PAGfc FOUR (First Section) St. John's School To Open Tuesday, Sept. 4 St. John's School will open in all departments on Tuesday, Sep tember 4, according to Rev. A. V. Hohrhachcr. .superintendent. The academic year huts nine months. Registration lor the coining year will he held .it the school ollicc Friday. August ;il St. John's School is a private school for pupils from the first through the twelfth grades. Hot ii hoys and girls are accepted as day pupils. Hoarding school facilities are open to girjs onh. Additional features of the school arc a kin dergarten, music department, and commercial department. High school courses are given in religion, Knglish, Latin, French, Spanish. Cerninn, history, citizen ship, sociology, general math, alge bra 1 and 2, geometry, trigonom WANTKD - cutter with Ho feet piping. Must he in good condition. P. (). Box ::.. Way nrsville. Aug v;t YVANTKD TO H KNT by careful tenant last week of August i shin or cottage turnr.heil in or near Va nesville. Phone '.'D2 er ri'r Hex 1 73. Aug '.'A FOR S-Al.K Farm. Mooney Cove, forty acr tract, plenty springs Twenty acres under cultivation balance in woods, saw timber. Couple small boxed houses, two Iwnv Price J.'t.OilO (Hi See F. C. liadhhonc. Houle 2 Aug '.) ic. ;';t :in l. IMhSKY li A D I O SKKVICF licasonable prices. Work guar auteed. S6 Main .Street, Way nesville. tf T.'ANTKD TO BUY shoals and hogs. Will pay top prices Sec .liinaluska Supply Company, tf FOR SUP COVFliS, button holes covered buttons, buckles and tx'lts, also Jiemsti'ching. see Mrs T. L. CampbeK it 11 Masonit Temple, phone 525-.!. I AVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired at Campbell' Slip Covei and Repair Shop. 1 1 Masonic Building, Phone 525-J. If ..... ... YOU SAI.F, - 5-room house and lot. and small orchard near Hazel wood Oarage on Balsam Road. See Perry Norman or Phone 171-J. July 2ti-Aug 2a TIANO Tt'NINO. Voicing and Impairing. Bethel 11. S.. Way nesville, N. C. Paul Shepherd Oct. 25 WANTED 3 Waitresses By Friday $15 Per Week DUNHAM HOUSE Wanted Must be qualified to take dictation, transcribe notes and do typing. Opening in office of local plant. Permanent. Salary based on ability and experience of applicant. APPLY AT UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 40 Main Street Waynesville, North Carolina etry, general science, biology chemistry, art, speech, typing. Gregg shorthand, and bookkeep ing i he. commercial department of the high M ill id ollei., lourses in slioi 1 Hand. 1.. ring. hooKHccpiug, ami ,;eni,il onoe pr.icucc. 1 ins coin . e i., also 1 1, it 1 1 io post gi au- li.HC Sl l,i ni... M. ,iim:i .-, gi.iiii.u,ii :,iioo Mas a l,Ul,,.ll O I lj.,Ol , t ,11 I Oil. NU. M. J Mil li . kllali I kj, len is Oilcll lo iniuiien oi not. i M'Xi'h iroiii iiree o im' 111 .i,e. i iie.v ni'ij either attend the inorning sesi-ioii iioni !);()) t,, 12:1)0, or the ."ix-uour ses.ion from 1)1)0 a. in !o ;i no p. oi , or Hit may attend I lie .'II day kindergarten from !):0() "i lo a ... in. A hot lunch Want Ads HF.NF.KI I' Ngl'Alit; DAN C E Sponsored In Woman's Club at Ai'imiiy Wetlnesday, 2!Kli. Sam Quern and his famous Soco Cap String Band will he in charge. Admission ,M)- a prison Don't miss the, eshihlmn of Folk Dancing Join the crowd on Wednesday night Aug. 2 FOR SAI.F Several homes m the id'., also one gooil income properly. II II Moll, office at Boyd I'urinliiie Co. Aug. 2,'l FOR SU.I-: i;!7 ituick Special Sedan, six wheel,; good contb I'l'ii I'alinei' House. Aug. 2ii FOR SAI.F A iiipliliii. complete set ready io u e Speaker. Mike, and 2 stands. Cord, etc. Fxtra set tubes. Fine tor Church use. OROWPFRS. .Main Street. Can ton. N, C. if :i.!.'RF !T I I KM I I RK STORE lias opening for two or more energetic and ambitious young ni-n. interested in a permanent job u ith a luliire. Apply in per son at Caiiflt Furniture Store. Sept. ti FOR SAI.i: -H-I'ont House Trail er. May he seen at Camp Ad wnturc. Lake .liinaluska. See Mr. Blaugh. Phone FOR RENT Collage at Lake .liinaluska. two looms and bath. Available until Sept. loth. Call Mrs. Manuel II. Jones at :ib'4. Aug 23 i'ASH PAID For Ty prwritcrs and Adding Machines, call or write and we w ill come to your place in person. Phone 24H7 or write CHOWDERS. Mam Street. Can ton. C. f WIU. TRADE Auto Radio and aerial for portable battery and electric radio. F. II. Saunders, Short Street Phone 172 office: Mil. I residence. Aug. 2 FOR SAFE Two choice residen tial building tots on (irand View, also one lot just off Welch Street Phone 2710. Canton, or note owners Box 772. Pasadena. 'I'cxas. Sept. Kj FOR SAFE Slorkline collapsable baby buggy with steel frame and in good (ouditiou. Phone 62. Ask ler Mrs. ( asey . .uf;. 2,'i UlPINC MACHINES For sale or tent Phone : , wlite CHOWDERS. Mam S'leet. Can Ion, N. C. f mmediately APHER Marriage Licenses Crawford McMahan to Ruth Keener, both of Haywood county. Raleigh T. Waldrop to Naomi Ashe, both of Brevard. and two supplementary meals are served each day. The music department offers courses in piano, organ, violin, all bras and reed instruments. Bus service is available to Sylva, Canton, Soco (Jap, and interme diate points uithin a 20-niilc ra dius. C.raminar school and high school classes begin at 9:00 a. in. anil last until 3:20 p. rn. We punish the Nazis for murder ing i'oles; the Poles murdering lews; Jew extermists in Palestine murder Knglislimen Nice world FOR SAFE - Philco Cabinet Radio See O. H. Shelton. Aug 2:i WANTED Til) head of cattle for wintering. Full silage and hay feed in first class barn. P O Box 55, Waynesville. Aug 2'j POST Between Kirpatrick Apts. and I'ost Office, Naval Air Crew Wings pin i. lit fiom son to! mother. Finder please return Mountaineer. Aug. 2.'i I FOR SAFE - Majestic smoke-eater hotel or restaurant range. Pal mer House, Pigeon St. Aug 2'. FOR SAFE Nine-room house with all conveniences; two acres laud and small orchard; near in on East Street. Call phone 4(15 ,1 for particulars. Aug. 2,'i FOR RENT- -September and pos sibly longer, furnished five-room house. All conveniences. Cjuiet hut accessible to Main St. Adults only. Phone 115-.I. Aug. 2'A HEFP WANTED Cirl with knowledge of typing, filing, gen eral office procedure. Blading Oas Service. If DOMESTIC IIEFP WANTED Full-time; reasonable bonis: good pay. Mrs. Blading, Welch Street, phone 202. tf TYPEWRITER REPAIRS Type-! writers and Adding Machines overhauled, cleaned and adjust ed. We call in person. Phone 2487 or write CROWDERS, Main Street, Canton. N. C. tf WANTED Electric, kitchen range. RANOE. care The Mountaineer : Aug. 2;(-.'!0 FOR SALE .22 Cal. Rifle, Win-, Chester model 52. 2H inch barrel, equipped with Redfield hooded j sight, sling and extra clip magazine. Price $(!5 00. Box 524, Fake .liinaluska, Tel. 202-R Aug. 21! . FOR SALE One Chevrolet one half ton pick-up truck. In good condition with all good tires. Oct in touch with William Sut ton. Rt. 2, Waynesxille. N. ('.. Box 174. Aug. 23-Sept. fi FOR SAFE-One Ensilage cutter. Contact B. F. Jackson. Clyde. N C. Aug. 23-30 LOST Olasse leather case, er. Reward. R A. Cook. Salem. N. C. ; in plastic frame: Necessary to ow n Communicate with Route 7, Winslon Aug. 23 THE WAYNESVILLE Returns From Carribean Area CAPT. SAM C WELCH has ar iii'd lroin Fort Benning, tia., to spend a W day leave here at Oak Park. Capl. Welch, who volun teered soon alter the attack on Peai I Harbor, returned in the early summer I rum a year's tour of duty m the CaiTihr.ui aiea and was sent to Fort Benning, Oa , for advanc ed traiiulig. Upon completion of the course lie was sent to Fort McPneison and given a leave. At the time he entered the ser vice Capl Welch was senior exami ner of the Federal Home Loan Bank of the Tenth District with hcaihpiartor-, in Topeka, Kan. He was inducted al Fort Leavenworth, lev . and took Ins basic training at Camp Wollers. Tex , after which he attended Oflircr Candidate School, Fort Benning. and from there was sent lo Camp Croft, where he was stationed prior to being sent out of the Stales. ('apt. Welch was accompanied here by Mrs. Welch and their young son, Sam C. Welch, III. NOTICE North Carolina, Haywood County. In the Superior Court Carroll Robertson, vs. Novella Robertson Tiic defendant in the above en titled action will lake notice that action has been commenced in the Superior court of Haywood County. Stale of North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce. And the said defendant will fur ther lake notice that she is re quired to appear before the clerk oi the Superior court in Waynes ville, North Carolina, Mo days after lhe Kith day of September, 1945, and answer or demur to the com plaint, tiled in said action or the plaint ill' w ill apply for the relief demanded in said complaint. C. II I.F.A'I'IIERWOOD. Clerk of the Superior Court. This the Hi day of August, 1945. No. 145!) Aug. 23-Sept. 13. LOOK HERE! Wanted Men and Women to start in business on our capital. Sell some 200 farm home Products in Waynesville. Also North Haywood and Jack son counties. Thousands of our dealers now make quick sales, big profits. For particulars write llawleigh's, Dcpt NCH-245-192, Richmond. Ya. Aug. 23 WANTED A good home for 2'a year old Collie and (i-mnuth pup. w ill pay for services more if Hie two animals arc kept togeth er. See Mrs. Rufus L. Allen. Aug. 23 'City Ras convenience' a rural service with C nokm? Water heating KclriEeration Heating A'k us helntp you buy. orccml'sts in ( unci tins Appliances ninie-,lir HJirl Commercial kkaiunc; ;.S SERVICE Phone 202 Welch t Slmrt SHOES from Factory 1 r i . ntprcsemoTive w This modern way o? nrrlrtlnf jhoM f,-r Mm and Women dirprt from th lartre jfartory stock - (Lssiircs yon of many ad Vantages jou'll appreciate: Accurate Fit Genvlnts Sfvinff Fresh Stock Variety of Stylei MASON SHOES Accurate Fit Guaranteed HMpct the sty It you prefer from over 200 smart models ! shown. Your shoes will then be delivered to you tn a few dnyt . . . perfectly made of flnpst leathers, guaranteed to please and savt you money. Ask me to pjve. you a demonstration of our Personal Pitting Service In your own home or office. No obligation. S. E. GREER Sanitary Barber Shop Main St. Waynesville ( f"z$ Iff 4ec MOUNTAIN EER Senator Hoey Speaks In County Over Week-End Senator Clyde R. Hoey spoke twice in the county over the week end, appearing on the platform of the Lake Junaluska Assembly Fri day evening and speaking to ap proximately 300 members of the Five Year Cluli of the Champion ! Paper and Fibi f Company in Can I ton at their annual meeting on j Saturday night. He also found time to spend several hours in Waynesville Saturday greeting old friends. The Senator presented opposi tion to peace time military con scription at the Lake, slating that compulsory military training in times of peace was out of harmnm with the democratic spirit and the democratic institutions of this country. "America," said the Senator, "is preparing to lead the nations of the earth in the postwar world. The vision and foresight of Amer ican statesmanship, have already provided the means for enabling our country to give direction to lhe course of world events and to dedicate the resources and prestige of this gnat republic lo rehabili tating the devastated countries and to further the cause of world peace. "Five successive steps have been taken by congress to implement the mechanism of international co operation and to facilitate our par ticipation in an effective manner in the establishing and maintain ing peace and stable conditions fol lowing the close of the war," he said. "We recognize the necessity of meeting the practical situation of helping the nations stabilize them selves as prerequisite to the estab lishment and maintenance of or derly government. You cannot have peace in a world of want and hunger. We also owe it to the other nations to give them an example as to how a peaceful na tion should conduct its own af fairs," continued the Senator, as he pointed out how America could provide security for herself and yet contribute the supreme factors in conserving world peace. In addressing the group at Can ton Senator Hoey referred lo Reu ben B. Robertson, executive vice president of the company, as one of the outstanding industrialists in the country today, and that he had found a spirit of optimism among the employes of the company be cause of the steady work they had received. He expressed interest in the re conversion plans and declared that America is capable of developing leaders, and that this country must cooperate with the remainder of the world in making readjust ments. 1 All Shoes Ail 4 jfa ' rot pre-1 e.T b' , l Massie's Dept. Information Please- W. L. Lampkin at the re quest of an official of the Bell Telephone Company, is seek ing information about John Cairns, who is reported to have spent around four years in this vicinity writing about birds, in the ears between 1896 and i aoo. Anyone who has any infor mation about the writer is ask ed to contact either W. L. Lampkin or The Waynesville Mountaineer. Vocational School Building Proposed (Continued from page one) ing crowded conditions of the Way nesville high school building has made the new building necessary, it was slated. All existing science, shop, home economies and other departments are now housed in the existing building and the erection of the new plant will allow for the re moval of these departments from I he present building, providing the space occupied by the mfor use as class rooms. Lidnsey M. Gudger, architect, of Asbeville is now preparing the plans for the building. WOOD FOR SALE With Coal Rationing and Labor and Trans portation Difficulties, We Will Probably Ex perience A Severe Shortage of 'Fuel Next Winter. Now Is The Time To Lay In A Supply Of Wood Call 248-W or 331 HAZELWOOI) LUMBER COMPANY 0 0RR ffiIlC IN la." t .r- fo"Mr:i.. Fitted By Experts With Aid Of C. J. REECE, Owner Mountaineers Start Grid Practice With 57 Turnout Coach Carleton Weatherby's Wavnesville Mountaineers began football practice yesterday after noon with 57 boys turning out for the season. This is enough for five complete teams, but it is ex peetcd that some of the number will drop out when the rough work begins. Only light drill was performed yesterday with only drills to place the players in condition being ad ministered. Coach Weatherby stated that he would not issue uniforms until the first of next week, when the boys get down tc business. The Mountaineers have a tough schedule, with the prospects for a light, fast team in the making. Due to the lifting of the ban on travel and gasoline, the locals will not have the difficult problem of transportation that has been the case in the past few years, and also local fans will have the privilege of following them. America once had a cotton mo nopoly. Dumbness lost it, and now a dumb policy is surely destroying what market is left. Why scold congressmen for go ing abroad? It's the only way to learn. They should be required to visit all of America, too. X-Ray Store Quite THURSDAY, AUGUST, CO 00 rn o 0 CD o J

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