LnAJANtJARY 10, 1946 THE WAYNESVILLE 'MOUTCTAINEEIl PAGE SEVEN Second .'Sefitfci$ .Thege Hamy Opportunities irift Invites I SUB- i111 ANT AD RATES . . . nir word. ,i a na" 111 Lin 35c. ize type 2 1-2 cents per 1 minimum charge 50c. lements wiH be published ru ... cirH schedule kiing i" U extra chargre. , advertisements shouldbe in 5mm,diately. The ineer will not be respon more than one Incorrect lion. InVKUTISEMENTS ARE 1 . ...... . . i. npuny orders sent by mall. L miM be in office before a m. on '.veanesaay w nll'.(. be in want ad sec- Lu wish to insert a want mil Telephone 1ST- CI! PAHS in white or col- ,.,,.,., 4 by (i incnes. mu aineer, ollice supply de- eni. - l ... .,.,.11 DM) KDI 1 uui wun l. rr.n'iits. He sure tn HIS. MIMVKK" by Jan r in the book de- p j;ce. acid causes you 'i swiiiiu-h Ulcers. Indi ,, 11. ;n Hjurn, Belching, N;iusi; (ins Pains, get ,;..',,.,! ., IMii.i, at Smith's lc Drug Store. Feb. 16 OMK TAX .'lETlRNa for ;u- final return on or he nry i5. 1946, instead of nate. w hieh will complete ... c in.i c rciiiiui'iucnis iui iuu. let in make out your re r :;0 y ears of business and nciico assures you of every c and deduction you are to which helps you make a n2 m your tax payment.. CI.OSAIAN COMPANY 114 Main St. Phone 357 ilcsvilie. JNOiin Carolina KY TAYLOR WHOTE a Iliih: when she wrote toW 'HI!-: UA1NHOW." The kilaincci-'s book department U.K r. ihi lra Writi i !(: -1031) model A Ford ; wheels 'with chains, pully. .Hist overhaul ed. T. Gordon Farm, ad. 3-10 CO Couple for clerk and duties. Experience not es- il but he'pful. Small town. K quaileis furnished. Ad- Box A, The Mountaineer. Jan 3-10-17 OF. YOl'il VOCABULARY. look department of The bineiT you will find the y to do it. "FUNK AND NAI.I.'S." On Saturday about noon, Olamar shockproof. water- srrvice watch. Reward if nod to (3 rover Golden, at Kadio Service. Jan. 10 A pair ladies' gloves. will please identify by si'e. cidor, date lost and Write Mr. n. D. York, esille. N. C. Rt. 1. Jan. 10 BOOK DEPARTMENT of Mountaineer you can get opy of Lin Yutane's "WITH AND IRONY." The re ts have hieh nr.iise fnr it J FOP , TAXI CALL SCOTT REEVES Phone SO I Pure Oil Station LAFF-A-DAY TV Farm Questions and Answers QUESTION: HaVe any purebred fog -sales been scheduled. ANSWER: Some time ago three purbred sales were scheduled but only one will be hold, and that o'.ie at Rocky Mount on February 14, when 25 bred gilts and 10 Jioars will be orrered. Ellis Vestal of Kenansville, secretary of iae N-. C. Swine Rreeders' Association and former swine .specialists at Stale College, says that breeders have already had such t;i('at (Ionian. !s for breeding stock that enou:"h animals lor holding additional tales are not to be found. '"The demand for purebred hoys has been so great that very little desirable breeding stock remains," lie commented. Transactions In Real Estate COm 1845. KINO FEATURES SYNDICATE Inc WtjRU "We've modernized our equipment to where we can send seventy words a minute!" JONES T?ADIO SERVICE radio i? a specialty. 56 Main St. Waynesville, N. C. T-F Where; FOR SI.E One thousand locust stakes. Can be gotten to with a truck. Write M. S. Hoglen, Clyde, N. C, Rt. 1. 3-10 IN THE BOOK department of The Mountaineer you will find "HARD FACTS" by Howard Spring, who also wrote "MY' SON, MY SON." UPHOLSTERING, furniture re paired, refinished; cabinet work and ornamental metal work to order, including brass, copper and silver. Balsam Roadside Shop, Highway 19, Opposite Fish Hatchery. Jan. 10 WANTED Manager for general store. Also meat cutter and hardware salesman. Junaluska Supply Co., Lake Junaluska, N. C. tf WANTED Young woman to train as assistant clerk at tourist hotel. Personality and refinement necT essary. Room, board and good salary to start. Write Manager, Anchorage Hotel, Brunswick, Ga. HAVE YOU A LITTLE GRIN IN your home? You will have if you come to the book department of The Mountaineer and see "THE FACE IS FAMILIAR" by Ogden Nash. FOR SALE Business corner lot, one block from center of city of Brevard; 72 feet on Broad street, 147 feet on Probart St. Duncan - MacDougald, Brevard. N. C. tf COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING serv ice for Farmers and Employers. We set up and post your books weekly, give you a monthly state ment, prepare and file your Pay roll ana income Tax returns. We figure your Unemployment In surance, Contributions, F'ederal Old Age Benefits, Income Tax Withholdings, Withdrawals and keep the Individual Employee records up to date. Special at tention given to Farmers on set ting up proper records and mak ing reports. We also prepare in come tax returns and estimates for individuals. Watch paper for location of local office. For ap pointment or information at no obligation address replies to Box 7 in care of this paper. HERBERT WEST Made a Whale of a good story named "YOUNG 'UN" and there is a copy in the book department of The Mountaineer. WANTED Men for grading, ditch ing and clearing land. Call Waynesville, 150. WANTED Room and board by veteran from out of town. Em ployed here Call 31. Jan. 10 JOBS FOR WOMEN! AT AMERICAN ENKA CORPORATION GOOD PAY STEADY WORK APPLY NOW U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE THERE'S NEVER A QUESTION iihout anything that John Stein beck writes. Come to the book department of The Mountaineer and look over "CANNERY ROW." FOR SALE One horse and one cow, also six-weeks old pigs, at reasonable price C. T. Gordon Farm. Balsam Road. 3-10 IT'S STILL A BEST SELLER. We refer to "THE MOCKING BIRD IS SINGING" and is written by E. Louise Mally. In the book department of The Mountaineer. FOR SALE Sixty tons of corn and cane mixed silage, and lots of good hay. Write C. T. Gor don Farm, Balsam Road, M. J. Woody, manager. 3-10 AMONG THE MANY BOOKS on the shelves of the book depart ment of The Mountaineer is "YANKEE WOMAN" by Eric Baume. It's well worth reading. FOR SALE Baby Grand Schulz piano, good condition. Call tele phone 314. Jan. 3-10 FOR SALE New house trailer, partly furnished, 7x16 feet for $575. Consider car as part pay ment. F. Saunders, No. 5 Short street, phone 161-J, Waynesville, N. C. Jan. 10 WILL TRADE for another no-relation year-old part registered Angus bull, Rose Farm strain. Call H. L. Liner, Sr., phone 157. Or see Jere D. Liner at Cold Springs Farm, where calf can be seen. Jan. 10-17-24-31 FOR SALE 14 dairy cows and heifers; also grade A dairy equip ment. Recent Bangs and T.B. tests. Saturday, January 12, at 2:00 p. m. Eagles Nest Road, Piedmont, 2 miles from Waynes ville. Paul Hyatt. Jan. 10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Haywood County Edwin J. C. Parker Vs Mary Helen Parker IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant, Mary Helen Par ker will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separation; and that the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the Courthouse in Waynesville, N. C, within thirty days after the 8th day of February, 1946, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff Will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 7th day of Jan. 1946. GERTRUDE P. CLARK, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court, Haywood County, N. C 1490 Jan. 10-17-23-30 FARMER'S INCOMETAX To save you -money on your In come Tax look for our Wg ad elsewhere In this paper. THE CLOSMAN COMPANY. QUESTION: Is it too late for treating sheep for internal para sites? ANSWER: No. says Leland Case, in charge of Extension Animal Husbandry at State College. ' The general plan is to treat all sheep with Cu-Nic on December 1 and again at shearing time aboet Miy 1, even though they were given a mixture of the phenotliiaine al! during the summer month;,'' C i-.c explains. Sheep and lambs ihc' different size doses, depondin' upon weight, at this time ef i!" year. Information along this is given in Extension Folder 61, a free copy of which ma obtained by writing the Aii tural Editor, State College. Kal Beaverdam Township Sam J. Holland, et ux to V. H. Byers, et ux. George II. Jones, et ux to R. 7.. Jones, ct ux. J. W. Vick, et ux to J. C. Jones, et ux. J. C. Jones, ct ux to J. W. Vick, et ux. Virgil L, Robinson, et ux to A. B. Robinson. A. B. Robinson, et ux to Virgil L. Robinson, et ux. II. C. Mills, et ux to Jam.s Sur ritt, et ux. Dewey Lisenbec, ct ux Mary Lisenbee, to Wiley C. Bumgardner, Jess Johnson, H. M. Sisk, and Etta Sisk to H. C. Mills, et ux. W. S. Edwards, et ux to W. R. Francis, Trustee, to G. B. or Grady Williamson. Grady or G. B. Williamson and Lois Williamson to W. R. Francis, Trustee. Sarah F. Kirkpatrick to J. H. Kirkpalrick, et ux. line No ):e FIRST BABY BALTIMORE Mr. and Mrs. Armand Joseph Houlanger think theirs is the nation's fir.-t baby of 1946. Officials at West Ballimore hospital clocked I he arriv al of Armand, Jr., at exact 12:01 a. m. January 1st. Weighing seven pounds, and 1 1 ounces, the baby delivered bv Dr. S. A. Alessi was the lioulanger's first child. Hospital officials said this was the second com ecu! ive New Year's day on which a baby had been born there at 12:01. FOR SALE 14 dairy cows and heifers; also grade A dairy equip ment. Recent Bangs and T.B. tests. Saturday, January 12, at 2:00 p. m.. Eagles Nest Road, Piedmont, 2 miles from Waynes ville. Paul Hyatt. Jan. 10 Cecil Township Taft Medford, et ux to John Wells, it ux. Joe Browning, et ux to Lee Warren. Waynesville Township J. R. Morgan, Ex. Estate of Mrs. Emma Willis to C. A. George. Mary C Moore, et al to Mayer Behrman. Lee Warren, et ux to R. V. Welch. J. Wiley James to J. C. Styles, et ux. Queen Justice Jones and hus band. C. C. Jones, to C. A. George. C. N. Allen, et ux to R. L. Pro vost, ct ux to Unagusla Manufac turing Corporation. Lee Marvin Hannah to Mrs. Nel lie Hannah. Robert Hugh Clark, et ux to W. M. Cobb. Roy Moody, et ux to Clarence Taylor, et ux. R. V. Welch to Jake Anions, et ux. Sarah Lesley to Pearl Lesley Johnson. G. C. Clark, et ux to Ronald W. Adkins. Standard Oil Company to David N. Cabe. Wilby Lee Howell, et ux to Neal J. Webb, et ux. Expert Watch Repairing One To Two Weeks Service ALL VORK GUARANTEED RELIABLE JEWELERS Clyde Township Carl W. Thompson, et ux to Givvor Harrison Davis, et ux. Bon-A-Venluro, Inc., to L. II. I vest or. Karl Justice, et ux Marie Justice to J. K. Massie, et ux. L. B. Houston, et ux to Marshall Jones, el ux. Crabtree Township Gallic M. Smith to Howard A. '"est. et ux. Sarah F. Kirkpatrick to J. II. Kirkpatrick et ux. Fast Fork Township Richard Hooper, et ux Mary Hooper to Candler Hooper et ux. Fines Creek Township G. N. Ledford, et ux to Claude Clark. Iron Duff Township A. P. Jolly to Hobert Green. A. P. Jollv to Carl Rryson. Pigeon Township Jessie M. Mease, et vir to Charles II. Powell. Jessie M. Mease, et vir to Hugh J. Frady, et ux. Pfc. Ruben Palmer Receives Discharge Private First Class Ruben Pal mer, Green Cove section of the county, has been discharged from the service, atfer 21 months in the Pacific theater. He entered the service in April, 1942, and was inducted at Fort Bragg. From the latter he was sent to Fort Wads worth, N. Y,, and then to Camp Edwards, Mass., Long Island, and Fort Eustis, Va., prior to being sent overseas in April, 1943. He is entitled to wear the Pacific Theater ribbon with three battle stars, Philippine Liberation, one bronze star, Victory medal and Good Conduct medal. Blackheads, Twi, Went Fast Ym, It l true, there ! Inrnil.'Bfl. medicated liquid calll KLEEKEX tlilt drlea un pilDDk ovi-rniuht an i( acf to kwaen and ri'mwl ukIv hhickhcaila. Those who followed Biiq- nu iiiiu, and nni.lled Hleerax upon .-.i.i... .mn,in,,u aiimrlMl when ther found thelrninipleaand blackhead had disnprwartd. Theae uacra enthuBlaalically pratoe KlerK atat claim they are no longer embarraaSed and are nttw happy with tlu'ir clear coitipleJlone. Wa Hlaaraflu If one application doea not eatiafy. roil Bet doubla rour ttioney bac.. Ask for Klaafa today, mtr Smith's Cut-Kate Dmir Store r? .; t i K n New Book To Help SAVE TIME, LABOR, MONEY Here IS a new. FREE book to help farmers, householders and poultry raisers save time, labor and money. It's a new pictorial edition of the famous Sinclair Farm Time Savers book in color. This free 64-page book is full of tested ideas and plans, illustrated with working drawings. It gives tips on . . . poultry raising . . . modern izing farm kitchens.. .fire and accident prevention . . . forecasting weather . . . concrete mixing . . . power farming . . . improving crops, livestock, buildings, machinery operation and farm man agement ... the Gl Bill of Rights . . . and many other important subjects, plus tables of weights and measures. Mail the coupon or a postal card now for your FREE copy. No obligation. SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY 630 Fifth enu t Nw York 20, N. Y. TYPICAL TIP from FREE TIME SAVERS BOOK Two targe Headed Noils Driven tn Block Aid In Cutting Off Head of Chicken Complete details on this tip as well as dozens of other illustrated time and labor saving hints are in cluded in your FREE copy of Sinclair Farm Time Savers. MAIl COUPON NOW! Or a postal card will do. (SUPPLY LIMITED) SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY, Dapt. H, 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y I I I NAME. I I Pleoie tend FREE copy of 4th Edition Sinclair Farm Time Savers without oblk j'ion. t STREET OR R.F.D. NO. t TOWN STATE HENRY NDERSON CARL C ANDERSON ' J i ' 4 1! 1 f ! I r 75 1 I m ' I cn I g I I ( JUST WHAT DO YOU I ;; tf , I ( JjN BY FOLLOWING " Qjp, Kmn Fmluni Synilicaie. In. inffvtd - 1 " ' ' ! ' ' ' , I ' ' DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNEY 1 FT I K AMD, IT'S THE DON'T BE LET T I ( 2 ) I 7" tl f ! LAST TIAAE ( SlLLVf IT'LL (SNOW, IT) "VE ' ' ' WELL. WE SWOVELEdV WE'LL HAVE SNOW A ) WON'T AArfQ 1 CTKivr t' i A PATH T THE V . LKj T' DO IT DOZEW MOe) BOTHEK A M, 0(11' ' fflffl TTV $ ' UNCA x7 1 THIS U TIMES THIS THIS PATH? -2? j1 "llJLW i Ki" . " , il - . HENRY CARL C" ANDERS0N j V . ;-J Sr fci ' St" I SJ?VjJ vjP ijr i -9 -!! fcv 1 j, I i j DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNEY f "V;;,. " 1 A'LU BET A DIME VT DOESN'T POKAv; LET'S GO , J I rT vOU W1M, V-J it F 1 ? V r , , SAY THAT THE ICE ON THIS k SEE WHO'S CTlGHT' ) y NO IfUNCA DONALD- i ' j' HMM - WONDER WHAT THAT SIGN POND'S A FOOTi '.' , 'rfa tTYr1 ' -'CUIIMllltirdSOCTA! r-, V ON THE OTHESIDE OF Tj L X'O (jniSH'TVtf! ' I ih . dUtXL 1mmrK I PhrriKlM te Ki.g friMa SvadK.... (ftSlEh-j 1 "M Kerml rjT j j

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