gSpVY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1945 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE ONE (Second SetlmJ Kennedy For .1 Mrtrit 01 ' v Kennedy, Jr. pit alK Creek, who rfJjM''."7 from 20 KeFuriipean theater is siem.'o Kennedy- ho entered i.,n 1941. was in- M " ..nrf attended e K-hool at Bel J . h was commis- nt to Camp B and on maneuvers prior to being sent K ho pntered ..... ..mnioved by Carolina State Col j, h.-i one brother IS"'"-' ....... w. ,.l)(r. Major ju" 1S now bUiioneu u.. b ....... ..... v,.itlv reeeivcu u: I"1" ' L' i-1 1 part read as iouuw. M, meritorious ,D tht' penoi niaiitc ', ..nirn in North .a; from 7 January. jS;.pt. 1U44. As engi ', ivgiiuciUal combat Xorth Africa, lapt. Ken- Ud valuable service in Import imiiK and facilitat- and assauu nam- . ouniiK me .viucu nun.. , ul lo and beyond ?i Kennedy's company 'important part in facili adwince of the regi- Lbat team they sup- Lid under lus personal they did all outstanding tibat situations, h his inspiring leader- uigt'iunty. they impro per! across the CAPO Her small anus fire and Lnks to support the suc- jtack on S. Ridge, and at Erato lus men built a road Lnoilored under heavy telifvi'd the situation of trj who could not be supplied otherwise. His Ming of the problems nlerl themselves at Ter- his inspiring leadership r.j them were ol great the combat team which there " jap Bludgeon PRIVATEER PILOT Comdr. Charles E Houston, 33, of Park Rapids, Mm.i. downed over the Yellow Sea ir June of this year and held at Ofuni prison camp near Yokohama, show: a bludgeon used by the Japs to bea' their prisoners. (fiiteniaiioiial; L LADY SPIT III) I.KJl'IDS FOR RS AFTER EATING lurs after everv meal, a lady used to spit uo a pious liquid mixed with hall-digested food. She BS awful. At limes shr prly strangle. She had daily headaches and irregular bowel action. s lady oats her meals and N- And she savs the due to taking 1NNER food agrees with her. Moat or spitting Up after ihe is also free of head- arid bowels arc regular, this Remarkable New AID contains 12 Great P' cleanse bowels, clear stomach, act on sluggish nonoys. Miserable nen- 1 different all over. So suffering! Get INNFR. f by All Drugstores here r tountv. Long's Chapel Holds Conference The fourth quarterly coiilercnre and annual church cunl crcncc will be held at the .Juiialuska Metho dist church Sunday evening. The members of the chinch wiil meet at 7:00 p. m. in hascincnl tor a cover dish supper, after which the conference will he called to order by the district superintendent . Walter B. West. Principal items of business will consist if report given by the pastor. Sunday srlmoi superintendent, ami heads of or ganizations. Officers will be elect ed and committees appointed for the ensuing year. Following the business session, the assembly will moo np-siaii". for the evening church service. Rev. Walter West will bring the message of the hour. Kindergarten Opens Today at Baptist Church Mrs. Herman will open her kin dergarlen on Thursday morning at 9 o'clock in the Kducalionai Building of the l'iisl liapilsl church. Plans had previously been made to use the Sunday School rooms of the Methodist "lurch but damp floors due to rains or a broken water pipe iiccessilaled the change lo other quarters.. At a business meeting Hie mem bers of the Kirs! Hapllst Church unanimously and enthusiastically offered the first floor of the Edu cational Building to Mis Herman for the purpose of conducting a kindergarten for the ihiUlien of Wayncsville. Mrs. Herman announces she will be ready to receive dren at her new ciuarler. Thursday morning al II oi Mrs. Emmet I Green wiil be sociated with her in this wi project. Children beiwecn the of 3 and (i years of age wi accepted. Any parent wishii send their children are askc contact Mrs. Herman ih.'il Jock ages II he i: to (I to FOR IOME FIUAHC 110 -See- Wood Home Building N Loan Association 6 have money to loan for building arid home buy- 9 Purposes. See us before Pu complete your plans or let P contract. r E THE BUILDING AND LOAN WAV Haywood home uilding and Loan ASSOCIATION r fy- it TsV A1L1 Inn, , .mm..i ,h,.V 1 Welcome Home The Following Haywood Men Have Received Honorable Discharges From Military Service, According To Records Received Here. Badre of Honor Among the men discharged from 'lie Wayncsville area during the past week were: John H. Hoglcn. Technician 4th grade, army, from Oliver General Hospital, Augusta. Ga. Houston Jackson, sergeant, from turn center, fort Urag-j the Separation center. Fort Bragg ' Staff Sergeant Glenn Jack i: Smith, army from Kort Bragg .Millard K Frit, private first class, army, from Separation cen ter. Ft. .Mi I'bcrson. C.a. James N. Palmer, army. Separa- llboert BrackeH, army Separation center, Fort Bragg. Robert Britt Franklin, private first class, army, Separation center, For! Bragg. Frederick W. Chandler, army, from Separation center. Fort j Bragg I William W. Stringfield, staff sergeant, U. S. air corps, from separation center, hort Hragg .Discharged from the Canton area of the county during the past week were James A Grooms, from army ; I William A. l.ovc. from army; Fred McCracken .from army; .lames F line!, from army; James W Cham i bers. from army; Wayne 1. Sin- gleton, from army; Troy 1. Wil- Canton Boy Represented North Carolina At Methodist Youth Meet James Edward Deas, Jr., of Can ton, represented the North Caro- liuns. from navy Earl I McGinn, from army; B. F. Sellers, from army; Grady F. Traiitiiam. from army; Samuel E Jenkins, from army; Harry C Holcombo. from navy; James I Queen, from army ; James IV Spivey. from army. Charles C. Woodruff, from army; Chester H Deweese. from army; Ernest W. Newman, from army; and Glenn E Pope, from navy. Una Conference student movement, of which he is president, at the annual meeting of the national conference of the Methodist Youth Fellowship which was held recent ly on the campus of Adrian Col lege, Adrian. Mich Delegates to the national conference meeting were composed of presidents of the 109 annual conferences of youth organizations and presidents of 41 state student moHemtnts They represented nearly 2 000 .000 I Methodist youths. ni n r.i npv nrivrc iv Toirvft The final occupation of Tokyo is fast assuming the status of per manency. Troops are daily ar- 'dber division or whole arinv? It riving and taking their positions lost its whole number twice and , of control over the surrendered WAR CRIMINALS FACE TRIAL Day after day evidence is ac cumlating against Hitler's arch assassins, the Gestapo and the SS (elite guard), and 400,000 Nazis will soon face trial for their brutal treatment of Allied POW. Death penalties will follow conviction for the higher-ups and the lesser "small fry" will be given hard la bor sentences. How did the famous Third get more medals of honor than any many of the third replacement. territory. Presenting the- smartest, best-looking fashions in the workl for the smartest, best-dressed women in the world! Enter our dramatic, new season collection for Fall 1945 starring the suits, coats, dresses for this eventful year. Completely American, completely flattering in sil houette; wonderfully wearable, in fabric and tailoring. And featuring the latest Hash news in color and fashion detail. Come see the whole group of all-American beauties at the store that is always first in fashion. 'till I. Jl .4. j-- ' . j 4 jjj iJiff. --Ml : ffj v 11 V Lumberjack Suit Star from our new collection Pastel Parners 1945 suit and coat allies Deep Sleeve Suit fashion flash for Fall.

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