THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second SectIo7 1 ' Opportunities! jft Invites Your Attention To These - it Many T AD TES ,1 imT Word, K frill I" 1 .- cent' per ,'iOc. m r .li -,v he jiuHiihrd de.ll"" I , linl""- tiui5- . ..1.1 h I Me"1 jjnni''' till . 1 - if V VVNCi:. Ca-h must , k in ui'ic . iM'I'.irc Unln.-il.iV to itjul .id be mi b lo in-'' rt a want ivjs ft llr, c k I I J.,;,-' m I . ;; v. ''. . :-i ' ' ; ,,,, , i , ,,..- j rni. --Ml- I Ul"l . j r.m. 11 j hiH 1 bib M) v III r.m Si ii k l"1 :n. li. Simp, i im SNA I'WYI'IM; 1,1 -1 . 1 ! M I 111 I I 's ll.H III. Ill III' Si.irc I'linni' mil. U"r. ' i'i:; :!ii-:',ii null: -inlr, v l n, I. inn ni I marc i IIIU - . 2",. i (in Inn. i- ' lllrlll nnlr Im MliliT I i 1 1 IFAfF.l) WNTED VICE i N for o and towing "' Hin.r ; ,,,, -r :it .Inn.iln.k:, '-M Juiialu-ka. July 'ill SCOn'S SCRAP BOOK The , OF JAPANESE. CHILDREN IS REMLV "THE. 0 SWEEf Po'lAfo M A.M He makes anp sells RILLED SWEET PolXoES WKiCrt ARE HE PRIZED I-B1'S OF YOUN; JAPANESE I 'OK SALE Two tourist s (in Soeo Cup lioad. court 1.. N. 2(i-:m DAVIS CO. Julv I'OH Venetian Minds, Custom built, wood, S3' i inches wide by 48 inches, maroon bind iiiii, S22.50 pair; Mosler Combi nation Safe 28"x(i2'a" hie,h, $200: Wet Ice Hox 40 cubic ft., CDII lbs. with 7 glass doors and 1 mirror door. $150; two baby liixb diairs. $l..r)0 each. PARKWAY KNOLL Tel 9106. July 20-30 I'OH SAI.K Three-unil apartment, :i baths, modern, convenieiil to churches and school. I.. N. DAVIS COMPANY. .July 2(1-30 ;il I I'OI! SAI.K ISrown and white pony, five .years old, wilh bridle and saddle, $225. Hoy Callahan. St. Waynesville. July 2(i I'OH SAKK Kight-room home, two acres, near town. Fruit and grapes. I N. DAVIS COMPANY. July 2(K!0 liK'II and THICK and LASTING i:io and it too, has super do. That's my honey. Try it, you'll buy it. Opposite laundry. July 2C and 30 I'OH SAI.EL -Fiyc-rooiii hcune, 2 acres, I mile from town on paved hiKhway. 1.. N. DAVIS COM PANY. July 2U-30 I'OI! SAI.K Small black and white coal-wood range, hiHh shelf and reservoir, good condition, $35. See .Mrs. Ernest Greene, Brown Ave.. Hazclwood. July 26 l'oll SALE Five-room summer home, two bedrooms, two baths, hiiL'e living room, furnished. Immediate possession. I.. N. DAVIS COMPANY. July 2(i-30 I'OH SALE Used baby bed, prac I tirally new, in Rood condition. J'lione 328. July 20 I'OH SALE Five-room and bath. In ick const ruction, 225 ft. front age. L. N. DAVIS COMPANY. July 20-30 FOR SALE Summer home site, 25 acres near Smoky Park. 400 II. front on rd. and stream. For quick sale. Cheap. Inquire P.O. M.'iKKio, N. C. July 20-30 Aug. 2-0 Foil SALE: Stove used six months, S25.00, See Mrs. R. S. Carswell, Miller Apis., Miller St., Wavnos ville. July 20 ;ATIP FROM SATISFIED MOTORISTS . . Bring Your Car In For A Complete Motor Tune-Up! Pst Cost ... . Guard Against Future Repairs Protect Your Car With A New Paint Job We Have an Expert in fainting and Body Repairing Phone 75 ,ailnns Chevrolet Co Waynesville, N. .C By R. J. SCOTT lt W USE.P AS A RLMtOY fQO. C,OU-f, RHEUM MlSM, EPULPS, COLIC A.ND MiRRt( in ItlE. MIDDLE OF 1tlE 18T5 (Tenud lVELOCiy Kill ES P'.ft h, illt WAS N,)l! D Ai -frlL UP vF Mf. a;, h n., 1o h i HtW riA.Mf-.,4lt On APRIL U, I9 34 WrtEM A PERSONAL LETTER SHOULD BE LEFT UNSEALED ? WHEN l IS A LffftR OF INlRODUCflON May be had for the haiilini: icver al loads of dirt ( 'all at 31; Pii:eoi: Street .Ink l'i; NOTICE SKKVINC SI MMONS BY IM IW.IC.VriON North Carolina, Haywood County. In (he Superior Court Louise Italhboue vs. John . Kalhbone The defendant will take notice that an action entitled as .ilimr has been connnenced in the Su perior Court of II.iimhI Co iinv. North Carolina, for the purpiee securing an absolute divorce troni the defendant upon the grounds (! two scars separation: and ,he said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at I he Ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in th" Cuuil house in Waynesville, North Caro lina, within thirty days after the 22 day of July, l!l4(i, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 22 day of Julv. 1'14'i. C. H. LE ATI! EK WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1557 July 20 -Aug 2-0-1(1. !3 ' ' NOTICE SERVING SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, lla.wvood County. In the Superior Court Charlie Slines vs. Virgie Slines The defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in Ihe Su perior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, for the purpose of securing, an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of two years separation: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required lo appear at the Ollice of the Clerk of Ihe Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Waynesville, No'th Carolina, within thirty days after the 22 day of July, 1040, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 1940. C. II. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1550 July 2G Aufi. 2-9-10. Secondary Roads Secondary roads serve six million American farms with an annual production of 12 billion dollars. ENGINE TUNE-UP There's nothing else that adds so much to driving: and pleasure and satisfaction as an engine tune-up. So tune up and keep tuned up. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate lleaverdiim Township Ka : loud t'on.u d et ux to It. I'. .lollrv James 1! Kim; to Charlie Hardin. et uv 1 ! 1 1 1 SlUltll ( 'ui'MliHIllilllS to .1 li lit l s. I lludlev W Sinilli el u to II. A 1 Kliorne. Chile i'nun-hiil K. V. Weh h to It. II. Clark, lion Wtiiturc. Inc. to Jennie Dot-on and .) W. Green 11 Itohinson. et al to George tvolniisoii l ines Creek Township Gioi r (' 1'ereiiMiii. el (IX lo Noble Y Arlington. ' . ..i .... i .. i . Parkins, it u. Jonathan ( leek St ;i n! ii 1 1 Franklin, el ux to 'I'liornl on .limk i ns ' t'ii-st I racl i. Stanbei i Franklin, el ux to Thornton Jenkins, i second tract'. Slanberix Franklin, el ux to Thornton Jenkins 'third tract'. Waynesville Township William G. Robertson lo It. M. I ,'nlml I miii. el ux. li M Itoherlson. el ux lo William G. Robertson II IS liln. r el ux to Olel 1) Tipton, et ux .1. II. Woody, el ux lo Mose Ishoi ne. C. N. llell el ux et al to J. It. ( 'oust ; 1 1 1 1 Oscar lleaihuk. el u lo lien Cable, et u Thomas G illii 1 1 June , to Mrs. Moe Justice. T I. liiirn to Town ol Wa nes ville. On.l M. Hlaloi , lo .1 N Tate and G. O Clark NOTICE OF SERVICE IM'ltllC.MTON BY Norlh Carolina, 1 1 ;i w ooii ( 'ounl y . In the Superior Court Hazel alls vs. George Walls The deleiidant, George Walls, will take notice thai an aclion en lit led as above has been com menced in Ihe Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, lo obtain an absolute divorce on statutory grounds, and that said defendant will further take notice I hat hf is required to rrppear at the ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of !laood County within twenty days alter the 22 day ol July, l!)4li, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to Ihe Oourl for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 1940. C II LEATHER WOOD, ( Jerk Superior Court. I ."..- Julv 20 Aug. 2-!)-16. EXEC I TOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of Ihe estate of F. .1. Hyatt, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned al Way nesville, Norlh Carolina, on or be fore the 19th day of July, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th day of July, 1940. MARGARET HYATT PILARSKI and W. II HYATT Executors of the Estate of E. .1. Hyatt, deceased. No. 1554 July 19-20 -Aug 2-9-10-23 NOTICE OF nrs.M.E 1 1 Under and by virtue of an Order of He-Sale of the Superior Court This 15th day of July, 1040. (if Haxxvood County made in the I :..! !..., i:il...l -n Til ir.r.'i 1..1.. hi '11! H 1 1 IMHflSHMBHH9IVflHSHIfliHIHMR99B0BHflBfE!fl'SBMVfl9BiHIHIniHniM HENRY CARL 0. ANDERSON rp, PK, K,i r,.,... smJirur 1, i,tl. mM - i ll DONALD DUCK IsTWALTMHSNEY I KPHOOIEy LUCK H-VSN'T WW P C, ' I I V I ' ! -1 iy SCWyfj ANYTHING TOO WITH Z ') AW, 1 JUST HAD TOUGHNrT WHERE A BM-L GOES h TvXx ' Jl L-t r- ' ! 6ATTEO IT GH J 7 p Carpenter et als. vs Elbert Moody et als", same being number 3!!() upon Hie Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the under signed Commissioner will, on Thursday, August 1, 1946, t 11:00 o'clock . M. al the Cc rt house door in Wa ih sville, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, two tracts or parcels of land, hing and being in Iy Hill Town ship and more particularly de scribed as follows, to-lt: THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake in the old Curtis line at (he Northeast corner of the one half acre tract corfvexed by Pink Carpenter to John Bradley, Hook 103, page 214, which stake is on the North bank of Jonathan Creek, and runs N 32 W. itiii feel to a stake, Mark Hannah corner: thence N. 89 W. 112 5 feel to a stake; them e N. 3l W. 99 feel to a stake in old Jona than Creek Road; thence wilh cen ter of said road three calls as fol- J lows: S. 112 45' W. 99 feet; N. 87 .((I W. 3111 leel; N. 85 W. 127 feet to a slake, lien Moody's coiner; thence with said Moodx's line tour calls as follows: S. 1 30' K. 1 10 feel lo a slake: S. 80' VV. 125 feet to a stake; N. 48 W. 92 feet to a stake; N .33 15' W. 02 feet to a slake in the center of a bridge oxer a small branch in said old Jonathan Creek Road: theme xvilh center of said road S 59 30' W. 270 feet to a stake, Finger's corner; (hence S 20 48' K. 347 feel to a stake; thence S. 21" 4.V E. 253 leet lo a stake in center of Jonathan Creek; thence down and wilh the center of said creek about 80(1 leet to a stake in the West line of aforesaid John Bradley one-half acre tract; thence with line of that tract four calls as follows: N. 4' W. 25 feel to a slai.e; N. 88 E. 104 feet to a slake: N. 85 K. 85 feel to a slake: S. 87 30' K. 104 feel lo the BEGINNING, containing 13 0 acres, more or less, as per survey of Wall Just ice, made March, 1940. FOURTH TRACT: An undivided one-half interest in and to Hie following trail: 4ib BEGINNING on a slake in the center of Jonathan Creek in the West line of the one-half acre tract convex cd by Pink Carpenter lo John Bradley iliook 103, page 2141 and runs up creek as follows: S. 80" W. 109 feel: S. 5!) 30' W 18 poles; S. 78' W. 13 poles to a birch; thence S. 35 E. to a stake, the Norlh west corner of the lot conveyed by Pink ( arpenter to Dave Brown and John Fie by a deed daled April 2. 1938, and re corded in Book 103, page 120; thence with line of that lot four calls as iolhws:"N. 03 45' E. 95 feet to a small hox elder: N. 78 F. 78 feel lo a slake on the West side of an old railroad grade; S 12 30' E. 98 feel lo a slake in Ihe West margin of Soco Gap Highway: S. 00" W. 120 feet lo a stake 'the Beginning corner of said Dave Broxvn and John Fie lot : 1 hence S. 35" K. about 150 poles to a small chestnut on lop of Solor Moun tain; thence clown mountain as fol lows: N. 21 1 c E. 3 poles; N. 31 I , " E .18 poles; N. 27 K. Hi poles; N. 20 K. 9 35 poles to a slake or small chestnut, the Sou! Invest corn er of Ihe tract conveyed by Pink Carpenter to Rufus Finger by deed dated I'chruary 1st, 1932, and re corded in Book ilr, page 4; thence with line of that tract Ihree calls as follows: N. 22" 30' W. 5 poles to a spotted oak; down watershed of ridge with its meanders 7 1 j poles to a small maple below a el iff of rock; N. 31" W. 4!)'-j poles to a stake at railroad; thence N. 13 30' E. 35 feet to a slake on the South side of Jonathan Creek; thence N. 4" W. 24' feel to the BEGINNING, containing 35 acres more or less, and subject to right of way easement as set out in afore said deed to Dave Brown and John Fie. This 15th day of July, 1940. I). M. CARPENTER, Commissioner 1553 -July 19-20. NOTICE OF RE-SALE. NORTH C UtOl.IN , HAYWOOD (ill N 1 Y. J. L. Walker Vs. E. H. Walker and xvife, Thelnia Walker, Kenneth E. Walker and wife. Verdeena Walker, Bobbie Walker Boil and husband, Jo-. Ji Hoil. Mrs. Arthur Walker, widow of Arthur Walker, deceased, and Walker, Minor h hoc Guardian Ad Litem, T. 1.. Green. The undersigned, li.ninc been ordered by the Clerk ol I he Superior Court of lla.wvood Coun ty, N. C. to re-sell the said land as described in said petition in said cause, the said Commissioner as aforesaid, will on Tuesday. Julv 23rd, 1940, at 10 o'clock, A. M. al the Court House Door in (lie Town of Waynesville, Haxwond County, N. C., offer for sale lo t be highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described tract of land: Lying and being in Haywood County, N. C. in Crabtree Town ship, and hounded as follows: Beginning in the center of the Public road in the line of Sonic Walker and Eva Jones, and runs wilh said line. South 34 decrees East 72 links to a stump: llionee South 19 degrees 30 minute. Fast One chain and it!) links to a dead sourwood, corner of .1. D. 'lowles eslale: thence wilh the line ol said eslale South 54 degrees 20 minutes Easl 0 chains and 04 links to a slake, Towles' corner: thence North 1 degree 3(1 minutes Fast :i ch.i ins and 30 links to a stake in the old fence; thence Norlh 15 decrees Fast 2 chains 93 links to a stake in the center of a small blanch and i'l an old fence: thence down the center of the branch Noilh 03 degrees 15 minutes least 1 chain to a slake in the conlor ol said branch: Hieure North 30 deer 25 immiles West 2 chains 58 links lo Ihe center of the public thence up the center of s.,j, 4 chains and 00 links to the begin ning. Containing 3.3 acres, more or less. Saiil Iracl of land heiie; know n as I he )r. Robert I .. Walker home place. The Ihe 2nd day of .Ink. 1910. GROVFK c DAMS, ( 'onnnissioncr. 1543 July 5 12-19 for The Best Real See Carolina Insurance & Realty Co. See H. G. Stone-Phone 331 Houses and lots in Wa nesville. Hazel wood and Lake J u n a 1 u e k a. Farms from 8 to 4,000 acres. See us for Automobile & Fire Insurance Carolina Insurance & Realty Co. If. N. JOHNSON 1 'a Main Street DINNERS By Reservation Tel 9100 Week -D.-iixs Sunday 0 sin to !l on P. M. 1 :3U to 31 i P. M. P R K W A Y K N O I. I. Your Wife UVml Vflff ii s wonaerrai- h;i itig :i httslmnil who is ivusidenite nml sm.'ii't cumu li in scitil 1 he laundry to the ';iynes ille l.aniiilrv. In aihlitioii to hnvinp: thn "lillte woman"-:" praise . . . you know that the laundry is heiiitr (lone cheaper and more efficiently than it could lie done at home. We Call and Deliver Waynesville Laundry (Incorporated) J. W. KIM-IAN. Owner IMione HO.") lloyri Avenue Buys in Estat II. 1.. UN Kit, Sit. Will Say 1 r 1 H. ;. STONK Wa vnesvillc e

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