pAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1946 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Second SectlonJ bapers In Back New fcrint Mill Hi.ite nego- Ii nil""" . tino and '.,tic nc. ei l11 " ,, hn cnltth -,,,-iiit nun in 'p" ,it of action Kfih, Southern News- I directors approved tin nlIUV that pii' 'o-mac.une mill to Otl0 ic-ni 01 neH" " IU, m.w piani ,ad of Hie Southland ...hhslu-d at Lutkin, 1 : johnx.ii of Chatta t, sM' A. secretary lid the new project, un lade-.- -u-ry Mould W a "'6 h tin- coal 01 iuyyiyiB t ni. sprint needs from line ... . ..... h., announced inai me Mere ready to contract . .f now hire ouiput ji L.. or longer and ik in the company as a tod faith. He said that Jps were imeifsicu ... Ii tiuit whoever built the determine the location ,1 excellent sites are Georgia, Alabama, and other areas. lined a xative?;i feck-Draught is Lally prompt tally thorough Lays economical X - v i f Pl 25 t WA 40 : 4s doses fSQon,y lrihmsMTtnryrhe i Pre-War Items STEEL CASH 0XES With Locks STEEL HANGE 30XES Sizes With Locks B 10ST' CHRISTMAS HIT BY AN AUTOMOBILE last mid-DeccmLer and unconscious in an Atlanta hospital till long after Christinas, six-year-old Jimmy Cash is shown getting a special visit from Santa Clans (a special friend of the family) as his mother and a nurse lool; on. Late or uot. it resolved the situation that arose when Jimmy, recovering consciousness, asked "When is Christmas coming?" Thqre it was. ( Jnteniaftonal Soundphoto) Railroads To Offer New Ease And Luxury In Future Travel PHILADELPHIA The trains that will be carrying thousands of vacationists across the country in the next few years are going to offer comforts and facilities hereto fore unheard of in rail travel, Col. E. J. W. Ragsdale, chief engineer of the Edward G. Budd Manufac turing company's railway division, said in a paper prepared for mem bers and guests of the Poor Hich ard club here. Predicting that there will be plenty of business for all carriers bus, rail, automobile, and air lines Colonel Ragsdale said that instead of being in "strangling" competition the various lines very well can supplement each olhe "Each has something definite to offer and each will capitalize upon in ii-iMM.wmttaM-a Looks Like Old Times With STEEL BOND BOXES With Locks Yes STAPLERS and I are a ,ot of other scarce items we are looking to almost any time. We have the contacts with lecturers to ship us as soon as such things as pencil tncr!!' founlain pens, mechanical pencils, and scores hcr items are available. THE MOUNTAINEER 00K STO COMES AT LAST t ,5 j tlial KomethiiU'.," he declared, j "The air lines will go in for speed. The busses will slice fares. ! The private automobile will still : oll'er the advantage of being able to go where you want and when v.'! want to. but the railways will feature a relaxed and safe travel. Actually." lie said, "they are the wholesalers of travel: the nthprs ' are the specialists." Colonel Ragsdale pointed out that it wasn't until the stream lined train made its appearance that the railroads began to think of 'he passenger business as worth while. Willi a new field before them, he said, the railroads do not intend to take it "lying down." "They know what they have to oiler and they are going to dress it U) in fine clothes. In other words, the railroads have discov ered that even travel has to be merchandised. It is a commodity." It is however, one of the few commodities which has no appar ent saturation point, he said. Colonel Ragsdale said that to day there are about 29,000 obsolete passenger ears. "Today, it would take some 10 years to replace them, and by then how old would they be? It would be a $2,000,000,000 program," he continued, "but, for tunately, all of these cars need not be replaced. We get a lot more mileage out of this modern equip ment,, so that one new car does approximately the same work as two of the old. Even so, it is big business." Cabbage Heads If cabbage heads in the garden show signs of splitting, pull each plant up an inch or so to disturb the routs. This retards growth and checks splitting. This should be done only when the heads are fully developed. The cabbage should be used before the edges of the wrap per leaves turn dry. TP STEEL CARD FILES G Sizes 2 Colors We Have Good STAPLES RE Executive Departments of U. S. Have Own Flags The Presidential flag In use up until the recent adoption of the new design was that officially authorized in 1916, with the design of the Amer ican eagle as used in the Presi dent's seal. The flag granted to the vice president for the first time in 1936 had the same design as the Presidential flag of 1916, with the colors reversed. A flag for thf: secretary of the navy was designed In 1866, under Instructions of Sec. Gideon Welles. It was not until 31 years later, in 1897, that a special flagwas author ized for the secretary of war, by the adjutant general's office. The ecretary of state's flag was de signed by the navy department and approved by executive order In 1920, with slight changes made in 1933. The first interior flag, in 1917, was designed by Franklin K. Lane, then ecretary of the department, and Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, president of the National Geographic society. When a separate portfolio for the secretary of labor was created in 1913, the secretary of commerce re tained the old flag of the combined departments, changing only the shield. The department of labor adopted a flag designed by the then secretary, William B. Wilson. Flags for the attorney general and post master general were adopted only a dozen years ago. With the grant ing of a flag to the department of agriculture, in 1941, all the execu tive departments of the government had been provided for. Sweat Elements Used For Fungus Infections A new prescription for fungus in fections, ranging from athlete's foot to Jungle rot, has been developed and proved highly successful In ex tensive tests made -by the United States navy. Sprinkled on as a pow der to prevent infections or for the treatment of milder cases, it was also used as an ointment for the cure of severe cases. Active Ingredients of the new pre scription, -which has been found far more effective than any heretofore known, are undecyleTUc acid a fat ty acid found in sweat and its zinc salt called zinc undecylenate. From this it would appear possi ble that an insufficient excretion of these ingredients by the sweat glands is responsible for lack of immunity to such fungus Infections. The new powder consists of 2 per cent undecylenic acid and 20 per cent zinc undecylenate mixed with ordinary talc. The ointment con tains 5 per cent of the former and 18 per cent of the latter mixed in a carbowax base, with water, propy lene glycol and triethanolamine. Defective Jaws in Sheep Department of agriculture re search has revealed that sheep with Jaws of unequal length are not as good producers of meat and wool as normal sheep. Since the condition is hereditary, the department sug gests that sheepmen should cull their flocks and use for breeding only sheep free from this defect. The scientists have observed that the abnormality occurs rather fre quently and becomes more pro nounced as the animals develop from birth to maturity. The de partment's study of the condition was conducted with range Ram bouillet sheep by four scientists at the Western Sheep Breeding labora tory and U. S. Sheep Experiment station, Dubois, Idaho. While the experiments have not yet deter mined the mode of inheritance, which appears to be complex, the results are sufficiently clear to in dicate that flock owners should not use, as breeders, any sheep having defective Jaws. Boil Vegetables Always boil canned vegetables from 5 to 10 minutes before serv ing. That Is a rule that every home maker should follow to the letter, nutritionists contend. It is often tempting, upon opening a can of vegetables and finding them just the right texture, to shorten the boil ing period. But this is unsafe, for botulinus toxin, which is poisonous, may be present. Boiling will destroy this poison. Even when the vegeta bles have been canned with a pres sure cooker, there Is a chance the toxin may be present. Also, it's a risky habit to taste the top two or three peas, or the top string bean In the Jar. Boil contents first and taste afterwards. If the vegetables are to be used in a cold salad, it's advisable to boil them first and then let them cool. Don't take them di rectly from the jar. If after being boiled the food smells or tastes queer, don't risk using it . Plant Raising East windows that receive full tun until noon are probably best suited for general pot plant use. Most house plants can be grown more successfully when daytime room temperatures are maintained below 70 degrees. Water . spray should not be applied to plants with very hairy or downy foliage. Glazed containers have an advantage over porous clay flower pots for growing pot plants under home conditions. Garden soil must be mixed with such materials as sand, manure or peatmoss, and bonemeal or super phosphate, to make it suitable for potting mixture. Lukewarm wa ter should be used Instead of cold for watering plants. Tho watpr used in extractina protein from meal may be used finally to grow yeasts tnat nave hiffh fppH value both for protein Truman Budget Is Masterpiece Of Deception WASHINGTON Senator Bridg es, Republican of New Hampshire, called President Truman's budget "a masterpiece of deception" and said that instead of declining, the public debt will raise $15,100,000, 000 in the next i3 months. Bridges, No. 1 Republican on the Senate appropriations committee, said in a statement: "The President made every effort to have taxpayers believe that the Federal government will grow fin ancially stronger during the next 18 months of his administration. It will in fact become dangerously weaker." Calling the budget presentation "a blueprint for continued waste of the taxpayers' and bond buyers' funds," Bridges declared the ad ministration is figuring on reduc ing its gross debt by dissipating its cash balance. He said that is like drawing on a savings account to meet an overdraft on a check ing account. The President estimated in his budget message that no increase in the national debt would be neces sary in the fiscal year beginning next July 1. He estimated expen ditures of $35,800,000,000, net re ceipts of $31,500,000,000, and said the estimated difference of $4,300, 000,000 would be met "by a re duction in the very substantial balance which will be in the Treas ury during the next fiscal year." Bridges said the figures show clearly that a cash balance of $2(i, 000,000,000 in the Treasury at the end of 1945 will be melted away to $3,200,000,000 by June 30, 1947, with the net debt rising steadily. Asserting that the budget can and should be balanced, Bridges said a deficit of $4,300,000,000 is unwarranted and inexcusable." "No budgetary manipulation can substitute for thrift and efficient management," he said. "Real Fed eral debt reduction can come only by government living within its means." The Republican senator had a number of specific criticisms. "Why is it necessary to increase the civil departments and agen cies expenditures to $1,500,000,000 from $1,200,000,000 in 1940?" he aski-d. "Aren't Federal pay rolls and nonessential bureaucratic ac tivities already over-inflated? "Why must $1,100,000,000 be spent on public works at a time when industrial activity, if it were freed from Federal oppression, could provide all the jobs and fa cilities that are needed?" lie said the President had asked $16,000,000,000 for Hie armed f'orc- SIGN OF BETTER LIVING 34 Nations Invited To World Monetary Meetings In Georgia WASHINGTON The United States has invited 34 countries to send representatives to the first meetings of the board of gover nors of the world bank and stabili zation fund at Wilmington Island, near Savannah, Ga., March 8. This long-expected announce ment was made recently by the State Department, which disclosed that 10 additional nations that have not yet officially become members of the two multi-biilion dollar mon etary organizations had been in vited to send observers to the meetings. The $9,100,000,000 World Bank and $8,800,000,000 International Stabilization Fund, projected at an International conference at Bret ton Woods, N. H., in 1944, formally came into existence Dec. 28, when participating nations signed the articles of agreement at the State Department. Actually; however, the two in stitutions will be established at the March meeting on Wilmington Island. Russia, the only one of the major allies which has refrained from joining the bank and fund to date, was one of the 10 nations invited to send observers to the Georgia sessions. PHONE TO MANILA TO RESUME Radiotelephone service between the United States and Manila was restored Monday, the American Telephone and Telegraph com pany announced. Calls from the United States must be placed twenty-four hours in advance and the cost of a three-minute conver sation between New York and Ma nila will be $12 on weekdays and $9 on Sundays. es when Congress and the Army and Navy have not determined their requirements; that $1,750, 000,000 set up for international finance depends on congressional action on loan requests. TERMINIX COMPANY Asheville Phone 769 Box 1704 Those electric wires leading to a farm tell you a lot of good news about the people who live there. They tell you a story of happier and more prosperous living. There will be happier living because of the greater comfort and convenience electricity will bring happier because of added leisure time when electricity does the chores because of radio and good lighting, and electrical convenience in the kitchen. And the farm will be more prosperous because electricity can do so many farm jobs faster and better and cleaner. Electricity wilj in crease the production of the farm will mean more profits. Yes, those electric service wires mean good news. And, it is also good news that Carolina Power and Light Company is now en gaged in a line building program which will bring electricity to some eleven thousand more farm and rural families in the Carolinas. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FREE! World Travel Those stationed with the occupation forces in Europe are encouraged to go on trips through Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, England, Switzerland, and other Euro pean countries. This opportunity to travel the world over is the greatest in the history of our Army. For full particulars, visit one of the Army Recruiting Stations lo cated in the Post Office Build ings of Asheville, Henderson- ville and Marion, N. C, Franklin, N. C MMi. lj For any man interested in trav eling and in seeing the other countries and peoples of the world, the United States Army offers the best opportunity to do so without cost to the individual -sW mis Those men who go to the Pa cific will see the romantic Pa cific Islands, or perhaps they will be in the exotic Orient, with an opportunity to get first-hand knowledge of tho strange Oriental ways and customs. and in the Bank Building of - !, , f K , if t lf "if' fit t At- and. as a source of vitamins in poultry rations. -. i

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