standard PRINTING CO 220-230 S First S LOUISVILLE Kx 11, 7 K bS-vKAR no. 2n , JJOnJ Seat Of Haywood Comity At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Part , w., luviiouni, uaCXUIlbK ZU, 1815 1500 People EtUo ao mflea of nje-thelr Ideal v.nninff center. sub The Waynesville Mountaineer waiirdl (5 tseek $LQ0(fFor Jeir Christmas Cheer y On Dime Board Extendi Greetings . Through the Christmas Edition Sunday Morning (Call in for a representative U call with suggestions). $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counli Dwell M Fj hi Buv Clothing, Q and Gifts Needy Children Christmas rl large individual contri- 0r 25 boosted the total on us Club dime board here the week, but officials said . that several hundred dol- - rreytt needed to meet their 'H-.0OO. money will be used to pro- ping, toys and food for the U the community during More than 25 young- U1 be clothed with the md if a balance is left, it used by the club In pro thelr sight conservation (jtar the dime board netted I about suou. of the club vesterdav If the opinion that some busi- faai, or individuals, would I make a substantial contrl- I towards the fund, club realized a profit of J in sponsoring Birch, the here last week. This lust f paid for the eye clinic re- Item here. M the girls chorus of the Elementary School will ! a program of Christmas liar me club. The nrnrnm marge oi Claud Rogers. lools Close Account Of jwsiorm -; .... tin schools in the county, ing those of the Waynesville t Closed Tuesdav aftornnnn pB not reopen until Decem- i, according to an announce- W M. II. Rnwlnc pendent of education. original plan called for the Of Schools nn TnocJ.v tu ft,,, a .. " uuu in inp hnanv .... wck when the schools were M tO Closp nn .1 t,. vi uvVVUUi UI t,on of the highways and Exmeiost, the principals 'd to continue through uiiui fritlav Tn haulm this week thn 4K- j-.T: MVe bern rr.A wlsion to ih. - .ursaay aiternoon after y wowfall of the noon made the roads hazard- travel in returning the t0 their homes through- county. menl was made by Mr. k J0 'hen the t'me lost KLh,nU lengthen- Merchants Start Holiday Hours Business places of the com munity started their holiday hours yesterday afternoon by remaining open until 5:30. For the rest of this week the stores will be open until 6:00 each afternoon. The general plan is to re main open until 7:00 o'clock on Christmas Eve. At a recent meeting of the Merchants Association, It was decided for the stores to close on the 25th and 26th. "mire and Miss Velma """'ft Wednesday after- lii-i . Mlgs-. where -;' wr. and Mrs urmerlv of ;it i w4 ' Joined by Mr. and I onncll and their son, from n rCentIy been dis" m the service after be '"ty in thp Poic. uieaier. Hearing Held On Getting Bank For Town Hazelwood ' Decision Will Be Made By Banking Commission On Jan. 23 At Hearing No opposition was expressed at the special hearing held Tuesda night in Hazelwood before Gumej P. Hood, state bank commissioner when applicants presented thcii case for opening a bank in Hazel wood. Some 25 nersons uerc at ihi hearing. Mr. Hood got all the fact; in the case and will Dresent thnm together with his recommendation. to the Banking Commission whicl will be in session in R.iinicrh January 23rd. T.hose nutkinp an pllcaUon for the bank plan to at tend the hearing in Raleigh nex month. Thev are: C. N. Allpn n L. Prevost, J. E. Massif, Jonathan Woody and Joe S. Davis. The application set out that thr bank would have a capital of $25 000 and a $12,500 surplus. pi. m.-J REV. PAUL TOWNSENn nt.r of the First Methodist succeeds Rev. J. Clay Madison. He nas recenuy been discharoed fmm the navy, with the rank of com mander, having served four years a cnapiain. lie is a native of Waynesville and the son nf th late Rev. Franklin Townsend at one time presiding cider of the Waynesville district. He also served as principal nf fho wmu,j!i. - " .. . .V. J , , 1 IV. nigh school for one vear. Hp w appointed as pastor for the local church in October by the Western North Carolina conference, hut u;n not out of the service at the time. He assumed his wnrW u)iv. ih. local church last week, preaching his first sermon on Sunday, the 16th. Community Sing Will Be Held Sunday At 6, First Methodist Church Waynesville Tags Make Fine Gifts Says Mayor Way "A new Waynesville taf will be just the thine to fire as a Christmas present this year, for they are really a novelty now, being the first we have had to offer for sale la nearly three years," recommends Mayor J. H. Way, Jr. The tags which sell for fl are the same colors as those of the state but have not been available since the early part of the war since they were made of metal needed for war priorities. The tags are on sale at the Town Hall and all Waynes ville citizens who own cars are urged to boy tags and plaoe on their motor vehicles. It Is good publicity for the town, it was pointed out by Grayden Ferguson, tqwn man ager, for every car owner to use a tag on his motor. Large Crowd Expected to Join In Community Wide Event For Christmas Music W. D. Waynesville. Rotarians To Exchange Gifts, And Remarks Members of the Rotary club will present each other with toys at their regular meeting here Friday. The toys will be cathered no ,-inH given to the Woman's club for their Christmas tree for the children on Chrislmas afternoon. As each member is uresentrd with a gift, the donor will make- a one-minute talk about the member being at liberty to say what he pieases without danger ol libel. The club contributed $10 to the Salvation Army for their Christ mas cheer fund. At last Friday's meeting. Rev. Paul H. Townspnd told briefly, of some of his experi ences as a chaplain aboard ships in both the Atlantic and Pacific. First National Bank Buys Crawford Building Salvation Army Prepares To Give Cheer , The ringing pf the bells around he red kettle of the Salvatioi Army has been a symbol of Christ mas on main street here for a number of years. It Is the raeanf jf providing Christmas in seven of he isolated communities In. thp county by the Salvation Army Toys and candies for the children ind baskets of necessary food for dinners are prepared by the Salva tion Army who otherwise might be torgolten by Christmas. Christmas programs will be given in the seven communities served by the Salvation Army which will include the singine of carols, fhp reading of the story of Christmas and plays. A number of letters of aoDeal for assistance to carry out this Christmas urogram have bepn sent by the Salvation Army workers to the peole of the county and the response lias Deen most gratifying, according to Major Cecil Brown, who is head of the Mountain Divi sion of the Salvation Army. As sistlng Major Brown is Canfain Lillian Blackburn and Lt. M. Mor ton. Possibility Of Using It For Expansion Of The Bank; Dividend Is Declared The directors of the First N- lonal Bank have mirrha.cprl i hp Crawford Building on DcdoI Strppt t was learned yesterday. The brlrk juilding fronts 30 feet on Hay-j No immediate plans have bppn nade for the use of the building. i was Dought with the Idea that it night be needed for further ex ansion purposes of the bank in he years ahead. The directors on Mondav of this veek also declared the annual rfivi- lend of the bank, and voted rh jonus for each employee. J he report of the bank, as nnt- ined at the meeting of directors, nowed the year had been an nn isually good one, with resources of ne bank now more than $6,300. )00. In keeping with the state Un lolidays, the bank will bp n the 25th and 26th. Following their custom of mam- cars, the bank has a limited num ber of calendars for their deposi ors, and will give them out fh. lay and Saturday, with onlv onp In a family. The community sing which was scheduled to be held at the Park Theater on Sunday evening at 6:00 o'clock has been changed to the First Methodist church and will take place at the Same houp. Seve ral hundred uersons arp nvn.rtoH to be present for the event, which usners in Christmas week. 1 he event is sDonsnrprl hv t ho Chamber of Commerce and Rev M. H. Williamson nuctnr nf th Waynesville Presbyterian church, win preside. There will be no ad mission fee or collection taken and the public is invited to attend. A choir made up of the mem bers of the choirs of the rhu rphoc of the community will be directed Dy airs. Henry MacFayden and will present several numbers of Christ mas music. Mrs. W. L. Matney, organist of the First Methodist cnurch, will serve as general ac companist. The high school band will take part on the program with their numbers directed by Mr. Harvell, band master . The school filee rlnhe direction of Miss Stephanie Moore will also give several Christmas selections . In addition tn thp numiun u.. these groups there will br m.n.i assembly singine of thp M fa miliar carols. The hour has been set at n tim so that the urouram ran ho Mn. pletcd before regular Sunday even ing services and those planning to attend churcli mav eo dlmrtiw fr.m the community sing. Test Farm Head To Join Faculty 1,. , li,aV:A'vliwa t- . HOWARD CLAPP, for the past ffilir VPJtr NoVwrtAl Pnnntv A nn ' U'ill )anintA hoalptnt A ..4 t the State Teat Farm here on Jan uary first. DEAN COLVARD has resigned as head of the test farm here to take his doctor's degree and then Join the faculty of State College. Mercury Slid Down To 2, As More Snow, Sleet Fell What's the Answer For So Few 1946 Automobile Tags It maybe the grand Christ mas rush It maybe the con tinual slush. It maybe that shopping is taking ail extra cash. It maybe that owners hesitate to put new gleaming license plates on old cars. It maybe just the natural incli nation to put off until tomor row what you can get by with out doing today. At any rate there are fewer 1946 license plates on cars of local people than has ever been noted In this area of buy ing nest year's tags, which may be purchased In Canton ana byiva. Frank Kirkpatrick L ZZ ; t; m -11 a en Men Leave di; 17 tj In December SCOUTS ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Claud Rogers, and son, Ted, left this morning for a 10-day stay in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tingen, of fUQUav Sonnes. havp arrivoH in spend the Christmas holidays with tne jailers parents, Mr. and Mrs L. M. Killian. The Rotary club cave a Christ mas party Tuesday night for the local Boy Scout trooD at thp Spomi hUt. The boVS Wprp Crivon nntnc ice cream, cake and cold drinks. Frank Kirkpatrick has joined the Waynesville police force. Hp as. sumed his duties here Tuesday morning, and at present, a member ot the day crew. He was recently discharged from the army after serving since )942, and spending 23 months in Europe with an artillery outfit. Before entering service he taught school at Fines Creek, and is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kirk patrick, of Fines Creek. Draft Call Bakery To Get New Type Oven A new modern oven is expected to arrive this week, and will hp installed at Pcarce's Bakery durint the coming week, it was announced yesterday by w. H. Whitman, owner. The oven is of the revolving type. and is automatic In everv wav This special design has met with lavor with all bakers everywhere. Ten men left here on Tuesday morning for induction in the armed forces under the selective service system making up the De cember call. Gilbert Turner Fcreuson was named leader of the group on the trip to Fort Bragg, Induction cen ter. Others In the group were: Roy Hobert Ross, Jr., Walker Glenn Chambers, James Owen Franklin, Oliver Windell Arring- ton, I homas Hoytt Cates, Samuel Perry Smathers, L. V. Hannah, Kenneth Earl Medford and Alvin Green. Old Man Winter, and all his furv descended on this area again this week, as more snow fell, and the mercury in the official thermnmp ter at the Test Farm slid down to two degrees . Haywood was "mushing alone yesterday, from the four inch snow which fell Tuesday, followed by sleet later in the afternoon. Protected places were still pov. ered from the 3-inch snow of las Thursday night, and then an incl tell Saturday moraine, whllp annt h er inch fell early Sunday morning fccliools closed Tuesdav aftpr noon until December 31st. beeausi ol the icy streets and roads. Schoo programs were nipped In the hurt as plans wore to remain open unti Friday. Students and teachers har Christmas programs in the mak ing, and these were called off Th. lunch rooms were to feature mas turkey yesterday, but the. bird; will be waiting the students aftei the holidays. The turkeys havi been put on cold storage. Young people took to the alepn hills with their sleighs as Tups. clay's snow was the finest of the season for sledding. Police ropec o(T East Street for them, and tin crowds soon gathered for rides thai look them at break-neck snnr. down the steep hill. The official lcim-rati iron nrrt follows: " I High 29 Haywood County Home Demonstration Officers Iter?-'' if' 'sidenf " ' ?ounty borne demonstration agent (reading from right to left): Mrs. Mark Ferguson, 'led t i the Haywood County Council of Home Demonstration clubs, who presided over the flere-M Work of the nome Jubs at the annuaI Achievement Day program recently held at the erdam i ' Mark Swaim retiring secretary of the county council; Mrs. Paul Robinson, member f the m b Wno has ben elected as the new president of the county council; Mrs. L. J. Camion, e Morniag Star club, the newly-elected secretary of the county council. Special Christmas Edition To Be Published Sunday Morning Following a custom of many years, The Moun taineer will publish a .special Christmas Edition on Sunday morning. This edition has been designed differently than any ever published. Special Christmas features, with numerous illus trations will be carried throughout. The staff of the paper have been at work on some features for the past few weeks, in addition to some art work to brighten up the edition. Christmas messages from many firms will be a little different this season, as by special arrangement with a firm of artists, some specially designed greetings will be used. Merchants and business firms wanting greetings in the issue should call the advertising de partment by noon Friday. The deadline for tbe Sun day edition, for both news and advertising will be eleven o'clock Saturday morning. The paper must be on the press early Saturday afternoon in order to make the mails for Sunday morning delivery. Copies will be on sale at aD newsstands by four o'clock Saturday afternoon- ' ' County Library ! To Be Closed The Haywood County Library will be closed for a three-day pe riod next, week, on Monday, luesoay and Wednesday. All per sons who desire books to read dur ing the first week in Christmas are urged to get them from the library this week, according to Miss Mar garet Johnston, county librarian. Date 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 39 3(? 43 34 25 38 Low 12 11 19 19 25 7 Pleasant Balsam Baptist Church to Honor Vets And Servicemen A special service will ho hoin t Pleasant Balsam Baptist church at 11:00 o'clock on Christmas day, in honor of the boys who have been discharged from the armed forces and those who are still serving from this area. The Rev. Mr. Green of Canton, moderator of the Haywood Baptist Association will be the guest speaker on the program. i County Agent To Assume Duties January First Dean Colvard To Get Doctor's Degree And Join Faculty Of State College Dean W. Colvard has rpsicmorf as assistant director i the Mountain Experiment Station nere ana will be succeeded by Howard Clapp. present Havwoori County Farm Agent. Mr. Clapp's .eslgnation as county agent be comes effective Januarv 1st an A .VIr. Colvard will remain with tho .'arm until February first. No suc cessor has been named for the :ounty agents office. The dual announcement W9 made yesterday both here and in .talelgh of the changes. Mr. Col vard will enter Purdue Un ivprsftv an March first for his doctor's de cree In Animal Husbandry, and after receiving his degree will be come a member of thp faonitv f itate College, Raleigh. W. Kerr Scott, commlwinnpr nf grlculture in commenting on the eslgnation of Mr. Colvard, said, while we hate to lose Colvard, it is gratifying to know that in con nection with his work at State Col ege, he will be closely associated vith the livestock research pro gram of our test farms." Mr. Clapp pointed out that he considered the change an oppor unity for larger services to the :armcrs of Western North Caro- ina. "I will still be in close con act with them, and helping work ut their problems right here in he area I like best." he rnntinn. ed. "I deeply appreciate the fmp rn. iperation given me sinrp r pamo lere in February, 1941," Mr. Clapp aid. "And I ask that the same ooperatlon be given my suecesor." Mr. Colvard loined thp nent of Agriculture stair in 1933 is assistant director i he Mountain Station located at Swannanoa. He sunprvispH h, work of this station until tho )t 1941, at which time it was taken ver by the United States War department as a site for thp m,,i-o General Hospital. After this (Continued on page 8) Woman's Club 'o Stage Annual Community Tree The annual eommunitv rtn-ict- mas tree which is hpH unaer tne sponsorship of the Wom an's club will be staged on Satur day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the courtroom at the county court house, according to Mrs. J. C. Brown, chairman of the committea and Mrs. James W. Killian, presi dent of the club. Rev. Mr. Murray, pastor of tho Hazelwood BaDtist phn rvh Will h.tx-n charge of the devnt and there will be community slng- "s ui vnnsimas carols. The public la invited to attend. Assisting Mrs. Brown anH Mr, lian will be Mrs. John R. Hipps, Mrs. jimmy Boyd, Mrs. A. E. Wil liamson, Mrs. John M. Queen and Mrs T. L. Bramlette. Making donations to the gift and candy fund for the tree are "The Town of Waynesville, Lions Club Rotary Club, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis and Mr. u. jy b. 11, Barber. Officers Of Haywood Demonstration Farmers " fw i , --R f-fr ; , rn 'V Shown here are the ofiippro nf Hjurumn n.i ... " .' . . eently. From left to wiZ. SlfSJ S' retiring president shaking hands with J L Westmoreland wiv t5S22i MTt J. McCracken, between them Is Prank m n,i. J ' .l! .m?reIan.?' new.Iy fleeted president. : In the background fA Mountaineer vtowntoVSto W ' Liner, re-elected treasurer..