220 S First St l-Ol ISVILI.F. KV jriCAL )NTS rT SFT election ,:j,i.,: tailed '.han an I'""'' last tiled all : 1,1 .......inn. ,dfd tnc v..-.. heard ap the i.rmniiv aiul .. the November h larui'i' majorities tf Villi l ndidates thc prim." j. but by ,w in II"' tail rii'i anil the irtnriOUS in Lcr exclaimed Lied out tlii ee sug- -or tin' State scna- lUlivf tO MIINL- iv. the lcKisluliire. U 0f county roans. Int. and cm''"''" h pmsraiii. improve me scnoui 1, C arolina. in save general ap posed program ov iuse. Hacks THIS AULA board i'l elections clMligrs in vol my kun-hip: Lis will vole at the e town liall Mas la vnters will vino b-clipusi' Instead cl Station. hi HAYWOOD 1u:igii going w mi OUllc h(h convenes m Ijiii'liidcd. Mr. nd km. :wr. aim mi.v mi C. Talnier, and hi: at ONK.HT political rally jcii sponsoring me I in llavwnod, will the Haze I wood rniip lias created lis past week, and house" tonight. klRYlKN' jMOCRATS toi Haywood have hizod. with thc cx- I precincts, and no heard from t horn, irman, announeed the executive coni voting precinct as 1. W. W I'lcss. 2. ('. (i liryson. 3. C Iv Williams. 4. Frank Queen. 3. Fred Winfield. 6. J. T. Bailey. M. Caldwell. 'cst. Noland. o report reeclvcdi. rowning Ileal lierlv. Raymond Mct'rack- Quern. Jr. L Yates frit, 'no leoorl it. Sentelle. fMiir lialduiit. Nlli Ward. fuuth Ward. T. L. N. Allen " C. Morrow. Arrests ast Week erc made dur the rilu ri; Hiding thp ri i.., fw transporting Prohibition "ne for chunk. fdcrly conHiK.t j j .-..mv aim y"iKenness. fendants nairi f,i. .frosts and were ro. sentenced tn fifi F" "He roads parRed will and as- tl wen trior! i Kay has sold M.. in Ha7nii;nj - Fefoot and rr p f Cantnn TV.- fmed charge Mon- L 'waruns ntotl. anrt n- f With a Cant Ppmetime. h h 12 VMr. P Pn to install ,c Sl0re, remodel filing. "ace full n P'ans to come The Waynesville Mountaineer SIXTY-FIRST YEAR Democrats Name Brown As Chairman Clifford E. Brown Named To Post For Fifth Consecutive Year By Haywood Party Clifford E. Brown was named chairman of thc Haywood Demo cratic Executive Committee here Saturday afternoon for the filth consecutive year, as chairmen of the preeinrts met alter the county convention. Mr. Brown has long been active in Haywood politics, and managed the campaign for Governor Cherry in this county, as well as !hal of Senator Hoey and Senator Bailey, j The convention heard G rover C. Davis in the keynote address, call for party harmony in the Novem ber general election, and suggested i three things for the stale senator j and representative to work for in i the 1947 legislature. Mr. Davis I was introduced ny rv j . u. Niamey, who reviewed the history of the Democratic party for the past 15 years. Mrs. Fred Windfield, of Canton, is secretary, and Mrs. Oral Yates is vice chairman. The convention adopted resolu tions presented by the committee composed of W. G. Byers, Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, and Jack Messer. A list of delegates to the state con vention was presented by a com mittee composed of T. L. Bramlett, M. G. Stamey, and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. The resolutions adopted, as read by Mr. Byers, were as follows: "At this critical period in the history of our nation, the Demo crats of Haywood County send greetings to the Democrats of North Carolina. Whereas, for al most half a century the people of our slate have looked to the Dem ocrat party for leadership in North Carolina and our party, during all that period of time, has furnished the State of North Carolina with a long list of illustrious governors and wise legislators until today we can point with particular pride to the history of North Carolina for that period, and we declare that the history of North Carolina is the history of the Democratic. party. "Our State, under Democratic leadership, has grown from a pov erty stricken military district to one of the most populous and rich est states in the union, being next to the Empire State of New York in the payment of Federal taxes. "Beginning with the administra tion of the beloved governor, Cam eron Morrison, North Carolina be gan the building of state highways and farm-to-markct roads until to day assigning highways link to gether practically every county seat in the state, and all-weather roads project inlo every commu nity, even in the remotest counties, and the end is not in sight. "Through the aid of the Federal Government and agricultural col leges, North Carolina has become the leading agricultural state of the South, of which we claim is the result of the wisdom of the citizens of our state in keeping the Democratic party in power for this almost half cenutry, and to day we rcdedicate ourselves to the policies and principles of the Dem ocratic party and renew our alleg iance to the same and pledge our vigorous efforts and enthusiastic support to all of the nominees of the Democratic party in North Carolina and Haywood from thc governor's office down to the con stable's race in East Fork town ship. The Democratic party came into power in the Federal Government of the United States in 1933. In the midst of a great financial de pression, business was stagnant; agricultural products on the farms (Continued on Page Eight) Jarefoot And Dr. Buy McKay's here within a few days and devote his entire time to thc business. His plans are to move here about the first of June. Mrs. Hessie Gaddy, who has been with the firm 16 years, is in charge. Dr. McKay left Tuesday for an extended vacation and fishing trip in Florida. He said he had not made any plans other than take a long rest. He opened the store twenty years ago. He first opened in a small wooden building near the site of the present store. The building was not included in the sale, as it belongs to Will Whitner. Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The o. .) 22 Pages Heads Democrats Cl.HTOHD E. EP.OWN was named chairman of the Haywooci Democratic Executive cominitte.' Saturday, a post lie has held for the past four terms. Superior Couri Civil Term To Convene Monday The May Superior Court, civil term, will convene here on Mon day morning. May (illi, with Judge Wilson W'arliek presiding. There is a lull calendar, it was learned from the olliee of the clerk of the court. Drawn for the first week were: J. B. Byers. Iron Dull; Glenn James. Ivy Hill; I.. II. Bramlett, Waynesville; David Underwood. Waynesville; K. C. Green, Fines Creek; Furmaii Noland. Fines Creek; C. K. Francis, Clyde- J. D. Mackey, Canton; C. E. Williams, Canton; Walker Brown, Pigeon; Clint Burnett, East Fork. Nalhan Carver. Jonathan Creek; I,. B. 1 .eatherwood, Jonathan Creek; Henry Campbell, Ivy Hill; W. E. Tramniell, Waynesville; SbulTord Howell. Waynesville; Grady Messer, Crabtree; M. G. Leal herwood. Waynesville; Grover J. Abel, Pigeon; Chan Burress, Waynesville; W. T. Kirkpatrick, Crabtree. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., Waynesville; J. C. Patrick, Waynes ville. Drawn for the second week were; Claude Cook. I'eaverdam; Biugin Baity, lieaverd.un; (!. C. Hardin. Beaveid.iin; C. It. Slamey, Pigeon; G. lingers, Fines Creek; Mark M. Ferguson, Fines Creek; L. M. Crawford, East Fork. John M. Nease, Pigeon; C. L. Rabb, Waynesville; It. F. Davis, Iron Dull; Orville MeCraeken. Crabtree; Harvey W. Mills, Way nesville; Shook Ferguson, Jonathan Creek; Jack Best, Crabtree; Will Smith. White Oak; Taylor Hoglen, Ivy Hill. R. L. Lee Builds New Rock Office K. I, Lee is completing a stone olliee building for his coal busi ness at the coal yard on Depot Street. The building is 28 by 22 feel ,aud will include a garage for his trucks. Mr. Lee owns the properly from the wall of Ins iornier building to Kicliland creek. Palmers Purchase Guernsey Heifers At Burnsville Sale The first Burnsville Purebred Guernsey Promotional Sale which was held on last Friday in Burns ville was attended by several Hay wood breeders. Joe and G. C. Palmer, of the Crabtree section purchased two Guernsey heifers at the sale. Others attending the sale were Howard R. Clapp. of the State Test Farm. Eddie Fentsmacher. field repre sentative of the Pet Dairy Pro ducts Company and Wayne Cor pening. county farm agent. Full Coverage Of Sports Today's sport pase of The Mountaineer is one of thc most complete ever published in this area. Full coverage is given on baseball, basketball, Softball, fishing and even football. Turn to page one, section three and see just what full cov erage is given to the sports field. Even a local picture and a na tional cartoon. Keep up with sports of Hay wood through the sports page of The Mountaineer. I I,, , y: aiki Workmen Moving Many Thousands Yards Dirt Daily On Slew Highway Grading Contract Will Take Until September; Bridge Firm Getting Ready To Start Thirty workmen using some of the largest road machines ever brought to this section, are moving between (i.tlOO and 8.000 yards of dirt daily on the new highway troni Lake Junaluska to Dollvvood, u distance of fi !) miles. "We are right on schedule." II T. Lattimore, general superinten dent in charge, told The Moun taineer yesterday. The contracior is Sober Company, of Wliitiiure, S. ('. "The job of moving the ;iH0. 11110 yards of dirt and rock in Hie pio ject will take 11:, until September," Mr Lattimore said. The (ontractor has several crews working at ilillerent places along Thousand Expected To Eat Tender Ramps At Convention On Sunday The Haywood County Ramp Con vention will convene Sunday morn ing for Ihe first time since 1940, when a motorcade leaves the court house for Black Camp Gap at nine. The convention is scheduled to be gin at ten. F. W. Woody, of Canton, is pres ident of Ihe Association, and said he expected well over a thousand people. "We had more than a thou sand when we met in 1940 at Soeo Gap, and after five years without a convention, I believe more than a thousand will be on hand Sunday morning," he president said. Mr. Woody said a check had been made of the new ramp crop, and it, was found they would be in full by Sunday, which means lender and juicy. C. E. Williams heads the committee to have an ample supply of ramps on hand. The meal of ramps, eggs, corn broad and coffee will begin at LOO o'clock. Everyone is asked lo bring eggs and eornbread in addition to a frying pan. The officers of Ihe convention will have the coffee on hand. A number of short talks will he made between 10 and I, while Ihe ramps and eggs are being cooked. A string band or two will be on hand to furnish the music, and a special invitation for all candidates tn be on hand was issued by Mr. Woody. Among the speakers will be Dr. F. M. Davis, of Canton, who will discuss the nutrition value of ramps. Robert L. Sutton is in charge of transportation, and officers will lead the motorcade which will leave Ihe court house at nine. Mr. Woody said a short business session would be held at which lime officers of the convention will elected. Thc botany book defines thc ramp as a "broad-leaved species of garlic, much cultivated and eaten in salads. Glenn C. Palmer Finds Burley Outlook Better After Two Conferences Haywood Man, Representing State In Washington Is Encouraged Over Situation "The prospects for burley ro looks brighter lo me, lohac ' said Glenn C. Palmer his return from a yesterday, after two-day confer ence in Washington with govern ment agencies, warehousemen and producers. Mr. Palmer is chairman of the burley committee of thc State Grange, and has represented the state at a series of conferences in the past two years. Another conference will be held in Raleigh on May 6th, and the following day a similar one in Lexington, Ky. The latter meeting will deal with economical market ing of burley. The object of the Washington conference was to work out plans for stabilizing the price of burley by establishing new foreign mar kets, in addition to holding and increasing present world markets. Eastern Entrance Of The WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 the route One of the largest ruts is jusl as the new road starts across the Southern Railway tracks from the Beeves hill on Highway 19 and 2:) Mr. Lattimore said it would take another week to finish cutting down the lull at this point. The Suhcr Company have the contract for grading and the struc ture of bridges went to A L Wilkstrom. of Boundhiook. N. J Included in this project is a LiO lool concrete span across the Southern tracks Itepi I'scntat iv es of the Wilks tiom firm are here making airange nients lor starting work at an early date. The grading contract is costing a little more than $147,000. while the structures were bid in for a lew doll., s under $100,000 The contrails wcio awarded by the Stale Highway Department 1 middle ol March the Heads Ramp Eaters F. W. WOODY, of Canton, is president of the Haywood Ramp Convention, which will meet Sun day at Black Camp Gap. C. V. Bell Named Chairman County Petroleum Dealers C. V. Bell, distributor of Texaco products for Haywood, Jarkson and Swain counties lias been named chairman of the Haywood County Petroleum Industries Committee under the state group. The ap pointment was made by S. Gilmer Sparger, of Raleigh, secretary of the state committee. A meeting will be held in the near future of Ihe county dealers anil operators at which lime discus sions will be made regarding price control, (axes and other mailers pertaining to Ihe sale and distribu tion of petroleum products. Special emphasis was placed on the China market in the last confer ence. "The sil nation looks good, and every indication is that we can hold the present export markets, and expand on others, creating a greater demand for burley. Thc greater demand, the better the prices," Mr. Palmer continued. Before Mr. Palmer's return from Washington, where he took an ac tive part in the conferences. Gov ernor Cherry named him as a mem ber of the N. C. Farm Bureau executive committee, wi'h other leading agriculturists of the state, to work out sonic pressing prob lems confronting farmers. This committee will meet in Raleigh soon. Mr. Palmer stopped by Winston Salem Saturday night and attended the Young Democratic meeting. He is chairman of the Democratic exe cutive committee of the 12th dis trict. He was scheduled to leave yesterday for the State Democratic convention in Raleigh. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Banquet Speaker J. M. BHOUGHTON, former gov ernor of North Carolina, will make Ihe address al the annual Chamber of t'oinercp banquet Friday night at the Haelvvood school cafeteria. The program begins at 7:00 o'clock. Donations Of Food Ahead Of Expectations Food and Money Pour Into Churches, Contributions of Both Still Coining In "The response was far beyond anything we had anticipated. The people started bringing in canned food on Saturday and they are still hringing it in," said Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson, chairman of the collection of food for relief in foreign countries, which conducted last Sunday in all the churches of the county under sponsorship of the Haywood County Ministerial Association. "They are also making many cash donations, which are still com ing in. Due to the fact thai we are still receiving both food and money no definite figures can be released on either," continued Mr. Williamson. All churches are asked to get their donations and collections to the depots designated in Ihe county including, First Methodist chiirrh, Waynesville, Central Methodist church, Canton, and Clyde Baptist church. All food is expected lo be parked next week and shipped at once, ac cording to the chairman, who slated that there is groat need lo rush it to the shipping points from this country, so it can be sent overseas at an early date. COLLECTIONS GOOD IN CANTON Collection points in Canton re ported splendid results over the week-end with lood still being sent lo the Champion Employees store. The churches gathered in large quantities Sunday. AN INDEX TO THE 22 Pages Today, In 3 Sections SECTION ONE Page 2 Loral news. Page 3 Merchandising new. Page 4 Washington column, local news. Page 5 Society news. paCP fi Deaths, local news. Page 7 Baseball news. Page 8 Local news. SECOND SECTION Page 1 Merchandising news. Page 2 Editorial page. Page 3 Food conservation, Methodists meet. Page 4 Church page. Page 5 Chamber of Com merce page. Page 6 Service men return, local news. Page 7 Want ad page. Page 8 Political news. SECTION THREE Page 1 Sports. Page 2 History of Park serv ice. New bus schedules. Page 3 Story of Fontana. Local news. Page 4 Special Raleigh col umn, local news. Page 5 Book corner, local news. Page 6 Human Side of Life. Merchandising news. $2.00 in Advance in Haywood and Jackson Counties Capacity Crowd Will Hear Broughton Friday At C. of C. Banquet Hazelwood Police To Clamp Down On Speeding "We are not going to toler ate speeding," said J. G. Womlaid. chief of police of llazeluoori. "We have made several ar rest;,, and will make just as many more as wr rateh break ing the speed laws The streets are too narrow, and often there are nianv children on the streets and liable to dart out In front of a ear or truck," Chief Woodard continued. "The speed law Is 25 miles an hour except in congested areas, and then it is less," he concluded. State REA To Hold Quarterly Meeting Here The North Carolina Rural Elec tric Cooperative Association will hold their quarterly meeting here on May 22-2M, according to R. C. Sheffield, manager of the Haywood Eleelrie Membership Cooperatives, who will be host lo the group. A number ol slate officials and officials from Ihe National Admin istration offices in Washington will attend the meeting as well as offi cers and managers of Ihe various cooperatives throughout the state. W. L. Jones, president of the slate group will preside over the business session and Mr. Sheffield will have charge of the program at the banquet which will be held on the evening of May 22. The Gordon Hotel has been des ignated as headquarters for the meeting, and thc banquet will be held in the coffee shop al the hotel. New Thrift Shares Offered Here By Building & Loan Thrift shaies. new and popular form of building and loan, goes on sale this morning at The Hay wood Home Building and Loan Association, it was announced yes terday by R I. Provost, president. The new thrill share, have prov en popular with semes of associa tions, and offers individuals an op portunity to invest at current In terest rales any amount from $5 up al any time they so desire. A minimum of $iu opens an account, and then niiiiiiiiuoi deposits of $5 are lequn ed 'I lie frequency of deposit is lelt In flic customer. Interest r. figured every six month, and added to the balance deposited. Officials (it the association also announced vcsleida.v Ihat a limited amount ol paid up stoik would go on sale today. The diiei lms have just received a report I mm Ihe annual audit of the association, which showed the standing was among Ihe highest group in the stale. May Day Program Has Been Changed The May Day program scheduled for this al lei noon al Central Ele mental' yschool has been postponed until Tuesday. May 7. Claude Rog ers, principal amiriiinced .yesterday. Details o Ihe program are print ed on page five of section three today. All tacts in the article are correct except for thc change in time. 3 Auto Wrecks Over The Week-End; Child Injured There were three automobile accidents in this vicinity during a ! 48-hour period over the week-end, according to O. It. Roberts, state highway patrolman, who investi- , galed the cases. Hearings 'or two have been set for Saturday after noon before Magistrate W. h. No- ' land. In the most serious accident which involved three cars, Eddie Carpenter, small three-year-old son of Mrs. Ruth Carpenter, as sistant county farm agent, suffer ed a compound frontal fracture with deep gash in forehead and has been in a critical condition in j the Haywood County Hospital since j the accident, w hich occurred ar ! ound 1:45 Sunday afternoon. He j was reported to be resting more I comfortably yesterday afternoon, 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center. Advance Sale Of Tickets Breaking All Records; Pre "ram Begins At Seven Indications yesterday were that a capacity crowd, in excess of 350, would attend the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Hazel wood school cafeteria Friday night, at which time J. M. Broughton, former governor, will be the prin cipal speaker. The banquet will begin at seven. The advance sale of tickets have been unusually heavy, and Miss S. A. Jones, secretary of the or ganization, said yeslerdav that only a limited number would be avail able at the door Friday night. Increased Interest in the work of the organization in addition to the attraction of Ihe speaker brought about the large sale of tickets. L. E. Sims, president of the or gani.atlon, will be master of cere monies. Rev. Paul Townsend, pas tor of the First Methodist rhurch will give the Invocation, and Mrs. Henry MacFadyen will lead the group in patriotic songs. Mr. Sims will give a short ad dress of welcome, which will he followed by a musical program by the Champion Hill-Billies, under the direction of Mrs. Marie Bell, recreational director of the Cham pion Y. The Hill-Billies will also give a short musical skit. William Medford, treasurer of the organization, will present the guests, which includes civic leaders, forestry and park officials, and of ficers of the chambers of commerce from neighboring Western North Caroloina towns. Charles E. Ray will present the speaker, and Rev. S. R. Crockett, of Hazelwood, will give the bene diction. C. If." All eh Is general' charlman of the banquet, and the Hazelwood Parent-Teacher Association Is serv ing the dinner. Mr. Broughton will r.p-nd the night at Lake Logan as guesl of officials of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company. The former governor plans to spend Saturday fishing at the lake before returning to his home In Raleigh. Jackie S. Messer Wins First Place In Reading Contest Jackie Sue Messer. daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Jack Messer. was the winner of the first place in the twenty-first annual reading contest sponsored by the Woman's Club for the girls of the Waynesville Town ship high school. The contest was conducted on Thursday in the audi torium of the school during the chapel period. Miss Messer gave "The White Cliffs of Dover," by Alice Duer Miller. Jean Anne Bradley won second place with "The Ballad of Ihe Harp Weaver," by Millay. Both were awarded government stamps. Nancy Jones won honorable men tion with her selection "Edith Cavell." by Hagednrn. Others contesting and their numbers were: (Continued on Page Two) Weather Report Date Max. Min. Rainfall Apiii 24 72 47 25 .... 64 5a .40 26 60 40 .07 27 53 3.1 .15 28 62 28 29 70 47 30 75 48 .23 but will have to remain in the hospital for around a month. The accident occurred on the Asheville highway near the Un derwood Novelty plant, when a 1940 De Soto coupe operated by Hayes Alley, of Waynesville. and a 1941 Ford coach driven by Mr.,. Carpenter, both traveling wist, were struck by a 1939 Plymouth pick-up truck, operated by Edward Leon Casey. 24, negro, Alias. Bust er Killian Casey, reported tn have been traveling east at a high rale of speed hit the Dc Soto coupe and then crashed into the Ford roach. All three vehicles were consid erably damaged, according to p.i traleman Roberts. The car in which Mr. Alley was riding was not damaged beyond (Continued on Page Two)

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