Waynesville Mountaineer Mountaineer Circulation Now Over 3,400 (An A.B.C. Paper) 20 miles oi -their ideal center. -., snuicdiiAY. OCTOBER 18, 1945 $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Count ie 3 surad TT 1,500 PeoPle f sesvOle- UgfYEAR NO. 42 16 Pages npKssis 1 I u.500 Quota i Uttees Will I . ml Drive inis ;Hn Haywood man Lcdbctter That All Make Uts By Monday, tobcr 22nd i,llnn,tion ni mane every I, conclude t heir work of tontriDii'ioiis iu i nc fuiLi-u l3d drive Uiis week-end. in i to reach the goal of $11,- Hiywod. tt'iyiiosvillr area is taKing Hr qui'tJ Ji'd Canton Uic lit! ylhm; nnheaies a whirl- hit, anil a v.iicessiui one, Ltdbftter. county chairman krday. He is directing ics of the campaign in of the counly, aim Mor ris chairman of the Can- need is so great, that we icry reason to feel that mil contribute gener ics worthwhile cause." ibetlcr continued. ounl lias hecn divided into tions. with an active com- Lwd for each section, and towns a special committee m named to serve each Ixecutivc committee rccent- fcrtobor 22nd as the dead- the campaign, and all i air urged to complete ork by that date. lands of pieces of Hi era- plaining the need and the lac by the United War Fund en distributed throughout lot) by the various chair- Rev. Paul H. Tovnsend Is Methodist Pastor; Many Changes Are Hade Sought In War Fund Drive Claimed By Death I 2 I H. B. ATKINS, business and civic leader wlio died at his Immr from a heart allaek Wednesday morning, October 10. Funeral services were conducted from the residence on Main Street on Thursday afternoon. (Story On Pago Eight) Ser Is Here Jf-Policemen in Blue Serges Fr is lrr despite the imumnal sun of yester pternoon. Proof that th f "rrivod is the fact that WUcfmen have rinnnorf inler uniform. wintry blasts of ih. N were the deciding "Wrrn the spasnnc ft to Chief Rnh.w. t'1" the nip hts were 100 fhillv I- i ,. p wtsmjr uniforms. P ,ls "o rt time for the f from the thJnne,. sum. -"'"rms In Ih. . w of winterf ,t f an hanH. lit ( "" BC- f ta nty police depart- e Lockers Trt ped At Once tir..0' 288 more frozen thro J madc w,thin lDl.nr . .l. -woraing to p I...... . Ietp 1 al '"ers t eac- Rions a, o . . Jdditm, . "",I"e in fast i ve , r 'al lock. it was J, and indications k "wed within the " Unn ("enCd 0,1 C- somo' cvery locker I B u 1,1 acco B-Hflook, butcher 1946 Limestone Program To Get Underway 19th In preparinc for an nuts! anrlinc umcsionc program in Haywood county next year. R. C. Francis I chairman, Haywood Couiitv AAA Committee announced vpsfpi-riuv thaf all persons interested in bid- Iding on furnishing liming mate rials under the 1946 Agricultural Conservation Procram should con- I tact the Haywood County AAA Of fice prior to November I. 1345. Mr. Francis pointed out that bids I will be accepted on a delivered-to-farm basis, and for the first tlmp. I delivercd-to-farm and spread - nn . I field basis. Meetings have hppn m-IipHmIpH throughout the State to familiarijp prospective suppliers with the 1946 Mming Materials Program Mr. .Francis urces all tipr-sons interested in placing bids for de livering lime under the 1946 pro gram to attend a meetine In hp held in the Buncombe County AAA omce on rrlday, October If), id 10 a. m. Dr. Walter B. West Ketaijied As District Superintendent; McLean Leaves Long's Chapel Hrv. Paul Townscnd, who is now serving as a chaplain in the army, but will soon receive hii discharge was appointed by the Western North Carolina Methodist Confer ence in session last week, to the local First Methodist rhuroh i succeed Rev. J. Clay Madison, who nas served I lie church for the past four years. Kev. Townsond. son of a former superintendent of the WayncsvUle Methodist District, was pastor of the Belmont Methodist church at the time he volunteered in the service more than three years ago. Prior to that church in Boone for four years. Rev. Townsend is tint ov.ij to arrive lierc before the early part of December, and during the interim Dr. F. S. Love tentlent of thp Tai - ' i UllUlUDAa Methodist Assembly and Rev. Wal- iii o. rvesi. sunprintonrinnt nt i, ' 1 -.,..u...t j i mt' Waynesville District are expected 1111 l"e Puipit, at the church umuig me bunday morning serv ices. Mr. Madison, who served the church for the period allowed by cessna pastorate here. During his four years there were 281 new memners added to the church and . (Continued on Page Eight) Navy Releases Two Haywood Men (mimu uii,.MiJ..-.:r-..y y,,, I accord- in 1ar Memorial r- ...... I ' 1 rnerii ""iiiuuee furtC ? 'u"g last night to war prPosals for k, "'emorial in this Start Plans For Victory War Loan Campaign Here J. E. Massie and W. Hoy Francis attended a district War Bond meeting in Ashe ville yesterday, to work out a quota for the Victory Loan drive which opens October 29th. . The campaign will con tinue through December 8tb. Mr. Massic is permanent war finance chairman, and Mr. Francis successfully led the sixth and seventh campaigns in the county. Haywood has met her quota in all of the seven drives to date. Sgt.Mathis First To Re-enlist From This Area County Staff Sgt . Floyd L. Math is, of Hailwood, who received his discharge from the army n August 27. has rc-enlisted. He is the first man from the Waynesville area of the coun ty who i;si served in World War II to re-enlist. Sgt. MathJs served as radio operator, mechanic, and gun ner of the AAF and was on duty in Normandy, France and the Rhhieland. He entered the service on August 29, 1942. He is entitled to wear the Bamet campaign medal, with four bronae stars, the air medal with five oak leaf clust ers, and distinguished unit badge with two oak leaf clusters. LT. AARON PREVOST will re sume his work as assistant treas urer of Unagusta Manufacturing company about the first of the month. Lt. Aaron Prevost To Get Discharge Late Next Month Lt. J. Aaron Prevost lias rrci-iv. cd his termination leave from the Navy and will cet his fmin;il Wis. charge on November 27th, after being in service for two years. He plans to resume his post as assistant treasurer of Unagusta Manufacturing Corporation, of which he is part owner. I I r . ... i-'cvusi was stationed in Washington, New York, and for the uast venr in Allunin m. iamiiy win return hre -wTtlirhltfl noni Atlanta about November nisi. At the time lie entered spi-vi he was chairman of the hoard nf trustees of the Havwond f'nuni Hospital. Truck and Car Collide at Street Intersection A truck beloiiKiiiB to Al man Construction company of West a car belnno riu in Asheville. and Hilliard Moody collided at the in- rsecuon of Main and Balsam streets around 11 n'rlnek w,i. ,day morning, with an estimated damage of $100 to both vehicles H was learned from a member of the police department investigating the wreck The truck was anM 4 ,... i ...... ' v nave ueen driven by Neil Wsfsnn t... . . . " "'c u.v ivir. Moody's daughter. The right side nf fhn u a 1941 Oldsmohil front wheels of the Goodman vehi- a i mi, one and a half ton """sc uck were damaged Ui. W1L.L.IAM MEDFORD is back home, and will open his law offices again and resume practice of law. He has been in the Navy for over three years. Lt. Wm. Medford Out Of Navy, To Open Law Office- Lt. William Medford is nut nf the Navy after serving over three years. He has returned here and will resume his law practice, which he started In 1933. Lt. Medford was in the armed guard service, and manned a mm crew aboard ships . He has one Dame star and three area cam paign ribbons. His work carried him around the world, two trips into the Mcditeranean, where his ship carried supplies for some time 'between North Africa and Italy. For the past year he has been stationed at Camp Shclton, near Norfolk. Just before cnierlnc sr-rvicp r.i Medford withdrew as u panri riutp for the State Senate from thin (Continued On Page Eight) rialion-Vide Interest Shown In Plane Lost In Park, Ihl Far From Here Six Persons Perished In Plane Which Crashed on Side Mountain Last Friday The wreckage of a Iaroe armv transport plane, a P.4S )hiM, crashed on the rugged heights of Mount Sequoyah on the North r.-. olina-Tennessee line in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was discovered Monday by search ing pianes. Since Fridav d1 anPK had hcon going over this section when it was thought that the plane had crashed in this area. The missing 1 nan. nan Been tiie object of a wiae search since it failed to reach Its destination. The searching parties had not re ported definite identification of the dead late yesterday afternoon, but Lambert Field, St. Louis, author ized the publication of the list as- assumed to be aboard on October R when the scheduled non-stop St. Louis-to-Charlotte flight was be gun. In the list were: Lt. William Rob ert Barton, pilot, Youngstown, Uiuo; btaff SKt. Ravmond H Km-l sel, crew chief, Minneapolis, Minn.; oogi. iioiiis K. Broderick, Wal tliam, Mass.; Cpl. W. R. Hanes, Cleveland, Ohio; Lt. S. M. Lerner, iireensboro; and Seaman Third Llass, Lena Eliznheth Ailrorf WAVE, of Charlotte, and niece'of mi-s. u. a. cole, of Asheville. ine wreckase disd senvprpH at 1 1:45 Tuesday in a dense growth of spruce on the east side of the Appalachian Trail, a hiking trail through the park, by a search plane from Scott Field, 111. Continued On Page EighV Died On Luzon " ' J X't, LT. D. L. PASCHALL died on the Island of Luzon on Sent. 24th Hr was former assistant county agent nerc. 60 Members Will Play In Parade At Statesville Waynesville Band One of Three Bands In State Invited To Attend Event The Wavnesv111 nioh ci i ... " "B" OUIlUUi band will participate in th. rv. - f l uc ana plav for Priaont t wnen he visits stt . ...v. vi. r u- day, November second. The local band is one of the chree bands in th n.t . v.. : BM.vt w uc la. Vlted to DarticinatA in . ..it cvciii which wUl be attended by thous ands of people . rhe invitation to take part on President Truman Da V " U7QQ 1 pted by M. H. Bowles, county uperintendent of Prinearin ur aid yesterday that 60 ne band, under ih. . . uu CLliUU OI oger Harwell. banH ioh- ...m ,o down early on the mnrn, , he second. Mrs. Dewey Hyatt 'ill also go as chaperone. As far as is knnwn is .i " "I MIC UlUCI jands that will tak nr .u. otatesville and Shelby bands. x. e lnp wiu be made in one of he large Twin-City buses. Tentative plans ar fnr tv,a -o make a "practice performance" Jbout November first, with a pa ade down Main Street. Detail, II this Will h , - .. -v. uimuunicu iaier. On Friday night the hanH ,m .ive a marehincr na Plav durino tho v,i ir. ... "a" OI me vV aynesville - Henriprn.,.,iii jail game. The Wavnevili ini - u..u was or- janized six years well is the third director, the othe," u nave gone into service. Fines Creek Man Helped Liberate 511 Prisoners Parkman Starts Renovating His Lt. D. L. Paschall, Once Assistant County Agent Dies Main St. Store Had Been In New Guinea Since January, 1944, Died On Sept. 24th of toesville Employment ce Moves Next Door 1 I' S. Kn,..,.. . ! moved thi this week into (UU,,Ul8 on Main it . gea faci iio. 4 "I Pa her7obIlnS; war Work- Emli for ePloy U johPl0yer J ordr thPwngs with Civic organizations and other agencies are being requested to give full cooperation in makinc the local office of the U. S. Em ployment service the best possible job center for the i-ommunitv. Through continued cooperation and support Mrs. Edith P. Alley, local manager, calls attention to the steady growth of the service in Haywood county since it was bpPnn in 1Q33 During Hip nasi three years workers for War jobs have been recruited, and now that the war is over everv effort is be ing made to place all service men, as well as others. Waynesville-Canton Football Scenes Published The Mountaineer is (oday publishing four exclusive action pictures of the Waynesville-Canton football gan,e aos z:: mtl- Thc pitturcs arc " ne oi thc second section. The pictures were made by Mountaineer photographer. Heads Grace Lbr. "That is the best niece of naner I ever held in mv hand." salH Set Blllie McEIroy, late of the Rangers, now Private Citizen of Fines PrPPk as he looked down at his discharge paper, but you know I have been freezing ever since I got back from the Pacific, for it was hot out there in more ways than one," he added with a smile. No wonder it seems rnol hi thp Sergeant for he is back from 33 months in the Pacific, with a total of four years and two months ser vice in the army. "Well, the Rangers out in the Pacific did a lot of the kind of work the air corps and the air borne divisions did in Fnrnnp hut 01 COlirse thPV hart Ramun Europe too. there were 1 finn mH only 196 are alive tnrtav uWh shows what kind of a job we have," ne said. I guess we had one nf tho toughest assignments in the war. It is our business to go behind the enemy lines, and find their supplies, ammunition bridges are and to break through toonunuea on Page Eight) Here's A Ranger I f I ' J? & J$ " L..-.5.-vi. o. . fe-.r.tl'..... .mi,,,,,, News was received here Saturday me aeam ot i.t nmioht t Paschall. 28. foi si&ianc county agent. Lt. Faichall u,lu " me jsiana ot L,eyte, on sept. i. The messaup AA nnf state tiie cause of his death, but it is presumed Iip rtipH a aeam. Hardware Company Plans To Move To New And Larrer Quarters About Jan. 1 Roy Parkman has starori ,,i. an remodelina and nnVItin u Main Street building he bought some months ago, and just vacated oy the U, S. Employment Service Plans are to put a the store, and he w fiuna tu renovate the entire basement Mr. Parkman. Hardware Company, said yester day that it would be ahnnt th of the year before he could get his "uumng reaay and move his stock. SGT. BILLY McELROV a n,pm. ber of the famous Ranfpns win, liberated 511 Amerii '311 nri;nnnrc on Luzun. Buy Lumber Plant And Shop Of Hyatt & Company Lt. Paschall came here on No vember 1, 1941, as assistant agent, mm was nere seven months before entering service. He rppphrnH hie fn,HHM n c sivfd iriW- Openina, Closino Washington in June. 1943. He later HoUrS Hftltrt V1-.11 o , went to Camp Belvoir Va a WU1 VOUunOUSe went overseas nn .Tammnr 1 iuj "... j a , xa-XTt irom Camp Claiborne, La. He be came a first lieutenant while serv ing on New Guinpa He was stationed viuuica irom me time he landed overseas unm aDout thp ininnio f c "ci wnen ne was transferred to eyie. ne was in a hospital on New Guinea at the time of his last iciier, ana ne referred to "resting f, uui gave no ouier reason for uemg in me Hospital. He was a member of the First oapiist church herp anrt ' lwivh ail active part in rhnrph um.i, 1 - "i " w. aitu civlc anairs while in this eommu. L't. Faselial pamn lio t Paris, Tenn. He was a graduate vi xennesseee Jun nr Pnllocra (!, Il: . uiuversuv ot pnu ui. momer still resides at Puryear, JERE DAVID LINER has just been named manager-in-eharee nf Grace Lumber Mills, in the lower end of the county. Mr. Liner has just reecived his discharee frnm the army after serving 33 months overseas, 'u j f 4 j v &it'JM if I MERCURV DROPS TO 26 The mercury dropped down to 26 for the official low reading of the season, according to the U. S thermometer at the State Test Farm. The reading was 27 on the Change This Week The openincr and rinsino h,, Of all Offices in the rnnrthni.o changed starting Monday of thi. week, according to an announce ment by Georee A. county manager. ' '' The offices will open at 8:30 and close at 4:30 until further is made. This applies to all of fices, with the exception of the sheriff's department all hours of the night and day. Miss Bettv Rmrllov A.,ut Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley, stu dent at the University of Tennes see. SPent thp nact li.di, j ...l .... . nvuvuu W 1 L II her parents here. She and her brother, Richard Bradley, had as then: guests Lt and lw t ti I'll J- tfuc 11. Davis, of Winchester, Tenn. Lt Davis and Mr. Bradley, discharged flglht officer, served in the same outfit In the AAF. FTEE WEDNESDAY MORNING The local fire department was called out Wednesday morning to the Dr. Strintfiplrtis nfR. . "....lo yjix lUdlu atreet. The fire was nniv . oii blaze and ho damage was reported. . li. jiwck, ok., is president h t ttmitij td .. -n 1. and general manager of the firm tivl' charge ofopetTnn ln 8C" C u' DAVENPORT, the third which this week bought the lumber firm ni Pf ?.e new member the firm, will be in Plant and planin mm nV HvatJ enIar?e tneir Plant S ot the Hazelwood Lumber & Company. The new firm ITT. . Iu-ure- 111 ad Company, which is also owned by be Builders Supply Co.. stock. lncreasmg tbeir retail two Mr. Liners and Mr. Daven- - I Port He is a wood specialist. F. B. I. Conference Raro Was Termed "Best Yet" Around 17 j law enforcement of ficers, county and town officials attended the semi-annual confer ence of the FBI which was held at the WaVnpSVillp mnnn, 1 . Thursday in an all-day session. In the group were fifteen special FBI agents, who stated tha mat .. by far the laraest and t ha h-.c 41 had ever attended. In the ahspnpo rt Scheldt, special agent in charge of the meetine from r-haw ...-- w wuM.ubK;. WilU was detained at hnm. . of illness, his assistant, Mr. Weber, presided. Chief O. R. Roberts ot the Waynesville City Police Depart ment, introduced Mayor J. H. Way, who in turn welcomed the group. Idus J. Lynn, special FBI agent, of Asheville, responded. Others sneakinE nntcMa h. special agents included John M. Queen, solicitor nf thi im who spoke on law enforcement and Lt W. B. Lent The program of the all-day meet, Ing consisted of various demonstra- uons on me proper and improper testimony, showing of slides of wanted men, discussions of care of fire arms and discussions of twst fContlniiP1 n r. r.r". 1 t ' . n . v . . .in . ;f 1 .l.i' t ," - i I-; 1 'i

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