THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE ONE (Second Section) Uvood tallies League Lead mm Mills Is Lduled Jl Game ghts ard elwood ,ead During Jednestta Standings If W IKS!"1 , ; ntM' .1 V r1"" ,. ,;..iuinc tlw , W 3 Bur- Team ll.iiclwood Hcacon Mills Sayles Bleachery Knka Kcusta Champion VMCA G. ecu River Martel Mills Last Saturday's postponed. W L Pet. 4 0 1.000 3 0 1.000 3 0 1.000 1 2 .333 1 2 .333 1 3 .250 0 2 .000 0 4 .000 games were all l, taking uilli a ,.,111 ramed YHui'I field 11 "", Mai'KuKiil ,,, u the tlmil in ih'1"- ,lmd a'Ju-d Ihrff runners tunc me but HJ nd Mitt nl ! hit-game Trr, I1 llarl Mill 'Hi liI Ki ii n at .. at Hi J' m tin- 1 , I in Hi a. hen iif In" llll I"1 U tllllint I'll iih nd iiinim; Vomit aniidnfiliMi Walt tl,r Ium'v J. ' l Hi v plate and HO In It'll 111 Ml Ui Fnka rri'lat't'd bft l.t-illnrit. inn Hiior last drive Jo: in a tiiirit run rpl'lt'lt nil a ilnrt'-baggcr tbr limit ami scur- iml!,rltl M Ht'tUN iseri'ii'l anil tallied att - salt' lilt for m tlif thud Hoy sent in I" replace Enka tni'iintl pot hot in the fifth, jdy tt'ltiii).' mi haso. locd with a three surcd ulitn I i 1 1 1" - I'liili Inline iiatlt'il the hases mt good field inn by lut'd mil) one score. Five Streams Open To Fishermen This Week-End Kive Western Carolina streams uil! lie open to fishermen this week-end, and on June 12 the Big Hast Fork of Pigeon Kiver has an open dale. The West Fork of Pigeon River is open Ju'-.,' 8 and 9, as are the Davidson Kiver and the tributaries and the Upper South Mills River nf the Pisgah Game Preserve. Bent Creek and Lake Powhatan will be open Sunday only, while all -.(reams in the Mt. Mitchell area have open dates June 7, 8 and 9. ah I Ii po a e . 3 I 0 3 2 II 4 12 2 0 1 . 4 II I) II 5 0 3 I 2 I (I 1 4 II 1 1 (i (I 4 II I 12 II (I 4 II II 2 4 0 3 I ii ;t i o II II 0 II I) (I 1 II II II I (I 2 II II II Ii 0 33 4 Ii 24 16 2 si' r h po a r 4 i :t i o o ''01171 4 i 1 2 2 fl 4 1 1 I) (I (I 3 2 I fi (I I) ' I 1 4 0 4 'I 1 la II ''3 11 i o n I' 2 0 2 1 3) 12 27 15 2 1( Pishing Arrests Made At Lake James Nine game wardens, including llufus Hatcliffe of Haywood county, were called to Lake James over the past week-end to clamp down on fishing law violators. Due to the rainy weal her, the violators were not active as they had been earlier in the season, but 16 arrests for persons without licenses were made as a warning that Western North Carolina waters would be protected for legal sporting activi ties only. Mr. Ralcliffe states, however, that the fishermen of Haywood county are following the state laws quite well, and that very few warn ings or arrests have been necessary here. VSSiriF.D ADS New Clubs, New Score For Local Linksman A new set of woods and some new post-war golf balls enlivened the spirits and ability of one local linksman enough to cut 10 strokes off his usual score, and now his buddies, Joe Rose and "Red" Pre vosl are asking for a handicap be fore setting out for the next 18 holes. Our hero, who does a little hanking as well, is Jonathan Woody. He hit his new mark of 73 last week, and is hoping to keep the good work up. Golfers To Play In Blind Bogey A Blind Bogey tournament is scheduled to be played Saturday at the Waynesville Country Club golf course. First, second and third prizes of golf equipment will be awarded winners, according to Ray Kaynor, club pro, who will manage the tourney. Suffer Hallucinations Sane, healthy people may hallucinations once or twic lifetime. have in a U THEATRE VXKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Sunday 2 and lti.m -inpJa9,i,Ji.'tfin m "I 7 and 1 n . c j v' ii o.on " ounuay nigni, o.ov Children Under 1? v: On f h i ll n o i i , y r l""""ia i ass, aquii t ass. oc. II HI RSDAY-FHIDAY-JUNE 6-7 Adventure" Pring ( lark (Jabler.rppr r.arn Also News athidavZJIjne 8 ers Of The n F Jimmy t ttI ., i. .' Lia.sses Hayes M,"scman N. 5 and Night Watchman LATE SHOW SCe Of MarWo" lrinK John Carradine Claudia Hrak,. ND.Y JUNE 9 EJpnd Of Man" ,t a haryScott-Janis Paige a:r.'her I5rat, Melody Stampede and frontline Artists JXDay-ti:eIjune 10-11 waadle. Hare Raisino- Hare OUTFIELD HELP - By Jack Sords 1 ll m ' INL, ,1 I 11 Hi IV ' X! v n (tux trx.-,. Jb6& QiAA6QQ -fM 6tA4S Wilt' 06 vJnOcC'S FiFfM Putnam Pitches No-Hit, No-Run Game Tuesday; Lions Meet H. S. Tonight Pet Dairy and Veterans to Play In Second Game Of Softball Play The Lions and High School soft- ball teams will open tonight s play in the W. II. L. league, wnue me Pet Dairy ten will meet the Vet erans in the evening nnaie. Unagusta was scheduled to play the Tannery and Pet Dairy was to meet the Youth Club in Thursday night's league games. On Monday the schedule pits the leading Boos ters against Dayton Rubber's strong combination in the first game, and Unagusta plays the Youth Club afterwards. Boh Putnam's no hit, no run pitching against the Youth Club on Tuesday night high-lighted this week's play, and racked up the Booster butler's fifth straight win in as many games. His team tal lied 17 runs to slide to a one-sided victory. Monday night the Tannery took a close six 10 live run win mini me High School, and the Veterans won over the 1.10ns eigm 10 iwo. way ton added another victory to its record Tuesday by downing the Veterans 14-.r in the second game Tuesday night. Scores for these games are: Monday, June 3 High School Burgin, cf Owens, if Richeson, rf Morrison. If Shook, 21) Robinson, ss Messer. 3b Powers. II) Wiggins, c Amnions, p Totals (5) AB 4 1 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 , 2 27 Tannery i8 AB R H Robinson, cf 4 0 0 Dudley, ss 4 2 2 Lane, lb 4 12 Calhoun, rf 3 11 Phillips, If 4 11 Bvrd, c 3 11 Wright, 3b 3 0 1 Caddis. 2b .... . 3 0 2 Pressley. p 3 0 ' Totals 31 6 11 Score by innings: High School 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 Tannery . 0 2 3 3 0 0 x Umpires: Kukkcndall, Bischoff. Lions (21 AB RatclilTe. If 4 Davenport. 3b Phillips. 31) 2 Hyatt. 2b 3 Campbell, lb 1 Boone, c-lb 3 Boone, c-lb 2 Weatherby, ss 3 Killian, rf 3 Plott, cf 3 Smith, p 3 Totals R H Veterans i AB R II Mull, 21) 4 0 0 Troutnian. ss 4 11 Harris, cf 4 2 1 Truitt, i f 4 1 3 C'arswell, p 3 1 2 Green. If 4 12 Rogers, c 2 0 1 Medford, lb 3 12 Fie. 3b 2 11 Totals 30 8 13 Score hv innings: Lions 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Veterans 0 0 7 1 0 0 x Umpires: Bischoff, Burrell. Tuesday, June 4 Boosters '171 AB R H Milner, If 2 11 Wyatt.c 4 3 0 Blalock. ss 4 3 3 Yount. cf 4 2 2 Hoyle. 31) 5 ' ' Jaynes. Ih Ii 3 3 Summerrow. 2b-rf 4 2 1 Collins, i f 2 11 Henry. 2b 1 0 (I Putnam, p 4 2 1 Totals 3f 17 13 Youth Club ioi AB R H Caddis. 3b 2 0 0 Hardin, cf 2 0 (I Coin, II 3 0 0 Franklin. :.'. 3 0 0 Hundley. Ih-P 3 0 0 Francis, rf 2 0 (I Rogers, 21) 2 0 0 Walkins. c 2 0 0 Gibson, p-lh 2 0 0 Totals 21 0 0 Score by innings: Boosters 119 0 3 3 0 Youlh Club 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires: Bischoff, Weatherby. Dayton '14) AB R H J. Phillips, p 3 3 0 R. Phillips, c 5 4 3 Messer. ss 5 1 2 G. Wyatt. 21) 4 3 1 Arrington. 31) 4 0 0 Jaynes. lb 4 2 2 Shcchan. cf 3 11 Hooper, rf 2 0 1 Whit tier, rf 2 0 1 Nobeek, If 4 0 0 Totals 36 14 11 Veterans ,r)l AB R H Mull. 2b .210 Troutnian. ss 4 0 0 Harris, cf .401 H. Truitt. If 3 0 0 H. Truitt. if 2 0 0 Green, rf 111 Fie. 3b 4 0 0 Rogers, c 3 2 2 Medford, lb 2 10 Carswell, p 3 0 1 Tolals 28 5 5 Score hy innings: Dayton Veterans Umpires: Bischoff, 2 0 0 2 4 4 0 110 0 3 Weatherby. Stores Vitamin The body can store vitamin A in the liver and kidneys and release it into the blood to be carried to tha tissues. Bronze Star Given Former Waynesville Man A 48-hour "nightmare" in China in which he and nine men battled l.SOO Japanese surroundi.ig his radio-control hut during the light for Chihkiang airfield in Hunnan Province, on April 21, 1945. won for Major Woodson N Purcell of Florida, formerly of Waynesville, the Bronze Star. The coveted medal was pinned on Major Pun-ell's uniform in the presence of his wife, .lulietle, re cently in a ceremony at Mat-Dill Field by Col George IV Tour tellot. commander of the 11-29 Superfortress haM The award was directed by the president 011 reconimendat 1011 of I he commanding general of the 14th Air Force During the incident, Major Purcell. then a captain, com manded a lighter control detach ment serving wilh the Fifth Fghl cr Group, hotter known as the "Flying Tigers" "For iiit't Hoi 1011s services ami tliM'cgard of In.-, own personal safely." tin- Brone Star was award ed Major Purcell During the 4H hoiir battle .iains! tremendous odds. In- and his unit- inen con limictl limit 110; radio control to planes that lintlt-tl saloly on Hie besieged anlicltl with rein fui'ff incuts During (lie height of tin- battle in the hill, the major ord ered his men tosaft-tv by uprooting the Hour ami crawling underneath the building. The Major remained alone 111 the hut until the Ameri can troops relieved linn Jap ml, ml 1 1111 11 riddled the hut like a sent- with small arms and machine gun fire and were ac tually breaking down the door with rifle butts when the American res ciiiers arrived. The Major ailinils that he was scared still, hut he kept to his post. Tin- whole Iratas started when a .lap force ol around 1 11.1100 snipers anil pl.'iin-i lot lies men infiltrated behind the lines at Chihkiang and surrounded the airfield there. At the I line the Major's detach ment of nine men, part of the 23rd Fighter Control Squadron, was busy in a hut in I In- mountains about Iwo miles I10111 the base That night they were cut oil from their group ami llu- enemy began pour ing fire into the hut. The men answered with their carbines when the Japs rushed in. and the next morning following the rescue II Japs wire found sprawled around the hut - F.neiny fin- got mi hot 1 l,it Major Purcell oiilireil lus men lo rip out the llooring ami crawl under neath Hie hill for safety. By some miracle none of the men were hurt, but (heir nerves received a shock. Major Purcell, son of Mrs Julia Purcell, who formerly resided here and now spends each summer at the Dunham Utilise, is a graduate of the University of Florida. He is entitled to wear among his deco rations, the Presidential citation, the Asiatic Pacific ribbon with four battle stars, the Chinese Star of Honor ami the Chinese Victory Medal He plans to return fo his orange grove located between Largo and St. Petersburg following his termi nal leave. Miss Ruby Frances Brown ar rived on Monday to spend a Iwo weeks vacation here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown. Miss Brown holds a position Willi the Greensboro Daily News which she has held since her graduation seven months ago from the Univer sity of North Carolina. 7-4 WidD Boos,ers Set Pace For Baiting And Pitching Bruce Terminix Offers Free Inspection and Triply Guaranteed Protection! Expert inspection gives you relia ble information about your termite problem. Call Terminix, world's largest termite control organiza tion, for a free inspection of your property. No obligation even if termites are found. YOUR- 3-WAY GUARANTEE Bruce Terminix gives you a tested termite treatment that ends costly damage and guards against further attack. This service is triply guar anteed by: 1. Local Bruce Terminix licensee. 2. E. L. Bruce Co., world's largest maker of hardwood flooring. 2. Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. FOR FREE INSPECTION, WRITE OR PHONE: TERMINIX CO. tO Lexington Ave. Phone 769 Asheville, N. C. AiA&ttrtltti n"tht Pott" To Get Top Medal FOR REPELLING attack by a force of 75 Japs, killing 25 of them, during the battle for Okinawa, Beaufort T. Anderson (above), of Beloit, Wise, has been awarded the Congres sional MedaJ of Honor. He won it in April, 1945, and was notified of the award on May 23, 1946. Anderson w ill be presented the decoration by President Truman. (International) The Boosters ended last week's softball play leading In team batting, behind the no-loss pitching of Putnam, who tied with J. Phillips of Dayton, to lead the league in pitching averages. Dudley of the Tannery, with five hits for seven official times at bat, set the pace for hitting with a percentage of .714. As of last week, the league averages are: BATTING AVERAGES8 Player Team Dudley, Tannery Henry, Boosters Messer, High School W. Robinson, Tannery Mennett, Youth Club Blalock, Boosters Wyatt, Boosters Medford, Pet Hoyle, Boosters Y enstenmacher, Pet Wyatt. Dayton B. Robinson, Tannery Mull, Veterans Putnam, Boosters Watkins, Youth Club V ore, Tannery ... Smith. Unagusta R. Phillips, Tannery Arrington, Dayton Powers, High School L. Robinson, High School Hooper, Davlon Jaynes. Roosters B. Phillips, Lions PITCHING He Couldn't Take Ilis Own Advice J C Little, Jr.. of Raleigh, has a red lace. Little was chairman of the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce com mittee charged with urging citizens of Raleigh and Wake County to vote, but Little didn't vote in the prima ry. Hack in 1941, Little registered to vote in a city primary. Short ly thereafter he entered service Several years in the Marine Corps, including overseas duty, and Little couldn't remember whether he was registered for the Democratic pri mary, in fact, it hadn't occurred to him I hat he wam't. When Liltle attempted to vote at Precinct No. 2. registrars were unable to find his name on the books. And for a good reason Little was not registered. Liltle has decided that he must register early for the next r lec tion or withdraw from the Jay-cees. Player Irani Putnam. lloo.-,ters J. Phillips, I a ton Pi essU' , Tannery I.. Wooilard, Unagusta Robinson,, Tannery Trill 1 1 , el ei ans Powers. High School Scruggs, Pet Amnions, High School Smith, Lions Gibson, Y mill Club TEAM BATTING Team BOOST! RS TANNERY VKTFRANS HIGH SCHOOL PET DAIRY PRODUCTS YOUTH CLUB DAYTON UNAGUSTA LIONS Does not include Linns-Unagusta game. G. Ab. R. H. Pet. 2 7 3 5 .714 4 15 11 10 .667 4 12 5 7 .583 3 12 6 7 .583 2 7 2 4 .571 4 10 9 9 .562 4 14 4 7 .500 3 8 2 4 .500 4 13 5 6 .462 4 13 5 6 .462 4 11 7 5 .455 3 7 3 3 .428 2 7 4 3 .428 4 12 4 5 .416 3 10 4 4 .400 3 10 4 4 .400 3 10 2 4 .400 3 13 3 5 .384 4 13 2 5 .384 4 11 6 4 .364 4 14 5 5 .357 4 8 5 3 .350 3 12 3 4 .333 3 9 2 3 .333 G. W. L. SO. Pet. 4 4 0 26 1.000 4 4 0 28 1.000 3 1 0 5 1.000 3 2 1 9 .667 3 1 1 25 .500 2 112 .500 4 1 2 8 .333 4 1 3 9 .250 2 0 1 4 .000 3 0 3 7 .000 3 0 3 9 .000 G. Ab. R. H. Pet. 4 130 50 51 .392 3 102 27 34 .333 2 61 28 20 .328 4 119 35 37 .311 4 123 27 32 .260 3 89 21 23 .257 4 106 33 26 .245 3 88 18 21 .239 3 86 10 15 .174 OPA Launches Drive Against Lumber Black Market In This State RALEIGH The OPA says it has launched a drive against a lumber black market that Is said to exist antl flourish within North Carolina as well as in other states of the Union The campaign is being pushed by a slafT of seven investi gators and two attorneys, and Slate OPA Director Theodore Johnson says he's hoping lo seV some results. i Asheville Coca-Cola Bottling Co Geo. iL McCracken FLOOR SERVICE Waynesville, N. C. Formerly Known As Muse and McCracken FLOORS SANDED, REFINISHED, CLEANED AND WAXED A Complete Household Service Also Sanding Machine For Rentto Do Your Own Call Geo. A. McCracken, 369-1 or B. R. Hundley, 349-W Haywood Mutual Stockyards INCORPORATED Opens Thursday, June 20th Selling All Types Of Live Stock at Ayctbi Sales Every Thursday Ht 2 P. II II Cattle - Horses - Sheep Lambs - Cows - Pigs Sell Your Stock At Clyde Medford Leatherwood, Auctioneer

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