NOVEMBER 29, 145 'THE "WAYNES VILLE 'MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second flwltaiy jirift Aerates Yot Mkmtim T TSiese IRIJany rtaratnes la N ...L-pTmKMENTS ARE L,N DVACE. Cash mast ' Kv mail LjpjiiV OllilTN sc.. Bi;t be i" office before i a on ".Vednesiay t Ue ;o be in want art tea- i iiicrt a want WWII - - LjllPlpphone 137. NT AD RATES half Una -' cent per word, 1-2 cents per um charge 30c. Lmin:m will be published to lion cu iliarfre. -.1'.- The ... I ..1.1 t ,,.ri semenis suumu immediately. '',,,, will not be respon w more t,an one -Incorrect in white or col- 6 inches. The ice supply de- K.MIC INCIDENT ,; That is "OUTSIDE K:.hcl Scott Rorick nook department of :rorr dill or grading ( ii Smathers. tf hikl s large doll ! teale blue win 12; woman's suit cat. size 18. Call ,,rtcr. 262-R, Lake :piuous book but (iii!Vicnt calibre is IT I :s MAN," written Hack and with pic : 1 Kumv You can find l, department of Pil'lief. lied Porto Rican u s Any quntity. Pete John Ilaney's Store. Clvde, Rt. 1. K Hr.I'AHTMENT of The a nn r has reason to be c m books that are very j Thfv are FLICKA n.panion. "THUNDER- D, both hv Mary OUara. fSft BOOKKEEPING serv- U Fanners .and Employers. t up and cost your books pvp you a monthly state prepare and file your Pay- m income Tax returns, we i ' I nemployment In Contributions, Federal !Ur.e fits, Income Tax r. -. Withdrawals and Individual Employee : t date. Special at v 'i to Farmers on set ; per records and mak ! We also prepare ln- ii'iims and estimates ' i '.N. Watch paper for "' hual office. For ap- : r information at no address replies to Box ' ef this paper. !' MiOLINA PLAYS A ' in "INTERVAL IN 'LV' bv William Ahra- 1 The Mountaineer's irtir.ent has it. contact man with "icfcd in farming. Farm. A golden ! " right man .Con ' r. Sr. Call 157. Nov. 22-29 Dec 0 'M'KPARTMENT of The 11!;ic finds no letting up ! m:nd for Lilian Smith's GRANGE FRUIT." pintf-Accountancy R,I Tax Work 1(MAN COMPANY Room 3 V:i Main Street PHONE 357 LAFF - A - DAY rJ TT . p- Blackhaads, Tea, Want Fast Yr. it ! ttur, llirn- ( a alr, n,rml,-w. itu-an-iacd liquid culled . r Mrv .. . umrJH overnight iu it ct. to lotwn and if nmni v bLu-klieiKI. t nise wiwiwiowim wu- foand Oiru fiitpl-util llackheadHr..dilt..nM'"arrd. I Itrvt ui riilliumsl.caliy pr..i KlMr.1 mam t Uitn llii'v .r no U.tii-r inbmraaI and .it now happy with lTir rlt cxjmilxun. Ui. Hl. II one a .llc-.tttun dor. not wtirtv. -o:i Krt dout- roui money 'uk A., tor Klwrw today, .arc. Smith's Out-Kate Urns Store NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COl'KT. ROSA1.EE FREEMAN Vs JAMES FREEMAN NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant in the abo'e en titled action will take notice that an action for an absolute divorce, has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Haywood County, on a two-year separation and the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the undersigned clerk of the Superior Court, at his, office in Wayneeville, North Carolina, on the 8th day of December. 1945. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed therein or the plaint iff will seek relief from the court. C H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 14fllNov. 15-22-29-Dec. 6. fOH RENT wild private 3-rooni apartment I bath Call 455-R I Nov. 15-22-29 I NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LOUISE BURRELL CAGLE, By Her Next Friend. 'JESSIE BURRELL. - vs- - SHUFOKD JENKINS CAGLE. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant. Shuford Jenkins Cagle, will take notice that an ac-1 for the u lion entitled as above has been : complaint . r-nmmpnpfH hi the Slinerinr Pmlrt ! liN tilt j of Haywood County, North Caro-! i Una. to obtain an absolute divorce 147:1 Ni on the grounds of two years separa I tion. and that said defendant will further take notice that he is re I quired to appear at the office of the I Clerk of the Superior Court of I Haywood County within twenty days after the sixth day of Decem ber and answer or demur to the I complaint filed In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court Pi 1 ('riiiandt d in -.od thh of Nov . I94'i. II I.F T HKRWOOD. ik Siipei lor Court. 1")-2'J 29 Dec. ti. n' said deceased lo exhibit to the undersigned at his in Waynesvtlle, N. C , onw the 7th day of NowinbC-r, ADMIMSTII tlOli'S NOTICE ( lit IM I'ollS 1 la i I'."-' i ll. I ' lie.: tor id the e-t.ite . !t ct .' -i count., ot I Pi . i Carotin. i the. i t. suns ha Hi". . Pi. II TO as a.linniisti ,i ! M.iinaiet M . late uf tne St..'. e ot n:'l n 1 1 : 1 1 all pi r il ain-t .l.i ( l ale them nftice befor I94ti. or this notice will oe pleaded in bar of their recovery. A. pei sons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 7tli day of Novemoer, li4:i. T I. GREEN, Administrator of Margaret B. Rradshaw. HTd -Nov 8 - Dec. 13 REDDY KILOWATT Watt's in a Name e..itp.T.XWA rW V 1.1 CHIT COiCPAWr WFll .klLO I'OMEl rL1M TUt AN.'IFNT rttf EK. ML'ANINO 'ONE THOUSAND - AND WATT K HCQAA JAMFs. WAT I, A f AAVKS INVlNlllt AAHOWUFVt r IN Mb" ION. 'Xie I i Wi. .. ..1 FlINNV r, ' . 1 name m 1 " "5;. I t MEAN? J 1 RtUUt I t-AMILT nivvu m p 11.7 X ,T VlAHOftllt VI I' IIN jlL w ihi hM..m.H tVCAUiE. I'M IN TUE PAPEK AND PIE PAPERS AlVWVVSJ AN.l -.INPl IM ..' I AN,"1 ltVC-AUiE. I'M IN 1UE PAPEK Ef SJ"1 ; 'XM ' ' orn 1 I AND PIE PAPERS AlWVSD 1 py, wc Au..r mv mn p. ki VjJ rS, fej PLUG IN ON REDDr KILOWATT NEXT WEEK "Why do I need a REASON for a divorce? I didn't need one to get MARRIED: FREE! If Excess acid causes ou pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indi gestion, Heartburn. Belching. Bloating, Nausea. Gas Pains. Ret free sample, Udga. at Smith's Cut-Rate Drug Store. Feb. Hi EVEEYONE KNOWS the resonanl voice of Robert St. John, the commentator, and they will equally enjoy his book, "IT'S ALWAYS TOMORROW " See it in the book department of The Mountaineer. FOR RENT Three acres, new lout -room house and outbuild ings. For I iirther information. w rite Box (h 1 . W aynesville. Nov. 29-Dec. 6 WANTED Young woman to train as assistant clerk at tourist hotel. Personality and refinement nec essary. Room, board and good salary to start. Write Manager, Anchorage Hotel, Brunswick, Ga. A BOOK THAT HAS RECEIVED highest acclaim is in the book department of The Mountaineer. It is "CITY OF TREMBLING LEAVES" by Walter Van Tils berg Clark. FOR SU.E -One mare and one mule tffare colt, eight months old in a few days. Price reason able. Mrs. Zaeh Davis, Route 2, Box 312. Wavnesville. N. C. Nov. 29-Dee. 6 WANTED - Reliable couple to live and work on farm. No objec tion to fiinily. Apple orchard, woodland, pasture and farmlands. 8-iooni house nearly new. Barn and outbuildings Located off Sylva - Waynesville highway, known as Cogdill Place. Contact immediately Mrs. Frazier at Llovd Hotel. Sylva. N. C. Nov. 29 THE BOOK DEPARTMENT of The Mountaineer has a book for each taste, and one for the best taste 1x1 books is "A GREAT TIME TO BE ALIVE" by Henry Emerson Fosdick. WANTED Men for grading, ditch ing and clearing land. Call Waynesville, 150. FOR SALE Underwood typewrit, or. in good condition, with new keyboard. $50 00. Call 439-J after 5 o'clock. Nov. 29 Dec. 8 FOR SALE One Hot-Point elec tric range and one electric re frigerator. Call or see Lowry Weaver. Nov. 29 A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN story by L. P. Hartley, depicting Ihe lives of a brother and sister, is to be found in the book depart ment of The Mountaineer. It is "THE WEST WINDOW." WANTED Young lady to do gen eral office work in a local store. Must be able to handle dictation exucrtlv. State experience in cluding bookkeeping. Permanent position. Address applications to "Local Store."' f"e Waynesville Mountaineer. Nov. 29 WANTED TO BUY a Delco Light plant. See or write Firth Refrig eration Service. Phone 465-W or Box 321, Waynesville, N. C. Nov. 29 HENRY CARL V. ANDERSON WANTED Young man interested FOR SALE Hard wood. See Mack Pace, 48 Smathers street or call David Underwood Supply Co. Phone 371. Nov. 15-22-29-Dec. 6 FOR SALE Business corner lot. one block from center of city of Brevard; 72 feet on Broad Street, 147 feet on Probart St. Duncan - MacDougald, Brevard. N. C. Nov. 8-15-22-29 FOR SALE Metal cans, capacity about 3Vi gallons. 15c each, at Tearce's Bakery. Nov. 8-15-22-29 FOR SALE Used piano, in good condition. General Electric flat plate mangal. Phone 232 tf JONES RADIO SERVICE Where radio is a specialty. 56 Main St. Waynesville, N. C. T-F WANTED Manager for general store. Also meat cutter and hardware salesman. Junaluska Supply Co., Lake Junaluska. N. C. tf sales position with local Must be high school grad interested in permanent connection. Address application Waynesville Mercantile Co., Wavnesville Mountaineer. Nov. 29 st on uate to EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Hilliard B. Atkins, deceased, late of Haywood county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C on or before the 22nd day of November, 1946. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 22nd day of Nov.. 1945. KATHERINE RAY ATKINS, Executrix of the Estate of Hilliard B. Atkins. 1471Nov. 22-29-Dec. 6-13-20-27 IN JOBS FOR WOMEN ( AT AMERICAN -ENKA' CORPORATION GOOD PAY! STEADY WORK! ACT NOW APPLY U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. THE SUPERIOR COURT. LYLE NOLAND Vs CATHERINE CHAMBERS NOLAND NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will take notice that an action has been commenced against her in the Su perior Court of Haywood County for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce upon the grounds of two rears separation; the de fendant will further take notice that she is required to be and ap pear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County not later than thirty days from the 14th day of November, 1945, then and there to file answer, demurer, or otherwise plead to the complaint filed in this action, or the plaintiff will demand that the relief sought in said action be granted. This the 14th day of November, 1945. C. H. LEATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1482 Nov. l2-2Wec.-. n - ?o Q P. ii-J US New Shipment Easel CHRISTMAS TOYS Just Arrived Black Boards Tea Sets Dolls Paint Sets Microscopes Pull Tovs $:.:8 $1.8.-) $1.98 up 19c up $:..9." 89c up I.audry Sets Doll Houses Doll Cradles . Modeling Clay Wood Trains . .xc $l.2.- . $2.82 49c si.r: up Guns 29c up Kuliher Horse Shoes $1.18 Table and ( hair Sots S9..50 UocMT I.eathereUs $8.93 l'islol and Holster Sets $1.19 up IVt Kenehes $2.22 lophonr DAVIS TIRES . . . 6.00x16 , . . 4-Ply . . . 18 Months Guarantee $13.95 DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNEY i . i tr "' z 1, r . V '"TOO STIFF? LOOK, ) CIGWT tws ) -- V n fi Oil SOMETHING TO J fU I'VE THE N j IfcX ' XK y SEK I S Kill A MODERN Machine Shop Our modern machine shop does pre cision work on every job, whether it be lathe work, welding, or machining Consult our machinists on your chine jobs. ma- THE Haywood Company PHONE 539 Door and Window Frames Madt t order of the best available materials. Our experienced shop workmen arc exacting and see that ( very detail is carried out to make a satisfactory job. HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON BY WALT DISNEY DONALD DUCK 7 Soegv; BUT V l I HH1 Hteff&'lL I I I j fl rWjj rc5lM.VE A 1 1 WJ -