SDAY, AUGUST 23, 1945 THE WAYNESYTL1E MOUNTAINEER PAGE ONE Second Sclkm7 backers Of Schools Named For Session ...miv ,iinrrin- !ls!0!:Ov avne,v.lle U.stnc klU " S , nn.l Fran- Mrs fctnei crais Chloe Kogers. ivn. m;-s Grace Albright U Harvell, wary sarali Welch, Miss .i Ami Turner. ' o.,cv.. Rovd. Vyr l.c.'(lifrwood. Mrs. Mrs- rrana d. rnju 1 IVrrv. Alma Mae L )i;s Inez Brooks. Nancy Milan. Ova l'. rerKusuu .. ,i. ., npti Smith. h nn.wi - rood Siliool: Lawrence WLARI A if jnctors nr jtf To Begin j On Monday . .,i. Havwooti county announced this f;v!; .ne year 1945-46 : Ttrrf to IKI S6 DAYS WITH LIQUID FOR MACARIAL SYMPTOMS Take only at directed Leatherwood, principal, Eula Pat terson, Mrs. Irene Giant. Mrs Cumi Stamey, Edna Perry Bright. Belle Franklin RatclifT, Annie Plot! Ledbetter, Lois Harold. Mary F. Davis, Laura Eleanor Parker. Lou Belle Boyd, Daisy Boyd. Mrs Ruth Creasenian RatclilT. Mrs Gussie Martin Palmer. Mr Samuel Knight. Mrs. Estelle ter Alli son and Alice Iiarkerville Smith Central Elementary: Claude W Rogers, principal, Martha Sloan Way, Erma Patterson. Sara Marga ret Burgin, Elizabeth S. Henry. Edna Boyd, Mrs. Margaret Kirk patrick Long and Mrs Bonnie T Howell. East Waynesville Frank L lios ers, principal, Frances Robeson. Mrs. Frances L. RatclifT. Mrs Liu.i Mae Noland Connatser, Mrs. Mary Rathbone Williams, Mrs. Earl Messer, and Stephanie Moore. Rock Hill School N. W. Rog ers, principal, Mrs. Claudia B Leatherwood. Mrs Fannie B Haul er, Lois White Ferguson. Iowa I,(m Ferguson Boyd, Nell Campbell and R. E. Owen Lake Junalu.ska: Grover C Coop er, principal. Mrs. Edna Noland Terrell. Flora Hathbone Ballinger. Mrs. Ilulh S Noland and Kn-la Fincher Jay nes Dellwood: Mrs Bessie MiClure Evans. Maggie: Roger Ferguson, princi- Ruth M Henry, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Jessie P. James, prin- Francis, Lil Alma Geneva G Sfi.ClAL IIAVILAND'S ROSALINDA DAVIS-SMITH (Jewelers Since 1865) fomplete Stock Church Street Opposite .Masonic Building; Telephone 514 pal. Mrs Stella R Houtdl Miens Cn-ok School: Mrs. Edna F hewers. mis Avis Medford Cur icy and .Mrs Maye Davis Boyd. Saiiiiihik School: Miss Maggie E Chambers. Mrs. Jack Allison. Bethel School District Bet hi-! High School: W. P. White dcs. prineippl of district, Paul Franklin Sheperd. Berniee McEl hannon. Mrs. Ruth A. Tucker. Mar garet E Boyd. Alva Jo Moody, lio.-tih- Shu.-nolis. 1. A. McLain. Dorothy Mae Janes, Blanche Jcr vis Mildred McCrackcn Medford. Essie Sellers Ina Henry Duvall. Mary Adeline Boone. Vlcnia Knox McElhannon. Mrs Azalec H. Shep erd Mrs Matue K Able. Ruth M Dot sen. Mrs Kate B. McLain, Gay Chambers. Mrs. Velma Myer Rog ers, Theodou- Jams, and Coralee Moeh . Cruso School. Hugh Rogers, prin cipal. Paul Grogan. Edna Morrow Bertha Grogan and Nora Belle Recce Cecil School J. C filial. James llarley ban A llnm-s and Chamhers Spring Hille. Mrs Evelvn Chambers and Gladys Hen.-.on. Fines Creek School Fred I. SalTord, principal. Mis Kalheryn Kirkpatrick. William Glenn Noland. Edna May James nl.itul. Bonnie Faye Duekett Steve Ferguson, Mrs Fannie B Noland. Margaret Lee Greene. Mrs Tlu-lnia G Ferguson, Lorane French Rogers Duekett, Charles H. Duekett. and Pearl Elizabeth James. ("old Springs School ( ane , Smith and Vogor .Io cc j Clyde School I Homer Henry, principal. Loup- M Noland. Ilattie S. j man. Ellen II Hay lies. Mrs Edythe i Cannon. Mrs Pauline Good.son Sarah Long. Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Mrs ' Bonnie Shook. Mrs. llettey I! Ter I roll. Cai roll Morrow, Mrs. Mary ; Brooks, Janice Sinathers, Robert j C Evans. Rose Mane Hay lies, and ' G Truett High. Crabtree School j .1 T Chappell. Jr., principal. l.ura Mae Green. Agnes Alma Alma Reeves. Mrs. Annie Davis Chappell. Mrs. Maynie Love Leath erwood. Mrs. Emily Palmer Nesbitt. Betty Jo Wade, Eva Jaie Rogers, Mrs. Velma F. Morrow, Sara Phyl t lis Terrell, Mrs. Roxie Noland I James, Mrs, Ned Tucker. Mrs. Faye Jack Mrs Free- Belk - Hudson's Annual Summer IMIMMfTIF J&a J u nl J l Hi it i VLiLfl Women's and Girls' SANDALS Beautiful Hand BAGS Men's TRAW HATS la RDE 'Home Of better Taiues" I New Compulsory School Attendance Law As Applied To County Explained The last General Assembly clamped down on irregular school attendance and the following com pulsory attendance law was pass ed, according to M. H. Bowles, county superintendent: "Every parent, guardian, or oth er person in the state having charge or control of a child be tween the ages of seven and four teen years shall cause such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school in the district m which the child resides shall be in session. "The principal, superintendent, or teacher who is in charge of such school shall have the right to excuse the child temporarily from attendance on account of sickness, or distance of residence from the school, or other unavoid able causes, which does not consti tute truancy as defined by the state board of education. The term 'school' as used in this sec tion is defined to embrace all pub lilc schools and such private schools as have tutors or teachers and curricula that are approved by the county superintendent of public instruction or the state board of education "All private schools receiving ind instructing cbidren of com pulsory school age shall be requir ed to keep such records of at tenance and render such reports if attendance of such children as ire required of public schools; and ittendanee upon such schools. If 'be school or tutor refuses or neg lects to keep such records, or to render such reports shall not be accepted in lieu of attendance up on the public school of the dis trict, town or city which the child shall be entitled to attend: Pro vided instruction in a private school or by private tutor shall not be regarded as meeting the re quirements of the law unless the courses of instruction run concur rently with the term of the public school in the district and extend for al least as long as a term. "Any parent, guardian, or other person violating the provisions of this article shall be guilly of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be liable to a line nor less Gibbs Miner, and W. T. Grant. Mt. Sterling: Gertrude Drinkill, Ethel S. Tweed. Cataloochee: Vacancy. than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars, and up on failure or refusal to pay such fine, the said parent, guardian or other person shall be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days in the county jail. "The county board of education in a county administration unit and the city board of administra tion may employ special atten dance officers to be paid from funds derived from fines, forfeit ures and penalties, or other local funds, and said officers shall have full authority to prosecute for vio lations of this article " Formerly in Haywood county the truant officer has been related to the welfare department, but this phase of work by the new state law has been transfered to the special attendance officer. County Teachers To Hold Half-Day Meet Saturday, 25 A county-wide meeting of the teachers in the Haywood schools is scheduled for Saturday, August 25, at the high school auditorium to begin the half-day session at 10 a. m. All teachers and principals of the schools are required to attend this meeting and discus splans for the work of the coming year, It was clarned from the county su perintendent of education. No 1946 Graduates From Waynesville High School There will be no class of 1946 from the Waynesville Township high school, as there will be no graduating class, according to the superintendent of the district. The incoming senior class is the first to enter the eighth grade in 1943 which inaugurated the full twelve-year program in the local high school. Every effort will be made to plan a program, however, for the stu dents who have moved here from other sections where they have had the advantage of a 12-year school and are ready to enter a senior class. These students, while there will be only a small group, will be given the work of a 12th grade and though there will be no formal commencement they will be given full credit and a diploma for then-work. Revival To Start On Main Street Tuesday Night Clyde P. Kindlay, of Wilming ton, Del., will begin a series of revival services at the tent locat ed on Main Street near the Massie Furniture Company. The meet ing will begin on Tuesday eve ning, August 28, at 8:00 o'clock. Mr. Findlay is a evangelist of the Church of Christ. He has serv ed in Texas and Oklahoma before going to Delaware. Mr. Findlay will be assisted in this meeting by J. W. Brents and A. R. Ilolton. both of Nashville, Tcnn. They said they are hopeful, that a per manent meeting ground for sum mer assemblies can be secured High School Registration Days Announced Registration at the Waynesville high school will start next Wed nesday, August 22, and continue through Friday, 24th, it was learn ed from the county superintendent from ! to 4 o'clock each day. Students in 10th and 11th grades will register on Wednesday. Students in 9th grade will reg ister on Thursday, and eighth graders will register on Friday. 24th. The students will check on their Spring registrations and receive their daily programs of classes and work. All prospective stu dents in these classes are required to attend and register on the days designated. Miss Lois Massie Accepts Position In Tennessee Miss Lois Massie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Massie. has gone to Covington, Tcnn . where she has accepted a position as a member of the faculty of the high school of that place. Miss Massie recent ly grauated from the University of Tennessee. Business Opportunity Business man or lady to own and operate Route of 1'. S. Postage Stamp Machines. No selling. Only few hours work weekly. 100 machines should pay up to $1200.00 month. Nominal investment required. State Phone No., and hest time for inter view. Phone ti, care this paper. Belk-Hudson's OPA RELEASE No. 107 Men's and Women's 0 E Ration-Free August 17 September 29 Men's Work and Dress Shoes Women's Oxfords and Dress Shoes 1 Belk-Hudson Co "Home Of Better Values" minium II III i mil ! IWWIIII1 1 Ji I'M soupy i was y f sugar it's no l GOt-F q 1 srK.. r I J FRiENOL SERVICE R'K ' atC0AS Belk-Hudson Co. eady for ceool utiit Them -at- BEIKHUDSOH'S with Shoes Sweaters Dresses Rain Coats Blouses Slifs Hats Pants Coats Underwear Shirts Socks isit Our Children's Department On The Second Floor BELK-HUDSON COMPANY "Home Of Better Values