THE TVAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER f PAGE FOUR mm May Warn of Disordered fiw. Kidney Action r Modern life with Iti hurry nd worry; Irregular habits, Improper eatiig and drinking its risk of exposure and infec tion throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. Yoa may suffer Bagging backache, headache, dixzineBS, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other rnnns of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan't Tills. Peon's help the Sidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than hall a century of public approval. Arc recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Atk your neighborl Board Recommends Long Range Dept. Of Warfare WASHINGTON, C rcotionof what would amount lo a depart ment of long-rane warfare was recommended to President Truman, along with the suggested annual expenditure of $1 .OOO.utlU.OOO for research in new weapons. The ions were con tained in the final summary report on lite Pacific war by the fritted States strategic bombing survey. "The tinted Slates must have the will and the strength to be a force for pi are." I be report said, warning thai hcawl.v increased mili tar prepai at ions must be made "lo i assure an ;!v decree 01 na tional seem tl ." I nitiril ( in, inland I Alter urging prompt unilicalion Tested Jet Plane Floor Sanding and Finishing George McCrackcn Co. Waynesville, N. C. Phone :J6!)-J Give Yourself a Lovely U-WAV-IT Permanent at Home Today thousands of women are tivins themselves I'-WAV-IT permanent"! In 2 to 3 hours at home. Von ran tlo it. too it's easy, safe, (jentlc even for baby line hair. For a piufcssional-lookins. lonc lastine permanent set I'-WAV-IT HOMi: COLD PERMANENT WAVE KIT. It comes complete and ready to use. NO MESSY MIXING TO DO. Ask for IMVAV-IT At SMITH S C'l'T-RATi: DIU'G STOKE of the armed services, the board said: "Within a department of com- nion defense which provides unity j of command and is itself oriented toward air and new weapons, the survey believes thai, in addition lo the army and navy there should be an equal and coordinate position for a third establishment." This proposed new unit would ! have primary responsibility lor "passive and active defense against j long range attack on our cities, in- dtistries and other sustaining re- j sources." j Warn Against I.a ! In warning against any lag in basic research or Hie application of up-to-date science to the held ol military weapons, the board sug gested a vastly increased annual budget to finance such research "This type of work has become so complex thai expenditures lor re search and development in the order of one billion dollars annual ly may he required lo assume an ac ceptable degree of national securi ty," the report said. The board pointed out I hat it was "not generally realized the degree lo which basic scientific research was neglected in the I billed 'Hales during the course of the war in order to concentrate on I lie helaled development of the specific wea pons immediately required. licllind Axis Powers The report told how I lie t'niled States lagged behind (Irrmam in advanced aerod nam ics. jet propul sion and guided missies, and be hind Japan in air armament ami torpedoes. The stralegic bombing survey was formed in 11)11 on order of the late I'residenl lioosevelt. II made extensive surveys on the ell'ccts of air power against Germany. Sheriff May Solve Sugar Shortage In Alamance County GRAHAM If Sheriff E. Loy Ivev has his way Alamance County will get a partial respite from the current sugar shortage that is plagu ing both housewives and otner con sumers. Ivey, who, as a law enforcement officer, came into a "black market" load of 10,000 pounds of sugar when it was apprehended on a highway south of Graham on April 20, has been besieged by consumers and wholesalers for priority on portions of the contraband sugar when it was released to the public. Numerous efforts on the part of the sheriff have failed to bring any action either from federal or OPA authorities as to the disposition of the sugar, so Ivey is now seeking some method to get the sugar into consumer channels and to alleviate the present shortage that faces county citizens. Sheriff Ivey said this morning, "We are very anxious to see that this sugar gets to those who need it and I personally intend (o see that it is released by some means within the next few days." Ivey said that he would seek the advice of the county commissioners at their next meeting in an attempt to find some legal channel to pro perly dispose of the sugar. NOTICE Applications will be received for absentee ballots f,,r members of the armed services of the United States f, 1 August, 1946. Ballots for civilians will be available f. 4 October, 1946. These ballots are to be voted act ljn- and in the General E:.j be held on the 4th day of November, 1946. The ballots wi Board office in Courthouse. I Haywood County Board of Elections C. GUDGER BRYSON, Chairman WALTER T. CRAWFopji J. A. SINGLETON, Member aecrl Use The Classified Advertisements Marriage Licenses Robert M. Beall, of ('anion, lo Carol Logan, of Miami. 1'la. Arthur I). Craig, of Wilmington, to Nelda H. Stortz. of Lansing. Mich. Get SLIMMER -his vitamin candy way ! 'i r ;i mm t .UthIci . t:r ,H ( I ul ft i-r No cxi in -iui;. Nn 1 iv,.m n't'si. N(Mlri;t;s, With thi- Piniplr l I S wt.umn Cindy U'tliu tntf I' i-mi (I i) n't cut out any hum I s, t arches. wUatocs. men I snr I ut lt-r, vi'ii mmplv cut tin in down. It's r;iirr when yu enjoy diluious .ilamin tnrt'Mrd) AYPS candy I), foir mc-als Ahsnluli ly mk ss. !n elm: -il t.'tli r-tuhn'i I l-v l rnl rln.-tnr-MTii.rf than SOO parsons lost 14 to IS lbs. nvrfe in h fw wssha nh AYUri Vitnnim Cnrvlv Kt-.tti.-Hiif l'l..n '.ft -Inv mipply f AVDS only I' n-it HeMtrht-rf with results, MONEY At,K on very flrat bo. lVn Smith's Cut katc Druff Store r V7 rT3 vv LT. COMDR. Jarac J. Davidson, Rochester, Minn., walks away from Ihe "Phantom" XFD-1 new all let Navy fighter plane after taking htr .nnri landing the craft from the carrier i'ra?ilclin D. Roosevelt. The test was made oft the Virginia Capes. (International Soundphoto) Veterinarian Says Imported Cattle Not Legal Breeders 1 ! I . I '. I ; 1 1 -As is the case with iiio-l Atlantic Seaboard Slates, North Carolina imports a great nian heel catlle from the surplus ,n iidiicing slate of the mid-west, ami not iiilr"'iiicnlly an attempt is made by unscrupulous individuals In divert these slaughter animals into breeding slock channels in violation of N. ('. Slale laws, ro vealed Dr. William Moore, chief veterinarian for the Department of Agriculture recently. "We must be continually on guard,'' slated Dr. Moore, "against any such practices, not only be cause North Carolina is the first anil oiilv stale in the Union to be come modified accredited Hang's disease free, but also because of a comparatively new disease called anaplasmosis, which as yet has no practical remedy although re search has been aimed at this ac complishment since its isolation in Ihe laboratory ten years ago." Dr. Moore explained lhat ana plasmosis in catlle is transmitted h Inlim; insects and while the dealh loll from Ihe disease is usual ly not high, any animal lhat docs recover from ils efefcls becomes a c;,n lor of anaplasmosis for life. The usual results of the disease in catlle. said Dr. Moore, affects llieir general health, attacks the red corpuscles of Ihe blood and brings on anemia and a run-down condition quite similar in some re spects lo the effect of the dread cattle tick. Further Costs The Law Requires That We Ad vertise and Sell All Property On Which Taxes Have Not Been Paid. f OWN OF WAYNESVILLE JOHN BOYD, Tax Collector V(JW WORM OAK. ATHLETt'S FOOT ANTISEPTIC fl Smith's Cut Kate Drug Store IJrucc Termini Offers Free Inspection and Triply (Guaranteed Protection! Kxpert inspection gives you relia ble information about your termite problem. Call Tcrminix, world's largest termite control organiza tion, for a free inspection of your properly. No obligation even If termites are found. VOI R- 3-WAY GUARANTEE Bruce Tcrminix gives you a tested termite treatment that ends costly damage and guards against further attack. This service is triply guar anteed by: 1. Local Bruce Tcrminix licensee. 2. K. L. Bruce Co., world's largest maker of hardwood flooring. 2. Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. FOR FREE INSPECTION, WRITE OR PHONE: TERMINIX CO. iO Lexington Ave. Phone 768 Asheville, N. C. LAST CALD FOR 945 TAXE The law Requires Thai We ADVERTISE and SED All Property On Which 1945 Taxes Have Not Been Paid The Names Of All Delinquent Taxpayers Will Be Publishei GUS1 IN A And Sold on 1st Mondi In September No Extension 01 Time Will Be Giva Notice is also given that we will garnishee and levy onallPeI al property on which taxes are due ERGUS01 $ Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor of Haywood Count? At JMvarffMrf In'Tk P0