THPtRATOVEMBER 22, PAGE-SIX (SefAiK? Section) - THE W A YNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER TVA Plans To Show Off "Its Baby" Ta Tourists On Luzon TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate i Off To The Hac TVA feeling it lias (lie best man made shtyw in Eastern America in its new Fontana Dam. Ia3t of its i mammoth projects, is getting ready to help the million-and-a-half tour ists it expects to pour into its sightseeing cut-outs. It recently an nounced plans to facilitate sight seeing as one of the major by products of its handiwork. What the project has to show is the fourth highest dam in the world, 451 feet of concrete and steel which impounds mountain waters in a lake which has a shore line of 215 miles, and transforms the mountains of the Nantahala River course into sc':a-s of aquati" splendor. Most of (his shoreline will he accessihle. but swimmers will fare hard, not only because of the water temperature wlih h will be that of the usual mountain spring, colder than gee-whiz, but also be cause of flie 117 led fluctuation in water levels of the impounded waters when the control spillways are in operation. But that does not mean that boat ing will be greatly affected, and the Authority intends that inland sailors and fishermen shall have every facility. Piers and landing platforms are planned for the vi cinity of the new visitor's building, plans for which were recently released. FXECTToirs notkt: Having qualified as Fxecu'.n'' and Executrix of the estate of Mr.-. Mamie IJruee Bennett, leiea'vd, this is to notify ail ii-MHrt t u i in:", claims again' "-aid c-tal- to (ii same at the olli.-es of M. :":mi K Ward, attorneys, at Wavr.-..v.lte. N. C, on or before 1 1 if Hi h d.'y or November. 194(i. or this limine will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons iiule ed to said estate will please ina!;e im mediate settlement. This 8th clay of November. 1945. It. II. BENNE'T. .Ir.. Executor, and Sarah Elizabeth Bennett, Kxecutiix. Estate of Mamie Bruce Bennett, deceased. 1474 Nov. 8 - Dec :) NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ROY PAXTON -Vs GENE De RISI PAXTON NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, in the above en titled action, will take notice that an action has boon commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County. State of North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce from the defendant on two years separation. The defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the undersigned clerk of the court, at his office in the court house in Waynesville. on the 22nd day of November. 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint therein filed or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief sought in said complaint. GERTRUDE P. CLARK. I Asst. Clerk Superior Court. I Haywood County. 1 1480 Nov. 15-22-29-Dec. 6. I The new building, "to be ample to take care of all the visitors to Fontana," will be an over-look af fair perched on the fronting bluff, looking west at the Fontana proj ect. It will provide comfort for the over-day visitor while those w ho plan to spend a day, or a week, or a month., or a season eventually will find accommodations in the village below, where were housed the workers and planners while Fontana was going up. The newest accommodation for tourists, and it is in the stage nov where blueprint is being translated into steel and wood, is the cable car up and down the east abut ment, for people who want to see the power house, first attraction after the general gasping at the immensity of Fontana's frontal perspective. The cable car will connect the power house and the roadway level and a small fee will be charged for the trip to witness, at first and. the transforming of water into electricity. Five years ago the clam site was a wilderness, close to nowhere at all, in so far as ground travel is concerned, and twenty air miles west of Bryson City, and those air miles of no use at all unless one were a crow or an eagle and could land in a treetop. The folks around Deal's Gap seven miles from the State border, get clown once in a while on foot or by muleback. but outlanders seldom went in without guides, and had to be sure kinsfolk or good friends were at the end of the trail. But now the ordinary tourist, after reaching Bryson City, will bud a State highway gravel and topsoil. N C. 288, all the way into Fontana. Or. better yet. to get the feel of the place and to realize the magnitude of the project, as well as to take in some of the most magnificent scenery in Western North Carolina, be may lake a paved road south to Topton and west to Deal's Gap. U. S. 129. from which the road is the western end of the gravel and topsoil N. C. 288 east to Fontana. This "swing around the dams" will afford a slop-over at the Nan tahala center, and above Robbins ville. Lake Santeethlah. as beauti ful as its name, and Hangover Mountain, a real test, as its name indicates, for hardy mountain climbers. All this trail is around the 5.000 feet elevation mark. Most hopeful of all improve ments for showing the "baby of Fontana" is the conversion of the village which housed the workers on the dam while it was under construction. For it was in this village, within walking distance of all the seeable project, that Die Authority made its best hid for creature comfort, always a deter mining factor to travelers. At the moment, an effort is being made to turn the village over to private promotion, the best bet to develop it with all the comforts of home with the money the 1.500.000 tour ists will bring in. But until then, accommodations may be arranged at the dam sit", arid there is no reason for tourists to fear that they will be stranded at any time. It is well to remem ber, however, that mountain weath er in winter can get pretty strenu ous even on the best highways and in the most modern of towns. jf PFC. CHAS. BURR WAY. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Way, of Waynesville, who was sent to the Pacific theater to relieve a high ! point veteran of the campaigns there debarked in September from !a United States Army troop trans- : port in the port of Manila and has recently been assigned to the llead- l quarters Company of the 24th Re placement Depot now operating on the island of Luzon, according to information received from head quarters in the Philippines Pfc. Way bad finished one year I at Duke University when he wa- inducted in the service on Feb. 1. 1945. He received training in the Infantry at Camp Croft, and from j thereywas sent to Fort Rucker. Ala . j and later to Camp Adair. Ore. I The 24th Replacement Depot, to I which Pfe. Way has been assigned j is currently engaged in the task of processing all troops newly arrived in the Philippines from the United Stales and assigning those troops to units all over the Southwest Pacific. Sgt. Henry Tuttle Discharged After Four Years Service Sergeant Henry Tut tie. who en- I tercel the service on Nov. 7, 1941. and wax inducted at Fort Bragg has been discharged from the army. From the induction center he was sent to Camp Lee. Va., then Camp Polk. La., later on maneuvers in California, a tour of duty at Fort Henning. Fort Jackson, and Camp Stoneman. Calif , prior to being sent overseas. Sgt. Tuttle has served for the past 20 months in the Hawaiian Islands where he was attached to Headquarters of the U. S. Army forces of the Middle Pacific thea ter. He was discharged at Fort Bragg four years after he was in dueled there. At the time he entered the serv ice he held a position with (he Pel Dairy Products Company here. PAYS HER COLLEGE BILLS Ruslivillc. Mo. Electrical wiring is paying the college expenses of Betty .lean Canovan. The seventeen-year-old girl, who liked to watch her father work, ended up the summer by wiring 15 farm homes and a school house, single handed. She has contracts to wire 20 more farms this fall and win tor and ajso does most of the electrical repair work in Rushville. THE unpa ROMNA Si! ffIW-fT-1 . i ,ts -:. ... A Much-Abused Subject WHAT IS THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST? Be Sure to Hear This Sunday Might November 25th, 7:30 p. m. Masonic Building Waynesville, N. C. TUESDAY NIGHT The Man in Moscow, Idaho, who claims he "Actually Talked with God" Astonishing Bible facts revealed. Don't miss this Lecture. THURSDAY NIGHT Millions Soon to be Speechless One of the greatest catastrophes ever recorded NOTICE Pictures on Screen . . . Swiss Bells . . . Musical Glasses Threes Nights: Each Week :S?frA:17eltome.o'':fttt BeavcnUun Toivnship M. L. Clonlz. et ux to II. A. Osborne. Jesse N. Brown, et ux to Elder B. Brown. Elder B. Brown to Mary Brown. J. M. Cook, et ux to Mrs. H. Cook. Alicia B. Cabe. to Dr. Robert H. Owe n. .1. W Cabe, et ux to K A. Cabe, et ux. Welcome Home The Following Haywood Men Have Received Honorable Discharges From Military Service, According- To Records Received Here. Badg-e of Honor Cecil Township Stella Hampton to Ellid C. Kradj . e! ux. Crahtree Township Karl Bolder, et ux to Luther M. Grecbe. et ux. Kslher Medl'ord to I! .15. Latimer, et ux. I). C. Hawkins, et ux to W. C. McCracken. et ux. Clyde Township Sara ( onoree llighfill, et vir et al to W. .larvis Campbell. Albert Fish, et ux to Hardy Fish, et ux. W. P. Best, to W. C. Best. Carroll Glance, et ux to F. P. Putnum, et ux. .1 li. West, et ux to J. B Best. Jr. Fast Fork Township Harvey Tiull, et ux to Delmar Tiurnette. Iron Hull Township 4hn G Williamson, et ux to IJobei i L. i 1 1 iamson, et ux. Ivy Hill Township I Garrett Howell et ux to B. D. .Medl'ord. Jonathan ( reck Township Allen Hannah to Bessie Bradley, it vir. Allen Hannah to Sutton, el vir. Fliahelli Carver, el vir to Glen nio Moodv . Raymond G. Howell, et ux to Leatherwood. Raymond (J .Howell, et ux to G V. Howell. Arthur Moody el ux lo A.- A. Moody. Jr. Pljjeon Township Jack McCracKen, et ux to Hugh Franklin, et ux. Jack McCracken. et ux lo Robert B. Garrett. Jack McCracken, el ux lo Robert Garrett. Addie Cook Moore, et vir to Ray Ilayncs. et ux. Minnie Howell, el vir to Willie Shuler. Arthur Shipman to W. T. Put nam, et ux. Klton Chamber, el ux to J. H. Recce, et ux. Jack McCracken, et ux to C. H. York, et ux. White Oak Township Jarvis Hunter, et ux to Svlla Davis. Waynesville Township John J. Lanning. et ux to Ander son Parker, et ux. Lucile Medford et vir to John A. WaeasbT. et ux. W. C Medford and Elizabeth Medford to Mildred M. Medford. T. C. Norris, et ux to II. M. Sheehan. et ux. R. V. Welch to G. F. Mashburn, et ux. W. M. Caddies, et ux to Charlie Gaddis. David Cndcrwood. Jr., et ux to Lee Rathbone, et ux. W. E. Nichols, et ux to Louie B. Nichols. Fannie Welch to Elizabeth Gas ton, et ux C.. C. Clark, ct ux to Herman Burch. J II. Howell, et ux to E. J. Hyatt. W. C. Medford and Elizabeth Medford to Mary E. Medford. Hardy Cable, ct ux to w m Cable, ct ux. Glenn James, et ux to Robert James. Hardy C. Cable, et ux to Norman Cable, et ux. J. T. McCracken, et ux to Anna D. Gifford. Dave Brown, et ux to George Gibson. J. Lee Rathbone, et ux to Carrie Belle Wilson, et vir. Mrs. Maggie E. Massie to Mary Emma Weatherby, et vir. C. A. Geirgem et ux to R V Welch to Cora Mae Moodv. Howard Love, et ux to Moses Os borne. J. E. Ferguson, et ux to R V Welch. James Robert Hill, et ux o Rufus T. Carswell. et ux. Henry Francis, et ux to G. C Clarke, et ux. Joe E. Rose, et ux to B. M. Davis et ux. J. H. Medford to Dada Jordan 9nd Clara Gary. R. L. Prevost, et ux et al to James W. Walls, et ux. David Underwood, et ux to Dock Caldwell, et ux. Albee Godbold, et ux to John M Crowell, et ux. John Holler, et ux to Elizabeth D. Quaintance and Lucy G. Quaint ancc. Joseph Way Howell, et ux to Virginia Nelson Sims. J. D. Ezell, et ux to Oliver A Yount, et ux. Sylla Davis to Ernest R. Harry and Mary L. Haney. G. R. Corsinge et ux, to R. L Hendricks, et ux. . Oliver A. Yount, et ux to C. A George, et al. ,: W. Blackwell wil Rufus Siler ; C .MV Minett!t et,ux, Jot.Av"T,; Among those discharged from the armed forces from the Waynes ville area of the county during the past week were: Clyde Burchdeld, from navy, at Shelton, Va. Phm. Second Class Carl John Hogue. from Navy, at Shelton. Va. QM. Second Class Hugh II. Con stance, from navy, at Charleston. South Carolina. T5 Stamey C. Henry, from army, at Fort Bragg. Private First Class Richard I'fc. Richard Campbell, from army, at Fort Bragg. Seaman Second Class William Dave Parris, from navy, at Charles ton. S. C. Pfc. Raymond C. Rathbone. from army, at Fort Bragg. SSgt. William H. Francis, froni army, at Fort Bragg. SSgt. Dillard Cook, from army, at Atlanta, Ga, SSgt. Troy L. Parton. from army, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. James W. Franklin, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pfc. Paul 'McElroy, from army, at Fort Bragg. T4 Zeno Morrow, from army, at Fort Bragg. T4 Thomas L. York, from army, at Fort Bragg. Vinson R. Haney, from army, at Fort Bragg, Pfc. Andrew J. Davis, from army, at Fort Bragg. T5 Sylvester D, Mull, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. Paul L. Phillips, from army, at Fort Bragg. Corp. Greek F. Waddell, from Marine Corps, at Parris Island. Pvt. Robert J. Whitner, from army, at Camp Cha:ffee. Ark. Pvt. Robert Caldwell, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. John L. Franklin, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pfc. William H. Stevens, from army, at Fort Bragg. Corp. William Marcell Revis. from Marine Corps, from Bremer ton, Wash. T4 Jack E. Rogers, from army, at Fort Francis K. Warren Wyo T4 Carl W. Duckett, from army. at fort Bragg. SSgt. Robert N. Rector, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. T. C. Jones, from arm at McKinney. Texas Sam L Queen. Jr. Corps. Pfc. Joe Glenn Ferguson, army, at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Pfc Mark L. Messer, Jr.. army, at Camp Blanding. Fla. Pfc. Zeb V. Williams, from army. I at Camp Butner. T5 Arthur D. Woody, from army, at Fort Bragg. Pvt. Rov L. Kiddie, from arms'. at Sheppard Field, Texas. Jerry Retodd Massie. from army, at Fort McClellan. Ala. TSgt. Charles L. Dotson, from army, at Camp Claiborne, La. T5 Truman W Lackey, from armv. at Fort Lewis. Wash. from Marine from from Phone 77 That's the way it looks l0 lH the pas rationing ,,ff i,. .. " 0Ulf is not protected with all ki,J insurance, you are taking a rilf fvoo no f..x. .11 - " " -L" l.VH' f policies. Pfc. Carl A. Muse Honorably Discharged Private First Class Carl A. Muse, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Muse, of Waynesville, has received his discharge from the armed forces at Camp Butner. He has been in the service for the past 'A3 months and has received a number of citations. DON'T WORRY with Stomach Acid PAIN Just hurry and get FUIXER'S TABLETS. Take one alter each meal and almost instantly you will find relief with this amazing 3 -Tone formula. Fuller's is a quick relief anti acid tablet. If you worry as meal time approaches. If excess acid gas pains rob you of the enjoy ment of eating. If you suffer from bloat, belchim?. heart burn and pain. Just take FULLER'S TABLETS after your meals and try them on our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Get our $1.00 Special or the Economy size for only $2.(J5 (formerly $4. 7b). Call or phouo. Smith's Cut-Kate Dru? Store Ward, et ux. Lem Shepard to Charlie Putnam, et ux. FOP . TAXI CALL SCOTT REEVES Phone 9 Pure Oil Station L 11 DAVIS & 0 Rentals. Real Estate Insurance PHONE 77 WOOD FOE SALE With Coal Rationing and Labor and Trans portation Difficulties, We Will Probably Ex perience A Severe Shortage of Fuel Next Winter. Now Is The Tiirje To Lay Ic A Supply Of Wood Call 248-W or 331 HAZELWOOD LUMBER COMPANY HONS Tobacco Growers WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO CROP THIS SEASON AT THE New Planter's Tobacco Warehouse Biltmore Located. On Black Mountain load On The Banks Of The Swannanoa River ASHEVILLE, N. C. Best Lighted and Most Modern Warehouse Experienced Sales and Office Force To Serve You YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WELCOME Make Our Warehouse Your Headquarters, When In Town Fred Cockiield and lay Haney OWNERS AND OPERATORS With Years of Experience in Buying and Selling Burley Tobacco on the Asheville Tobacco Market Come To See Us The Friendly Warehouse New Ranter Tobacco larehouse

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