Lay NOVEMBER 22, J84JJ THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Sen4 SeelteJ Invite w Attentira To These. Many OpportunHieir- Juft .dvertiscments should be immediately. The more than one incorrect pit i .SKMENTS ARE Iii I)VAC'E. Cash miwt 1 ' , ... ., h mail UjUy oiaers r. , iu. iii office before m, on "uinu"( to be in want aa se- - lied i'orto lucan joutot-s. Any quntity. Pete I jt Joiiii nancy s oiore. ML Ci' df. Kt. 1. lit BOOKKEEPING serv t Farmers and Employers, (i up ami post your books .5ivr.vou a monthly state- nrpnmv and file your Pay- La uxonw Tax returns. We vour reemployment In- . - . T J ..1 fc. tumninuions, reueiai ie Benefits. Income Tax bldiivjs. Withdrawals and the Individual Employee up lo date. Special at siven to Farmers on set- ij proper records and mak fpcrts. We also prepare in- lax ri'urns and estimates bduiilxik Watch paper for .53 of local ofiice. For ap- peni or ini urination at no :fion address replies to Box :are of this paper. ANT AD BATES , i. i.nt Der wuru r pinimum cnjtrg o. bH""1 , e.hulul in a s" " Liitf charg-e. I. ktef l i incai a want B PADS m white or cot ypj,' 4 by 6 inches. The ;aIlct.r, ultice supply ur Kilt. :.i)'.in.: dirt or grading i.j u Sniathers. tf il - Child's large doll ..;:.;! tealo blue win ,;.'o 12; woman's suit i;;ir WKli. mm.- r. c ..3 -!-. 282-R, Lake lLi. Christmas approach- id lean- aiid bounds, gifts bf lee led early. The aip;' (it I he Moun- s ' ine clever boxed !' ten small books to Nov. 22 lisr small Tourist board and good lunagor, Aneho .::ii'. ick. Georgia. Nov. 22 "K DEPARTMENT of '':vrt you can find a 'is up to its name '.-e et the word. It l.l'S FOR RAINY Paula Burns. Nov. 22 ainislied bungalow e of land. Write Nov. 22 AS T -V'i'Ttil NCJ be more ap- 1 1 if season than, NIGHT BEFORE autifully illus a striD Doster -"il. In the book de ' 1 1 l"!-1' Mountaineer. Nov. 22 :th :1LF. One pre-war eirls' mnditiorr. $25.00. carriage, $8.00. Nov." 22 t-,t nl Tax Work OSMAX COMPANY Itnom 3 114 Main Strpef P0K 357 SCOn'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT yfir of -fm. VELkf.'f, act v:f ELY AS MtPlClMt Four year? For a. Rt.t -To PRopuiit nut's HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ROSALEE FREEMAN WA11R-OUSEL A Lamp Birp, fttOS OK SMAILS Akip SMALL MOLLUSKS M rit Bo-ffoM of PoNPi anp Creeks OF WA-flR IS -fHt flMEAPPtl ? FOR SALE One Hot Point elec tric" stove and one electric refri gerator. Call iy-W after 8 o'clock P. M. Nov. 22 "BIBLE STORIES VOW CHIL DREN" should be a MUST with every parent. The book depart ment of The Mountaineer is for tunate in having these hooks. Nov. 22 FOR UNUSUAL TREATMENT and attractive pictures, the book de partment of The Mountaineer highly recommends the "TAIX HOOK OF MOTHER GOOSK " Nov. 22 ALWAYS HAS BEEN and always will be: that is the book you will find in the book department of The Mountaineer. It is "THE TALE OF PETER RABBIT." Just to look at the colored illus trations is a treat in itself. Nov. 22 FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, there has been one book read on every Christmas morning. The book department of The Mountaineer has this book It is "THE BIRD'S CHRISTMAS CAROL." 22 THE BOOK DEPARTMENT of The Mountaineer has put in an order for six gross of "THE LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS" and we are willing to say there won't be a single one left. No book has been more popular in this de partment. Nov 22 FOR SALE Business corner lot, one block from center of city of Brevard; 72 feet on Broad Street, 147 feet on Probart St. Duncan - MacDougald, Brevard, N. C. Nov. 8-15-22-29 FOR SOMETHING REALLY UN USUAL, the book department of The Mountaineer suggests "MOTHER GOOSE AND THE MAGIC WINDOW." Two pie tores out of each page fascinates the youthful reader. Nov. 22 WANTED to contact man with family interested in farming. Cold Springs Farm. A golden opportunity for right man .Con tact 11. 1. Liner. Sr. Call 157. Nov. 22-29 Dec ti FOR SALE Used pisno, in good condition. General Electric flat plate mangal. Phone 232. tf FOR SALE Metal cans, capacity about 3V-2 gallons. 15c each, at Pearce's Bakery. Nov. 8-16-22-29 JONES RADIO SERVICE Where radio is a specialty. 56 Main St. Waynesville, N. C. T-F WANTED Men for grading, ditch ing and clearing land. Call Waynesville, 150. FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloating. Nausea. Gas Pains, get free sample. Udga. at Smith's Cut-Rate Drug Store. Feb. 16 WANTED Young woman to train as assistant clerk at tourist hotel. Personality and refinement nec essary. Room, board and good salary to start. Write Manager, Anchorage Hotel, Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE Beautiful registered collie puppies from Champion Honeybrook stock Ready for de livery now. Due to lack of space these pups are ofTered for a frac tion of their actual worth. Both pups and grown dogs can be seen at 147 Pisgah Drive. Can ton, N. C. Nov. 22 FOR RENT 3-room apartment with private bath. Call 455-R. Nov. 15-22-29 FOR SALE Hard wood. Bee Mack Pace, 48 Smathers street or call David Underwood Supply Co. Phone 371. Nov. 15-22-29-Dec. 6 FOR SALE Philco cabinet radio; Westinghouse refrigerator; 2 wool rugs; one bicycle; and odds and ends of furniture Call 411-J. Nov. 22 WANTED Manager for general store. Also meat cutter and hardware salesman. Junaluska Supply Co., Lake Junaluska, N. C. tf JOBS FOR WOMEN AT AMERICAN ENKA CORPORATION GOOD PAY! STEADY WORK! ACT NOW APPLY U- S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE l c, It H nl. U"i H mi. ',. ; ImiaikM. jMdtenUd liauld all4 KLEEREXlhat irlei up plmplM . lit itit acta to looarn and remov . biackliead. Ttooa who followed itm I rei'tiotif und Applied WIM Uno ; ! wi werewriMiMly aiirprid lieotftr ,,, I ,: . ,, , Irssind bl:cklie liu oPPMreo. I lifie usi-ia cuttHisiasOOBllT pmi WMm claim tin -y orv no lonev rnibiitrwuird and liww tiiipi.v wiOi thiir clear complexion. vt V"- II to application docs pot n.tiify. yon act doubH your roiaey baik. A lor KlMfM liay. aura. Smith's Cut-Rate Drue Store NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. LYLE NOLAND Vs CATHERINE CHAMBERS NOLAND NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will take notice that an. action has been commenced against her in the Su perior Court of Haywood County for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce upon the grounds of two years separation; the de fendant will further take notica that she is required to be and ap pear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County not later than thirty days from the 14th day of November, 1945, then and there to file answer, demurer, or otherwise plead to the complaint filed in this action, or the plaintiff will demand that the relief sought in said action be granted. This the 14th day of November, 1945. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1482 Nov. 15-22-27-Dec. 0. NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LOUISE BURBELL CAGLE, By Her Next Friend, BESSIE BURRELL, SHUFORD JENKINS CAGLE. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant, Sbuford Jenklru Cagle, will take notice that n ac tion entitled as above hag been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separa tion, and that said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County within twenty days after the sixth day oi Decern ber and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 6th day of Nov., 1945. C H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. . ; Nov 15-22-29-Dec. 6. HIROHITO'S FOBTUNB Tokyo. Emperor Hirobito" im perial household fortune amounts to slightly I more than 1OT million dollars.,, ' JAMES FREEMAN NOTICE OF SUMMONS j The defendant in the above en- i titled action will take notice that , an action for an absolute divorce. , has been commenced in the Supe- j rior Court of Haywood County, on a two-year separation and the de fendant will further take notice Jhat he Is required to appear be tore the undersigned clerk of the Superior Court, at his oflioe in Waynesville, North Carolina, on the tith day cf December, 1945. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed therein or the plaintiff will seek relief from the court. C. H. LEATHERWOOD. Clerk Superior Court. 1481 Nov. 15-22-29-Dec. C. NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVING SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION J. L. LEATHERWOOD GENEVIEVE LEATHERWOOD The defendant. Genevieve Leath- Uuy Victory Bonds Bring The Boys Back Home HENRY ei wood, will luke notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood county. North Caro lina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years sep aration, and that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the ofiice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood county within twenty days after the sixth day of Decem ber and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the th day November. 1945 C H LEATHERWOOD. Clerk of Superior Court. W. R. Francis Atty. for Plaintiff. 1477--Nov. 8-15-22-29 EXECVTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of ' the estate of Mary E. Saumcnig. j deceased, late a resident of Hay wood County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with the! undersigned at office in Waynes- j ville. North Carolina, on or before November iltli 1!I4H. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement . This November 9th. 1945 A T WARD 1479 Nov 15-22-29-Dec. C-13-20 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ha uif! qualified as administra tor of the estate of Margaret H Hradshaw. deceased, late of tne county of Htiywnod. State of North Carolina, this is to notify all per- sons having claims against 'Ane s jtate of said deceased to e.tbihit ' them to the undersigned at his ! office in Waynesville, N. C , ii r before the 7lh day of N wembar. 194ti. or this out ice will de pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of Kovemben , 1945. T. L GREEN, Administrator of Margaret B. Bradshaw. 147(5 Nov. H - Dec 13 (CAHOIIHA POWER 0 LIGHT COMPANY) REDDY KILOWATT . "KWH". . . sST -N 'WEIL YOU BETTEC fUT ITv ZyK, ITS LIWE A CElWrCAPPX Souto! AND WItValN I iCH! L ' ' BACK. BEFORE ME MAkEC A J L ANP KILO WAT I IkXtt'S ARE J AJ aNCES VOU MOW HAVE 1 fO0,rf$),t ' 3-POINT lAWiNflON YOU! I XseOfANT HOURS... . THF actwu. J fAN0THENEWfSVUUT,7 1 iW-fi "?y KHvm c ! CARL C. ANDERSON MY TEACHER SENT ME HOME "CAUSE I GOT A DIRTY FACE - HENRY UV. 1. i-D' "i 1 1 1 y Copt W4. Kn,n F-ninfrl tlr. In:. W'oild rrrrvnl I'M SORRY -CHILDREN-) BUT I MUST WEAR DARK GLASSES TODAY ) "it rW j J J Caql f SPECIALS Leather Jackets, zipper $16.89 Sealed Heapi Adapter Kits $6.95 up Sealed Heam Fog Lights $9.00 pr. Wearwell Oil 45c Kill. Car Heater . . . Under Seat $11.85 Mud Flaps Rubber $1.50 pr. Davis Tires 6.00x1 fi1 -ply Spot Lights Through the Post Reliners 6.00x16 Clued Anti-Freeze, Type N Mufflers and Tail Pipes for Most Cars Floor Mats $i:..95 plus tax $11.95 each $2.75 $1.10 gal. $,198 VISIT OUR TOY AND DOLL DEPARTMENT DONALD DUCK J1Y WALT DISNEY Xr-t-x-rY pwooie - I I (just stbp om that. I Ti rf$M m TTS) rl r 'TYl'M. MAKE h PAIS LADY J fjW JTYf? A Lf? A MODERN Machine Shop Our modern machine shop does pre cieion work on every job, whether it be lathe work, welding, or machining. Consult our machinists on your ma chine jobs. THE Haywood Company PHONE 539 KEE US FOR Door and Window Frames Made to order of the best available materials. Our experienced shop workmen are exacting and see that every detail is carried out to make a .satisfactory job. HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON I "n"! 1 1 I dUTJ 1 1 T7 flTTl I pfcT shod 11 1 a timQn 9lH r Cw-m Mi rithu rtvrwf M u DONALD DUCK 1 ATT" TIC?XT17'V I1 - 1. j 1 llO-Cii , . , . , i . ii . 1 . , .. . r - " V "v I J6Cl TEAg 'POVN r ' TME GOAL POST !jl PWOOlE! ; YIPPEErfcjSL, THE GOAL ECfV, SOME . T " V AS I WAS SAVING- NEVEK LET SENTIMENT INTERFERE VMTH PRACTICALITY! rGARvXrT , .