 130 acres Carver, H. A., Est., 218 acres, Bal Fie, Johnny, 7 acres Galloway, M. O.. 148 acres Gibson, Dan, 616 acres Grant, Floyd, 4 acres Henry, Roosevelt, 5 acres . James, Jack, 5 acres Moody, Helen, 13 acres . .. Moody, Horace B.p 230.33 acres Moody, Mrs. S. A., 7 acres . Moody, Sarah, Est., 5 acres McElroy, Manuel, 29 acres McKaughn, Mrs. J. V., 74M: acres Odell, Lewis E 7.74 acres Parker, D. E., 5 acres Plemcnons, W. B., 143 acres Rathbone, George, 17 acres Rathbone, Seldon, 3V6 acres Rich, Aletha, 10 acres Rich, James B., ll'i acres Russell, Joe D., 6QYi acres .. Setzer, EsteUe Hyde, 6 acres 11.38 Sutton, Jim, 10 acres 1.30 Sutton, Ted, 10 acres 3.30 Swanger, Caeson, 13 acres Bal 6.50 21.76 8.45 8.12 9.58 15.60 1849 4.15 520 38 85 397 5.70 2.40 340 38.65 1.18 7.48 3.05 4.00 3.58 .85 9.81 3.10 3.73 .85 3.63 33.24 Clark, Francis, 45 acres $ Connaid, Arthur, 50 acres Connard. Baxter, 100 acres Connard. Willard. 25'-4j acres Duckett R. C, 'Mi acres Ewarl. Cleveland. 200 acres Fish, Odie, 25 acres, Bal. Hunter, G.VH., 197.3 acres Jenkins, lolet, 75 acres Rogers. Taylor. 50 acres Sloan. Hugh. 146 acres Smathers, Dr. B. F., Est., H73 acres Tcague. Mis. Anna, 83 acres FINES CREEK TOWNSHIP Brown. R. Fletcher, 5 acres ' 7.20 Ferguson. U. II.. 107 acres Fi tuber. C. L.. 84 acres ... Green, V. B., 99 acres, Bal. Haywood Electric Power Co. 45 acres . . Noland, Mrs. W. A., 23 acres Noland, W. B., 4 acres Redmond Heirs, 124 acres, Bal. Redmond. Jack, 14)0 acres Russell, R. L., 32 acres Swanger, Carson, 75 acres Tcaster, Mrs. Birdie, 35 acres Trantham, Mrs. Georgia, 32 acres . WAYNES VILLE TOWNSHIP 8.12 JONATHAN CREEK TOWNSHIP Caldwell, Medford, 7 acres .. .78 Ferguson, Rankin & Roger, 45 acre 24.05 Ferguson. Roger, 22 acres 38.60 Ferguson, Hugh H., 73 acres 98.80 Franklin, Lawson, 1 acre .. 1.95 Franklin, Thomas, 11 acres 5.38 Green, Walter, Wi acres . .. 2.65 Hannah, David, 2 acres 2.58 Hannah, McKinnley, 4 acres 3.91 Haywood Electric Power, . 20 acres 2.92 Jenkins, John, 12 acres 5.93 Jenkins, Mrs. Lena, 50 acres 12.04 Messer, Glenn. 15 acres ....... 6.42 5.85 4.87 487 3.90 5.20 1 30 5.20 6.50 13.00 1.30 3.90 3.90 Adams, Rev. G. G., 1 lot Allen, J. C, Est., 1 Jot ... Allen, L. L., 2 acres Allen, Nettie Lee, 1 lot Askew, E. S , 1 lot Atkins, James, Jr., Est., 1 lot Atkinson, Mrs. Sallie A., 1 lot Bailey, Ida & Mary, 3 lots Baine, Rev. L. E . 1 lot ... . Ball, Bryan, 1 acre Band, W. A . 1 lot Barber, D. R 3 lots Bibee, Mrs. G. A., 1 lot ... Bird, Frank, 1 lot Black, Mrs. R. L., 1 lot Blades. J. V., 3 lots Blades. W. D., 3 lots 5.85 Boring, Spray & Reece, 3 lots Boyd, Prof. C. E., 1 lot 1.85 Bradley, R. E., 1 lot 1.95 Bramlett, Mrs. NRa, 1 lot .... 27 .38 Breeding, Kelly, 1 lot 28.60 Brown, John, 29 lots 9.10 Buchanan, Dewej 4 acres . 7X)0 Buchanan, Elmer, 5 acres .. 5.18 Bull, Mrs. J. M., 1 lot 3.45 Bumgarner, Mrs. Rachel, 25 acres ' 2.85 Burnett, UIus, 1 lot 1.95 Cagle, Howard, 1.8 aces, Bal 2.01 Caldwell, F. H.. 23 acres .... 17.03 Caldwell, Paul, .6 acre .... 10.22 Caldwell, Silas, 1 lot 1.95 Campbell, R. V., 38 acres .. 6.05 Candler, Rev. J. S., 1 lot . 5.85 Cannon, Mrs. Vaughn, 1 lot 16.25 Carpenter, Mrs. Harry J., 3 lots 4.88 Carson, Mrs. Nina M 3 lots 3.90 Chase, Mrs. Josephine, 1 lot 10.40 Chrietzberg, A. M., 1 lot .... 5.20 CLllk. Jauaek. 1 cl Clark, John. 1 lot Clark, Mrs. Kenneth, 1 lot Clark, Mattie. 3 Ms acres Clement. Rev E. E . 1 lot Coble. W. A., 1 lot Cochran. Dewey, 1 lot Collins, Bawymar. 4.7 acres Colvard. Ray. 1 lot Connell. W. W , 1 lot Cook, Osgood F . 1 lot Cope. Richard. 1 lot Cok, Frank. Est . 1 lot Crane, Albert, 1 lot ' Crawford. Mrs. W I . 2 acres Crwford. J. E Est . 2 lots Crisp. J A.. 1 lot Crimes. Lula & Do jthv. 2 loU Curtis, Jess. 3 lots Davis. Emma. 2 lots . Davis, Floyd. 3 acres Davis, Julius F . 2 acres Davis. Mrs. L. P.. 1 lot 2.59 ' Davis, N. M.. 2 acres 4.20 ! Davis. Mrs. Burrel S , 1 lot 2.80 I Davis. Ruth. 1 lot 5.60 I Denehee. Robert. 3 lots DeShazo. Mrs T. N . 1 lot DeBoise. W. R & Alma I , 1 lot Dunham. David R , 1 lot Earley, Jerome, 1 lot Earley, W. D., 1 lot Evans. Harry, 1 hit Ferguson Est., 1 lot Finley. H K.. 1 lot Finney, Bert. 1 lot Fisher, .1. A . 1 lot Flynn. Glenn M . 1 lot Fountain, W. C . 25 acres Franklin. .1 R . 5 acres Franklin. Walter H . 44 acres. Hal. Freeman, Howell. 1 lot Freeman, Tom S , 34 1 acres, Bal. Gaddis, James A . 22 acres Galloway. Mrs Grace. 1 lot Galloway. M O , 40!) acres Galloway. Nelson. Est . 1 lot Gambill Reality Co.. 1 lot Garrett. Mrs. Louise S . 1 lot Gentry, Nelson, 1 lot George. Rev. L. I! 1 lot Gibson, Fay. 1 lot Gilmer Est.. I lot Gilmer. R. I).. H. Q Me Cracken. 1 lot Goldfinch. A. D . 1 lot Goodwin. Mrs. Herman. 1 lot Gordon, Luther. 1 lot Gordon. Mary Put man. 1 lot Grasty. John. 2 acres Green, Frank, 1 acre Green. Mis (J. W,, 1 lot Green. Leonard 11 , 5 acres Gregory, M. L., Est., 1 lot Guthcrie. N. B., 1 lot Hall, Moody. 1 lot Hamer. Win., 1 lot Haney, I). L., 5 acres Harkins, Olga Jerry, 1 lot Harper, I. S., 1 lot Hembree. Harry. 18 acres Hembree, W. A., 29 acres Hendricks, Elsa, 2.9 acres, Bal. Hickson, James Allen. 1 lot Hill. H. W . 29 78 acres Hill, Robert, 1 lot Hickson. .1 C , 1 lot Holler. J. C. 1 lot Howell. Alden. Sr . 1 lot Howell. Mrs Hilda I. . 1 lot Howell, Thomasine, Est , Hi acres, 2 lots Hoylc, George R . 10 acres Hyatt. Mrs. Alden. 5 acres Hyatt, W. C , 1(1 acres Inman. Homer. I acre Isenhour. Mrs. E. S , 1 lot Jones. Dr. Bob, 1 lot Jones, Hillard. 1 acre Jones. Mrs. Nannie E.. Est., 3 lots Jones. R. E., Est., 11 acres Jones, S. A., 1 lot Jones, S. B.. 1 lot Ketner, Mrs. Lois P Kibler, Dr. C. L., 1 lot Lancaster, J. P., 1 lot Laughlin. Rev. Robt , 1 Leatherwood, Hugh E., acres Leatherwood, Sherrill, 1 lot Ledford. Foy B., 4 acres Lewis. Charlie. 1 '--i acres Lewis, Mrs. Fred. 10' -i acres Liner, Mrs. Jim, 5 acres Logan, C. G.. Est , 1 lot Love, Rev. Dave, 1 lot Ludvisin, L. L., 1 lot McGruder, Ruth, 1 lot Mash burn, Harry L., 7 acres Mathis, Bob, 31 acres Mathis, Ed, 12 acres Mathis, Eddie, 20 acres Mathis, Robert, 4 acres Mehaffey, Dock I.. 1 lot Miller, Mrs. R. E.. 1 lot Miller, S. J , Est , 1 lot, Bal. Miller, W. J., 1 lot Mills, James. 7 acres Mills, Jeff, 2 lots Mintz, Bob, 4-i acres Mitchcl. Sam. Est.. 5 acres Moblcy, Mrs. Anna Lee, 1 lot Moody, Mrs. Florence. l:i4 acres Moody, Mrs. T. Jerome, 1 lot Moore, Bertha, 1 lot Moore, Mrs. Bertie V.. 1 lot Moore, Eloreme, 1 ' i acres Moore, Homer, 1 lot Moore, J. II.. 1 lot Moore, W. H., 1 lot Morgan, Everett, 3 acres Morris Est., 25 acres Muse, Mrs. D. F., 1 lot . Muse. Fred. 2 acres McBride, R. C, 1 lot McCal!, Mrs. Mary S., 1 lot McCIure, Glenn, 3 acres . McColman. H. S., 1 lot MeCracken, Manson, Est., 1 lot 1.95 McDonald. Mrs. Marie, 1 lot 5.20 McElrath, E. W 2M; acres 7.80 McKinley, Mrs. F. B., 1 lot 1469 McKinley, George B., 1 lot 44 38 McKinnon. Jane, Est., 1 lot 3.90 McNabb, George. 5 acres .. 1.88 Nickols, W. A., 137 acres .. 24.77 Nickols, W. Jack, 16 acres 12 85 Norman, Homer, 22 acres .. 17.43 O'Neil, George, 1 lot 8.50 Parker, James, 1 lot 10.02 Parrott, Grant A., 7 acres 13.38 Parton, LUlie, 1 lot 2.08 8.74 6.50 3.12 1.79 5.75 9 10 927 26.95 8 92 7.55 37.96 83.42 12.80 27 91 8 93 18.33 7.02 3.58 19.18 6.76 33. 0 7.93 7.93 5.60 17.66 1 lot lot 2 390 7.80 8.88 260 3.90 ti .iu 30 5.20 942 10 3 90 853 4 75 980 3 90 1 30 4 80 35.75 4 40 22.75 1.95 1 75 1.95 14 .95 3 90 13 83 21.19 1 3(1 21.76 10.40 2 73 3 25 5 20 1 95 7 OH 8.54 6.5(1 15.00 46 HO Hi 90 (i 94 13 00 3 90 21 58 (i 50 22 54 5 20 9 HI) 34.07 25 411 4(i4 (i7 3 Oil 5 85 3 90 1.3(1 2 21 2 12 1.30 (i 50 2 (iO 1 95 (I 50 5.20 3 12 1.30 1 3(1 4 (iO 6.50 2.60 17 34 1 ')() 3 25 1 30 15.60 32 88 1235 623 9 75 2 60 H 56 1 95 2.34 5 85 6.50 54 59 77 16.12 2.60 5.85 7 07 5 20 2 34 1151 23 20 689 9 43 6.50 5 20 27 30 4.88 227 10 12 23.45 13 00 1.30 2.34 2.60 65 38 02 6 50 3 12 11 16 358 9 1 0 520 681 15.15 9.75 9.75 6 46 1 30 962 13.30 1.30 23 40 3 12 6.50 6.50 487 395 8 87 1 95 13 00 3 47 33.80 4.88 585 39.50 7.80 9.16 390 Phillips Mi. C'wrie L., 1 lot 195 Phillip. E. S, 1 lot 98 Phillips, Hugh, 3.9 acres .... 5.97 Phillips. Walter, acre .. 1.04 Penson. W. W 1 lot 1.95 Pruitt. Bill, 13 acres 5.07 Quattlebaum. Mrs. E. G. 1 lot 1.30 Queen. Carrie Brooks, 2V4 acres . 2.60 Queen. Guy F.. -a acre . 7.85 Rathbone. J R , 1.8 acres . 2 08 Rathbone. Shuford, 1 lot 5.25 Rauls. E D . 1 lot 3.90 Reece. D C & Bertha. 1 lot 2M Reynolds Mrs T F , 1 lot 7.15 Rhudy. Mrs A. E., 1 lot 1.30 Hhimer. O S . 1 lot 3 90 Kice. Mrs. Ethel Ford Jones, 1 lot 325 Rich, James. 1 lot .98 Robinson. Frank. 2 acres . 7.22 Rogers, Glenn, 1 acre 6.03 Roland. C. G., 3 lots 1 30 Hoe. William. 3'j acres 9.48 Ro all. Mrs. Elizabeth W.. 1 lot 5.85 Hung. Mr. & Mrs. H. H , 143 acres . 34 97 Ryder. Bruce. 4 acres 3.90 Salisbury Bank & Trust Co., 1 lot 832 Sanders. Mrs Delia, 1 lot 3.90 Scales. Frank, 32 acres 36.85 Scales. Dr. John L . 1 lot . 3 90 Shackford. J A . 1 lot . 65.00 Shelton, Floyd, 9 acres 5 97 Slielton. Joe. 1 lot 545 Shoaf. Mrs. (i. E., 1 lot 6.50 Siler Mrs Frank. Est , I lot 3900 Sisk. George. 1 lot 2.60 Sloan. It J . Est . 2 lot 15.28 Smathers. Harriett. 3 acres 1.30 Smathers, Mrs. Will A . 57 acres 21 10 Smith. Mrs Alice. 1 lot 25 67 Smith. Mrs E F. . 1 lot 14.95 Smith, Grace Francis, 52 acres. Bal. 4.55 Smith, Henry, 11 acres 8.78 Smith. Mrs lsobella. 1 lot 2 27 Smith, Mrs Lottie B. 1 lot 1.75 Smith. Mrs. Mollie, 24'- acres 3.90 Smith. T C. & Co.. 1 lot 4.88 Smith, Zch, 3 acres .78 Smythe. V. G., 1 lot 4 88 Sorrel Is, Ellis. I1.; acres 6 75 Sorrel Is. George. 1 acres 1.75 Sorrel Is. Clint. 2 acres 1 75 Sorrells. Sam. l 't acres 2.58 Stackhouse. Mrs. Jacquline I.. 1 lot 325 Starks. Prof J M.. 1 lot 8.45 Stepp, George. 4 acres 8.72 Stepp, .hick. 7 acres 5.86 Sluart. Mrs George R., 1 kit 3.25 Stillwell. W. C, 1 lot 760 Stinson. Lee. 1 lot 2.92 Stinson, Mrs. Lizzie. 1 lot 1 30 Stockhan Est . 1 lot 2.73 Stoddard, Josephine Jones, 1 lot 325 Sutton. Jessie. 1 kit 2.80 Swindale. J. F.. 1 lot 1 30 Swift, J. P., Est.. 1 lot . 292 Taylor. John A., 1 lot 25.35 Tuttle. D. H. & M. E., 1 lot I 95 Ulmer, Mrs. M. W.. 1 lot 2.69 Underwood, Medford, 1 lot 14 04 Walker. W D., 1 lot 1.95 Warliek, Frank. 34 acres 7.52 Waters. R V.. 12' i acres 19.50 Watson, Millie, 4 acres 5.20 Weaver, Miss Pearl, 1 lot . 1.56 Webb. Ernest, Vt acres 7.28 Welch. V D . Est.. 68 acres 11.57 West colt. L. W., 1 lot 6.50 White, Rev. C. M , 1 lot 2.60 Whit tier. Robert, acre 4.08 Wiggs. II L.. 100 acres 29 90 Willett. W. W.. 1 lot 1 95 WiUiams, Mrs. C. M.. 1 lot 1.30 Willis. Mrs. Emma, Est., 1 lot. Bal 260 Willis. Mrs. Sallie F . 1 lot 4 55 Wilson. Mrs. L. W 1 lot 39.00 Winston, Mrs. Katheiine, 1 lot 3.25 Wood, A. L.. 1 lot 3 90 Wood, Bragg. 14 acres 5 81 Wood. Frank E.. 1 lot .45 Wood, J. M.. 9 acres 1 95 Wyatt, Howard, Est., 49 acres 43.50 Wyatt, John H., 6 acres 13.57 Wyatt, Lon. 3 acres 2 91 Wyatt. Tom. 1' acres 2 92 Yount, Oliver. 1 lot 13.55 lot WAYNES VILLE TOWNSHIP OU.OKEI)) Allen, Tom, Est., 1 lot Rabb, Bud, 1 lot Rabb. Thomas, 1 lot Bryant, Inez Banks, 1 Casey, James. 1 lot Clayton. Leila, 1 lot Davis. Charlie, 1 lot Dodd, William, 1 lot Dunn. Ella Kemp. 1 lot Forney. Tom. 1 lot Foster, Charlie, 1 lot Gibbs. Anna D 1 lot Gibbs, Claude, 1 lot Hackett, Delcie. 1 lot . Hall, Annie. 3 acres Hall, J. W., 1 lot Hodge. Robert, 1 lot Huston, Alice, 1 lot Howell, Ada, 1 lot Kemp, Lelia, 1 lot 11.70 Love, Andy, 1 lot 5 20 Love, Etta, 1 lot 520 1.95 5.20 585 2.50 1 30 11.05 1 30 1 82 1.30 390 325 240 2.60 880 2.60 5.20 390 9 10 3.90 Love. George, acres Love, Howard Love, Leon, 1 Love, Luther, Love, Millie, 1 lot Mitchell, Will. I lot McDowell, Cora Thompson 1 lot McDowell. Leona. 1 lot McDowell, Leo, 1 lot Oshorne, Mose, 1 let Osborne. Sanders, 1 lot Sisk. Robert, 4 acres Smathers, Ella, 1 lot Smith. Callie, 1 lot Stewart, J. II., 1 lot Thompson, Gaither. 1 lot .. Thompson, Tiny. 1 lot Trotter, Mag. 1 lot Welch, Louisa. Est., 1 lot .. White, J C, 1 lot Williams, Jessie H., 1 lot .. J. E. FERGUSON, 5.20 3 90 65( 1 lot lot 12 acres 14.1". 1.30 .... 2.60 1 95 1 95 3.90 :3.85 1.30 8.45 1.9j .65 2.50 1.40 2.60 2.90 3.90 3.22 4.60 Tax Collector and Tax Super visor for Haywood County. TV.

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