THURSDAY, AT. 'GUST THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 23, j J r. it- 11 ft ft I f PAGE TWO (First Section) 1st. Lt Dorothy Meisner; Is Bride Of Joe Shipley (Special To The Mountaini-en CASfcK'l'A, Italy. The -ii:ii-l -of" the 300th Centra I Hospital in Naples was the scene of ihc re cent marriage of Agent .loo (;. Shipley, son of Mrs. Harriett Shin ley and the lale Claude I! Shipley, Brown Avenue, Hazelwood. Id Id Lt. Dorothy Meisner. ANC. daugh ter of Mr. and Mi s. ( : 1 i;j i I. Meisner, Northvillc. Mich. The ceremony was perform! d before three hundred guests, friends and agents of Hie Criminal Investigation Division, by Chap lain Irwin K. Kraemcr. Waukesha. Wis. Immediately following the wed ding, the collide were honored at a reception held in the V-ivles CID Club, and then lei I for a Iwo day honeymoon in Sorrento and the Isle of Capri. The hone union was cut short by the return ol the bride's hospital ship, of lm!i he is part of the nursing ((.nip:. .,n i.i to the United Stale Agent Shipley, who attended 'In University of Tennessee and v., employed by the Amei n an Toh.-ii cm Company prior to his iniramc i to the armed services, lias In en serving in the Mediteri aueaii I be atre of operation lor the p.e I '.'.1 months. lie wears the Ann : n an : Defmise Hibbon. the North mrii ran Defense '(ibbon, the Cood Con duel Medal, the Mediterranean Theatre liihbon with three battle participation stars, and the Unit Meritorious Service Award insig nia. lie met his bride two and one years ago when he was a patient in Hie Camp Stewart, Ga., hospital. The bride, who lias been in the sen ice for lour and one half years, lor Hie past seven months has been serving on the United States im hospital ship, the "Semi jioie ", Mrs. Shipley is a graduate nl the Northvillc high school and ol the I't. Wayne, Indiana, hospit al. The Criminal Investigation Divi sion's job is to investigate criminal a.'-- committed by members of the mcriraii Army and by others to the injury of the American sol dier. Since Hie beginning of its operation overseas, the CID has im i -I njalcd thousands of crimes and leiovcrcd millions of dollars umtli ol I'. S .'government prop e:t. A'.'ent Shipley has played ,i portant pari in the fight mainsl crime in the Mediterranean t heal re. having been instrumental in the Miiashmg of black market rinys and the solving of many as aults and murders. DR. W. KERMiT CHAPMAN DENTIST orri'.r: in qdyd eim dinc. P!-IONf 36 J WA YN' SVI1 t F. N C as featured in ilMUR tTuperbly soft in line and fabric . . J a Junior-Deb Bow-Tie Beauty in Carllex 100' all wool flannel . . . luxuriously lined with Pat-ia-tane, acetate rayon satin. In brown, gold, mint, grey, or black; junior and misses' sizes. if $49.50 Wedded 4 fi I , ' " """if J- Carlttx flannel iff "jf Jg' " ami. we 9 r ' ' . ' i ' i . i' i i ; . .i , pi. - . Engagement, Of Cajroll Louise Bell ToXt. Fred C. Phillips Announced ffKS. rilEDERICK VAUGHN', who was before her marriage last month. Miss Mildred Marie Siler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Albert Siler. of Waynesville, K.K.D No. 2 Woman's Club To Sponsor Benefit Square Dance 29th The Waynesville Woman's Club will sponsor a benefit square dance at the Waynesville Armory on Wednesday evening, August 29, according to an announcement by Mrs. James W. Killian. president. The hours of the dance will be from 'J to 12 o'clock, and Sam Ciueen and his Soco (Jap string band will call and play for the dance. Mabel L Buchanan Is Wedded To Sgt. Robert Massev Mrs. Frank herwood. of Lake Junaluska, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Mabel I., lluclianan, to Sergeant Robert Massey, U. S. Army, which look place in Atlanta on August 19. Sgt. Massey has recently return ed to the Stales after serving three years overseas. He took part in the invasion of North Africa, Sicily, Anzio beachhead, and serv ed in France, Italy, and Germany. At present he is at Fort Bragg for reassignment. Mrs. Masseyis making her home wi'h her mother at Lake Juna luska. Mrs. Fred Plott and children. Marieta Ann, Monte and Johnnie Penland, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Ingram and Miss Una Plott near Hender sonville. Mrs. Mary Murphy, of Charlotte, is visiting her cousin. Miss Sylla Davis. Miss Carolyn Greer spent last week in Andrews as the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mohaffey have returned to their home in Salem, 111., after a visit here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mehaffey, of the Fairview Road. Mrs. Mae White Bethel has as her guests at her home in the Kirkpatrick Apartments this week, Mrs. Graham Hethel and daughter. Miss Sara Hethel, of Thoinaston. Ga. Major and Mrs. John D. Jones, whose marriage look place a fort night ago here at the Grace Epis copal Church, left Monday of this week for Chicago where they will visit relatives of the former after which they both report for duty at their posts. Mrs. Jones, who is serving in the U. S. Marines, will report to San Diego. Major Jones, who has recently returned from three years in the Pacific the atre, will report for reassignment. The village handy man has ac quired a new skill. A few years ago he wasn't so good at soaking you. Bernice Davis Is Wedded To Frank Hill Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Vance Davis, of Clycje, have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Ber nice Frank Hill Haynes, U. S. Army, of Clyde. The mar riage took place on Thursday, Au gust 9th, in Clayton, Ga. Rev, Frank Smith pronounced the vows. The bride who was given in marriage by her aunt. Mrs. Kate Justice, wore a gold cloth tailored suit with British tan accessories, and her corsage was of white car nations. The bride is a graduate of the Fines Creek high school and the bridegroom has been serving for sometime in the armed forces. In addition to the bride's aunt, Sergeant R. C. Haynes. U S. Army, brother of the bridegroom, and James Chambers accompanied the collide to Clayton. Mrs. Haynes will make her home with her husband's parents while he is serving out his tour of duty in the armed forces. Miss Frances Knight Is Married To Samuel Grahl Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Will Knight, of Hazel-Aood. have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Frances Kiuglit. to Samuel Grahl Winchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Winchestei . also of Hazelwood. The vows were solemnized in Clayton. Ga.. on Saturday. August 111. For her marriage the bride wore a white tailored linen suit with brown accessories. The bridegroom is a veteran of World War II. willi a tour of ser vice overseas to his credit. Since his discharge from the armed forces he lias been employed by the Unagusta Manufacturing Com pany. For the present the couple are making their home with the bride groom's parents al their home in Hazelwood. Mildred Marie Siler Is Wedded To Frederick Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siler, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 2, have an nounced the marriage of their (laughter, Miss Mildred Marie Siler, to Frederick Vaughn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vaughn, of Waynesville. The marriage look place in Clay ton, Ga.. on Tuesday. July 3rd. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of the Waynesville Township high school in the class of 1943. Mrs. Everett Brown who holds a position as executive secretary of Lees-McFae College, is spending a few days in Hazelwood with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Davis. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Haywood County. In The Superior Court Millard Clark vs. Flora Clark. The defendant in the above en titled action will take notice that an action as above has been com menced in Haywood County Super ior Court for the purpose of secur ing an absolute divorce from the defendant. Said defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the clerk of the Su perior court of said county at the court house in Waynesville, North Carolina. 30 days after the 16th day of September, 1945, and an swer or demur to the complaint filed in said cause or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded therein. This August 16. 1945. C. II. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk of the Superior Court, No. 1458 Aug. 23-Sept. 13. Bay ford Is Back--- . . . yes, Ray ford is hack, on his old job at the Green Tree Tea Room. He has done a good job making shells for the past 2 1-2 years. We welcome him and know you. will, too. While our menu is not as varied as for merly, due to shortage of essential supplies, we are confident the service will improve with his help. THE Green Tree Tea Boom Ashe ville Road Ms, and, Mrs. Carroll Vernon Bell have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Car roll LouUe Bell, to Lt. Fred C. Phillips, Jr., U. S. Army Air Corps, son of Mf, and Mrs. Fred C. Phil lips, of Burlington. The marriage will take place in the early part of September and will be solemnized in Grace Kpis-1 copal Church, in the Mountains, with the, rector, Rev. Robert G. Tatum, assisted by Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor of the First Meth-j odist church, officiating. The bride-elect, popular mem ber of the, younger social set. is a graduate of the Waynesville , Township high school and attended Salem College and the University of North Carolina. Lt. Phillips is a graduate of the Burlington high school and had completed his sophomore year at the North Carolina State College. Raleigh, at the time he volunteer ed in the U. S. Air Corps lie was called to active duty in March. 1943, and was graduated from the Cadet Pilot School. Maxwell Field and in April, 1944. was sent over seas. He was shot down in Belgium ; while on a mission over enemy territory in June, 1944, and was j captured in August of the same f year. He was held a German pri soner of war until April 17. 1945. i when he was liberated by the Americans. He is entitled to wear the Purple Heart and the Euro pean theatre, ribbon. FOP . TAX8 CALL SCOTT REEVKS Phone 90 Pure Oil Station COMING S OON . . . The-FINEST G DIi SOLD i AT TM Before long, Esso Regular and F.sso Extra will be on their way back better than ever: During the war, our country has needed .vtronomic quantities of powerful super 100 octane aviation gasoline Ubal s why all automobile gasoline has been reduced in qualityi. . . VVe and our afliliales were assigned the job of becoming the world's largest producer of that inagni licent 10(1 octane product. In doing Ib'li job, we built new plants, developed new refining methods and acuuu-ed new "know-how" that will soon pay divi- ESSO SIC (lends to America's car owner. Shortly all of these facdllu,s , v,ork for you -producing , ,. finest automobile uasi. wi made: And 1h:,t , e N before the war l . . u largest selling nrenunm "A..! Maine to Louisiana. ''" lt probably will be a little while h.r your Fsso dealer can supply XJ tbis new gasoline. Meanululc Up '' keep you posted. Keep ,,mr n,j lor further information . extraordinarily- !; ,,.. 4 " " motor fuel ' DEALER' STAN D AR D OIL CO OF NEW JERSEY ALE OF RATI ON "Tn TP1 TP rui JL 0. P. A. ESelease Mo. 107 August 17th to September 29th Women's Oxfords Women's Dress Shoes Men's Dress Shoes and Oxfords Men's Work Shoes Priced $1.98-$2.98 and $3.50 On Sale Now ggery The To 'I