n J I MERRY CHKISTM AS Try WAYNESVILLK MOUNTAIN EER MERRY CHRistJ u n Welcome Home 'I lu- l olloHiim Haywood Mrn I Live lii-rc iv il Honorable li.sc liai ses From .Military Sen ice, According- To Kecords Kicchvd llcic BaCjre or Honor till i:cli c;i :'ck trem 1' l l he cuim' vim l ML M tun .li.till v .,1 I- 1 no attend you and may new found hi -(sings moke the New Year more br'aht 1 1 1 1 1 n : ihiriii;', 1 1 1 I'! , IV-: ( ( "n ,ii,; ; ! nun II, ll'.ifv .laves I .(..!! Ki-i". el;,... Ik.ii II-.- i;. .; V;i T ." .luhn V. Mai 1 1 at f:,ii-! S'-clb . Miss. Tf) i " i l t't l S HiitKins I roni .u M I oi l Hwr St;il!' X,.-' .lani'-s I! Wi.oii . ;!() ; 1 I- m l Sam Hmivlon. 'I ' T i Silii.s t;. Md'.lrt-hi I riiiii a: at Sewnour-Johnson l-'lehl tntc. SK second class, i '!iar!i'sliin. S C i !';,thline Irom army 1 1 1 A. Best Irom army ;: -ir.vniow Conner from li'a Aria. Calif, i .h,lm,,on. KdM 3c. shciion Va 1 I'd! nan (i. McClure uit Ord. Calif 1 1 The Everyday Counselor !; (5T Vvc r';-; ocr now i - edo ve'.T consideration during lh your ccr, ILi . '.:;J. one olic.it ir;ued thouaht- I 0 T Hi I A tiuutjli'd icailcr is c-inniiM.; t i ii the rnl i4 19-15 wonicd. (unfa . and hurrtonrd willi a (U p mi. uf sin. Sh- .idiuils lli.ll 'tic :i . cum- In I lit' what's t tit- 1 1 s i via-.- '' i:i I'!:.-!-.' an- inilj,-ihly many nl',. . v.lui lirl as she. Mori- v.ould !-. 1 ila '.Hue v..y if l!u-y loi-k In wit do-.', n and ri tli a I uM-r I ' - I,!' t he past year. All of u Ii i , i a rcci, I'd v iiii h t ) t ' 1 1 ul - sonic si -happy rrroiliction.'s Ciirist ma-, hi ' pa.-,-cd has an iMisui-r for that. I. (aii.-,o Chri -t mas (iinnu inoi a!,';: t' ' u n.-.; i fS.i t I c Kill" of Cod C . Son v. ho (. aino into thr world i, ', iiVt ;.iiilHT.. Hft-ausc Cod p . r ,i -ankmd tho frcatcst :'il't at Ch-i I t1 nil , ! inlc. u- i' I'.itts In oiu- a '1 ot her. , In tin- Moravian Christmas ( .' i- , CASK GROCERY 'pHE trouble with having such an all-flred modern family and trying to keep up with them," Alice told herself as she looked around the hotel dining room on Christmas Day, "is that modernism and Christmas just don't go to gether " Her face felt as stiff as a hard ened jelly mold from hokiir.g the smile she was determined not to re- I' Sutton Irom army j Jux and internaUy sie was posilive 1 1 j ly wound up from the effort to emu- - Cliiss Charles Hay j late the rest of the gay, noisy people l-nil israps. wil0 were hcre instead of being at I IVilv Irom army I u. u.'hrp Alir thought tiiey should be on that diiy above all oth ers that has made your own fireside the place you most like to be. While they waited for the entree she and William were alone, sitting at opposite ends of the long table watching their children dance. Each one had been permitted a guest of his own age, but Alice's eyes were focused on her tall, dark-haired Bill and his slim, golden-haired girl, Rnapmarv. Bill would soon be TAl'tin, 1). I). eighteen, that was why he fixed her uttention. William came over and sat be side her. "Happy, Alice?" he said, and covered her hand with his. She -returned his smile. After all, this spree was costing enough to have bought three or four turkeys for home coMurnption. "You were right, dear," she said. ' The young sters love it." "Rosemary told me this is the one orchestra of all on the air that she'd choose to see," he said proudly. j "It's a holy wonder her folks would j let her out of the house on Christ- : mas Day." I "The Custcrs are pretty old-fash- c-,,. 1 lonea people, suia niur, lotiu-.s ' C It r i s t in a s j thal Kne vas complimenting the I-! ilH IV i iwP fr : girl's family. i ho sinner. Jesus "We're good for the Custers," ' sw'.'l. "Uini that j gaid William. "They nerd stirring i.-. 1 v. ill in no wis- p Tfa a fine thing for Rosie to jiet limine; His lifetime; out and see n bit of the world." !h there was no sinner,) "They're having their Christmas dinner tonight," said Alice. "Mrs. S3" ln-ld on Christmas Eve. i v,.! taieis are dis ' laemhers of t he con i products of "the . .1 lu ir.di'-ate the hu ' : .1. 'I he lighted wick nihdlies His cll- vinitv. U'rapped . around the candle is a red hand a-i a , ; . i ininiler of the i ,-i t o n e m e n I of j ' ( iinst o n t Ii o : i-ri; .s for the sins of mankind. In I he massace Vlnrrni-. Allll P,0vl(!S Gives Christmas Pur'y On Eighth Birthiav , Flori-iue Ann Howie-, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs M. II. Howies. w;m i hostess of a Christmas party on Tuesuiiy .dtcrnoon in obser ance ( of her eighth birthday aii::i ersarv. Tin all'air w;is I'iwn at th" hi?h , M-iiool. 'l'he quests a-.sembied in ! the auditorium where (hoy were shown movies, alter which tl''"y i gatherfd in the cafeteria where They had a Christmas tree, with j presents for each unci. j After tne distrihutii n of tilt ; , ices in the I'm in of Siinta Clans j were served with cakes and can-: dies. Tlw v.iuii" hostess V. S ted in siM-vinc hv her mother. Mrs 1. M. Kichisson and Ann worn Amnnii those oresent were: Hetty Harbor. Am? Williamson i'rovost, Marguerite lluss. Cane l'reos!. I.aura Woody. Linda Sloan. Ann Coinan C raw lord, .lulia -nn Mu-jt villi. Agnes Jane KoherMin. Jam; ,,f Davenport, Patsy Krell. Dal Stephen Woody, Jell' Koeco, , O Gooi-sp W. Williaiuson, Hill Craw- I v ford. Donald KWI. SU. pper Sloan , 7 and Tony Davis. : Victory Honils - - Hrnul 1 he Hoys Hack 1 Ionic I i -rs. ! (7J It' (hri&tmas, and willi iu coming we welcome the lino spirit of friendliness thai goe with it, and are desirous of sending this Greeting to ali thoie we serve and those whom we hope to serve. CLAUDETTE BEAUTY SHOH PIIONK tW Hnv mr-'. ' ire p i'; 'J. - - - m. I Man?, i llAI.i'i! -('.t.MKIMAV, .'Ituitti'-ei' mm I I'OIi SAI.lv Tropic Sun Cahir -i Heater and hot water jack, 1 I see! only two months. I'l "ie al)4-.l. 1110 Houndrv street. Dec. 2 : 7 I'Olt SALK -Chilli's high eh or, $4 0t); Rockinf' horse. Sa il -: Child's leather harness and ' :! bed. Call 18(1. Dee. -fir V: A A"'-': it cd CUUtmal and WultUuf you I 'a !! Ii.mv low he had stooped, ..a, not received by the ii when he came to Him in . renieive. Mary Masdalene i ,n of whom it was writ iat !:e had to "cast seven .-teeu is the complete : i-i i ho Bible, in this case , : 'In- completeness nf her in- was completely forgiven ::.-i-i in boinc the first to ;; 'he Itisen Saviour. ,;i I'eter, who became one ,-! ,- A leaders ot the Chris- htin ii. sunk so low in sin as iv his Lord iK the hour when , needed most. :s has taught that which the i has continued to teach, that is complete forgiveness for oner who comes to his Lord repenlence. The Holy Com n is a reminder of the for- :i .-!.: nhieh the Christian be-u- -.-! wi o has sinned, may receive ipon I me confession, i i r iiriM is not earned; it is i : in .. Cod. Like a parent who ,:, ,v- , an erring child who comes ,-, ,;.! -. foi-riveness. God grants it ii erring children through I, Chr! :l. ,-,ii ; received the gift in true : ;.h, sii;:i is washed away, and a n-v, ii. 1 1 i- before us. We should lint i h, I bought, and worry of the iMi"iven 'ins behind us, and write I new page. .1 1:111 o HIT '. , 'S I , I 3 We .iee'ilv iiiK the l'i w tr.uitt!'.- w. We shall strive duriit assort niciit of men servici1. til.- Ih 4"L i 'ivi ii ns 'lur- t;r. t il! tut - iiu- 1 'i Iti to jri ' nil von ;i !) tier i i'i fv- ( 1 VISHIN; YOl' AM) VIH'IM THK t'.EST THK SEASON'S (lUF-CTINdS or iivnosx ille. N.I Main Street 1 O if v Wherever it may shine over a War Weary World, The Star of Bethlehem is still the Emblem of Peace and Good Will upon which the world's peoples place their faith of better, happier times ahead. It is with this same faith in the future that we extend to you our Season's Greetings, and Best Wishes for the New Year. ,7V - I; l fmm la. its 3Jv mh Jeweler WAYNESVILLE, N. C. I'otteil Yule Trees Can Be l -ril for Several Years 'I'l, a record of using the same Ci.ri: r.35 tree for the last five holi risy i -,t;-,s is held by Mrs. H. R. j Yo .r.t or I'ru.iswick county in North I ! rtr,rn;i-.ia. Mrs. Yount planted a small cedar bv her farm house and the flrit Christmas it was about 16 inches high. She placed it in a pot and used it as a table tree with appropriate decorations. After the first Christmas, she re planted the small tree by the house. 'if thfn diia it uo asain and placed It in a bucket on a tabic for its second fcft : holidays. I Again it was replanted and the lliuu jvai " iwv .v- tlooi with the children adding the necessary decorations. It was very carefully treated and again reset by the house For the last two years it has been used as an outside Christmas tree to carry all the lights and decorations. Mrs. Yount and the other mem bers of the family have made spe cial preparations for decorating the traditional Christmas tree again this year. Happy, AJice?" he askci". Custer has invited Bill before the young people go t the dance." "Come on, Alice, let's show these kids what for." In spite of the crowd, William covered the ground as he had in college when she fell in love with him. She was glad that she had managed to have her hair done Sat urday. The gardenias the children had given her to wear to church yes terday were still fresh. She'd let Sister wear them tonight if her date didn't crash through. Bill had bet Sis fifty cents he wouldn't. The orchestra melted into "White Christmas," and young Bill tapped his father on the shoulder. "Mom's favorite. Dad. Let's change." Alice said, "You dance almost as well as your Dad." "Look at him, will you?" said Bill. "Quite the old boy." Before long everyone was helping Bill and Sister dress for the dance. Bill lost his wager, and whistled over the red roses that were just right on the turquoise blue of Sis ter's frock. She said Bill looked simply gor geous in his tuxedo and when his father saw him he said, "Too bad they don't wear 'em in the army, son." They heard Bill call Rosemary's number cn the phone downstairs and then he closed the door for pri vacy. "Wouldn't you think," said Sister, "he a give tne poor girl a chance to take a bath? I bet she gets good and sick of him." Suddenly Alice remembered a call she had forgotten to make about the baskets the church distributed yes terday. She flew to the upstairs' extension, and when she beard Bill still talking in leisurely fashion, she opened her mouth to say, as she often did when necessary, "Hang up, you two, I need the phone." But she didn't say those words or any others. She listened a few mo ments and her eyes filled with tears. The disappointment and hurt at the way her family had preferred to spend their Christmas vanished as har Terr best Christmas present ot 1945 was received on the wire. j "Heck o," Bin was saying. I can hardly wait for an old-fashioned Christmas dinner. That hotel' business was all Dad's idea so Mom wouldn't have to cook and wash dishes all day. None of us liked It at all. Mom had a good time, though." Feannta Nonriihtag Peanuts add nourishment and Ba- vor to fruit and vegetable salads. Remove Salt To remove excess salt from fish, wash them in milk. I Lr Christmas comes and reawakens the appreciation of happy relationships . . . rekindles the warmth of friendships made during the time it has been our privilege to serve you. To those whose friendly support has contributed so greatly to our welfare, we extend our most cordial appreciation. Best wishes for the Christmas Seoson ond the New Year PI MIm Ida Lou Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, who) Is A rtudent at Montreat col lege, haa arrived : to spend the Christmas holidays with her parent. UNDERWOOD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. DAVID UNDERWOOD, Owner 1 I