THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THl'RSnAV.,, PAGE POUlt (Second Section J Doughton Says Balanced Budget, And Further Tax Cuts Coming Next Year Proposed Hospital For Masonic And Eastern Star Home Veteran N. C. Congressman Makes Keynote Address At Democratic Meeting i Kt-pi vsrutM i c Holier! L. Dough-1 Inn. dI Ihc Mnili NUil 1 1 Carolina j rcinurrv-ional !i-iiici. predicted a I j. 1 1 .1 1 1( ( I luiilurl I i Ihc nution by 1!)47 iiiid t out 1 1 li ' nduttion in taxes ju.-t as r;iid!y as possible," Doiiuliton. kenule s)eaker for the North Carolina Democratic Slate convention in llalcih, said that last ear 12,iH!l).iiil(l low-income Americans were removed from federal tax rolls .and rates were reduced on all individuals. At the same time, he said, con firess also reduced the taxes on oi porations to stimulate increased einploj uienl and to help business and 'iiduslry expand and reconvert for full peace-tune production. Addressing delegates f roil i every section of the slale, Doiinhton. who first bean his career in congress in 1911 and who is now chairman ol tin' powerful as and 'means committee, reviewed Democratic history in North Carolina hack to the days ol CovcriHiis KickcU and Avcock. In this record, he said, he could find nothini; hut Uood. In contrast, he then reviewed the opposition's record, and in that he lound noth ing but had. As an example ol Republican rule Douuhlon cited the nation's "de bacle'' of Hie Hoover regime, and pointed to the steai progress both the state and nalum had made from the day President Roosevelt as sumed leadership in !!("!!. "One does not have to earch lor the monuments of the Democratic party." he said. "The are to be seen alotm the -! reels of every town. . . Tho. are the vast dams that control Hood water-;. . . They are national park- and Menic hijh-va.-. . . The are the rural tree drliwij boxes : 1 1 1 1 1 1 u the hii!hwas IJruce Terminix Offers Free Inspection and Triply Guaranteed Protection! Expert inspection gives you relia ble information about your termite problem. Call Terminix, world's largest termite control organiza tion, for a free inspection of your i property. No obligation even if termites are found. YOUR- 3-WAV GUARANTEE Bruce Terminix gives you a tested termite treatment that ends costly damage and guards against further attack. This service is triply guar anteed by: 1. Local Bruce Terminix licensee. 2. E. L. Bruce Co., world's largest maker of hardwood flooring. 2. Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. FOR FREE INSPECTION, WRITE OR PHONE: TERMINIX CO. fO Lexington Ave. Asheville, N. Phone 7G9 AtAdvtrtlttiS ln"Th Port" The transmission poles that carry electricity to remote farm fami lies. . . The conservation of the nation's soil. "So are the smoking factory chimneys and lines of etfeient workmen checking in for the first, second or third shifts." In reviewing the war years, j Doughton said that "with victory I in sight and with the foundations of a lasting peace already laid, Hoosevetl was called from us. j "But his standard was picked up by another great American - llarrv I S. Truman . . . and now, as we face economic ami social problems at home and abroad, it is good to know , 'lhat we have in the White House; an honest, capable and fearless champion of the American wa . " I Doughton continued that "the ! conduct of a victorious world war 1 and the revival of America's de pressed economy called for vast national expenditures" and that "reference to either inevitably leads to the subject of taxation. "While taxes must remain for a considerable lime at a higher level than they were prior to the war." he said, "we must see to it that reductions are made just as rap idly as possible. . . " It is Doughlon's "hope and be lief that further substantial reduc tions can and should be made in the cost of government. We can do this." he said, "by abolishing functious rightfully belonging to the several slates, and by turning a deaf ear to the special groups who flock to Washington for financial assistance for non-essential pur poses." Doughlon pointed out that since January 1. of this year, the treas ury had retired some $4.000. 000. 000 of maturing obligations. He added thai the administra tion and congress "are so confident that the government debt has reached its peak and has begun to recede that the congress is in pro cess of reducing the permissable debt limit from SHOD. 000. 000 000 to S275. 000.0011.000. "It is not unrealistic to assume." he declared, "that in 1947 we will have a balanced budget which will include a reasonable program of reduction in public debt." Doughlon pointed with pride to the American dollar's value on the world market and said that "with all the complaint about extrava gancies made necessary by our successful lights against depression within and total war beyond our boundaries, some of which is un doubtedly justified, the American dollar remains the soundest piece of monev in all the world." He reviewed the state's record under Democratic rule, and found that the state's school system, its highways, its institutions of higher learning, its health program in cluding the state hospital and med ical care plan all were sound, pro gressive achievements. In conclusion, he pointed to man ufacturing in North Carolina, which he said jumped from a total capital investment of S78.000.000 in 1900 to more than $2,000,000,000 for 1945 . . . and to agriculture, which he added rose as a result of its crops from $68,000,000 in 1900 to $242,000,000 in 1939 placing North Carolina sixth among the states. "What a glorious record." he said, adding: "Let those who would challenge it show an example of any state anywhere equalling it much less excelling it." "But," he warned, "next fall the voters of the state and nation must again choose between us and the Republicans. We need have no fear of the outcome if we are not lulled into over-confidence. I re mind you," Doughton said, "that eternal vigilance is the price of victory as well as liberty." , . - ... V - J I This is an architect's drawing of the proposed hospital to be erected by Mrs. J. E. Latham in memory of her husband, James Erwin Latham 'insert i at Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro. The hospital would be a 3()-bed capacity and will give the North Carolina Masons and Eastern Stars full realization of a dream which they had practically fulfilled when they started construction on the home in 1912. THE BOOK CORNER To Right Reading From Left With FRANCES GILBERT FRAZIER very nicest anniver ear is right here One of the saries of the amongst us. We have reference to MO'l'lll'.K'S DAY. Then, if ever, we I'eel the urge to remember the one who ha soever been able to see any of our faults but who will rise to our defense at the slightest hint wo are not perfection itself. Of course, you have already pur chased some of the gifts you have long planned for this day but still feel that you would like to add a something that would be constant reminder of your devotion. Our suggestion would be a book as something she could, and would, keep for a long time and revert many times to its pages. And the very best book would be a Bible. Perhaps the one she has shows signs of long usage, and the new ones have such distinct print. Then for a book closely allied with the restful spirit of the Great Book, you could buy "THE KOBE" by Lloyd Douglas. There is no ne cessity for going into detail about this book; lor nearly three years it has led the vanguard of best sellers. One of the newest books out is "THE WESTMINSTER DICTION ARY OF THE BIBLE" by John D. Davis. The title is self-explanatory. And what mother doesn't love a book of poems? Here is a small, compact volume, light to handle and complete with those poems that lie closest to Hie heart. It is "ONE HUNDRED AND ONE EAMOUS POEMS." Who can ever forgi the beauty of Prank Stanton's poem, "Keep A-Goin' "? Remember: "If you strike a thorn or rose, "Keep a-goin'! ff it hails or if it snows. Keep a-goin'!" Por lighter reading, why not give her a copy of "JANUARY THAW" by Bellamy Pari ridge'.' It is inter esting; has a dash of comedy and keeps you on your toes until the final page. Don't forget that even the very best cooks in the world like new ideas. How about a good cook book? "CASSEROLE COOKERY" by Marion and Nino Tracy is a splendid way to learn the mastery of one-dish meals. There are 150 recipes, and the menus include the salads to go wilh the casserole. In other words, lead the recipe, fol low instructions and then call your family. Their response will attest to the goodness of this book. And who in the world doesn't have sudden qualms when writing a letter? How on earth to spell such-and-such a word! Most of the dislike for letter writing will be dispelled if you give Mother one of the new desk size Funk and Wagnall's STANDARD DICTION ARIES. There is everything in it. This is ONE place where you can find HAPPINESS, and almost any other word you can conjure up. Welcome Home The Following Haywood Men Have Received Honorable Discharges From Military Service, According To Records Received Here. Badge of Honor Among the men discharged from the armed forces from the Waynes ville area of the county during the past week were: Loften Frank Green, CM, third class, ffom navy at Camp Shclton, Va. Ralph B. Winchester, AMM, sec ond class, from navy at Jackson ville, Fla. James Everson Downs, Seaman We Can Solve Your Problems For CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL AND LOGGING EQUIPMENT State Distributors e o e o e o International Crawler Tractors Industrial Wheel Type Tractors Disel Engines Bucyr us-Erie Bulldozers-Scrapers Carco Logging Wenches American Preformed Cable Disston Chain Saws Sawmills, Edgers, etc. Elgin Sweepers Refuse Getters Galion Dump Bodies Cedar Rapids Asphalt Plants, Crushers Rogers Lo-Bed Trailers Euclid Hauling Equipment Northwest Shovels-Cranes Galion Graders and Rollers Jaeger Mixers, Pumps, Hoist Jaeger Mixers, Pumps, Hoist, Paving Equipment and Air Compressors Etnyre Distributors We Also Handle Many Other Lines of Popular Equipment. North Carolina Equipment Company RALEIGH, N. C. 3101 nillsboro St. Phone 8836 CHARLOTTE, N. C. 2 Mi. South Rt. 21 Phone 44661 ASHEVILLE, N. C. Sweeten Creek Rd. Phone 789 SALES - RENTALS - PARTS - SERVICE first class, from Coast Guard at Portsmouth, Va. Robert L. Gifford, Seaman first class from navy at Charleston, S. C. Sgt. James Bruce Jaynes, from army at Fort Bragg. T5 Troy C. Davcy, from army at Fort Bragg. Pfc. Albert L. Ruff, from army at Fort Bragg. Pvt. Lloyd L. Arrington, from army at Fort Bragg. Glenn Ernest Blankenship, Bkr., third class, from navy at Charles ton, S. C. Cpl. Earl Greene, from army at Fort Bragg. Charles Edward Gibson, seaman second class, from navy at Brem erton, Wash. Among those discharged from the Canton area during the past week were: Joseph Randolph Fluharty, Roy Harwood Paxton, Floyd Wallace Deweese, Allison Marion Thomas (Cel.), James Edwin Hardin, Wil liam Davis (Col.), John Edward Pless, George Ray Warren, Robert Emile Worley, Harold Allen Haynes, Virgil Hascue Chambers, Howell Eugene Pless, Thomas El wood Shook, Jr., Carroll Trull, Troy Raines. . J. H. Parks, Herbert Olin Pless, Russell Lee Logan, Charles D. Norlander, Thomas Riley Kirk patrick, Lewin Leafatte edford, Isaac Brinson Fonville, Jr., Leroy West, Ernest Lee Hannah, Charles Wesley Worley, William Tildon Swayngim, Joseph Max Burnette, Jack Norris, Charles Monroe Car roll, William Gantz Hammond, Van Finley Murray, Jr., James W, Stevenson, Loran Hall, Jesse Franklin West, James Adam Bent ley, Roy Lee Cody, Jesse Glenn King, Morris Johnny McCIure, Thomas Edward Rhinehart, and Jasper Lee Smith. New Awnings Are Put On Several Business Places Several business houses have beaten the annual clean-up, and fix-up ch ive to the draw by having new awnings put up during I he past week. At least five places of business on Main Street have new awnings, and several other's have their orders placed for a replacement in the near future. The general color scheme this year is towards the brighter hues. Five Men From Canton Enlist In Armed Forces The following men have recent ly enlisted in the reuular ar:u at ihe I! S Recruiting station in Asheville: John Hla loc k. son ol J John K. Bla, lock ol l anion. K ivi). No. 2, has entered the Army Air Forces. Thurman Burnette. son of Mrs Zelma I. Burnette of Canton, en listed in the Air Corps on April Clarence W. Ku kemlall. .son ol Joseph C. kmki iiil.ill .ol Sui:ct Park. Canton, ba-. -nl:--!cd i" Army Air Force-. Henrv lihinehart . son of Has II. lihinehart ol Canton, ha in the regular arnn . Eugene W. V il-on. on W. Wilson, ol ('allien, ha in t he regular arms. JOIN .hllslcil if Edui enlist.- Britain Cuts Use Of Flour and IJarley i.ONDOX-Tlir llrili-li Govern ment ordered a 2 per cent I e iluction ill the use of Hour lor do mestic bread production and a If) per cent cut in the amount of barley to he used for beer making. The new grain economies, listed in a statement from Prime Min ister Clement 11. Atllee's Downing Street residence, will give British housewives a standardized biead loaf of l:;i pounds, instead of two pounds, without a reduction in price. Asheville Civic Music Association, Inc 15th Annual Membership ( lmpa. MAY 13 - MAY 18 Admission to Civic Music ('oiu,.rt, ;,. slii ticket only; no single admi-,,,, , ' i - 1 , 'I',. jnvueu irom voti is hi I is I Annual Dues Including Federal T MAIL COrPON TODw S6 CAMPAIGN 1IF.A1HH AliTI Rs A.,II..II.1.I, UUt All SIC ASSonynJ If ...... ..I ll,lrr rn II... , 1U1 Knclosed is $ Please , ml ,,0 . ., i'itiiiii.-i yn mi- iMietiue i e.n ttj Name ah Adilrc Woman's Club To Have Illustrated Lecture At Meeting The May meeting of the Woman's Club will be held in Hie evening on the lGth instead of the usual afternoon hour of 3:30. The club will have a guest speaker who will give an illustrated lecture on gar dening. All members are urged to he present. The program will also he fea tured by special music. Hostesses 'of the evnlng will be Mrs. James W. Killian, Mrs. Troy Wyche, and Mrs. J. Harden Howell. I M YOUNGr, BUT I VE PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE WITH A JEFFERSON STANDARD PROGRESSIVE SPECIAL PLAN it rJi PROGRESSIVE f A WISE MOVE, i PLAN OFFERS Y FINANCIAL SECU BECAUSE IfS EE ON SYSTEM? SAVINGS WlJ GUARANTEED I IT'S FULLY PAID IN 20 'YEARS S. E. CONNATSER SPECIAL ROUTE 2 REPRESENTATIVE VV AYNESV1IXE OOHffCMlOrMftO OOOMO 0OOOM..-OO EVERY FOR! LOOKING Yl MAN SHI! THE 1EFFEI STANDARD TODAY f COMPLETE announcing . 9 9 9 .Hazel wood Mercantile C Main Street Hazelwood Emmett Green, Manager Groceries Hardware With Large Stocks of Feeds Ready-io-Wear Shoes Motions This Was Formerly E. C. Moody Store We Deliver On FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS For Quality at a Price Try Here Fin H aze Iwood Mercantile C Phone 28 EMMETT GREEN, Manager Main Street tft-relfl USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS

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