THURSDAY, SEPTEM THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER F.iG WO. (F Section) ' ' ' ''a 1 3 4 :!:' H n :k 7 . t r i ' . I ,'i 4v 'A lN' if I r 1 :- ; t I 'lI ' t A i 1 ! it 1 ' fir Ml 1 1 M I ri 1 1' 1 f., IV i 'i 1 1 1 , :1 1 1 j i :i f n ; : i 1 i I 1 i ' I i !' ( 7 'ill 5 1 !' i 1 1 m;i ' 2' 5- , 5 Reynolds Warns Against Prices Of DDT On Market RALEIGH Dr. Carl V. Reyn olds, state health officer, today authorized a statement on DDT, now commercially available, to a discussion of which the October issue of The Uealth Bulletin, offi cial publication of the Slate Board of Health, will be devoted in its entirety, for the information of the public. The Board of Health's release on DDT, prepared from material com piled by the board's disease control experts, follows: Many claims have been made for; consequently, much interest has been aroused in DDT, the remarkable new insecticide that promises to revolutionize home sanitation, in the elimination of Hies, mosQuitoes, fleas and other carriers of fiUh and germs. Its potentialities already have been proved in the field of public health, especially in maluria and typhus control, involving the extermina tion of mosquitoes and llcas. Much that has been written about DDT has been more sensa tional than correct.. Some writers have given the product more free and unsolicited advertising than lias ever been accorded any other article before it was placed on the markei for general use. This cre ated a demand so widespread that it is comparatively easy for un scrupulous or unqualified produc ers to gyp the public by putting out an inferior product--often con taining little or no DDT, at fabu lous prices. DDT is now commercially avail able for general use. Genuine DDT is nut expensive. If it wire, the purposes for which it is intended would be thwarted. The Stat Board of Health has received quotations from several producers of DDT, and has ascer tained the price the United States Public Health service pays for xylene and triton. used to make up a spray. The basic costs of the in gredients used in one gallon of a five per cent solution is approxi mately thirty-five cents. Reports have been received of purchases being made in the state at prices as high as $4.50 per gallon. The price, purchased in large quanti ties, of the ingredients used in one gallon of a 35 per cent concentrate, is approximately $1.90. Several health officers have received quota tions running as high as $10 per gallon. Such prices are considered exhorbitant .and beyond all reason able profit margins. Pvt. Wm. D. Parton Discharged From Army Pvt. Wm. D. Parton, son of Mrs. Cumi Parton, of Waynesville, has been honorably discharged from the army. He entered the service on March 12, 1942, as a volunteer and was inducted at Fort Bragg. From Bragg he was transferred to Camp Claiborne, La., and later to Fort Bragg. Pvt. Parton served overseas in the European theatre for 29 months, first in Africa, then Sicily, Italy, France, Holland, Belgium, Juxembourg, and Germany. At the time he entered the ser vice he was employed by the New port News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. Pvt. Parton was attached to the 82nd Airborne Division and is tntitled to wear the European the atre ribbon, six battle stars, and the Good Conduct medal. Capt. Rufus Carswell Honorably Discharged Captain Rufus T. Carswell, son of M.Emrna Carswell and the laterdTi'n T'.' Carswell, of Waynes ville, and husband of the former Miss Lillie Tate, of Hazelwood, has been honorably discharged from the army on a count of 118 points. He left here with Com pany H in September, 1940, and after serving t Fort Jackson was sent to Officers Candidate School, Fort Benning. After receiving his commission he was transferred to Camp Breck enridge, Iy., prior to being sent overseas. He was attached to the 6th Armored Infantry Battalion as a company commander, and served in North Africa, Italy and Ger many. He took part in the Anzio Beachhead and in this combat was wounded. Capt. Carswell has three broth ers in the service. vor cast V SOUTH tEA(&A4bAHr- Does A SURVEYOR HAKE- HIS LJWjj VS(BKNS BY MAVM B yfIL,SQH-BACN M.C PEAR MOAH- DOCS A BRiPe ate AS a Cook SHE CAN MAKE A BATCH OP BISCUITS NWITHOUT HELP OR TEARS - SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK 1 HOKEY- If IS A fERMENlED LIQUOR Local Women to Attend Synodical Meet In Asheville Announcement has been made of the 31st annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary, Synod of Ap palachia, which will meet in West Asheville on October 2nd and 3rd, with Mrs. Charles E. Dorsey, of Montreal, president, presiding. The executive board will meet at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon and a fellowship supper will be held on Monday evening at 6:00 o'clock prior to the opening ses sion on Tuesday. Rev. Joseph Hopper, Ph. D., a returned missionary from Korea, will present the Bible hour each day. Rev. Samuel McPheeters Glasgow will address the assembly on Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. Donald Mclver will be in charge of the installation of of ficers. Among those from the local Presbyterian church planning to attend are Miss Nancy Killian, chairman of literature of the Synod, Mrs. W. H. F. Millar, pres ident of the local auxiliary, Mrs. W F. Swift, Mrs. M. R. William son, and Mrs R. L. Prevost. Rationing Board Moves Back To Court House The War Price and Rationing Board has moved to the third floor of the court house from their Main street office. The office is in the same room as it was several years ago, on the corner facing the bank. The staff will be composed of Miss Winnie Kirkpatrick and Miss Edith McCracken after October first. NEED FOR STRONG BUILDINGS PROVEN IN HURRICANE The Soutli Florida residents had their first real test of hurricane-resistant-built houses in the week end storm. The fact that there were so few casualties is mostly due to the fact of the city's build ing code for these hurricane-proof constructed buildings. Flimsy houses fell before the terrific wind like stacked cards. tKE SUPERIOR. I HS. Vfflf if MADt FROM ? I A 1 1 I FOR home nniiNCiNG 1 See Haywood Home Building and Loan Association We have rnoney tp loan Jar home building and home buy ing purposes. See us before you complete ypur plans qx Jet your contract. i SAVE THE BUILDING AND LOAN WAY II AY WOOD HOME Building and Loan ASSOCIATION By Hi SCOTT 3 FlOUfi. FOB. MORE 46 CEMIURItS, A.UO INVENTED HE LOAF, LEA.VEK HD "ttt PILIVERY of BfcEAD FROVt A LARCE. OVEH Haywood Scenes In National Trade Publication A large picture of Champion Pa per and Fibre Company, together with a view of Clingman's Dome are two of the eleven pictures used in a six-page issue of Esso Oilways, a trade publication, just off the press. Ten thousand reprints of the section have been given the ad vertising department of Conserva tion and Development for distri bution over the regular company distributing channels. The reading matter accompany ing the illustrations gives a full and complete general description of the state, with more detailed information on its industrial pro gress. Bethel Cannery In Pigeon Area The Bethel community cannery which is serving the Pigeon area of the county and was opeflfcd on August 20, is being used by large numbers each Tuesday and Wed nesday that it is open. Since that date there have been over 5,000 cans of vegetables and fruits can ned. I. A. McLain, agricultural teach er, and Miss Rozelle Shumlois, home economics teacher, are serv ing as supervisors with Mrs. Joe Beaverage as manager. Plans are now for the cannery to remain open through October. The Bethel cannery -was sponsor ed by the school Parent Teacher Association, and financed by fed eral aid and the county. Prior to its establishment training courses on food production were held in the community in compli ance with the government rulings relative to a section receiving fed eral funds. Next year plans are to open the cannery at an early date in the summer, it was learned from Mr. McLain. Cooked cabbage, held over hot water for an hour to keep it warm for serving, loses about 70 to 80 per cent of the vitamin C it had when freshly cooked. Local Dealer Is Impressed With The New Fords Henry Davis, manager of Davis Liner Motor Sales, has just re turned from a Kord sales meeting and said he expected to have a new car to display here in two weeks. "Tlie new .-ar is far beyond my expectations The major improve ments are the front and motor," he said. Just when the company will start in full production again depends on settlements of strikes in ' planls that provide the Ford company witli pails, it was explained. Steve Turmyre, USNR, Has Arrived In States Steve Turmyre. radio technician, first class, USNJi, whose wife re sides in Waynesville, was among the 1,200 smiling Navy men from the Ji'd Fleet who arrived in Puget Sound Navy Yard Septem ber 15 Within a matter of hours the men, the majority of them veterans of four years of war. were on their way to separation centers nearest their homes and a dis charge for each is now under way in the Navy point system. Less than a month ago, these men were on warships of Admiral William F. Halsey's fleef off the coast of Japan. The 4,000 mile trip from Tokyo Bay began after the men witnessed the formal sur render ceremonies. GOVERNOR ARNAI.L MAKES STATEMENT "I am still Governor of Georgia and so far as 1 know, I will con tinue to be Governor." said Arnall to newsmen, as it had been gener ally reported that Arnall had been offered the position of U. S. Solici tor General. Tokyo's most influential daily told the story: "We may lose a bat tle now, but we shall come back to win victory." ShoNeivs QUALITY-BUILT WEAR-TESTED Assure The Best Wear... f it.. Comfort! 5- Shoes That Will Retail up to $8.95 Quality namps famous the nation over Weatherbird - - Happy Hiker City Club -Velvet Step Tailored n top quality by . . . PETERS SHOE COMPANY Exclusive in Waynesville at EAT Department Store Store Hours Weekly: 9 a. m.-$ p. jn.; Saturday: 9 a. m.-7 p. m. State College Hints Home economists say that such freshly harvested Irish potatoes as those now on the market offer more vitamin C than those coming on the markets from winter stor age. Serve potatoes any way you wish but cook them with care be cause this saves vitamin C as well as B-vitamins and minerals which this vegetable offers Do not ( ook large and small ones togethe r. I lie small ones will be overcooked. A triangle and transparent ruler, which high school members of the family used in geomelry elas cs. can take a permanent place in the sewinu room. A transparent rnier. (i inches long with one-eighth inch marks on sides and ends is a great help in measuring hems, seams. and spaces between buttons. A triangle is useful to square such pattern corners as yokes. When you do find sheets for sale, don't be stampeded by the mere sight of thein and snatch them up, regardless. Look for a label giving size, and remember that "torn size" means the size be fore hemming. Ton short sheets like too short blankets are un comfortable and necessarily sub ject to more strain than those which are long enough to tuck in firmly and, for the top sheet, turn back far enough to protect tin blanket or other bedclothes. Keep sugar sirup on hand for sweeteuing fruit drinks and iced ua. It goes farther than plain sugar. To prepare, boil 'together for three to five minutes equal parts of sugar and water. Keep covered tightly in refrigerator. Mrs. Hugh Smith, 3r-vear-old wife of a Caister center farmer, Dunville, Ont., really wanted a girl to make up the family already consisting of two boys and one girl all under five. Instead she receiv ed a complete quartette, two boys and two girls. From Hay's X KWJ'l FOR GIRLS AND BOYS IT'S If mm. m w Stostt FOR ALL THE FAMILY'. Mother and Dad, Sis and Brother . . . They all want shoes that will give long service these walking days ... And they'll get them if they buy Weather-Bird or Peter's Diamond Brand Shoes for Boys and Girls and y Peters Shoes for Men and Wooien " Coming Soon Coming soon from the we will have irM Hk 3lYies, PETE Swum Piii ss xWjt sizes i. .. i j U & W 6J NSgjS In widths 15. C I A selection of top grade shoes for every member of the family! Shoes that will have shed all semblance pf victory quality. Yankee-Qerman Weddings Must Get Army O. Kf BERLIN Members of the Allied occupation forces in Germany may marry Germans provided the re spective commanders in chief give specific permission. The Allied Control council announced recent ly this relaxation of the non iraternization rules, effective Oc tober 1. Troops may visit in Gernvan homes and have normal social re lations with Germans without spe eific permission of their command ers. At present American troops are forbidden to enter German homes. Troops may also be billeted with German families, provided permis sion is granted by the commanders. Red Cross ambulances in Eng land have carried 1.500.000 patients and traveled 13,000,000 miles since 10-10. DO YOU ENJOY YOUK FOOD? You may feel tired through lack of appetite, which may be caused by lack of VITAMIN B-l and IRON. TRY RED ACE TABLETS Many people have obtained splendid results from taking them as they supply the daily require ments of Vitamin B-l and Iron. Sold on a money back guarantee if not satisfied with results. Price $1.50 SMITH'S CUT RATE DRUG STORE i j SCHOOL f Vx The ONLY I V Children's L 1 "arai m iiere ii,ustrated.:ir(' uu) "iisian(ii We have also a misses white oxfords , . . in Play Poise. Shortly w? will have the high shoe in tan and white. headquarters For School Shoes RATS Beady With Jacke li't f ' 'v rT 'S RAY'S Department Sior Store Hours Weekly: 9 a. m.-fi p. m., Sjiur,JV Buy Victory Bonds - And Hold ysrn juf ySjgvZsV Two Smart Oxfords . VA Orthopedic in dcsijrn with "i'lf1 You Will Like Then t Wt4 HonnttnW J ' 'il , , Shoe 9 J Dep Store Hours Weekly: 9 q. m.r6 p. m.; Saturday: 9 a. m.-7 p. e.e uosac gisig. tta r.