THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE PAGE FOUR (Second Section) THE WaFNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Time To Start Getting Packages To Men Overseas Same Regulations As Last Year Apply To Mailing Christmas Packages. II'.; tiiiu' to he thinking of niail inj: C lu isl packages overseas. Tin.1 regulations governing the nn.ili.ig (if overseas Christmas gifts lo Army personnel remain the as hel year they must be posted between September 15 and Oi l ober ITi one package a week may be seal nut hut a request by any one person lo the same ser viceman the usual rest net ions as lo size ami weigh! of Christmas p.treels applies n l more than lli inches long or more than Mi inches in lee.gili and gir!!i combined . 1 1 1 I mas i iiiinn we'ghl live pounds Must s'oiv. hae a slock of boxes a.c.'i i I'd by the War I )epai I menl lor o'- i'!'si';:s gill shipments. Tin' iiny asks I hat gills be se ll i ti ll which a soldier is unlikely in bud in the particular area in w hub he is stationed and to re member lhal intoxicants, inllam- nciierials isucli as matches end lighter II1111I..1 and perishable m.i'tir are unaceeptahle for mail- l-'ainihes and friends of men alionrd in the ( 'hi na-IHirnia tfie alie. India thealre. the Middle Mast . or on I lie Pacific Islands are 111 ued lo avail themselves ol Ilic rally milling date to insure receipt ol Christinas presents by ( Pay. It is suggested that parcels routed lo these dis l.:nl bases be mailed as nearly as po to September If) and no later h.iii ( h lolu r 1. Above all. don't forget the im portance of the correct address Promoted LTOSF. WITH OXOID ft INSTALL ANgf Jw1 DOWNDRAFT WOOD BURNING HEATER ENJOY CONTINUOUS 24-HOUR CONTDOUID HEAT. BUILD BUT ONE FIRE A SEASON No Fires To Build On Cold Mornings. REMOVE ASHES ON AVERAGE OF ONLY 3 TIMES MONTMi. Insist on the alow-burning Dovndraft Ashley it's PATENTED, therefore it's different This thermostatically controlled wood burning heater uses small worthiest hardwood trees, or even scrap wood. Many users write that they save 50 and more on fuel costs, yet still enjoy more heat 24 hours a day. The Ashley has been used and proven in all sections of the United States Now in our 15th year. Less Soot Less Smoke; For Service Economy Cteanlinesa Ashleys are truly sensational. Six types arid prices to select from. See your Ashley dealer today; there's one in most every town; or write ua for name of your nearest dealer. automatic Wood stove company COLUMBIA, S. C. -,' CAPTAIN' CHARLES L. KEK Gl'SON. medical ollicer. V S Navy, son of Mrs Horace C Mer iuson and the late Mr Ferguson, who was recently promoted to his nrcscnt rank. He lias recently re turned from an extended tour of tuty in I1'" Pacific theater, and has been assigned to duly as medical ,'hief of the Navai Hospital at Karragut, Idaho (.'apt and Mrs Kerguson isited relatives here lasl .veek Mrs Ferguson is the tur ner Miss Clennie Coinan daughlei if .larvis T Co, nan and the late Mrs Coinan of Lake .lunaluska C'apl Ferguson lias served for ;cveral years in the navy. Sgt. Sam Arlington Attending College In Florence, Italy Sgl. Sam Arringion. son of Mrs Hello Snialhers Arlington, of Way nes ille. 1! M 1) No I . reconl ly completed a four-week term at the Mediterranean theatre s University tudy center. Florence. Italy. The 1.200 soldiers, many former combat men. attending classes al ihis fust lull lime army college overseas, have the benefit of the university's 10 modern buildings 1 swimming pool, and 1!K) haud Jickod instructors Classes in Ha subjects average .'10 students each dlowing ample time for indivi lual instruclion. The school's aim is lo enable soldiers await in?,' redeployment to ;pend their time profitably. Two 'our-week terms at the University raining center are equal to one ;emester in most civilian schools, ind credits towards degrees are ?iven for this study by many American colloges. b, 'Miss America" Wins And Loses Contest Iilondc, gray-eyed Peggy Payne, lisqualilied from the Atlantic Citv "Miss America'' contest when her secret marriage to an honorably Jischarged Army private was dis closed, was the holder today of the title of "Mrs. America " The 22 -year-old Hopeville. (la.. 'iPKiity. who had been selected hreo weeks ago as "Miss Amer ica" won her title from l.'td other vvedded aspirants in the seventh lniiual beauty pageant at Palisades imusement park. ank. name, seri.r number, branch if service and 1 irganiat inn, Al'O 'lumber and post ofliee which will Scientists Say Man's Bite More ; Deadly Than Dog When a man bites a dog it's not only news but the .dog gets a rougher deal than would a man under reverse'! circ ihmtancc. Such a conclusion seems indi cated from a report by a n:iv doctor He said that w In 11 a !ni man bites another human tin re sult can be far nastier than v. lo-n Rover takes a chew uu' ol a 11I1 zen's log "The human bile,' declaicl I.' Comdr. M. CI. Henry, of the n.A.d medical corps reserve, "is 1 n .1 - 11 1 1 -ally one hundred per cent inlei led and serious, while dog bites .no with the single exception ol rabies practically always clean as a hound's tooth' and the wound heals quickly wilh no second in infect ion " II is positively , really filthy the I111111.1 Henry wrote in the geon Slaphloeocciis, sire germs of Vincents "trench mouth", arc many which may lurk man mouth, he si id. unless a bile wound cleaned al the oulsi f. infection may result Henry's reperl did why it is I hat a dog , less bacteria than a Washington veterinarian this explanation "Dogs exercise the gums more than hum tear and rend Hun keeping their teeth stronger and less sui boring infection " Commander Henrv d two cases of human bi'i- ml In' bad treated including a who was bitten on the h.uid !:,, 1 light and who developed .1 hi infect ion. And he told ol another dor who treated ,1 man lor .1 mm I he eyelid. The wound hri aim complicated the man's eye bad bo removed. Judah's Concern for His Family HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International TJniform IyO.sson on the above topic for Sept. 16 is Genesis 43, 44, the Memory Verse being I John 4:7, "Let us love one another.") AND T11K FAMINE was sore in the land." That wa.s in the land of Canaan, where Jacob and his family livid. So when the food that was brought from Egypt was gone, Jacob suggested that his soils' go again to Egypt to buy more. Judah took upon himself to an swer bis father, reminding him that the mlrr of Egypt under Pharaoh bad .said to them, "Ye shall not see my fare except your brother (Benjamin) be with you." n in u Mililai disc., anion 1 1. add 1 in l"i ; , 1 1 1 o 1 : ; human W'l ' If II v, ilh u.s Hire for,,!,' I hou wilt n go 1 low n." "Wberefi wilt send our brother vvill go down and buy JiVlab .said. "And if it .send him, we will not ill 1 ha' pell' .il 1 1 ntc, ; yet I 'th. a . had , lo 1, .hi. ye : o ill with m whether ye askrd the fa il that Jo.sepli i t ly and they hi ill. d take II Hi. biolber h .-'iisu- 1. koI them 1 1 ns v. err I him truthfully. r'i Judah pleadi d with his fa to t t r,i njamin go with . ami he would be personally 11. for tin- lad, and if he o' hung him bark be would the entire blame on himself. te 'I li '. do food ' J' '"" I ' ill do Jucij!) Cives Consent J 1 1 1 ! . 1 1 1 won hi.s father's consent, and 1,1,1.1 ( .'.Inch you remember w .is 1 :.M .-. name for Jacob) told Hum to take the money that had bii 11 rct'itn.'il on thiir other trip, and double in .in y besides; also p!!s .1 ")'. li.i. a hltle honey and :.i. '-., and 11 ynh. nubs and al aio..,!s " These things did not grow Take "Aid 1;, lrii'1'ry tirf, 'II 1 l: I 'a '. si .1.1 ll th. , r. handle the mail. If Hie p " 1 ns1 1 net ion - given by r;iiy. ft s a pi city sure bet Ille Cln istmas boxes will hrourh on tune and rea'h service men lor whom it is dcsig natod. ihlic tV that go the James K. Lioon- On IJoard USS Qiimy In Occupation of Japan James K. Boone, electrician', mate, third class. ISMI of -nesville. I). F. . N 1 Seiim, on the CSS Quiney, lusivy c, 11 in Tokyo Bay, according to in!,,, mation from the licet home !! center. The CSS Quiney 111 Tokvo Hay is part of the powertiil cibc Heel eomplel im; lb stages of the occupation i f pan I'ndcr opcral ional eonlrol id miral William I' Halsey I s Quiney, with ID olhor erui ,11 battleships. 17 aircraft ranir;, six escort carriers and more ihan 2!)0 other V. S, ships, is liclpuu: take over control of t he N ips' big naval bases. The Quiney look pari 111 1 In- v ir tory at Nurmandv and v as m Ihr Task 1'on-e thai bonibarded .l.ip.u; in July of Ibis year. The Nazis, it would appear. r( ally had Iheir gold "salted avva ATIU.KTKS FOOT (iKliy KILL IT I'OK :;..e IN ONK IIOl'H. i ,1, , plea eil your :i."ic back Ask any di ii"i;i .1 lor this powerful fungicide. Ti ll s )()' , alcohol, niak. s .1 !'!, TIIATIv The germ ran t In k unless reached led 11 I'l Tli A I'M. l eaches more grim PLY MU.I. STKI'.NCTII Im .1, sweaty or smelly leet Today Smiths Cut Rate Drin; Store 0 yoi.r, brother, and ;,ti'i unto the man: .1 almighty give you ire the man, that he way your other broth ,i '.Mill 1 f I be bereaved Iron. I am bereaved." 1. '.rl. had regained his 1 :! who bad mve. J . ,.b, or I. I r : li in i !, i.ui.-.i limi. Mo P ry t. ok l'.i iijainin and the money and thr gifts and departed !! l-'gypt. Win n Joseph saw Hen J . n 1 1 : 1 W illi tie-in, he said to the 1 1 1 1 ' r of Ins hous 'Bring these .'li home, ady; for I h me at "When ! In , J.,., ph' laid oir-r and make shall dine and slay, these men noon." br. .t hers were brought , house I hey were and they .'11111- st evvard. been a r mot I with Josiph's lean Srelll.s to bav hi to d 11, and be said, 1, fear not : your I of your father, 1,111 you in your 1 had y..,ir money." And to oilier reassure them he brought Simeon out to them. They were given water to wash their feet, a custom still in use in Jesus' time. They gave Joseph the presents they had brought him, and they bowed to the earth in front of him. "And he asked them of their Welfare ami said, Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive?" Joseph Blesses Benjamin They answered that he was well, and then he saw Benjamin, his mother's son, and asked, "Is this your younger brother of whom ye spake to me? And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son." Jtseph left them at this, and, retiring to hi.s chamber, he wept He then washed his face so that they would not see traces of tears, and they dined, he and the Egyptians with him at one table, the Jews at another. Several times he sent choice dishes from his table to theirs, but Benjamin's share was five times larger than that of his brothers. When they were about to I"avr, Joseph instructed his -steward to till the sacks with corn, put their money in the top of each one, and into Benjamin's sack put his own silver cup. This was done, and when they were a short ilislanc away the steward came running to them saying the master's cup was missing. They were shorke.!, being very cerlaiu they were inno cent, but in Benjamin's sack the cup was found. Back they went, and Joseph met them and Judah said, "What shall we say unto my lord? What shall we speak? or how shall we ilea r ourselves ?" Joseph said that the man in whose sack the eup was found should he his servant, and tie n Judah made one of the Idlest and most self-sacrificing .speeches in history. He said in part: "We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, h little one; and his brother is (.lead and be alone is loft of his mother, and his father loveth him." Jfe reminded Joseph that he had told him his father would die if tins boy was taken from him, but Joseph insisted they must biing lilm with them or he would not re ceive them, and so their falher hail let him come, and now this had happened. They could not. go back to their father without Ben jamin or his futher would die of grief. "Now therefore, I pray I hoc, let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with bis breth ren." Judah, the wicked man who had sold bis brother into slavery and, he believed, bad caused his death, wa.s completely humbled and eon trite, and offered himself a sacri fice for this beloved younger brother. Distributed by King Feature Syndicate, Inc. DR. VV. KERMIT CHAPMAN DENTIST Of HCL IN BOYD BUILDING PHONE 363 WAYNE.iiVILLL':, N. C. 1 11 Al ille. At: &3SaQS3P'' s! Installed - - Electric Welder WE DO ALL TYPES OF WELDING See Us For For AA-1 Job Of Body and Fender Work We have experts to do Consult Us - You'll Like this work Our Work Painting Insist On Genuine Ford Parts General Eepair Work 'avis-Liner Motor Sales Co. S A LES S E R V I C E Phone 52 East Waynesville It's Jus l A Roof Your Head pr When. 011 Pay leal ll'r- r-itiM I'o ;i liiinn' nf your iiivii . . . 1-liinili'il yi!li tVi'sh ;iir ami sunshine . . . A,, y ci'i'ia'ilc o;,!,!,,!, 'or liaekj-vrotniil , , , Ami walkways linl;Tcil with Mowers. : i' iK'i' oil! oi'-il.iors for Ihe kids, and their u.p . . . Playroom insido for the rainy days . . . .Ami 1 he cost of payments onid le no more than rental anioiinls. A discussion wilh us will show you how lo hac owner ship in a homo NOW anil enjoy it while you pay for il. Conic in, and let's talk it over. HAYWOOD HOME iiilcfing and Loan ASSOCIATION lJillH.iHi,W-i"Wf Ji!J ' Buy Victory Bonds - And Hold Them Walter James White Serving In Pacific, ! Kt'lurning Home I U '.-'ter .hi.'iios While. fireiii;in. j , 1 ( l.i-- I SMi, of W ay nos-, vilir v l.' jv sei'eill'4 on t lie I SS I 1 u 1 1 1 hi t mo I'.M'iUe. i- cii'.umy I, . !. li, In.- I niti'd Slate-, lie 1..0 I 1 :i 1 in i' .tier ef tile c e nf the I, !,i.i I:lM ( ni -tor. ."limn: v I lie ! 1 1 . : r' .1. ill 11 I iiiiie tur o T- ,1 ,, mi in ;ixo li a es tu tin- 1 1 i 'i . ir : 1 -eai't';! d.Miia.e ill i I ... I 1 1 ,1 l i 11 T al lark. I hell 1. ;i. ,i 1 h, inn. li 1 lie eu f I ill ilea. V-.. llill.Mn and eu Clciiinia cain- M' '.. . In :,. I, ..Ille (.f Sui'.;i.,e Straits, l.o ' iie i Iiim'sI slu i In I ho .1 in i 1 " 1 t r in v..;,:,i 1 hi'dimli t he ,. . and vh '1ml it out v ith 1 1 1 : 1, .al 11 ; .lap halt ! es 1 1 1 j 1 . P h- I I 1 : .-'Mil : ' -ciil. il t 1 ,1 ', ic 1 ' : I ! I cr ill I'll' dr. I 1 iiy e! - e oilt r r m and l'.-r tin prdi.i t o 10- ' V''''':"' j M ,M n ' 1 1 . . 1 olM-r -!m:.s not to : 1 lir I'l,' 1. 11. S U ill' l,il .'Mil III" 1 r ,,:' I ,,l ( , rrjil.ii- and :! j , 1 1 1 I .ii- l.i. vi ,. a . 1 I t . 1 ! ,', 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 . 1:1 Ihr Si m 1 1 ; iu e I I ' ; n 1 ' i ! I:, I '! 1 r 1 " w .is 'li Imlh' luiinc I ir n 1 i arc u a , err h; 1 r I j ;(. !'(!':;ir LVorin .Mont lis Overseas S 'I I .'"..,!' I'.oi in -. nt ll.iriw I ' - lrl'iill"d In ihr ' (er, n I'lo r rl . ,1 " .. 1 1- d 1 -,l 1 1 lui I ;n 'i center al ' .; in I!' 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l-'!a . ,n ,., ,i,ir (, ; n a 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 11 1 - i 1 ' r ; . ! r h ', I 1 1 r ' '. I lie' . 1 : w as ni a i n Inn ':! "I M " ii" '-,' .' 1 rl 111 li- d ' I lir 1 lllled S'.ilo- i 11 1 1 1 1 iii. 1 I ' 1 ' i ; an t In at re ,,! npei-.a inn in ' I ' n i i. pi. mrs t,i Hie An I'ri.iis- , '. t ' 1 1 1 : . 1 1 1 . s 1 1 . I . Hi'' ."' ' I" i:t i:( ;. li .'. 1 m'iis and iN ii'H! Iiinkinu for m'i ' Iii ; 1 11 1 'iiir.di ai h,ir us I'olii: lire. p,-is-i,i,; Ihrniii'li 1 i 1 ( ' '.is n I'rnirr; am sin md r,,r ' a : ;-! o r in a 1 .'ropl i,m i- nlrr nl heir ni n 1 Im .1-1,1.'. I'lr . rlmirr i 1 ''i ll' : ihr 11 node II, o ! o .liil r".s..-is and is ,isii;.h. iii iipiin 1 ho pi ico v. here I lio ' in in spend their returnee lur 1 nil. ' 1 " v 1 Part I is up fo vsi J-ong lelore his trouble vanish in In r KlrJ embrace . . . long before he m i s I . lie can be there if you Mill hrlj, ,i,. The first thought of thousand of ,,,.;, , ! now landing in the Soulh, is i ,..!, ,,( ,;1 leleplione and rail home. What a disappointment if lliev hn, i ;, distance lines Imsy and they'l m ; il rails through. Mil 111,, Your telephone company is doin;: 1 1.. . hi 1 iiuiiKiiiiy possinie anil you can In lp. ,, skipping all unnecessary calls ami In ,., ting short the essential ones. If you find this inconvenient, ju-i nin,,; ulinl lli;it firut e-nH linnin i, ...... . ...... -'. "umi. in niMiuij Hcrvice men. SAVtCAUSFOHStllVCCMf SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCORPORATED B ELK - HUDSON I i PRICE On Some Lots Of irS's ipparel .11 Girl's Love In cordiirnv " soiled. Sii- " ed colors. Half Pri ... l.X ll He-ula: Chenille Ho Sizes 1 M ' h t ly i il l's Slipover and Coat Half Pri 1 ,iu',; Sizes 7 lo 1 I assorted colors all wool just slightly soiled. ffilLF PRICE One Lot of Of - Mais - mm Several Colors. I P ; ' HAL elk-Hudson Cc "Home Of Better .Values