23. 1916 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (First Sector? n. ewdsWott Lair jseimM isreaiKii'iro APRIL '1 ait Is nThe Here Forest A ill Open Lake Opens I.,,, ilsiiu: iiti'iibel s mm. I also 11 ml Hit' in lining llli'll .',' 'In'-. I'l-hrl"), 1A.II M. mil ll'lle.' ;ihi-.lil I'l il;i. cniin- 14 and la 1i;mI nv in e;ir than .liffe said. . hell- 1 1 lull!! VVel'C and red linii lulu's DllilU- I lidme: in I,,, ill Uillll.lMll .,.iS. fishermen U Hi,. Uesl tied "slnw liln! nine be.iiilies VUllllil', KirlihiuH u, I.I W.ivlles- I,. i.iiiiIma! limit ,.jL.i,l ekled mi.' ni ;ni In. in s I iTi-i-nih i:ui!!lit mill, and l.arrv I u ii alum! the are anxiously Ijim i,l l.ala- .liina- li. He pniiilcd mil Iiccn.M' is i.ccm'ii is IM'll. I'm est si reams 'ui 111, anil hun- ili air c,celc(l to Hie cluck licks bp,. nut!! morning. Iiiiiillcil from w illi :i limit of I iruiil under 7 turned. Treble Kill mil lie pcr- loinled nut that a reuse is iriiired, fecial permit cnsl- ur non-residents, SI. Ill dailv. lines are por i. streams opening area are: ii!e,,n. May 4, 5, inn' 1. 2, 2. If). I.v Ht. Kl. 14, 24. 11, 21, . 22. 25, .inly August 18, 19, . 11, 2 HI. 22. : -i. :n. in, :u. , M.iv la food Men ular Army Slaywond county 1 m Hie regular se, f Canton; son .if Mr. and f's: and Nah D. "f Nuali 1). Rob- Idltull ihroad, during low leu ""leased slead- fAnd Arc W Hearing p. no risk hear- F'nc (Imps used e- If you are b.v nntdnt' lin- hf U, harden,.,) 'KTiltllenl l,-, plhod lest 'that na"K'l them to You must i,r.nM "8 tins simple r money hack at uri"' Kar Drops Cut-Rat,. Drug Regular, 39c Ov 0 M Ff.inm Haywood Fox Hound Is Champion Of S. C. Derby Details On Soft ball League To Be Completed A meeting of the directors ami Irani managers of the local Sult l,,i League will Ijc held this week, according to L. N. Davis, pi -csiclcnt. iind last minute details will be worked out for the opening on May 15th. Much interest is being shown in the league, and at least 8 and probably ten teams will he in the league, ilnl games will he held four nights weekly, with rained iiut games being played on Wed nesday. R o d and Gun By GENE WIKE Iiieecr Game or Better Fish . . . The "loughie" to answer in most of the states is whether there is more game than firsli which is the most plentiful. On the river banks, by the stoves, and in the field the argument is pursued, hut the debating participants always wind up with indefinite conclu sions. j iiert Brother, Georgia sportsman, says "one thing about game you : can see it, but it is difficult to peer beneath the surface of the waters I and survey the fish situation. When dogs are working well and hnuting I is good, game appears plentiful. So do the fish when they're biting, j but what about the poor hunting and fishing days," declares Brother. When there are no birds in the i sky or fields discontented nim j rods quickly declare no game. I Quite differently, the fisherman re 1 traces his steps to his favorite fish- ing spot tune and again on the assumption that they aren't biting, i It's really a debatable question, this subject of game and fish, j But in North Carolina sportsmen are prone to favor the fish while in reality many biologists believe ! that the supply in many states is i far behind the game. Pollution, drainage, erosion and the like have made serious inroads on the finny ' game, but the cultivation of bass and bream in the various impound i menls of the state point with favor ! to the angler's sport. But any i way you look at it there is a whale ! of a job to be done in both game and fish restoration. Fish Caution and Care . . . Speak ing of restoration, returning the fish you do not care to keep to (lie water unhurt is a mighty fine practice, according to J. W. Gwath mey, Richmond Rod and Gun ar tist. In future weeks many bream will be caught off their spawning beds. If these are carried around in the live box any length of time and then liberated, it is a question whether they'll ever find their way back to their mates. The thing lo do is liberate your fish where you catch them, Gwathncy de clares. DEER DABBLING IN THE WEST . . . Deer are to be trapped and transplanted in the west. Citing literally thousands of acres of under-stocked and barcrn areas, Game Commissioner Findlay ad vocates closed deer season in Pied mont and Western North Carolina while redistribution is effected. Sportsmen delegations and individ uals concerned are being heard by a sub-committee of the Board of Conservation and Development in the courthouse at Marion April 5th before final proposals are present ed to the Board of Conservation and Development for action dur- FecDO OW Onlv Mr X . w S D A hi r ON Ray Holder, Of Clyde.! Owns Champion l'o : Hound; Interest (liows In Haywood ! 'flic 101(1 fox hound i 1 1 a 1 1 1 , i i . 1 1 1 of the South Carolina derle r ! owned bv Kay Holdr! . i.l Chile. The dog, Meel, look houoi s in ' the all -age slake and pel, ,1 m the slate fox hunter meet near Glenn Springs, S. C. The Southeastern Fox Hunter-. Association, meeting yeslcrda. in Newport, Tcnn.. boasted llie Ian:-, est collection of trophic-.- ever (. ; fered and an entry execedim: -'in hounds. Hounds- owned by Turner Caddy ' and Tom Davis won places in Hi,- , recent horse anil do;' show in ' Trvun. A large number of spoil-;- men from I lav wood alien, led the show, Membership in the Haywood ' County Fox Hunters Association' continues in gum , ,'i( cin dim! t,i I. W. Killian, president, limine the past six months nunc than .'!(! have joined to being the member ship to more than 120. t'lovd j Cooke, of Canton, is seerel.iiv ami 1 treasurer of the association. ing its May ses is a federal-aid don. The endeavor. project MFANWHII.i: IK MISSOFK IANS . . . find themselves scalped they can blame it on the Robinhood sportsmen, .lust lo show ou the trend in other slates, Missouri sportsmen adept with the bow and arrow have asked the Conservation Commission lo either establish a special open season for their lpe hunting or set aside a special area Or, we might add. give it back lo the Indians. Looking' Things Over . . . Fisher men reported taking nice bass from Santeetlah and Chaluge. A group of four Tennessee anglers fished four days, taking 4!) nice bass, mostly from Santeetlah. Robert L. Reid reporting on Swain county said most of tHe fish were smallmouth bass with six pounders Hie biggest during the week. Charlie ("rain, of Walnut, took a 21-pound catfish from the French Broad River while Krnesl Partin caught an ll 'ipound eat. Arthur Pack said anglers are taking larger bass in Lake Adger and Lake Lure- than ever before for the time of year. Several caught weighed from nine to ten pounds, he said. Feaftirins the Oddities . . . Mrs. George Boston's Fontana Lake per formance netting 14 smallmouth bass in forty minutes for a total of 37 1 -j pounds might prove as em barrassing as the catch was thrill ing if the game and fish protectors take the situation in hand. The creel limit is eight per person per day or the possession of a two day creel limit of lfi per person. here were you hoys? PARK THEATRE WAVNESVIM.E. NORTH CAROLINA MATINEE: Sunday 2 and 1 p. ni.; Saturday 2 and .":'!0 p. m. NI(;HT SHOW: 7 and !l p. m.; Sunday Night, 8:.",0 ADMISSION: Children Under 12 Years. 12c; AduKs, All Seats, .Tc TAX: On Children's Pass. 2c; Adult Pass. fie. Till RSDAV-FKIDAV APRIL 2V2f, "My Reputation" Barbara Stanwyck (Jeorne Hrent SATURDAY APRIL 27 'In Old New Mexico' The Cisco Kid Returns LATE SHOW 1 0 :.M "Idea Julia Bishop- SUNDAY Breakfast in With Tom MONDAY-TUESDAY APRIL "Hoodlum Saint" William Powell Esther Williams WEDNESDAY MAY 1 'Don't Fence Me In' A Roy Rogers Special Musical STEADY VET -sri - vaJiUU Nine Local Football Players On Catamount 1946 Gridiron Teams Waynesv illc and IIae',vvooo have more representatives on the West ern Carolina Catamount football team for spiing practice than any other community, according lo Tom Young, athletic director and coach. I Among me local piavcis in.,i an- expected to play an important role on the llt-lti Catamount team in clude Murray Whisenbunl. ,loe Tate, John Jackson. Barron Clark, Hobo Collins, Hugh Constance. Jack Arringlon. James Harris and Stanley Henry. Spring practice will end today, with 43 candidates reporting for the drills. Coach Young announced the fol lowing l!llfi schedule: Sept. 2(1. High Point college, there. Sept there. Oct. whee. Oct. lowhec Oct. w bee. 21!. Carson-New ni.iii. Tcnn., 5. Tuscuhun, Tcnn. at Cullo 12. Ilivvassee. Tcnn.. al ('ill- HI. Milligan. Tcnn.. at Cullo- Oct 2.- Lenoir Rhyne. (her .Nov. baina Nov. 2, Stale Teachers of Ala- at Ciillowhee. 9. Appalachian, at Cullo- whee. Nov. Hi Kastern Carolina Teach- Girl" -.less Parker APRIL 28 Hollywood Hreneman By Jack Sords il?0xYMAs) CATC Meg isi,plAIS 1 Mas a t-oroP coMPe-rir.OfJ AAP 0 S-f? P o TAkU 4iS JO0 Dwiglit Heaty, Jr. Discharged From Navy Dwight M. Bcaty, Jr., seaman first class, LSNIl, son of Mrs. Ruth Bealy has been discharged from the navy at the Navy Personnel Separation Center, Charleston. Seaman Bcaty entered the serv ice on Sept. 26, 1944, and has served for 18 months. Seven of the months he served on sea duly. At the time lie entered the service he was a student in the high school. ers college Nov. 23, there. , there. Emory and Henry, Va. Read the Classified Advertisements Guaranteed Against Rust Corrosion Width ZV 26" 28" 30" They're Bitin' Good and that's no "Story" The fishinK season is openin.T and when that "bur one" jrrabs your hook you'll be mijrhty jrlad about the I'iresloiic equipment because it won't lot you down when the jroinjr gets tough. Come In and See Our Huge Stock of Fishing Equip ment at Savings! Home And Auto Supply Store Main Street "BILL" COBB, Owner Waynesville Hazelwood Meets Canton i In Practice Same Sat. The Hazelwood Baseball Indus trial team will make their fust i ; public appearance SMurd. y after noon at three o'clock when they meet the Champion Y team at Canlin. Hud Hlalock was named man ager this week, and the twenty 'candidates for berths on the team have been holding daily uorkouls, and were l, -polled lo be in excel lent condition for the season which will officially open on Saturday, May 4th. The schedule for the first game will be announced next week. ! Tentative plans are for Deacon Woodward to do the hurling Sat urday, and the receiving will be between Gordon Valt and .lack Smith. Tour of State Test Farm By 4 Clubs Continues II The tour of the State Test Farm by members of the 4-11 clubs of the county which is being spon sored by the county farm agents is being continued this week, it was learned from the agents. On Tuesday the members of the Morning Star club observed thei farm act iv it ies: estcrday t he Civ de 1 sc hool club: today the members I of the 4-11 club of Pennsylv ania Avenue school of Canton w ill visit Hie larm: Friday the 4-11 club of Ilclbel will make a tour of the farm. T Velon Tinted By Firestone Q ADMITS MORE LIGHT 0 A NEW, SOFT NEUTRAL COLOR 0 NEVER RI OI'IRES PAINTING 0 FLEXIBLE AND RESISTANT TO IMPACT Q EASILY WASH Alil.i: WITH A DAMP CLOTH League Official i s j'W-JjS WX I xfxx X i 1 . -s x M 1 . S- 1:. ( WAGF.NFFl.I) is secretary- 1 1 i'lsiirci I the lodit Softball 1 .c.-ii'.ue, wood I and a director of the llael aseball team. Mr. Wagen- feld life v ear be lin en active in miliiunily the spoils for many St I Fl. MAN Till I. I M Fl! 1 1 )l N. Miss The thief ! who robbed a Meridian parking .meter niiisi have been a superman. I The meter pole was pulled from its concrete base. nor ok and Wall Staining 1 f. s i -' I KKNTl C KY HONORS F.D.R. FRANKFORT. Ky -Kentucky is the first state to make Jan. 30. birthday of the late President Roosevelt, a legal holiday. A measure setting the day aside was passed during the liHti session ot the Legislature. Bruce Terminix Offers Tree Inspection and Triply Guaranteed Protection! Expert inspection gives you relia ble information about your termite problem. Call Terminix, world's largest termite control organiza tion, for a free inspection of your property. No obligation even if termites are found. YOl'R- 3-WAY GUARANTEE Bruce Terminix gives you a tested termite treatment that ends cosily damage and guards against furl her attack. This service is triply guar anteed by: 1. Local llruce Terminix licensee. 2. K. L. llruce Co.. world s largest maker of hardwood Menu Ing. 'i. Sun Insurance Office, Lid. FOR FREE INSPEC TION. WRITE OR PHONE: TERMINIX CO. f0 Lexington Ave. Phone 7(,9 Ashevillr, N. C. 1 AiAdvtilttd In "The Fof 1 -wiaj guilding Materials U can get y Dur Buildinf :''eeds Here Insulation Lumber J)oors Everything in Moldings Rooling gome hard-to-get items gave Here U"se our Materials paints. Varnish es, Stains, Shellac putty 6r Glass Lime You can usually Find it Here COme n Down or Phone 82 or 83 Builders Supply I