. . ""V . ' Standard PRINTING CO Adv-220 S First St LOUISVILLE KV. .MaaWMam IgO People iiUun 20 miles of -their ideal pping center. The Waynesville mountaineer PubUshIn The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1 r w-1 w" TkYrf"V A 1 .... . . . Jfl.FIKsl IMK i ages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1945 rrg I (Etprtatmag os Club Hearing . Of $1000 For iislmas Gheer Fund $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties It's Christmas Time In Old Haywood t I., flaillwan Bc Taken Care Out Of Dime U Proceeds espouse 1" the Lions Club hii has been line, accoro- jc members who are on ine ujiur what tno weatner, U funds (or their uinstmas Way afternoon the otnciaLS ib wen.' optimistic regaro wdunS of the goal oi ftev had set for this year. Ijoird will be in operation all Way and it there is anyone tommunlty who lias not donation to the worthy I urged to do so by the toney is to oc usea lor t toys and food for fami- His area. More man 25 have already been out- 14 .the money. balance that is left over kChristmas plans have been execution, will be turned it sight conservation com It their work. Prospects Good Yesterday For White Christmas Prospers for a White Christ mas seemed in store for this area late yesterday afternoon when The Mountaineer went to press, despite the conflicting signs of weather, with a rise in temperature. The skies were dull all day, with dark clouds threatening rain, but the snow still ic malned unmelted, which is prophetic of more snow ac cording to local weather prophets. The temperature which had reached two above freezing, the first of the week, was steadily rising, which was be ing hailed by those who have diminishing supplies of coal on hand, with comfort and pleasure. Silexander led For Work Jermany ftomas Alexander, founder icetional advisor of Spring tool, in the Pigeon section wunty which attracts stu- tom all over the United las been called by the War put to aid in the develop- mc He-education program is being sponsored in Ger- fcthis country. Uexander left Springdale to week and flew to Ger- ft assume his new duties. f ial field of work will be in ionization of the Teacher- It schools of Germanv. no definite announcement f' of the duration of work ught when Dr. Alexander work would be continued . two years bv the War r"'- Dr. Alexander ic o of the faculty of Npw C.n- pimbia University, and H time prior to the war paw. Alexander whs iranti - N absence from Columbia to aid in the work as- by the War Depart ure! Adkins te Home i r Fifst Class Howard D. f navncKvillA 4 i Pag to information re "OH Pearl H.rkn. tt. i- W 2,000 high-point army P whom the Magic Carpet m back to the Ktatoa L. UsS Hanover, hoover is nn t .t.. Mm i mure uian Intt. -"fi cruisers 8'C Cai-pi sports in the navy's et' Central Elementary Chorus Give Three Programs This Week The chorus from Central EIc mcntary school, which is directed by Miss Stephanie Moore gav three programs during the past week. On Thursday afternoon they sang for the Woman's club at their Christmas meeting.. uii anursday evening tiiey ap peared before the Lions club and on Friday at noon they sang for tho Rotarians. The following program was pre- sented at each of the three meet ings: "As Joseph Was A-Walking.' "Come, Hasten, Ye Shepherds,' "Away in a Manger,'' "There's Song in the Air," solo, by Elizabeth Elliott; "O Little Town of Iiethle hem," "Silent Night." "The First Noel," and "I Heard the Bells Judy Roberts was reader on the program. Members of the chorus included Mary Crouscr, Nancy Francis Ruth Corwin, Virginia Wilson Patsy Ezell. Clara Sue Shuler Elizabeth Elliott, Ann Coman Craw ford, and Ruth Henshaw. Bobby Colkitt U.S. Navy, To Arrive Tomorrow Bobby Colkitt, Aviation Machin ist Mate, third class, U. S. Navy son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt is scheduled to arrive from the West Coast tomorrow to spend the Christmas holidays with his family here. He is now stationed at Port Huenern, Calif., at an air base. He entered the service in March, 1942 as a volunteer, while a student at the Waynesville Township high school. Miss Henrietta Love has arrived from Raleigh to spend the Christ mas holidays here with her mother Mrs. Hugh A. Love. :iness Will Take 2 ?s Off For Christmas We, Wi ntii-r .: 1 1 . Iiiikiv,, , J w" suspend K Ugh,out for ill , , """"ft -a.ne day ..ke Tuesday and i , ,uu industrial u "eanesday. w;nr'"ayandsatur- ventVt ers W1U have "ts tomorrow. 350 attended the an nias party of TW rriri?lng.conipany at y night A ' a, glveni car bv Z my Franks. ac- hich V . ure vnrut- r "ly. tu cotu ioiidav , PlMtiwm be kry a"d Tuesdav. 5ryPrftlon held two silver dollars for each year they had -been with the firm. Many have completed their fourth year with the company. Leo Weill, president, said the plants would be closed Monday and Tuesday, resuming operations on Wednesday morning. Unagusta Manufacturing com pany closed Saturday noon until Wednesday morning, following a custom of many years, the plant gave each employee a gift as they left work Saturday. Royle & Pilkington company gave their employees a two-day holiday, and a gift. The plant will start back on normal operations on Wednesday morning. England Walton company will be closed Tuesday. Several stores gave parties for their employees during the week. The Pet Dairy Products company gave their annual party to about 80 people Saturday night, and the annual employees party of The Mountaineer was held last night at the Maples. tXm. . 4 a w'-rKiiO?r f swt 4?mwfet:s Otitis v " ,miii, flwiffi Ar-'r-M--- ,1.ffl,.mii3le.ml.in..ri,rt,mm IJ"-n--vinfyri-iirrmtiiiriiiMMwariiiiiirilfrniiiiliMi,im Wallace Marley, commercial pnoiogiapher, siai'ieu out Vveutiesday with his camera tatting pictures oi lypieai uuiumw stenes in Waynesville for The Mountaineer, in picture no. i, ne caugm n- . . i i mi. C- .vinCwtlrl A 1 loll C i ( t i 11 IT 11. .1 r hn 1 T.O 111 thn hflMl'l montns oiu i nomas ou6" -...v..., v. ..v of his grandparents, Dr. jrua Mrs. i nomas airingneiu. lie is me son of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen and seems as happy as can be. In picture 'o '' is a partial view of postal workers lacea wnn ine tasK ot sorting 1,1 - . . T ...... 1 1 ! . bag after bag of mall and packages. Eugene nouscr ana naiining Burrcss are shown working on ine nuge siacK. i iciuiu iio. o, in im; Antral Elementary chorus, as tney sang at ine woman s ciud j nurs- day afternoon. That night they appeared Detorc ine wons ciud, ana rnuay wen; 4. o.. ..iry iiiogiuni. lx.-n 10 ngnt: hM.uui-in Elliott, Kuth Henshaw, Nancy Francis, Ann Coman Crawford, Patsy bzell, Kutn uorwin, iviai-y crouser and Judy Hoberts. Miss Stephanie Moore is their music teacher. In picture No. 4 is a scene on display at me waynesville Liorary. inis was arranged by Miss Johnston librarian. In picture No. 5, two girls are shown contributing to the Hons Uime Hoard on Main street. Much interest is being shown in the board, as the Lions push towards a $1,000 goal. Picture No. 6 is Miss eta i lemming, assistant Salvation Army worker, as she stood by the Christmas kettle, in which funds are given for the work among me necoy. mis year ine oaivation Army plans to take care of 550 Salvation Army To Take Care Of 550Needy People In Haywood County Big Christmas According To Postmaster "Last year we sold 60,000 one and one:half cent stamps, and this car I expect our sales to go over 90.000," said Col. J. H. Howell. Waynesville postmaster, regarding he increase in the sending ot Christmas cards and packages from i hp local Dost office. a "I base my anticipation on the fact that through Wednesday oi last week our sales had reached the total CO.000 of last year. This, of course, does not include the hundreds of cards on which are placed three cent stamps. "Tuesday and Wednesday, the 18th and 19th, were our biggest out-going mails. Each day it took three full truck loads to handle it," pointed out Col. Howell. "This year marks the biggest Christmas sipce I have been post master during my 12 year period," lie explained. , County $100,000 Behind Quota On E Victory Bonds Members of the war finance committee here are concerned over the progress of the sale of E type Victory bonds. Yes terday, the record showed Hay wood was about $100,000 be hind the quota on E bonds. A suggestion was made that persons getting cash for Christ mas presents put it into bonds, and enjoy the , present now, and even more later, when the value has increased a fourth. Major and Mrs. John-D. Jones have arrived . from Chicago and will spend the Christmas holidays here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L. SLringGeld. Miss Helen Smith, assistant coun ty home demonstration agent, has gone to Forest City, where she will spend 4 few days with her family. Seven Christmas Trees Will Be Given By Organization Christmas cheer will be provided for 550 persons from the money placed hi the Salvatiorukettles on Main Street and the answers to the appeals made by Major Cecil Brown, head of the Mountain Di vision and her workers through letters. The Army plans to have seven Christmas trees during the two week's period starting last Sun day and ending Sunday week. At each tree Christmas programs are being presented by the workers with appropriate devotional pro- J grams included. Trees will be staged at Maple Springs, Little Creek, Miller's Gap, Bonnie Hill, Sheltoa Laurel, Big Bend and Cold Springs. At the Cold Springs Lumber camp Jack Joyce, teacher of the school there tnd students will have charge of the program, He Will be assisted by Harry Lee Liner. Many of the persons reached by the Salvation Army will not be given Christmas cheer by any other croup as they live in isolated sec tions of the county. Hospital Nurses Hold Annual Christmas Party The nurses of the Haywood County hospital held their annual Christmas party and tree on Fri day evening in the Nurses Home with around fifty persons attend ing. The affair was held in the spa cious living room at the home which was colorful with the lights from the towering tree placed in one corner. Santa Claus was pres ent and delivered the gifts from the tree. The affair is held each year by the nurses to which their families are Invited including their hus bands and children. Following the presentation of the gifts refreshmenst were served. Community Sing Today To Draw Large Croud At Methodist Church It'll Be Chicken Dumplings On Christmas Day "The prisoners In the Hay wood county Jail will havn chicken and dumplings and pie tor Weir Christmas dinner, and 1 want you to know that a chicken dinner when you arc In jail Is a real treat," said Deputy Wade McDanlela when asked how the inmatea of the third floor of the courthouse will lake Christmas. In addition to the special chicken dinner on Christmas Day, euch prisoner will receive a large bag of fruits, nuts and candies from Sheriff R. V. Welch, It was learned from Deputy Daniels. "Right now we have onlv eight prisoners and we dont expect to have a very blr crowd, even over the Christ mas week-end. People Just don't get themselves In Jail as much as they used to do," he explained. "I don't know whether thev are smarter than they used to be and know how to get by or that they are better. But I do know this, they don't drink In public like they once did, and when they do they seem to know better how to carry their tiquor," ne said.. : .,, Hogers And Revis Open Business In Hazelwood Davis B. Rogers and Marcel Revis have opened a modern re? taurant and service station Ir Hazelwood, on the highway, jus' opposite Bradley's Store. The former Belle Meade placf nas been completely renovated nodern equipment added, ant made up-to-date in everv wav. The restaurant will be unde' the personal supervision of Mr Uogers, an experienced cook. Th dace will cater to parties, as we! is regular serving of meals.. Curt icrviee will also be featured. Mr. Revis has charge of the serv ice station. For the present, the firm will re main open about 18 hours a day including Sundays. Last Minute Shoppers Have Until 7:00 p. m. With a busy dav anticlDated or Monday which will close at 7:00 o clock in the evening, all busincs? firms of the town Dlan to tak e two-day holiday. Chrlstmaa Dv and Wednesday following. The Merchants Association de cided to take two days at a meet ing held this month, as it waf deemed a good plan to have one day to rest after Christmas Day The extra hour on Christmas Evf will give belated shoppers addi tional time to buy the last minute forgotten articles that are often evident on a list. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, county home demonstration agent, has . gone to China Grove, where she will spend the Christmas holi days with bcr family. : Park Theatre Is Observing Tenth Anniversary It was ten years aeo this week that the Park Theatre ODened to the public, giving to this area a modern theatre in every detail. J. E. Massie. owner. Is nhsnrvlnv tne tenth anniversary of thp Park with a special series of high type pictures during the wek, with a new picture each day during cnristmas week. Several major changes are now being made to the theatre, and the project will be pushed to comple tion just as soon as materials be come available. Program of Christmas Carols Will Start At Six O'Clock, Many Taking Part Interest continues to grow in the annual community aina which will be held at the First Methodist church tonight at &.00 o'clock. Tho event which la soonaored hv th Chamber of Commerce is the first assembly sinking at Christmas since .ne war started, and an invitation is extended to all the DeoDle of .he community to join tho hun dreds who will attend, to observe his first Christmas of peace. The sing will combine the Christ- nas evejit with the evening services f the various churches takinn Dart The original plan was to hold the i8 at the Park Theatre and th eparatc churches have their even- ng service lmmediatelv following out was later changed to a combi- iauoo service. Rev, Malcolm R Wti astor of the Presbyterian church vill preside. There will be no ad mission fee or collection taken dur- ag the service. Mrs. Henry MacFavden will Hi. ect a choir made up of voices from he praticlpating churches. Mrs. .V. L. Matney, organist of the First lethodist Church, will serve as ,eneral accompanist. ine school dec clubs unrW eh irection of Miss Steohinlp Mnn ;llt tl.n I . ah me old favorite Chrlstma iroiS, that lend lnsDlratinn tn tho Jhrismtas spirit will be sung by e hundreds assembled fnr tha service. The gallery of the church vtn h Iven over to the colored nnnmi. lion of the community who are jimaiiy invited to attend the ser ice and Join in the community ide Christmas event. Leo Weill is serving hairman of the event and is ncr- onally ureinn all eitiems tn at. -end, it was learned from Miss S. Jones, secretary of Uw Chflm- r of Commerce, who has worked ntirtngly on the program to make t a succom. Community Christmas Tree Staged Yesterday The annual Community Christ- nas tree sponsored by the Woman's Jlub and assisted by various group nd Individuals was held vester- lay afternoon at the courthouse nd was well attended. Mrs. J. C. Brown, chairman from he Woman's Club, and Mrs. rV. Killian, president, were in iuu-ge of the arrangements and ne program. Rev. Everett Murray. Daitor of he Hazelwood BaDtist church, lead he devotional proeram and Christ- nas carols were sung by choirs. A large number of children in he community received tovs and ,iits of candies and nuts which verc banded from the tree. Making donations to the sift and andy fund were: The Town of .Vaynesvilie, Lions Club, Rotary -lub, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, Ir. and Mrs. R J. Barber and ithers. This annual event is always an- iclpated by the children of the ommumty and has been the main Jhrlstmas activity of the club for nany years. Rev. and Mrs. Walter WKt anil daughter, Miss Catherine West, will leave Monday lor Albemarle, where they will spend Christmas witn men- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Klutts. Mrs. Kluttz is the former Miss Betty West. Court House Officials To Take Off Three Days The offices of the Havwood coun ty courthouse will close Saturday afternoon and remain closed un til Thursday moraine, it waa learned from George A. Brown, Jr, county manager. This three-day holiday does not apply to the office of the sheriff a department which is on 24 hour duty, and docs not recosnize an holiday. Phil Medford. who is a shirfMit at the Emonr School of Dentistry Atlanta, has arrived to spend the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Dr. and Mrs. N. IL Medford, I.

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