220-230 S First 5 LOUISVILLE Kv IjOO People The Waynesville mountaineer Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Mountaineer Circulation Now Over 3,400 (An A.B.G. Paper) m 20 miles of letbeir ideal center. pBST EAR NO. 39 14 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1945 $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Comities rest In Proposed Area Around Ire port TaKing txx. To Get Water- l Road Con- ted. r-i.it arp shoeing prf in the proposed I road from Here to New- , Voiinnrt and here i'ul" '"" U City. fohnson Cily comes word thamber of commerce oi lave gone on recuiu u.6- lonslruction ol me new- ncsnllc hignway. me Citv Chamber of Com- 1 . . ., . U C-nrl iheaded inn ye"' uj former manager oi i ei Mucts Company nui e. , has held several meei- ve to the project, and ich interest among high- lais. Rav, chairman of the Bs and highways commit- een invited lo aaaress a li several Tennessee cities abject early next month. comments in the press lit of Tennessee lenas 10 the entire section within If Newport are getting in Wind the project to get ted as soon as possible, ject is an expensive one, lake several months to surveys, it has been ee, Designer pk Roads, ns Post illiam Ira Lee, who has ing as engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads treat Smoky Mountains resigned and is leaving His resignation from jit which he has made so nds will be effective after t 30. ft retired at the age of years ago, thinking he fvised the building of his Then in a few days the Pearl Harbor was made accepted a wartime ap- pimied on page six) Ralcliff ed Electrical Wor "cliff was named county inspector at the meetine Nty board of commis- tneir meeting Monday famed from George A. chairman. "cliff succeeds Jimmy iy inspector, and his 1 to inspect all homes ings for newly installed mstallations. fn!y has two inspectors onc Irving the Can !ncd anther Waynesville I ners is the inspec- Townships of Beaver- won, East Fork and Mr. Ratcliff will have Mer of the Connfv ,i rision. SmorioT Wtee To Tonight fern c5airman "f rwtee for m,ti called a mot;.,.. - P Of all c VIP nra,-!,. P'n to meet tonieht at 1 horn. tin (!. . Blu' C1CK. 0 discullLCmmi,ttee til,., . ,'"""" pians h Manorial for the com- a, 7.gamzation in the sometime ago to uiiunuiiee. Woy The MlCS Da era win '11 a. r-a JUU 11 0Ur top-nnM. act aPPear every Week in meer. nessee Showing Much Usville-Mevporl Road Bethel School Can Beans For Europeans The students of the Bethel school are contributing 550 cans of beans to the War Food Relief to be sent to European countries, it was learned this week from 1. A. McLain, voca tional agricultural teacher in the school. The beans and cans were bought by the school, picked by the FFA boys and canned by the girls of the home eco nomics department assisted by the FFA boys. The beans were canned in Bethel com munity cannery. The school purchased an acre of beans, and the FFA boys have picked them for the school. The boys are also as sisting local farmers, who are unable to get labor to pick vegetables. They have assisted others in construction of silos, under supervision of I. A. McLain, their teacher. Revival Starts Sunday At First Baptist Church Rev. J. H. Kyzar, of Laurens, S. C, Will Be Guest Preacher of Meeting. The fall revival meeting will be gin at the First Baptist church next Sunday. During the week services will be held daily at 7:30 p. m. There will be no morning services, nor on Saturday evening. Rev. J. H. Kyzar, pastor of the First Baptist church of Laur ens, S. C, will be the guest preach er in these special meetings. "Rev. Mr. Kyzar is one of the most promising younger ministers of the South," Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the church, said yester day. "He is forceful and a charm ing speaker with a virile message appealing especially to men." Mr. Kyzar is a native of Missis sippi. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Mississippi College, and his master in Theo logy from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louis ville, Ky. He began his seventh year as pastor of the First Baptist church, Laurens, on September 9. During this six-year period there have (Continued on page six) Fourteen Leave In September Draft Quota Fourteen men reported to Fort Bragg from the Waynesville area In the county on Thursday for induction in the armed forces. Arthur Smtih, Jr., was named as leader of the group. Roy Vaughn Buchanan was the only transfer in the group having been assigned from the board at Hiawassee, Ga., to leave with the local group. Others making up the Septem ber quota under the selective serv ice system from this section of Haywood county were: Vivian Ward, James Dennis Dee Craw ford, Charles Franklin Derrick, Hugh A. Hill, William Orion Davis, Jr., Iven Jackson Rathbone, Lawrence Thomas Page, Jr., Glenn Hardy Davis, William Richard Muse, Huston J. Sutton, Charles Edward Brooks, and Robert Lee Corbin. M. G. Stamey's Pumpkin Vine Like Jack's Famous Beanstalk, It Grew With Magic But Not to the Sky M. G. Stamey, local attorney, who is a master hand at garden ing, has a pumpkin vine with 19 Dumnkins of full size, uniform weight and shape all a golden yel low giving promise of those kind of lucious pies that mother used to make provided, of course, one could find the shortening for the pastry. The vine has grown with the maeic of Jack's famous bean stalk except the Stamey pumpkin vine did not head toward the skies, but back to mother earth, with its roots "going straight to China" and its tendrils covering the earth. There is another difference, too Mr. Stamey did not trade a cow for the seed of this prolific pump kin, as Jack did, but the vine came Given Discharge CHAPLAIN (Capt.) JOHN II CARPER received his honorable discharge from the army last week, and will re-enter the Methodist Conference early in October. Former Junaluska Pastor Given An Army Discharge Chaplain (Capt.) John II. Carper Was In Four Campaigns In 27 Months Overseas. "I don't think there will be so many changes in the men coming back from the service. Certainly there have been some changes in them just as there have been in civilians back home, but the aver age man will be the same," is the opinion of Chaplain (Capt.) John H. Carper, who was honorably dis charged last week, after being in service since February, 1942. Mr. Carper is perhaps better known as the former pastor of Long's Chapel at Lake Junaluska from 1935 to 1939, and is now at the Lake writing some of his ex periences, including the 27 months spent overseas. Early in October he will go back into the Metho dist Conference and be assigned work by the conference when it convenes in Greensboro on the 9th. , . , .... , Chaplain Carper was with the First Armored Division, and went through four campaigns. He has the bronze star medal, and a com mendation from his general for his work with men. Chaplain Car (Continued on page six) Pfc. L. A. Beaver Killed In Motor Accident in Europe Private First Class Lewis A. i Bud) Beaver was killed in Speyer, Germany, on August 27, while driv ing a truck, according to infor mation received by his wife from the war department. His death was due to compound fractures received. Pfc. Beaver had been in the service since May 26, 1943, and was attached to the coast artillery. He received his training at Camp Stewart, Ga., Richmond Army Air Base, Richmond, Va., and Camp Davis, prior to going overseas. He had been in the European theatre since September, 1944, and was serving as a truck driver for the battery service ordnance and his duties had taken him to France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. At the time he had entered the service he was employed by the Waynesville Laundry. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Miss Hazel Chester, one three-year-old daughter, Andrea; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Allman Beaver, of Waynesville, his father, George Beaver, of Knoxville, Tenn., one sister, Mrs. Virginia Baker, of Charlotte and one broth er, Mack Beaver, of Sylva. Get A Job At Dayton Rubber up among his cucumber vines as a volunteer. The vine grew in such arrogance that Mr. Stamey hesitated to pull the thing up, as he watched it flourish and overshadow the cu cumber vines. The intruder com manded the end of his garden with such assurance that he could not have the heart to make way with it. Frost will find the vine covering a 30 by 40 foot area in the gar den and it is still shooting out new vines. No doubt if the weath er permitted it would continue to grow. Mr. Stamey says he does not know the variety of the pumpkin, but George Brown, well known j (Continued on page six) I Officials Seek Early Work On Parkway Link From Balsam To Soco Plans for pushing Immediate construction on the vital link of the Blue Ridge parkway between Balsam Gap and Soco Gap, were made at a conference in Washing ton Friday between Chairman A. H. iSandy) Graham, of the State highway and Public Works commis sion, R. Getty Browning, locating engineer, and North Carolina mem bers of congress, including Senator Clyde R. Hocy, Senator Josiah W. BSlJey, and Congressman R. L. Dttiightoii. '.The group, arriving in Washing ton, went straight from the train to Mr. Doughton's office. At the same time the unfinished link of the parkway between Blow ing Rock and Grandfather Moun tain was discussed along with the unfinished link between Bee Tree Gap and Balsam Gap. The state highway approach to the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park will go by way of Can ton, Lake Junaluska. Dellwood and Committees For United War Fund Drive Will Be Named This Week Haywood's Medal Of Honor Man Expected Home Staff Sergeant Max Thomp son, who has been awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest decoration for valor on the field of combat, arrived in Newport News this week and is expected to arrive soon at his home in Canton. The Varner-Rhinchart Amer ican Legion Post of Canton plan a reception for the dis tinguished Haywood county soldier. In addition to SSgt. Thompson all other returned veterans of all branches of the service will also be honored during the special program. ' Mayor Sam- Roblnsorr will serve as master of ceremonies, and Reuben B. Robertson, exe cutive vice president of the Champion Paper and Fibre Company, will deliver the ad dress of welcome. Thirteen Report For Pre-Physical Examinations Thirteen men left here Tuesday morning for pre-induction physical examinations at Fort Jackson, mak inR up the September call in this group. Jackson Bradley was lead er on the trip to camp. Others in the call were: Louie Richard Gibson, Hubert Lee Hog len, James Dewey Ross, Tommie Mills, Jr., Roy Hobert Ross, Jr., James Donald Siskc, Ervin Lee Haney, Buford Edgar Mull. Wal ter Felix Woodard, Clayton Oliver Haynes, Ronald Allen, Jr., and Ar thur Junior Earley. IN RALEIGH Dean Colvart was in Raleigh over the week-end on business for the State Test Farm here. Three Williams Brothers Have Served V -J m 'Yf i ' i The three sons of Mrs. W. H. through 30 campaigns. They are Steve Williams, M. 3c; and Teague Williams, MOMM 2c, U. S. Navy. Capt. Williams, who was sent overseas in April, 1943, served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, South ern France, Germany and Austria, Robert Steve Williams, M. 3c, Philippine, American theatre and his boot training at Bainbridge, and duty aboard the USS Marshall in the for a period of 23 months: Marshalls, Hollandia, Saipan, Guam, Sulu and three battles of the Philippine Teague Williams, MOMM 2c, Bainbridge, Md., and later attended Md., from which he was assigned to sea duty in the Pacific theatre. He is entitled to wear eight battle stars and four theatre of operations ribbons. He participated in the following invasions: Mar shall Islands, Tanah Morah, Hollandia, Saipan, Guam, Palua Islands, Philippines and Okinawa. Soco Gap, then down to Cherokee, and on to Bryson City, passing the intersection with highway No. 107 which leads up through Newfound Gap and on to Gatlinburg. From Soco Gap, a link of the parkway has been graded for seven or' eight miles and the plans call for a similar link to carry the parkway to the vicinity of Ravens ford. The action by the state and fed eral officials, is a follow-up of the joint conference held here last July, when a definite program was presented by Mr. Graham as to what projects the state wanted completed first. Charles E. Ray, chairman of the local roads and highway commit tee .and who was Instrumental in getting the meeting here last July, said yesterday that Friday's meet ing was encouraging in every way, and was pleased to hear of ihe Washington conference. County-wide committees will be set up this week-end for the Unit ed War Fund drive in Haywood, late in October, according to A. P. Ledbetter, county chairman. Haywod has a quota of $11,500, which will be divided equally be tween Waynesville and Canton areas as in the past. Mr. L,eaoeuer said that M. T. Brooks, of Canton, would be in charge of the drive in the Canton section, and W. P. Whitesidcs will again be in charge of tho Bethel section. C. J. Recce has been re-elected as treasurer of the campaign. Mr. Ledbetter said that commit tees will be notified of their ap pointment soon, and details work ed out for staging a "quick, thor ough" campaign, covering the en tire county. The executive com mittee in session Tuesday night tentatively set 'Tvlondayv October 22 as the dead line for all com mittees to complete their reports. Four Red Stamps Expire Sept. 30 Four red stamps in rationing Book No. four will expire Sep tember 30th, it was announced yes terday. The stamps arc V2, W2, X2 and Z2. Five of the red stamps become valid on October first, and are stamps Rl, SI, Tl, Ul, and VI. No other changes were made in the schedules of expirations. Evening Church Services Begin Now At 7:30 Evening services at the churches of the community will begin at 7:30, beginning this Sunday, according to the announcements of pastors of the town. This is an annual October first custom to set up evening services by thirty minutes. Williams and the late Mr. Williams of Cove Creek, have served Capt. John Williams, recently named county service officer; Robert took part in seven major campaigns. is entitled to wear 15 battle stars, Okinawa Third Fleet. Entering the from there to Brooklyn Navy Yards, Pacific. He took part in the Seas. entered the service in March, 1943, a motor diesel school in Richmond, Gets Appointment W. H. F, MILLAR, well known Waynesville attorney, has been named by the State Commissioner of Labor as an arbitrator of indus trial disputes. W. H. F. Millar Is Named By State As Arbitrator Waynesville Attorney Will Hear Cases of Industrial Disputes In State. W. H. F. Millar has been named by Forrest H. Shuford, commis sioner of labor, as an arbitrator under the Arbitration Act enacted by the 1945 legislature. Mr. Millar is well known throughout tho East and South, as a specialist on labor relations, hav ing represented some of the larg est firms in lhe country in all courts, including the United States Supreme court. The Arbitration Act states that the best interest of the people of the State are served by the prompt settlement of labor disputes and that strikes and lockouts and other forms of industrial strife, regard less of where the merits of the controversy lie, are forces produc tive ultimately of economic waste. When the amicable settlement of such disputes.,, by , conciliation . or mediation Cannot be effected the Act provides for their voluntary arbitration under the supervision of the North 'Carolina Department of Labor. When a controversy pertaining (Continued on page six) 10,000 Idle Milk Bottles Sought In This Community "There are 10,000 Idle milk bot tles in this community, and each representing an Investment of five cents on the part of the holder," R. B. Davenport, district manager of Pet. Dairy Products Company, said yesterday as the firm began a campaign to get bottles back in to circulation. "It is not from the monetary standpoint that we are so fnfer ested," he said, "because we have the money for the bottles it the fact that new bottles cannot be had in six months, due to strikes and other factors entering into the manufacture of them. "There is a serious shortage of bottles, and the 10,000 idle ones here in the community would help the situation a lot," he continued in 30 Campaigns and four ribbons. Pacific theatre, service as a volunteer he took and then was assigned to sea following invasions serving at sea Sea, Palua Islands, Okinawa, and took his boot trainine at before being sent to Solomons, High Prices Herefords At Annual Sale Clocks To Be Turned Back An Hour Sunday The clocks of the nation will be turned bark one hour at two o'clock Sunday morning, thus bringing an end to day light saving time. President Truman signed the legislation this week making the act legal. Merchants of this community announced through their pres ident, F. E. Massie, that store hours would be the same as in the past that is the store would open and close by the clocks. Real Estate Active Here Past Week Real estate was active during the past week with numerous trans actions taking place. 11. B. Atkins reported the sale of the C. I. Green home at the Lake to Mr. Waycaster, of Tampa, and the closing of the deal for four ones in East Waynesville belong ing to Dewey Stovall to Harold N. Robinson, also of Tampa. Last week the auction sale con ducted by Penny Brothers was termed successful, with sales total ing almost $30,000. The Frank Robinson house in Hazelwood was bought by R. L. Prcvost, with lots being bought by Mrs. Harry Hyatt and Grover Clark. Jarvis Campbell bought the home place of the Homer Cagle farm at Clyde, and buyers of vacant lots included Mantnn C a g I c, Mr. Thompson, Dewey Ducker and Underwood and Bryson. II. B. Milner sold a 5 acre farm on Hyatt creek lo J. C. Moore, and a house and three lots to Jack Holder in Hazelwood. Civil Term Court Adjourned After Four Day Session The September term of Super lor court, civil term, adjourned here on Thursday afternoon of last week, after a four-day sessions with Judge J. A. Rousseau, of North Wilkesboro, presiding. Thirty-five cases were disposed of during the brief session, includ ing the granting of twenty divorces Four other divorce cases were on the calendar with two counted out as mistrials and two others were non-suited. In the case of Dan Carpenter, ana otners versus Mrs. Toela Peeples, which involved a deed to property which was alleged to have been filed with the register oi aecds the day before the death of Pink Carpenter, owner, was de cided in favor of the plaintiffs Mrs. Peeples was fined the costs of the court and the deed was cancelled. State Guard Officers Attend Meet At Raleigh Col. J. Harden Howell, com mander of the second North Caro lina regiment of the State Guard. and Lt. Col. M. 11. Bowles, execu tive officer of the second regiment, will attend a meeting of the State Guard advisory board, which will meet with Governor Cherry and Adjutant General J. Van Mctts in Raleigh during the coming week end. The advisory board is composed of the brigadcr general and his executive officer, the three colonels of the three regiments and their executive officers and the senior medical officer. Get a Job at Dayton Rubber Interesting Program Completed For F. B. I. Conference Here 11th The F.B.I, law enforcement con ference, meeting here on October 11th, will use as its theme "Post War Planning for Police Depart ments," it was announced yester day by Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Charlotte office. The law enforcement officers of this community, together with the town and county officials, will be host to the conference which will bring in officers from every coun ty in Western North Carolina. Paid For Fourth Yesterday Sale Was Best In the Four Years That Hay- ' wood Breeders Have Held Promotion. The fourth annual registered Hereford sale here yesterday broke records for high prices, averaging $359 per head for tha 46 anmials which were far ahead of any show here in the three previous sales. Buying was brisk, with a heifer bringing the top of $1,000. Top bull brought $565, females averaged $356 and bulls $377. The 1944 average was $252. A hurried check of the sales records showed that 19 of the animals were bought by Haywood cattle men. The attendance at the sale was larger than previous sales, and bidding was spirited. Howard Clapp, county agent, and M. O. Galloway, president of the Hereford Breeders Associa tion, sponsors of the sale, said they were highly pleased with the sale from every standpoint. The sale was held at the garage on tho high school grounds, with a large tent being erected to hold the sale, and shelter the large number of spectators. There were a large number of visitors and out-of-town buyers in attendance. Group Call Meet Of County Hunters And Fishermen Hunters and fishermen of Hay wood county are planning a get together meeting at the court house at 8 o'clock on Tuesday eve ning, October 2, according to Felix Stovall, temporary chairman of the local committee. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the formation of a club to join with the hunters' and fish ermen clubs of other counties to sponsor more game, fish and other wildlife. The local committee has arrang ed for Ross O. Stevens, executive secretary of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, Inc., to be present and explain the plans and purposes of the state-wide organi zation. Already hunters and fish ermen have organized in forty three counties and organizational plans are well along in thirty-five additional counties, according to information received from the state-wide federation. All kinds of hunters, fishermen, farmers and all others interested in the wildlife resources are urg ed to attend and take part in this meeting. "If the club is formed in this county," said Mr. Stovall, "we will elect a delegate who will help elect state-wide officers and vote on oth er state-wide matters. , County Service Officer Will Hold Hours In Canton 2 Days Weekly Capt. John Williams, Haywood county service officer, who has been appointed to aid the veterans of the county and their families, will maintain office hours two days each week in Canton. He will be at the office of the Chamber of Commerce, Canton, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, from 9:00 to 5:00 o'clock. On those days the local office in the courthouse, which serves this area of the county, will be closed. Haywood Casualty List As of Today: Killed in action 108 Wounded 221 Prisoners 2 Missing in action 25 Liberted 24 Total 380 The meeting will be held at the Armory, and the hosts will serve a barbecue at the noon hour. Several outstanding features have been arranged for the pro gram, among them being a discus sion and demonstration of fire arms and a talk on "personal de scriptions" by Special Agent James W. Coan. This is one of several confer ences being held throughout the two Carolinas during October.

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