THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER r PAGE SEVEN (Seetmi Sertten7 "v Si:! DCU rili llll II f II ILITZ II II llll llll II II lr"HII II IIII Illlll II llll El II II Ir IP HUH.! II II VI II fill llll Mil HII II II llll llll II 11 V - it) :i SEPTEMBER 27, 1945 Bar MM J J , . . ; . , . : .: : ' ' i HIT AD F01933SlLdV?L7aUnthMC,ar-! ADDI,N( MACHINES-For sale or j 1 GENUINE SCOTCH TAPE, in half GOOD WAGES being paid men I FOR SALE-Stark'i Brother fnrft, 7 - ' i ' ' n L?:ZLSfdMoil i ,n' 2487 or wr,te T A TIE A nAV l thmuuler iich width.. at Dayton Rubber Company. I trees, shrulte and ornamental' ;! - A IgATES Lbif f word 9 extra j,trtintents should be 'immediately. The mi hp resoon- YL than one incorrect l-..TieFVlENTS ARE E.nvWE. Cash must I" .nt hv mail ilBt be in office before on Wednesday to lopsns in white or col L,,, 4 by b incnes. i LDfer, ulliiT' suiy fc TO BL'Y shoats ana pay top puces, ljcc j,. cunniv Company, tf RT'S STOlfY OF THE r ibukl r,e H" every n r , . i i- One of t tit' nesi uooks aibiect . In 'He U0()K uc" nt 01 In" .VlOlllllillllt Tl - e Ili-About vu acres oi iidiirdanJ. Sec Mrs. MCI I. Waynesville. Sept. 13-20-27 . i -ont nef i. n ' l-i v " W-1 .. ..i,.,rli0 KAc ginimum i'f mi i... nublished desired charfe. schedule . to be in A L wish to insert a warn w .nl Telephone in. TOVKR "rinding, repair pie-brazing. The "Fixit" wood. Oppo. Brad I Frady, flop. 27 IID-For Typewriters and Machines, call or write till come to your place km. Phone 2487 or write IDERS, Main Street, Can It tf FRUIT" by Lilian one of the most discuss- bkiof the year, is in the drpartment of The Moun- 27 RADIO SERVICE fable prices. Work guar- 56 Main Street, Way tf TUNING, Voicing and I Bethel II. S., Way N. C. I'anl Shepherd Oct. 25 HE BOYS returning and hues beinc set up, to say of families being re- there is no more com- 11 than good eating. Thei martment of The Moun- some of the best Nts on the market. For The Joy of Cooking": N Cooking" and "The Cooking School Cook ptEES In assorted varie- ttred by Virginia's Larg iwers. Write for Free Jtw Low-Price Catalotnii. Fruit Trees VWrv PI,nio Nnentals. Wavneshnrn les. Waynesboro, Virginia. Sept. 6-Oct. II IVfrVm' f" JOBS available to Dayton W good pay. SPt1f 07 ,.B0OK thaPhas been "fht- It is in the 1'r.ent of The Moun- 27 , . -""iiooue mechanic 3 mill maehinp nn. "nanent jobs. We Sscst See Juhaluska Uke Junaluska. tf --wuue Law- You see hnhnJ l fi love it. The Mnn. department. 20 wauus, 111 The ",'" any quan- recently overhauled. 5 good tires. In good shape. See W. L. Bradshaw, Rt. l, Clyde,N. Sept. 20-Oct. 4 CROWDEKS, Main Ptieet, Can ton, N. C. tf "BRITISH AND AMERICAN VERSE" with a preface by the renowned author and authority, Christopher Morley, is one of the most popular books in the book department of The Moun taineer. 27 TYPEWRITER REPAIRS Type writers and Adding Machines overhauled, cleaned and adjust ed. We call in person. Phone 2487 or write CROWDERS, Main Street, Canton, N. C. tf THE BOOK Department of The Mountaineer has a copy of the McMillan Centenary Award First Prize book . . . "NOT IN OUR STARS" by Josiah E. Greene. Read it. Sept. 20 WANTED Manager for general store. Also meat cutter and hardware salesman. Junaluska Supply Co., Lake Junaluska, N. C. tf FOR SALE 50 acres farm. New house , and barn. Lights and water. 25 acres farming, 25 acres pasture. Pigeon Valley. Also few lots. See Bryan Medford. Sept. 20-27 A BOOK that bas caused more people to recall the famous Huey Long is the one written by Adria Locke Langley. It is in the book department of The Mountaineer and is "A Lion Is In The Streets." 27 FOR SALE Two used beds, com plete. $15.00 each. Carl 203-J. Sept. 27 FOR SALE 3-wheel motorcycle, with package carrier for light delivery. In good condition, priced low for quick cash sale. See Pet Dairy Products Com pany. Sept. 27 FOR SALE Good half size iron bed, double deck spring and practically new felt mattress. Box 60, Mountaineer. 27 LOST Beagle hound, female, solid black back, tan legrs. Last seen Saturday, Sept. 15th, near rubber plant. Reward. Charlie WHliams, Wayttesville, N. C. Sept. 27 BUILDING ROCK, of all kind. Creek rock, fieldrock and rock from Big Ridge Mine. We haul. Call T. L. Blalock. Phone 491-J. Sept. 13-Oct. 4 HANNAH RADIO SERVICE I repair hot plates and electric irons at reasonable prices. Lo cated between Underwood Sup ply Co. and Federation, Depot Street. Oct. 4 WANTED Waitresses for1 Coffee Shop; pleasant surroundings; room and board; good salary and tips. Hotel Carolina Coffee Shop, Sylva. Sept. 20-Oct. 11 JUST ARRIVED in the book de partment of The Mountaineer "THE WEST WINDOW" by L. P. Hartley. Interesting from start to finish. Sept. 20 LOST One horse colt. 17 months old. Color black. Both hind feet white and white star in forehead. Blocky built. Last seen in Wilkins Creek section. Anyone knowing whereabouts of colt notify J. T. Haynes, Rt. 1. Box 139, Clyde, N. C. $25.00 re ward. Sept. 27 FOR SALE One lot next to resi dences of W. R. Fisher and T N. Massie in Sylva. 90x135. Call 445-J or write Mrs. E. T. Duck ett, Box 197, Waync-sville. Sept. 27-Oct. ' FOR SALE Good used gas range large oven, 4 burners and broil er. Call 530-M after five o'clock Sept. 27 FOR SALE Cook stove and Ilea trola. See Scott Reeves at Pur oil Station. Sept. 27 FOR SALE A young Guernsey cow. See Joe Terrell at Ter rell's Mills, Route 2, Waynes- ville, N. C. Sept. 27 FOR SALE A dandy good 4-room house, lights and water with large lots; near Rubber plant H. B $2,800.00. Meade. Milner, Belle Sept. 27 LOST On August 24, one No. 4 Ration Book. Please return to Zeffie S. Messer, Cove Creek, N. C. Sept. 27-Oct. 11 FOR SALE House, 6 large rooms 3 baths, 4 large closets. Screened veranda 12x22. Another 10x12, beautifully land scaped, 30 fruit trees, 2-car garage, 2 acres atop a ridge. Marvelous view of golf links and mountains, $26,000 P. O. Box 158, phone 115-J, Way nesville. Oct. 4 FOR SALE Five-rooms and bath, unfurnished. Built 1942, lot 75x100, on golf course. Marve lous view of mountains and club accessible all utilities, $7,500 P. O. Box 158, Phone 115-J Waynesville, N. C. Oct. 4 WANTED Good, dependable white housekeeper; good home and salary to right woman. Ex perience unnecessary if willing and quick to learn. Mrs. Jessie M. Robinson, The Gaston Inn, Gastonia, N. C. Sept. 27 GOOD JOBS for men are now open at Dayton Rubber Company. Come to plant employment of fice. Sept. 27 WANTED Office girl with know ledge shorthand, typing, general office procedure. Permanent job with a future. Brading Gas Ser vice, tf FOR SALE Wheel chair in good condition. Call 387-J. 27 Men TIME OPPORTUNITY! For Well-Qualified AND WOMEN mm Still Open At ENKA CORPORATION FOR SALE One registered Dur ham Bull, 3 years old, $150.00; one good saddler and work horse, 8 years old, $100.00; a lot of extra good pre-war beds and bed springs at bargains. H. B. Milner, Belle Meade. ' 27 GREETING CARDS for all occa sions scatter sunshine. The Mountaineer office supply department. FOR SALE Small farm on Hyatt's Creek. One mile from Rubber plant, well fenced, good pasture, good spring, plenty of wood. Three houses now renting for $40.00 per month. See owner, Gilbert Gregory, Waynesville, N. C, Rt. 2. Living at Medford Farm near Clyde, N. C. Oct. 4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Maid to do general housework, cook ing, cleaning and laundry. Five in family. One' day off. Must be dependable and have health card. $15.00 per week. Apply at the U. S. Employment Ser vice, Waynesville, N. C. 27 WANTED IMMEDIATELY High type maid to care for two year old child. No cooking, no clean ing. $10.00 week, room and board. Must be dependable and pleasant. Stay on premises. Health card required. Apply at the U. S. Employment Service, Waynesville, N. C. 27 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Waldo Mc Cracken, deceased, late of Hay wood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Waldo McCracken to exhibit same to the undersigned at her home at Route 1, Clyde, North Carolina, on or before the 27th day of Sep tember, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 27th day of September, 1945. m. ellen Mccracken, Administratrix, Estate of Waldo McCracken, Dec'd. No. 1466 Sept. 27-Nov. 1 Act Now! S. Employment Service if'UfWi Jin SUMMONS AND NOTICE State of North Carolina, Haywood County. In the Superior Court Frances Marie Bryson, Plaintiff, vs. Glenn Lee Bryson, Defendant. To The Defendant, Gleen Lee Bry son: You will take notice that an action has been started in Hay wood County Superior Court, en titled as above and that the pur pose of said action is to obtam an absolute divorce on the ground of two years' separation. You will take notice, further. that you are required to be and appear at the office of the Clerlt of the Court of Haywood County, in the Court House in Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than 20 days from the 26th day of August, 1945, and answer or demur to tne complaint which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of th Superior Court of Haywood" Coun ty, within the time prescribed by the statute. You will, further, take notice that, if you fail to answer Or de mur to the complaint within the time required by 1, the plaintiff will apply to the Cfturt for the re lief demanded in tn complaint, namely, an absolute divorce. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this the 19th day of July, 1945. GERTRUDE P. CLARK, Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County r IC. No. 1451 Sept 6-13-20-27. , LAFF-A-DAY and three-quarter inch widths. at Dayton Rubber Company. trees, shrubs and ornamental The Mountaineer, offise supply , Permanent jobs now open. Ex-1 shrubs. Zack Massey, salesman, department. I cellent working conditions. 27 1 phone 468-M. Sept. 20-Oct 11 "Here he cornea aeain!" NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT GLENN D. SORRELLS VS. BESSIE FRANKLIN SORRELLS The defendant. Bessie Franklin Sorrells, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, to obtain an absolute divorce ort the grounds of two years sepa ration of man and wife, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Haywood County, within twenty days after October 13th, 1945, and answer or demur to the Complaint filed in' said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This September 13, 1945. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. No. 1463 Sept. 20-Oct. 11. Blackhead, To Went Faat Yr, U It true, then- ) m wife, h.uin!i-i. Bii-dU-oleil llpiitl calli-d ' KLIIRIX thai diw ur pimiimr y J ovKt-nfiilit a it art tb lmwn and rvinovo ' -T "HIV Mm khriMit. I how whu (nlUiwnl ulltl 7 .tlrcrtiona and anulli-d Klaaral ttlwrn rrtiiinlt were ammtnaty aimtia-d wh,-n they found Oielr itimpleemiri blnrklienda lind dif.tPl-ared. 1 Ih-bc uaera rnthnaluatti-Hlly i.rniae Kleenri and claim tin y nre no lortner embarrwawd and are rtoaf happy with their i lear compU-iionii. Uaf Klerl If one application doei not autirfy. ycat let double: your money back. Aak lor Klearea today, eure. Smith's CnVKate Drue Store ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Hazel Harris Eaton, late a resident of Clayton County, Georgia, and seized of property in Haywood County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file same With me at my office in Waynesville, N. C, promptly or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. This June 29, 1945. A. T. WARD, Administrator. No. 1447 Sept. 6-Oct. 11. JVU JJ9 fere w GOOD JOBS Available At .Day too Robber A Job At Dayton Rubber Offers . . . Excellent ventilation and Excellent working conditions lighting Well-trained foremen and su- Promotion possibilities pervisors Vacation with pay Clean lunch rooms. Good wages Permanent employment -(roup insurance I n: Find out about a job at i n..i.i i.. j i'uyion iiuoovr MHiay. Uiti RX$ f'l Come to Plant Employ ment Office. teift i VSS0 UUUU CO TRAD! MARK JJJJJJ.' THl DAYlON lUilFH MFG. CO. Manufacturing Co. HBNftY CARL C. ANDERSON I ' 1 ....yffil 1 THE MAN I MARRY I L , , , . k V ' ' 1 -Vt- King tmm ndii fotivtd i Corf. HWJ. Knt ftataitl Syndicate. Inc. World nstini resrreed. AnpWdQjH -"y-f ' f V DONALD DUCK s it'll maxs ' " toast, fey meat, i : wl ll th 15 ) i roast chicken , Outfit pop corn MAKE CrrT AMD BOIL j TOA5T? J pfj I SWATEfcr WILL YABSOLUTELV ) vou )oz voue BY WALT DISNEY AMTEE THAT? h It IT t?A.KJ; WHILE I'M SOME RtlW IM TWE CLOTHES OFF THE LINE AND LET BOLIVAR a 1 1 vl r l - ' - r , v i ' ' 1 lllli I L ' TWliMLhsuy 'J&y "Hi.N'Jl Al lt1 L' II 1 EOUVAE!' JTTtlTVl ' t I l I m ir m Baiaaaaiam. ' t 1 r r - j i' i i t m ' i ij: I aaaaadar-tw i iiiu , m warn u I"' Ml L 9t 11 m j

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