THURSDAY, M.J r PAGE OUR (First Section? THE WAYNESVILLE-MOUNT AOIEER '3. ' 5 " : 1 i'i i I; 1 ( I 1 1 i 't ;,! i 1 r i 3 1. 1 4 ; ' t i : f , if. 5 T 1 4 ' . ' 1 , t I Miss McCrary Becomes Bride Of R. H. Jackson Mrs. C rover C. Davis and Mrs. J. V. Noland, of Wost Ashevitle, wore joint hos(issis on Tuesday evening of a miscpllanoous shover at the houie o( ho former as a courtesy to their nine. Miss Ruth I.orrni McCrary. whose marriage to Holier! (.' I'oUt will take place nt xl Tuesday evenint;. For the occasion Ihe residence was arranged in quantities of sprint; flowers, w ith yellow used in the living room and white in the dining room. The hostesses were assisted in serving by Miss Callie Nolatid r.Pd Miss Mary Davis. Miss MeC'rasy was Hie recipient of main beautiful and useful gifts from the friends attending the af fair. Aiui'iig those invited to the shower v. en : Mr . Krvimi Leather wood, Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs. Jack Felnut, Mrs. Joe Cathey, Mrs. Louise Rout rs. Mrs. A. P. Ledbet ter. Mrs. Hubert Hindi Clark. Mrs. Howard I. Mrs. John Carver, Mrs. Frank Kirknau ick. Mrs. Hugh Noland. Mrs. Mark Galloway. Mrs. Frank Davis. Miss Blythe """TMjfprs. Mr-. Cva MeCorkle. Miss Edna Boyd. Mis-; Marie Plott. Miss Mildred Meilfoid. Mj.-s Helen Med ford, Miss C'atheitne Jones. Miss Josephine ('alio. Miss Thelma Jonos. Mi-.s ':.ney Hyatt. Miss Betiy liurain. Miss Hetty Wilson. Miss I. ura Green. Miss Bott; Jo Noland. Miss EK Green. Miss Carolyn Curtis. Miss Elizabeth Leatherwood, Miss Callie Noland, Miss Josephine Plott, Miss Loraine Msrtell. Miss Betty Jo Gaddy. Miss Margaret Perry. Miss Jane Kluttz, Miss Elizabeth McCracken. Miss Mate Phillips. Mrs. David Stentz, Mrs. Clyde Lyle. Mrs. Chas. Rhine hart .and Miss Ruth Dotson. I Marriage Took Place At Long's Chapel John C. Noland. Jr. Weds Clinton Girl Mr. and Mrs. Conner King, of Clinton, have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Mary King to John C. Noland. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Noland of Lake Junaluska. The marriage took place in Clin ton on December 9, 1945. Mr. Noland was recently discharged from the Army Air Corps, after serving four years, with 32 months of the period overseas. The couide are making their home at Lake Junaluska. Miss Carmen Plott had as her guest over the week-end at the home of her- parents here, Lt. Harry Lutz. of Lancaster. Pa., who is a member of the staff of Oteerj Hospital. WHY BE FAN ? Eat plenty yet lose weight with delicious candy reducing plan Have a more slender, graceful fig ure. No exercising. No laxatives. No drugs. With the simple A VDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan you don't cut out any meals. Starches, potatoes, meats or but ter, you simply cut them down. It seasier when you er joy delicious Wtamin fortified) AYDS candy Before meals. Absolutely harmless. Io clinical test conducted by medical doctors, more than 100 persons lost 14 to IS lbs. mnw In a tow ntii with AVns Vitamin fjiiulv Re ducing Plan. day SUDC.1V Of AVOSnrlv 11 7 If nnt AimV.t With results, MONEY BACK on first box. Phcm (Smith's Cut Rate Drue Store 4 J-Wfi. .i -rt.'T SSGT. AND MRS. RAYMOND HUBERT JACKSON whose marriage was solemnized at Long's Chapel Methodist Church, Lake Junaluska, on January 20th. Mrs. Jaekson is the former Miss Catherine McCrary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCrary, of Crabtree. The couple are making their home in Asheville. Haywood Chapter UDC Holds March Meeting The Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy held the March meeting on Friday afternoon with Mrs. R. H. Blackwell and Mrs. L. E. Perry, joint hostesses, at Oak Park. Mrs. Jimmie Boyd, president, presided. Mrs. Sam Queen had the paper of the afternoon, her subject be ing, "The activities along the coast of North Carolina during the War Between the States." She Included in this the capture of Fort Fisher, of Roanoke Island, and the Con federate ships. Mrs. Boyd presented in behalf of the chapter, the three volumes of Lee's Lieutenants, as memorials to sons of three of the members, Lt. Thad Chafin, Lt. James S. Queen, and Dr. Joseph Vance Davis. Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian accepted the books in behalf of the Haywood county library. Malolm Williamson, Jr., winner of the annual UDC declamation contest held for the junior high school boys, gave his winning num ber, Henry Grady's Memorial Ad dress. Announcement was made of the annual meeting of District Number One. which will be held in Ashe ville on May 3rd. A social hour followed adjourn ment. Mrs. M. R. Williamson was a special guest of the afternoon. Presbyterian Women To Hold Annual Meet The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Waynes ville Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at which time the reports of all officers and secretaries of causes will be given and new of ficers installed. The officers who will assume of fice for the coming year are: presi dent, Mrs. M. G. Stamey; treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Richeson; historian, Miss Sue Willard Lindsley; secre tary of foreign missions, Mrs. R. L. Prevost. Other officers who will continue in office from the past year in clude: vice president, Mrs. M. R. Williamson; secretary, Miss Nancy Killian; home missions chairman, Mrs. Chrales Quinlan; literature, Mrs. Charles Russell; religious edu cation, Mrs. S. R. Echofi; spiritual life, Mrs. W. C. Swift; and Chris tian social service, Mrs. W. H. F. Millar. Runty Pullets Small, undersized, runty pullets will not make good layers, accord ing to poultrymen. Cull these poor type birds and sell them for meat. Mrs. Hugh A. Love has returned from Raleigh, where she visited her daughter, Miss Henrietta Love. V t'liiMfrf' WAViltelfel SiPlif HE at PHARMACY ' IN HA2ELWOOD 100 First Grade Aspirin Tablets 18c Mercurochrome Special Red Cross Adhesive Plaster 10c Iodine 10c A m 10c 2 Oz. Absorbent Cotton 19c Band Aids 23c 5 Yards Surgical Gause 59c 50c Size Gleesco Croup Remedy 1 45c $1.25 Size Squibb's Mineral Oil 89c 16 Oz. Borden's Malted Milk- HEMO 59c 25c Size, the Anti-Acid Alkalizer BI-SO-DOL ..... 19c $1.00 Size JERGEN'S LOTION........79c $1.00 Size, the" Lemon Juice Remedy RU-EX 89c 25c Size 4-Way COLD TABLETS......19c $1.25 Size S.M.A. BABY FOOD ...94c We use only the best Y jlf I f drugs In compound- lift! if I V 111 1 I i I prescriptions... I Mil (I V J M MeadS I yie work is done by J i XL KJ 1 DEXTEA-MALT0SE I competent Register- CO 1 ed rhi. p h AR MsA C Y I c I 1 - I I I' I f ' f 1 $44T& S'l' l- W I- h U a fS.t t! J'U Pauline Gaddis Becomes Bride Of Pvt. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gaddis, of Wayni'sviile, have announced ihe niarriaiU' of I heir daughter. Miss Pauline Gaddis to Private James Frank Cory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Leiry. of Hazclwood. The ceremony look place in Clay Ion, Ga., on Saturday, February tile 23rd. The couple was accom panied Uy Ihe bride's mother, her M.stvr, Miss li.'iilia Mae Gaddis, and a cousin of the bride, Shorty Carroll. A!rs. Berry wore for her marriage a Itfciu blue wool .suit with black a.-, i .,-,01 ics. nd her corsage was o1' white carnations. Private Berry has returned to his post of duty at Camp Pickett, Va.. v here lie is awaiting orders to ir'iort for occupational duty overseas. Mrs. Berry holds a po silion with a local drug firm. Marriage Announced American Legion Will Observe Anniversary The American Legion and Aux iliary will observe the birthday anniversary of the former at the meeting at the Legion home here tomorrow night at 7:30. All members are urged to be present. Serving as hostesses dur ing the social hour following the business sessions of both groups will be: Mrs. Guy Massie, Mrs. W. A. Rradley. Mrs. Sam Kelly, and Mrs. Howell Crawford. Former Waynesvillc . Girl Weds Naval Officer In California Announcement has been made of flic marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sheby Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moore, of Asheville, formerly of Waynesvillc, to Lieut. Clifton Kenneth Ilcnle, U. S. Naval Ileserve, of Sacramento, Calif., which took place on February 15, in Berkley, Calif. The bride was recently dis charged from the Woman's Re serve, U. S. Navy, and had been stationed in Washington, D. C, for some time. She is a native of Salem, Ala., but resided in Waynes Ville for several years and made many friends during her residence here. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, March 18, 1946, at eleven o'clock A. M., at the court house door in Waynesville, N. C, the undersigned Sylla Davis, Sub stituted Trustee, will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bid der . for cash the following de scribed property, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 36.54 acres, more or less, known as a part of the J. M. Evans home place, In Pigeon Township, Haywood county, North Carolina, on the waters of Pigeon River, about five miles South from the Town of Canton, and now in the possession of Grady Lee Evans and wife, Lettie Evans, BOUNDED on the North by lands of Will Trull, C. B. Evans and Pearl Fisher; on the East by lands of Kinsland and D. L. Farmer; on the West by lands of Connie Mur ray and Will Trull. Said tract of land is particularly described ac cording to a plat prepared by Watt Justice, Surveyor, dated May 1939, now on file with The Federal Land of Columbia, as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake (Span ish oak gone), Murray corner, and runs North 48 15' W. 12 poles to a stake; thence N. 46 30' E. 42 poles to a stake in branch; thence 5 56 E. 3.5 poles to a stake in branch; thence S 35 30 E. 67 poles to a stake in branch; thence S. 50 30' E. 4.5 poles to a stake at road; thence N .41 E. 37.5 poles to a stake at road; thence S. 77 20' E. 19 poles to an old gate post; thence S. 5 24.5 poles to a stake; thence S. 61 30' W. 12 poles to a stake; thence S 75 W. 29 poles to a stake in said branch; thence with branch four calls as follows: S. 15 E. 2 poles, S 2' E. 6 poles, S. 18 30' E. 4 poles, S. 3" W. 28 poles to a-stake; thence S. 84 W. 30 poles to a stake (former ly a hickory); thence N. 28 W. 90 poles to the BEGINNING. SUBJECT to the right-of-way for cartway along the branch In a Southerly direction from trie public road as shown by the Commission ers' Report in division of the J. M. Evans Estate, recorded In Deed Book 90, page 139 et seq. Haywood county registry. Sale made pursuant to a deed of trust executed by Grady le Evans and wife, Lettie Evans, to H. C. Leaman, Trustee, securing an indebtedness of $1,000.00 to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, which deed of trust is of record in Book 37, page 187, and pursu ant to a deed of trust executed by said Grady Lee Evans and wife, Lettie Evans, to H. C. Leaman, Trustee, to the Land Bank Com missioner to secure an indebted ness of $500.00, which deed of trust is recorded in Book 37, page 186, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood county, the undersigned Sylla Davis having been appoint' ed substitute Trustee in the place of H. C. Leaman. This the 15th day of Feb., 1946. SYLLA DAVIS, Substituted Trustee.' j 1497 Feb. 21-28 March 7-14 IBPIfl . lltlpi BSS MRS. JAMES FRANK BERRY, who before her marriage on Satur day, February 23rd, was Miss Pauline Gaddis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gaddis, of Waynesville. Her marriage to Pvt. Berry took place in Clayton, Ga. Have Your flaV-ot'Hfer Snapsh EMJARQED Fhm Any Negut j 5k7 enldrgijment 1 8x10 enlargement .... We Ndw Have Roll KMms 24 How Service on All Film I inishinj All VVdrk Handled Win, ( arf THE SKYLAND STUD1 IVIsbnnf Trmnl RniMisur Miss Mabel Noland Is Wedded to J. E. Winn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Noland, of Lake Junaluska, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mabel Noland to Private John Elby Winn, of Fort Myers, Fla. The marriage was solemnized in Greenville on Saturday, March 2. Pfc. Winn is stationed at Camp Lee, Va., and his wife will accom pany him there. W. J. Godwin, Ship's Cook, 2c, U. S. Navy and Mrs. Godwin have returned to Charleston, S. C, after spending a 15-day leave with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore, of Hazelwood. The former returned to the States in May, 1945, after serving for 34 months in the Pacific theater He is now stationed at the Naval Air Base in Charleston. Major and Mrs. Sam C. Welch are spldnees gnvSSRSHRDLU are spending several weeks here at Oak Park. Dark Flour Bereft Of Brand Names FORT WORTH. Texas A major ity of millers will not market the new emergency dark flour under their regular or advertised brand names according to W. P. Bnmar, Fort Worth, president-nominate of the Millers National Federation. Mr. Bomar said the trade-marked labels are too valuable to ri;k the resentment that might be built up against them if the public doesn't like the flour. Do YOU suffer from HEEfOBs mmnn on "CERTAIN DAYS" of the month? If female functional monthly dis turbances make you suiter cramps, headache, backache, weak, tired, ner vous, cranky feelitms at such times try Lydla E. Plnkham's Veuetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Taken thruout the month Plnk ham's Compound helr.y h'likl up re r.lstiiHCe a!:,"l:isr r,-i,--i Vroptosns. Also irrep-t p:on;nc';u it - ' ? .' s s& a - M Inn ty nietanna Lines Are Busier Than Ever More people are making more distance teiepnone cans than ever and you may experience delays on someo! your calls. We are doing everything possible lo pand facilities. This year thousands of miles of new long distance circuit; n ltcing added additional long dittm switchboards are being installed in did places and hundreds of young voJ are being employed and trained aitl erators lo help meet the increasing mand for more long distance seniJ It's a big job and will take lime, iJ the job is done we will continue low) your help when circuits are over-lojl by using the service only for nemd calls. Your continued cooperation it predated. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONf AND TELEGRAPH COMPAN Incorporated This Year Make mciuanabitDBi Your Headquarters For yCo For Garden, Field, Pasture m Best Varieties all types of Southern Fish Brand Just Received ... A Few MYER'S DEEP WELL PUMPS and ELECTRIC PUMPS Are You Going To Paint-Up? By All Means Use 'EE'S PAINTS 'MieHand" SmppIW Co I i DAVE FELMET, Manager Phone 43 AThePi t i V mi. mmmmrmmmmimmmm" n m i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. M M. .s I I "--- - - - - - - .