! J V,! ", -W ? 1 1 i ' 1, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1945 Ml - v f S 1 i'ti. M I f 4 ' V ; : ( 1 f.' if 4 5i ' I . 1 ' i h i 14 I1)' II I h r 71 l4f ( . J ''1 r ' i - : i!l'f);U !! ) ' I. - I 1 J - 1 U s f h I I ell fcfiSSE THE WAYNESVHXE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First S J i Iff7 Frrfe?x- iJNKpIl i The Waynesville Mountaineer A Member of The Haywood County Family Whose Annual Income Is . . . $18,660,000 (Sales Management Estimate for 1944) 2 The HAYWOOD M arke Haywood County, North Carolina "North Carolina's Well Balanced County" Waynesville The Rich Industrial-Agricultural-Resort Area Between Pisgah National Forest and The Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park. RETAIL SALES -ir--Jr' XjCKSOMjT . I POLK i Annual $9,3O5,O00 (Sales Management Estimate for 1944) BUYING INCOME 18,660,000. (Sales Management Estimate for 1944) HAYWOOD INDUSTRY: Large and modern plants manufacturing a great variety of products including paper, leather, furniture, tapestries, rubber products, lumber, shoes, and inlaid wood. HAYWOOD AGRICULTURE: Exceptionally diversi fied and profitable. The major lines are corn and small grains, burley tobacco, truck and vegetables, apples and other fruits (Haywood's commercial apple orchards are largest east of the Mississippi), potatoes, forest products and dairying. HAYWOOD RESORT BUSINESS:.. Attracted by the cool climate, superb scenery and an abundance of hos pitable hotels, inns and boarding houses, thousands of folks make Haywood their warm-season home. Here. too. is Lake Junaluska. the summer capital oi Southern Methodism, which draws thousands w season. Several well-known supervised camps boys and girls are operated in the county. And bomf adiacent to the Orpjit. Smnkv Mountains Nationa Park and the Pisgah National Forest, Haywood cn joys large and steady flow of vacationers and sight seers. "Figures used are copyrighted 1916, Sales Management Surrey of Buying Twer, further reproduction not llceraed." BJQfjQ