12. 1946 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Second SedlcuJ 1 . -., ir.n.. m.K.mm , Ml. wini-, l f:;:;ri,i Mr. and, ' :J , K Kruegei', of; If : ! ),";? i fx kt Li I i .. -.ill. I). I ! . ,:,-,! jr.ent Marriage Announced Betty Shoaf Observ 'es Second Anniversary vv ith i-'arty Wednesday Betty Shoaf, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoaf, of 26 Meadow street and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Putnian of Lake Junaluska, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Z. Shoaf of Canton, observed her second birthday anniversary on 1 ".-uncsua.v aiiernoon. She was assisted by Nina Frazier and Tootie McDaniel in entertain ing the guests. Mrs. Mark Cathey assisted with serving. The young hostess received many lovely gifts. Those present were: Jennie Me Daniels, Melinda Brown, Peggy Bridges. Tootie McDaniel, Rita Ann Kie. Nina Frazier, Pamela Ann Sut tenlicld, Vatsy Gillilaiul, llene Mil ler, Teena Cathey, .lo Jack Bridges, Buddy Shoaf, Zackie Free, Stuart Gilliland. Charles Ray Pressley, Mike Callahan, Dean Miller, Miles Chafin. l.aney Cliafin, Keith Cathey. .... Flora Belle Walker Becomes Bride Of iv;: ('(imp;iny ton m.- ill ,1 ,u mrs .-. Lick's SUII- I'ink lj)!lJ ITS i.illlllies all ntlt ,im il cats r ciKik- , , , IlK- ! MRS. SHAW THEL FISH, who before her marriage on June 6th, in Raleigh, was Miss Flora Belle Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. Walker, of Clyde. Mrs. Fish is a graduate of the Fines SliaV Thel Fish Creek high school and Asheville College. She also did graduate work in home economics at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. Mr. Fish, vet eran of World War II, served in the European theater. He is a graduate of the Cleveland high school and Hazles Secretarial school of Raleigh. Major and Mrs. Coble Visiting In Town 1,! i.i 1. 1 Un r 111 IV I'M'I 1 1. mi the i Jli-h III- !; s Nl.11 k. 1 Mr anil I'ul'lrl'. Ml' .aid children. An i. (;.,ui Major and Mrs. Ray Coble, of Bennettsville, S. C, formally of Waynesville, are spending this week here as guests at the Wayside Lodge. Major Coble is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Coble of Waynesville. He served in both World War I and World War II, with overseas assignments in both wars. ,a,d He; man ! I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kanos, of Fay- jotteville, spent last week in Hazel- Ijiu'IiI'-in. Miss i wood with the letter's parents, Mr. kiin-hi, spent 1 and Mrs. John Blalock. Mrs Mr 11I Char- i: .1. linhcson and I rjiH i- and M iss hi Mill arrive this 1 hmI illi the for- Priil. K .1. Hiibeson Ik i'lanccs itulieson. J. (' 'IVi rell have l"l' an extended I''it. Mi-. II. W. brhiMron of Atlanta. s. Tiiirnn Murray. .i . visited the Mi' and Mr-. W. I,, v l!i ui-ck, 1 K, i-iinii Murray ? Miiii.iv. el Neu l"'iil MAeral days I'-i'ini; ivl.iiivcs. 'i nilii ' Ma--ie. nf - tin- month Hie limner's M.i-Me and sis- Wralherhv. Mrs. F. H. Marley had as her guests during the week her brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughter of San Fran cis, and another brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Clark, of Washington, D. C. Miss Ruth Seates and Mrs. Fran cis McElroy spent a few days in Nashville, Tenn., during the past week. Miss Marguerite Way has re turned from Americus, Ga., where she visited a classmate at St. Mary's Junior College. Rufus Summerrow, of Ports mouth, Va., and Arthur Lee Rich ardson, of Waverly, Va., are visit ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Summerrow, of Hazel wood. Mrs. Wayne Battle and three children of Andrews, have returned to their home after visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Plott. I Miss Flora Belle Walker, daugh ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. Wal ker, of Clyde, became the bride of Shaw Thel Fish, son of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Fish, of Angier, in double ring ccieinony solemnized on June (ith at 4 o'clock in the Denton Street Methodist church of Raleigh. The Rev. A. J. Hobbs pronounced the vows. The bride wore a white palm beach suit with baby blue blouse, and her accessories were white, with her corsage of orchids. Mrs. Fish is a graduate of the Fines Creek high school and Ashe ville College. She did graduate work in home economics at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. Mr. Fish is a veteran of World War H and served in the European African and Middle Eastern thea ters of war. He is a graduate of the Cleveland high school of Cleve land, and attended the Hazles Sec retarial School of Raleigh. The couple are making their home for the present in Anzier. Helen Plott, Phm. 3c, Re-enlists in WAVES Helen Plott, Phm, Third Class U. S. WAVES, who spent a few days leave here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Plott this week has re-enlisted in the service. She entered the WAVES two years ago and took her boot train ing at Hunter College, New York after which she was sent to the naval hospital at Betnesda, Md After serving here she was trans ferred to Parris Island, where she is currently stationed. IN 'WOLF WHISTLE' STABBING VJ 4(a wqla1 'GIRl FRIEND' AND VICTIM OF 'WHISTLE' TRAGEDY Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Tate had as their guests last week their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Fred Tate and granddaughter, Patsy, and their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Scruggs, all of Newton. Miss Wilma Cagle and Mim Beulah Mae Mauney spent the past week in Charleston, S. C, with friends. it. (KM j Kt fcij-iiiiiMmiiiiiriii mioif ifniik'n'Mr nmiwifiiSjVifej8nTff' ' iflunriiii liWffi-it -i -iss)ii "ililakiSisiilAs FOU.OWINO A FIGHT with two ex-soldiers who whistled at two girls with whom be was walking, Stanley Nash (top right), 23, himself a veteran, is dead of knife wounds in St. Joseph, Mich. Pauline Wright (top left), 18, was one of the girls at whom the "wolf whistle" appeured directed. Below, at right, Sheriff Erwin Kubath, of Berrien County, ques tions George K. Dublin (left), 23, and Norman Counterman, 27, held in lection with the fatal fight which ended in death. luternatwnAl) ''Girlamoroiis99 Is the Word for It amazed and pleased with your soft, !one- H "iris and waves when you use the WAV-IT N COLD PERMANENT VAVE KIT w.Pl,u, f . 10 do. VnnMl 1 ij.M.i roIj uu Buusiiea or j our FOR CHILDBEN. TOO! J' i Ml m m mm h n v ww m m H's CUT-RATE DRUG STORE Louisville Bishop Explains Elements Of Protestantism Bishop William T. Walkins, Louisville. Ky., speaking at the Lake Junaluska assembly last week on Protestantism , declared, "il U not a negative something, hut is a way of life which has come as a result of the rise of a new truth." The two elements of Protestant ism as compared with I lie ecclesi astical belief of the established at the time of Martin Luther, he said, are the doctrine of Salvation by faith alone and the sole authority of the Scriptures. The first ele ment, he said, "once shook the continent of Europe for it meant that no ecclesiastical organization stands between man and (iod as he enters into dealing with his heavenly Father, that man needed no intermediary between him and God." The second major element of the sole authority of the Scriptures is not a daring statement today, Bishop Watkins explained, but in Luther's time it was, for it implied the right of every man to interpret God for himself as he searched the Scriptures. Dr. Robert Heaven, young liaptisl theologian, in his platform address Thursday noon, discussed the "Gospel and Salvation." He point ed out that man is a problem both to himself and to his fellows, and for the same reason because oi the basic concern for self which he brings into life. If he is to be saved, he said, he needs to be related lo some reality beyond himself wherein his sell concern can be overcome. The speaker argued that the Christian faith invited man to God, not as One who will do all things, for him, but as One in fellowship with whom man can get beyond both the anxiety and selfishness of his self- concern. Summer Guests At Maples Given Welcome Party I Mr. and Mrs. (), G. Walters, of Orlando. Ha. were given a welcome upon their arrival at "The Maples" this week on the occasion of their sixth consecutive season here. Sponsors ot the cent were Mr. and Mrs Ed. K Carswell. of Tampa, and Mr and Mrs. Earl I.. Ilaskins. id Winter II a ven. Ha. who were assisted by Mrs Manuel Jones of ( irlando and Waynesville. As I lie guests filed into the din ing mom the Soio Gap string orchestra struck up a familiar tune ami lor a liricl period it was a question ul vho was the more sur prised the enesls ol honor or the many guests attending the affair. An artistic and (lever center piece adorned the table. A large chocolate layer cake, bearing the inscription of "Welcome Mary and Oscar" was served at the end of the meal and Mrs. Walters was presented with a two-pound box of chocolates by Earl L. Ilaskins. Uriel, hut well spoken speeches were made by both Mr. Ilaskins and Mr. Carswell. In addition to the music special dance numbers put on by T. C. Morris and the "Maples chef," Kieh. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Yates had as their guests during the past week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and the former's mother, Mrs. J. Y. Jones, of Klon College. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wagenfeld have had as their guests their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hob Wagenfeld, and their small son, of Newport News. Va. Mr. Wagen feld has returned home, but Mrs. Wagenfeld is remaining over for a more extended visit. "Fresh Paint" at Post Office Painters began putting a new coat of paint over the Waynesville Post Office this week. Woodwork and walls throughout the building are to be re-painted, as well as the iron pedestals that holds the lights in front of the office. Mrs. George Allen, of Detroit, is visiting her brothers and their fam ilies, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bramlett and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bramlett. Mrs. Allen is the former Miss Maud Bramlett, of Waynesville. Mrs. W. L. McCracken and Mrs. R. L. Holt spent a few days during the week in Sylvania, Ga., where they visited the former's daughters, Mrs .C. E. Hagan and Miss Martha McCracken. They were accompan ied home by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hogan and their small son, Carl Edward Hagan, Jr. WANT ADS FOR SALE: Fine saddle mare gentle and of good slock. Call 134-W. Tom Hay. July 12 FOR SALE Set of 8 iron golf clubs and one No. 3 wood and a leather golf bag. See Fred Jones at Kenneth Ferguson's house, Hazelwood. July 12 WANTED Experienced help for small guest house. Call 14-R-4. July 12 WANTED A maid for part-time work, three days a week, 50c an hour. Phone 324-R, or write Waynesville, Box 852. July 12 For each person striving to leave foot prints on the sands of tbjje there are ten trying to cover them up. FOR SALE 1941 Special DeLuxe Chevrolet club coupe. Call 273-M between 5 and 6 p. m. July 12-16 FOR SALE Six-room house, pre war built, comfortable large, rooms, stoker heat; two rooms renting to tourists. Walnut street. Immediate possession. Leaving state. Come, see a good buy. Terms. Call 577-J. July 12-18 Maple Grove News Mrs. Ed Glnvich Mrs. Ed Glavieh FORMKK PASTOR IIFKF Itev and Mrs H 1) .lessup at tended the meetings on l-..!iigelisni held at Lake Junaluska dm no tin week. Rev. Jessup .a former pas tor of the Maple Grow Chun ' is now pastor of a church m Granite Falls charge While il this section Hev and Mrs ,le -ii visited a number of their lin n. I ill the community. MAPLE GROVE (ICR HOLDS Jl'l V Mi l IING The Maple Grow Home Demon strut ion club met at the lw.nn i I Mrs. Ed Ghtvich on Tiicvd.i allei noon with lielplul and interesim suggestions given by the club I. , .i ers. Miss Mary Margaret Sinilli caw a denioustration on shoes and Irrl showing charts illustrating the dan gers to the feet and body wcai inr from wealing improperly luiid shoes. She also stressed the inipoit'iine of choosing comfortable slim s im work and walking reseniue. Ineh heels for dress wear only. VACATION ItlBI.E SCHOOL The vacation Itllilc school Im llie children ol the Maple (iiuw Church community will open on July. lf and continue thiuiirh the week. The hours are troni 'J. :iu to 4 311 in the afternoon. KEI) CROSS WORKER VISITS FAMILY III RE Mibk Madela Moody . daugliier nl Mr. and Mrs. Uslie Moody, is spending a two weeks vacation In ie with her family. Miss Moody i. a graduate of the Waynesville Township high school and has held a position with the lied Cross in Washington. I). C. fur the past lunr years. She has as her guest Miss Alice Lawrence, of Washington. I). C. Floor Sanding and Finishing George McCracken Co, W ;i ncM illc. N. ('. Phone .1G9-J FBI 'Burglaries, robbrl and thefts art increasing Get out Ridnct Burglary policy that covers all three L. N. DAVIS COMPANY 'IIOVI. 77 MAIN STREET FREAK ACCIDENT IN MI'RIMIT A large Bible and a picture of Franklin 1). Roosevelt escaped Hie wrath of a streak of lightning. It tore a four-fool hole in Hie roof of a Murphy home last Friday, de stroyed the table on which the Bible laid, and went through the wall behind Roosevelt's picture, hut neither article was scarred. And the owner, Mr. Neil Millsaps, ' is thankful they were protected. 1 Drs. SEAVER and LOCKARD OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheville h'irst Floor . . . Masonic Huilding Eyes Examined - - - Classes Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted FRIDAY EACH WEEK 9:00 TO 5:00 II. M. SKA V Kit. O. I). JOHN C. LOCKARD, O .P. Use The Classified AdvertisemsnW FROCKS rV'f' '-IV I - I I tiinmcr an . . . gods-loving looking . BU in ilcmanJ i,,v dieses arc grcv -6o don t delay . 8K il il k t z.n t i 14 lo 4 2Vi to Zvn fcie's Depl Store c. j. REECE, Owner " ' 11 I "" ' " " " ' ' "" " ' 111 " ' ' ' "' " ' 1