THURSDAY, AVQl ST r. PAGE SIX (Firsi SeeffcrJ THE WAYNES TUXE MOUNTAINEER Service Men To Return Unchanged Says Chaplain "You will find your returning service man not a gnat deal dif ferent," was the prediction of Capt. Bill Erwin, chaplain in the air corps, who has recently return ed from overseas, and is resting at Lake Junaluska, He addressed the Rotary Club last week. 'Toxholes do not make Chris tians," he said. "There are too many not sincere in their religious matters. I have had men tell me they prayed for hours while on a dangerous mission, and in a short time after landing would be dead drunk, out with notorious women, and cursing up a storm." he con tinued. "That is not true relig ion." "The army gives a man an op portunity to express what is inside of liim. If he is good, he becomes better. If he is bad, he often be comes worse, which means there is a definite need for more home training." National Known Cattle Man Here Dr. George E. Taylor, of New Brunswick. N. J., was here this week classifying the 50-head Jer sey herd at State Test Farm. Dr. Taylor is a national known auth ority on cattle, and recently judg ed tiie National Cattle Show. You can't win. Every time you sell anything at boom price, you help inflation cut the value of your bonds and life insurance. ACTS ON THE KIDNEYS 1 increase flow of urine and relieve irritation of the bladder from excess acidity in the urine Jir. you suffering unnecessary distress,, run-down feeling and discom prt from excess acidity in the urine? Are ou disturbed nights by a frequent desire I pass water? Then you should know about that famous doctor's discovery DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT that thousands Say gives blessed relief. Swamp fcoot is a Carefully blended combination of if barbs, roots, vegetables, balsams. Dr. Ulnar's is not harsh or habit-forming in may way. Many people say its marveluui set Is truly amazing. Sand for frse, prepaid sample TODAYI Llks thousands of others you'll be gliyd that you did. Send name and address to Department D. Kilmer & Co., Inc., Box taSS. Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send M SUca. AH druggists sell Swamp Root. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEOEHE THE CLERK BOBENA ROGERS PA DC. KIT, ET AL VS. BBANNEU GILMER. ET AL Under and by virtue of an order and judgment of the Superior Court of Haywood County, made and entered in the above entitled BDecial proceeding, being No. 322 on special proceeding docket of said court, on the 6th dav of Au gust, 1945, I will sell at public outcry on the premises on Daisy Avenue, at 11 o'clock A. M. Mon day, September 24th. 1945. to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described lots of land, to wit, Jots Nos. 7. 8. 3. 10. 11 and 12, in Block "C ', Oak Forest Ad dition as surveyed and platted bv E, C. Brown, C. E., which plat is recorded in deed book "R". page 600. Said lots are located on Southwest side of Daisy Avenue in the Town of Waynesville. N. C. and are described cn block, as fol lows: BEGINNING on a stake in Daisv Avenue 100 feet South of the in tersection of Brown street and said Daisy Avenue and runs thence S 89 28' W. 200 feet to a stake; thence S. 48' W. 150 feet to a 3take; thence S. 89 28' W. 100 feet more or less to the W. S. Brown line; thence with said line S. 35 30' E. 183 feet to a stake; thence N. 89 28' E. 192 feet to Daisy Avenue; thence along Daisy Avenue N. 5 48' E. 300 feet to the beginning, as described in deed from J. M. Moody et al to R. Q. McCracken, R. D. Gilmer and Dr. H. M. Rogers, dated Sept. 3. 1891, and recorded in book No. 24, page 493, (Teeord of deeds of Haywood County. ' 5 T. L. GREEN, Commissioner. No. 1460 Aug. 23-Sept. 13. 1 SPECIALIST LlKE every other pro fetsion, life insurance also has its specialists. Your Jef ifavson Standard representa tive is a specialist in "Plan net! Protection." He is equip ped by training and experi I nce to analyze your needs and help you build a life in surance program tailored to your individual requirements. Without cost to you he will & glad to talk with you and :b4p you work out your "Planned Protection" pro gram. Call or write him today. S. E. Connatser Special Representative Route 2 Waynesville Community Can nery At Bethel Will Open Today The Bethel community cannery will open today, with all facilities reads' for canning fruits, vegeta bles and meats, according to I. A. McLain. supervisor, and Mrs. Joe Ueverage, cannery manager. This week the cannery will oper ate today and Friday, and start ing next week will be open on Tuesday and Friday every week as long as the needs demand, it was said. Mr. McLain said the cost of cans and processing would run from 4'-2 to 7 cents per can. depending on the size and type cans used. This covers all costs, he said. For any details covering uses of cannery, patrons are asked to con sult either Mr. McLain or Mrs. Beverage. Major Smothers Named Assistant Attorney General Major George Armistead Smath ers. U. S. Marine Corps, who serv ed lb' months in the South Pacific theatre, was recently discharged from the armed forces, and has been appointed a special assistant to the newly named U. S. Attorney General Tom Clark. Upon his return from the Pa cific theatre Major Smathers was assigned to the office of the judge advocate in Washington, D. C, and was promoted to major. Upon re quest of Mr. Clark he was dis charged from the armed forces and duties with judge advocate and assigned to his office. He will either be assigned to Boston, where he will assist in the trial of ex-boss Curley, or to Flor ida to prosecute some important government cass pending there. In either event he will take a short vacation before assuming his new duties and will spend part of the time here with his parents, Judge and Mrs, Frank Smathers, and will j be joined by his wife and two small sons. Waynesville Man Had First Concession At Atomic Bomb Plant Robert L. Sutton, of Waynesville, had the first concession at Oak Ridge, Tenn., where the famous and destructive atomic bomb was built. Mr. Sutton ovvnett a barber shop at Oak Ridge, and also at I'ontana. Army Chaplain To W.C.T.C. Will Speak At Local Begin 56th Year Methodist Church September 11th Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bramlett had as their guests last week Mrs. Joe Baxter and her father, J. S. Mullin, of Dothan, Ala. Mrs. Bax ter, wife of the late Dr. Baxter, formerly resided here and came at this time on business. on'l Expect Too Much Too Soon - - - The situation is casing up some, hut not enough to expect loo much of the short items all at once. YOU CAN KXPECT TIIK SANK High Quality Always Pearce's Bakery Boosters Hold Annual Ladies Night For Guests More than 65 members of the Boosters Club and then' wives at tended the annual ladies night at Lake Logan last Thursday night. No formal program was held, and after the dinner, the group went into the lodge lobby and sang familiar songs. Whitner I'revost welcomed the guests, and .Mrs. Sam Knight re sponded. Rev. S. K. Crockett spoke briefly, following 11. L. I're vost and Mis. L. M. Hicheson. Di'wev ilvilt, president of the club, was master of ceremonies. Chaplain George A. Baker, as sistant post chaplain at Moore General Hospital, will speak at the First Methodist Church on Au gust 26 at 8:00 o'clock. Chaplain Maker will discuss the responsi bility of the local church to re turning service men and the part that the church can play in the to tal readjustment program. In connection with this, he will cite some of his experiences in the : armed forces. I Chaplain Baker is a Methodist minister and a member of the Up per South Carolina Conference. He has served four years in the armed forces, 21 months of which was in the Pacific theatre of action. At present he is stationed at Moore General Hospital. Western Carolina Teachers Col lege will open for its fifty-sixth year of work on the afternoon of September 11. All freshmen are asked to assemble at the Hoey auditorium on Tuesday afternoon al two o'clock to begin a program of orientation, which is he.d an nually at the college for new stu dents. Registration for freshmen and transfer students will tv held on Thursday. September 13. Former students will register for classes on Friday, September 14. The college dining room will be open for meals at six o'clock on Monday evening, September 10. Classwork for all students be gins Saturday. September 15. Dr. H. T. Hunter is president ot the teachers' college. Now-When your dau ters need them--- Let Us Bake For You Cpl. Arthur Woody Is Home From Overseas Cpl. Arthur Woody arrived here yeslcrd.iv from a year overseas. He landed in Hampton Hoads and ticini there to Fort Hra'Jt' and ihen i home, lie has been in service for I h" past liree . ( ars NOTK I) OK TRI'STKE'S SAI.F, YOU CAN filVE YOURSELF A DELUXE w9 ) nnA September 1 lock ( Hi Mond; al eleven i court house door in the Waynesville. N. ('.. 1 wil sale al public oulery to est bidder for cash, the . I'llfi. I. al the Town of oiler for the high following lands and premises lying and be ing in said Town ol Vvaynesville. Haywood ('oiinly. North Carolina, described as follows: Heing the same land sold and conveyed by deed from C. M. Dunn and wife, to W. V. Roberson and wife. HHilNMNd on Thomas Street 250 feel from Flint Alley, running N. :" 45' K. " 192 feet; S. 4(i K. 9(1: thence S. 53 190 feel to Thomas Street: N. 4(i W. with Thomas 100 feel to the BEGIN- thence ,'iO' W. thence street: NINC. Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon me by virtue of that certain deed of trust exe cuted by Alice K. Houston (widow), dated March fth. 1927, and record ed in Hook 19, page 19(i, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This 17 day of August. 1945. J. K. MF.DFORD, Trustee. No. 1457 Aug. 23-Sept. 13 Now you can give PERM AM E $X1 yourself a genuine creme cold wave at home with new TONI. What a difference this creme wave solution makes! New luster . . . new easy-to-manage softness ... a genuine beauty-salon type permanent that combs out into deep-set, longer-lasting waves and curls. Takes just 2 to .5 comfortable hours at home . . . easy as putting your hair up in curlers! Insist on TONI CREME COLD WAVE Kit, con taining identical ingredients used by beauty salons for cold waves costing as much as $15.00 and more. Try it. Guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Mothers! Cite your daughter a TONI COLD WA VE. You' It be thrilled nd proud of the result. PLUS 15c TAX COMPLETE WITH CURLERS AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED From Now On, Your Motto Should lie- Save Dollars at Raiff weaier avings All wool slipover sweaters, J I ST IN . . . in every wanted color . . . worth to $1.J8 . . . sizes :! 1 t 40. $3.69 Smith's Cut-Rate Drug Store Slipover Sweaters In n wide variety of colors. $1.98 to $3.98 Does Your Little Girl Wear Froj Size7tol4? Then come to Raiffs for sweaters ;inl skirts lAj J f) . JV. Our Tenth Season In Waynesville This Season We Have TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. Largest, Finest Collection at I Our i. s "''''MssMsssssrsss IH HI Offered At Auction Daily Fine Diamond Jewelry Imported Porcelains Watches Clocks Antique English Silver Sterling Silver Genuine Paintings Antique Furniture Art Goods TWO SALES DAILY 11:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. Hundreds Of Items Too Numerous To Mention And The Finest Collection Of Lace Dresden Figures Ever Offered To The Public For Sale. v aMaPic HjMiLd ooci aii iiiaco Dale Two Sales Daily Il:d0a.m.-8:00p.m. Waynesville Art Gallery Two Sales Daily 11:00 a.m.-8:00p.m. $&r Skir 'ea'tM'' s"me jjjjr sJs' yolks ... in solii A ors and pl;ii,N . V ' Ml Some with upfi prvj tat Skirt Savings More skirts here to select from than you find elw Group 1. Pleated and gored skirts . . . Reduced to $1.98 Group 2. Pleated and Dirndl skirts, with and without ruffl Reduced to . . $2.98 Croup 3. Wool Plaids, Gabardines. Twills . . . . Reduced to . . . $3.98 A Word To Larger Women: Raiffs Have Skirts To Fit You Or Do You Have A Tittle' Tot Wearing From M to 6??? You'll Find A Lovely Selection of S1 and skirts at . . , $1.98 Remember: There are no selections rrnvwhere: There 0T6 better values; For All Your Ne , Shop :;f :W.'!tlNr:W;i Main Street 2 Doors From Theatre

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