2, 1946 THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNTAINEER jtlv PAGE FIVE (Second Sectiou7 "1 jft Invites Voder AtteimltDeini T Tltoese Many Opportunii( t ad tes L .hi "ordi . o i-onts per L char 50c. - k, pubUshed schedule Wments are I ...- rh must L offiw before D-JnetHSV tO III k la nt ad sec- l insert a want boot 137, flS see Haywood ' next to Farmers i.iwvillf Road. H. Lr, phone 277-M. ii AXING -Warm-air nd oil furnaces, Uers. stukers. Rut Mairs. Franklin brks, phone 5G9. inue. " nom Mime, i NJi", in apple orchard. Immediate I'os- VIS COMPANY If - Slip Covers We specialize in furniture. Some stock. Pickup Balsam Roadside fish hatchery. une 21-28 July 5 SALE-Sweet po Lud yellow. Toma- Pepper, sweet and fiery, Cauliflower, ter plants. York lies Irom Waynes el. une 14 to July 23 our room garage 'Veteran who can fj materials to ln- nimer's expense. liirt time employ- Immer and fall to ife. Apply Judge tf bum home, 2 baths. Inmate, full base He Possession. IS COMPANY. tf room house, and t-immediate sale. TO Queen East July 2 lare,e tracts velopnient. Many rams, good lake 'It L. N. DAVIS tf H dressed lamb. N a locker, con N Lake Juna- July 2-5 "A" 2DOOR nical Condition prtation COMPANY pood Streets AT SALE FR LEARNERS P PAY! APPLY PA EMPLOYMENT OR LAFF-A-DAY ii . r i i - i i I p wms "Certainly' I'm "a responsible man wherever I've worked, if anything went wrong they told meJLwaa responsible!" FOR SALE: 40 acre farm, 2 houses, good barn, plenty of wood and water. Apply F. C. Rathbone Mooney Cove, Rt. 2. July 2-5 LOST: Two red hound dogs, around two weeks ago, on Ad Tate Mt Reward. 11. C. Medford. Waynesville, Route 2 July 2 FOR SALE: 8 room house, two baths, hardwood floors plenty closets, furnace and stoker, a real home and the price is right. Immediate possession. tHE L. N. DAVIS COMPANY tf FOR SALE: One feed cutter with gasoline engine. Will sell to gether or separate. E. E. Morgan Eagle's Nest Rd. July 2 FpR SALE: One ten year old work and saddle horse, weight around 10.50 lbs. E. E. Morgan, Eagle's Nest Rd. July 2 HONEY FOR SALE Freshly ex tracted pure excellent quality. In jars 60c lb. In 51b. pail 50c lb. Opposite laundry or write Glenn 'Benttey, general delivery, Waynesville. July 2-5 FOR SALE: One solid oak ofTice desk $35.003 sets solid window sash 31 by 64 inches, $10.00. Call or phone after six P. M. 281-W 429 Love Lane. July 2 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom home, 1 bath, brick construction, furnish ed, electric kitchen, Immediate possession. THE L". N. DAVIS COMPANY tf ORDER NOW FOR FALL '46 AND SPRING '47. Critical storage of all kinds of fruit trees means that immediate reservation is necessary. Z. L. Masseyi Route 2 Phone 554-M. Agent for Stark Bros. Trees. July 2 Sept. 6 FOR SA,LE Wooden Packing or shipping boxes All sizes. Maritin Electric Company. July 2-5 FOR SALE Reflectors and Flood Lights. All Types & Sizes. Martin Electric Company July 2-5 FOR SALE 2,3 acre beautiful home site already graded on Asheville ' Highway 19-23. Be yond Lake. See Mrs. Clerisa Downs, Waynesville Rt. 2 at "Octogan.' July 2-5 OPENINGS FOR WOMEN PCAX ENKA CORPORATION f01 PLUS SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL OFFICE employment service FOR SALE Beautiful building lots in the Town of Clyde. Front ing on good all weather road Electric lights. City water. Sec Larry H. Cagle at Mehaliey Cagle Furniture Co., Clyde. tf FOR SALE Well furnished house overlooking 15th green Golf course Two master bedrooms and two others four toilet faci lities Electric kitchen Apply on premises. J. W. Emison. June 2K July 2 FOR SALE Quarried veneer build ing blocks. Can be seen at Swinging bridge on Pigeon. R. L. James, July 2-5-9-12-16 WANTED: An electric frigidaire 4 or 5 cubic feet high. Must be in fair condition. Write Box 7ft July 2-5-9 FOR SALE: Several pieces of used furniture. Double bed. studio couch. 9 x 12 rug. day bed with slip cover practically new. 577-J July 2-5 FOR SALE: A Packard car horn, baby swing, and three-burner oil stove with oven. Sse Mrs. Furman Jones, 1138 Killian St. July 2 FOR SALE: 8 room Dutch Colon ial, Furnished, Electric Kitchen. 3 baths. 5'ii beautiful wooded acres, 50 fruit trees, servant quarters, shelter for three cars, near town, immediate possession. THE L. N. DAVIS COMPANY tf WANTED -Nurses' helpers with experience preferred but not necessary. Haywood County Hos pital. Contact Superintendent. July 2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Hugh C. Hayn es, deceased, late of Haywood County. North Caro''na. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, North Carolina, on or be fore the 4th day of June, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of Juno. 194G. MRS. II C HAYNES, Administratrix of the Estate of Hugh C. Haynes. deceased. 1541 June 4-11-18-25 July 2-9 AT LAST... RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SWOLLEN JOINTS ARTHRITIS. BACKACHE, NEURITIS "Soy, do I teel swell! Not on ache of pain anywhere." Thars what you'll exclaim oy fully when you've tritd thlt morvelous new discover, which Ii bringing undreamed-of relief to thousands who had suffered tor Man, who had tried everything, and were (ginning to think reliet was Impossible. Try LAKEN'S 9 DROPS - On Safe) At All Drug StOro. Smith's Cut-Rate Drutr Store See Vs For . . . Electrical Contracting (Licensed) Electrical Repairing: of all Kinds Phone 472 HOWELL ELECTRIC CO. J. W. Howell, owner Shop and Qftlce , Under Henderson' Corner TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate BEAVER DAlfl TOWNSHIP Dr. Robert C. Rhea to Trustees of North Canton Baptist Church. Claude A. West, et ux to William Elbert Clark. W. R. Palmer, et ux to C. J. MeCracken. Marbin S. Johnson, et ux Hazel Johnson to J. N. Osborne, et ux. Sarah Stanley, et ul to Charles Taylor Garrett, et ux. Helen Sharp, et al to Charles Taylor Garrett, et ux. CLYDE TOWNSHIP Roy M. McKlnnish. el ux to Mar shall Owen', et ux. Bon-A-Yenture. Inc. to Jennie Poison and J. W. Green. EAST FORK TOWNSHIP N. C. Pless, et ux to W. A. Pless. et ux FINES CREEK TOWNSHIP Dee Ledford, et ux. el al toErn cst Trantliatn. IVY HILL TOWNSHIP Hardy Liner, Jr., et ux to Robert L. Jones. Hardy Liner, Jr. et ux to Eva Junes Long. Florence Sutton, et ux to John F. Ring, et ux. J II. White, to R. W. Ensley, et u x. J P. While, et ux to J. 11. White R. V. Welch to Ralph Ensley, el ux. PIGEON TOWNSHIP H. C. Sheffield, et ux to Arnold V Owen, et ux. Paul Hyatt, et ux to James Fre derick Hyatt, et ux. Delia M. Wells to Guy E. Wells. WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP C. N Allen, et ux to J. A. Pre vost. C. N. Allen, et ux to E. C. Wagenfeld. Oscar Layman, et ux to H. B. Ashe, et ux. Mary M. Moss, et vir et al to Leonard G. Dotson, et ux. Joseph Liner, et ux to Hardy Liner, Jr. et ux. Virginia Nelson Sims to C. II. Ledbettyr. Swann Hendricks, et ux to Gor don E. Hendricks. R. L. Provost, el ux to Edith L McCraken. Edith L. MeCracken, to R. L Prevost, et ux. C. N. Allen, ct ux to James B. Robinson. H. L. Liner, Sr. et ux to BN. F. Lancaster. J. A. Prevost, el ux to Hubert William Goodson. et ux. Hubert William Goodson, et ux to Holland Messer. WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Chas. T. Riddle, ct ux to George C. Boring, et ux. VINSON SWORN IN Fred M. Vinson was sworn in as Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme court Monday morning at the White House. D. Lawrence Grone'r, chief juctice of the court of appeals for the District of Columbia, on which Vinson once served before taking higher positions in the administra tion, administered the oath of off ice. PRESTO STUDIO Photographs of Quality We have on file for duplicate photographs all films made since 1934. 46 Haywood Over Sears-Roebuck HENRY DONALD DUCK I J 1 poT"1 l X ori r nim 1 liny- "jsM VZ2 WM I filk(r) jone5' rvrnaok shop) - -J 1 nanr-U 'J ' J Children in Europe Starving For Want Of Love, Food and Care NEW YORK, As Europe con tinues a long struggle against hun ger and threatened mass starva tion, bands of children roam the streets, forlornly seeking food. Hunger provokes outbreaks of child brigandage in Italy and Hungary. "In Hungary 30.000 derelict or small children stand without any aid Babies are dying for want of milk This story of the widespread peril to children was told in an interview here by Dr. Georges Thelin of Switzerland. General Secretary of I he Save the Children International Union Overwhelming Tragedy Dr. Thelin, who holds the Order of Merit from the Finnish Red Cross, recounted figures from early this year which add up to over whelming tragedy. "In Budapest. Hungary. 60.(100 babies have no milk." he said. ". . . In Milan, Italy, 14.000 derelict children are left to forage in the streets . . . . 2,500,000 small Poles need food and clothing. . . . About K2 per cent of 25.700 children in Vienna are underfed. 30 per cent to a dangerous degree ... In Albania 70,000 children are undernourish ed . , . " Behind these statistics are stories of individual heartbreak in the lives of Europe's youngest war sufferers Dr. Thelin told of newborn babies swathed in paper, and of families who spent winter months in rooms with cardboard windows. "A little girl stole a baby in order to sell its clothing to buy food." Children Kenneth Compton Discharged From Navy Kenneth Compton. son of Mr. and Mrs P. Compton of llazelwood was discharged from the navy on June 7, 1946. He entered the service in May, 1944 and took his boot training at Camp Perry, Va. He served aboard the U. S. S. Dickson in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters of war. He plans to resume his studies in electrical engineering at North Car olina State College in September. Miss Kloise Knight, who has made her home for the past several years in Portsmouth, Va. is now at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Oscar Knight in llazelwood. harmless, medicated UqekJ rHd KLEtstCX that dries D Diapw oveftolahfa.lt ei-ta to loose a end remote nelv bl.rfchead.. Thdw who followed ie- pte directions end ftpplied Kline upon r 1LI n, . , i n . I . ai , r I1T, wl ah.ei IHS found their pimple. end bl.rkneedf had (Jle.inw.red. These .sere enthasiestleellr prmlee Hleerex mo4 cieise siiey .re no kmeee emb.rr.wwd end ere now h.pprwitb their eie eomplexlon.. We HIISI . tf one Application dor nos . M . you re eoubse reus sweuer eacs- Aek fee Klseiei today, euei. Smith's Cut-Rate Drug Store May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Ita hurry and worry. Irregular habits, improper eating and drinking ita riak of exposure and Infec tion throwa heavy strain on th work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess arid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dixcinesa, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other ligns of kidney or bladder diaorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan'i Pill. Doan' help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess hotly waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Asfc your neighbor t roam the streets la search of food "and do not distain any illegal means to get it." Starved for Love These children are confused and "not only bodily, but mentally starving, in want of love and care, of parents and a home," said Dr. Thelin. Welfare ot eliuaren. However, has become a No. 1 concern in the hearts of many of the world's people. Dr. Thelin told how many people and many nations are mar shalling their resources for aid. "In every country they are do ing their utmost to help their own." he declared. "Relief committees are at work and have been all dur ing the war." Foster Homes Granted In addition, many European fami lies are taking even the children of foreign countries into their own homes, he said. Small refugees with special tags sewn to their clothing are crossing national boundaries to enter foster homes or special Institutions in England. Sweden, and Switzerland. Swedish people and Institutions have taken in about 50,000 children from Finland, Denmark, and Nor way, according to Dr. Thelin And special children's relief teams have gone from Sweden into Hungary, Poland. Italy, Czechoslovakia, Greece. France and "guite a num ber of other countries." JONES RADIO SERVICE Records Record-Players and Radios We carry a complete stock of all latest records, also batteries, car aerials and aerial wire. Bonded electronic technicians, with 90 day guarantee on parts. 56 Main Street You Will Find Quality Equipment and Quality Service at North Carolina Equipment Co. RALEIGH, N. C. 3101 Hillsboro St. Phone 8836 Construction, Industrial and Logging Equipment STATK DISTRIBUTORS International Crawler Tractors Industrial Wheel Type Tractors Industrial and Marine F,ng;iin's Hucyrus-Erie Bulldozers-Scrapers Carco Logging Winches Disston Chain Saws Lowlher C-Saws Sawmills, Edgers, Etc. Kohler Light Plants Elgin Sweepers Refuse-Getters We also handle many other lines of popular equipment as well as a complete stock of parts and supplies DR. W. KERMIT CHAPMAN DENTIST OFFICE IN BOYD BUILDING PHONE 363 WAYNESVILLE. N. C. At Canton. N. C. Consult Madame Vine PSYCHIC, ANALYST AND ADVISOR O First Time in Your County 0 Not to be classed with Gypsies 0 Licensed by the State and County O Makes an Honest Proposition I do hereby solemnly swear to make no charge if . I do not faithfuly fulfill every word embodied in thfcs statement. I will tell you Just what you want to know about friends, enemies, or rivals; whether hus band, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; how to gain the love of the one you most desire; control or Influ ence the action of anyone, even though miles away. 1 further guarantee and promise to make you no charge unless you find me superior to any other analyst ever consulted. 1 (.11 ARANTKE SUCCESS WHERE OTHERS FAIL 1 give you advice upon all matters of life, such as love, court ship, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, speculations and transactions of all kinds. 1 reunite the separated, cause speedy and happy marriages. 1 lift you out of your sorrows and trouble and start you on the path to happiness and prosperity. There is no heart so sad or home so dreary that I cannot bring sunshine to; in fact, no matter what may be your hope, fear or ambition, I guarantee to tell it all before you utter a word to me, and after 1 am finished if you are not absolutely satisfied and do not faithfully fulfill every word and claim above then you pay not a penny. No fortune telling my word is mentallsm. Parlor quiet readings confidential. MADAME VINE. MADAME VINE Psychic, Reader and Advisor Located in my private trailer coach at West Canton on Clyde Road, on Waynesville highway at Miller's Texaco Service Station at City limits of Canton, N. C, Bus service from all point kIoii at my door. Private Waiting: Room For White) and Colored. Hours 1Q:00 A. M. to 9:0(Q f. - - - Look For Hand :..ign CHARLOTTE Miles South Rt. 21 Phone o ASHEVILLE, N. C. Sweeten Creek Road Phone 789 Cedar Rapids Asphalt Plants and Crushers Euclid Hauling Equipment Northwest Shovels Cranes Jaeger Construction and Paving Equipment (alion Dump Bodies Cation Graders Rollers Four Wheel Drive Trucks ; ' Etnyre Distributors CARL C. ANDERSON BY WALT DISNEY

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