r PAGE FStHJ (Firai Sicllcrj R o d and Gun R.v h.i.ki:r TOM FOR FISIli:itMK pirk-lip in K""l lisliilK'. ni'v :il'UT ;i sl.uk ing off cii h in 1 he nimil h. is t lip word for uimlcrs tins wpk. A bir; Ihiiiiii i- icporlcil from Pisgali N;tlioii;il l'oif-t IVe-np. Kori-st Itairnr W W. HiiIipi" ;m nuiiiK'cs tlml (he IllHi mmmiii al ready lias produced lieu leinrds. Within twti uioolli'. il i In- npeiiiiu. Hulier said. .". 1 Iclieimeii w i-nl into t tic .streams ul llic area and tire took Zi. 12 IM) During Hie entire season l;i-l .Mar. the lolaK Were fi.tWU I'ishcra i ii and aliout 23,000 l ish. Last vc.ir ;h I he best since HH1. when Kinilil trout were booked. VACATION 11)K. The Our ham Co-operative Club, a hii luncheon rjoup. has an idea leu a summer ouliim thai'-- a : il om for other orcanial i i:e- In look in to. This week the i lull p ip-iiiiuiil! its annual fiu'-d.n liOmr-j excur sion to I ape 1 .01 ike u 1 1 , I I 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 U ,111 ar .'.cars. trip are ! ul i. id icid iu Chirk interruption dm in Dates lor this July 27 3 1 . w Mil .1 Raymond Soircll. . serving as the ee in charge of an an:; ear ( k lid I. 111'- I'.xciii -ul hall and tins cr ol V i J sions in the past iln-u n of the club's meiiibci du year 25 to nil nl the ro are getlinjl reads lor Sat ui da start. The program o I I e r s v.iri' l '. enough to calcb nio'l anvbody v.ilh some activity I-'ishine, IhkiI arc chartered lor the lic days and ivn- ular daily trips a who want In co. behind can take fishing, horseshoes niiiiH. or- il t Ii i n sleepini;. iv taken lor all finite who sia a llin.: at Mill . M.llhall. suim are Inn linmli 1 he C o-op ( lull w hu h is an org which anization similar In l!otar . Kiwauis. I. inns etc., would like In see other civic groups, nr i lull-, plan annual trips of this soil The Durham men say it's a umul wa. lo develop fellowship and association with your friends, on a .i.iunl whose ex penses don'l run hmh. j RF.Tl UN St ;-;s TK l Here's1 an idea from down South Carolina way that can no t i.dit back lo the Co-op Club members, and lo other' orKaniations interested in oulh projects. 1 The sourest ion was put to the City Council of S p a r t a n b urn, through a readers l.-ittr lo tlie Outdoor Forum of Wood's Ruler's Outdoor I'age in the Spartanburg j Sunday lierald-.Joui nal ! The ri'ader. Chaiics () Heaton. Jr.. of Sparl; the council si lllltllL'. ink a siiut;e ike in 4s that a resi- Ml LOST 51 Lbs.!" Imit 11 In. In waist, 10 In. In hips and 8 In. In busf. Once 1701b .Mrs. D M Hawkins (11911 , at right ) nt w.-i;ht ami Inches with delicious AVI S Vm mift Candy Ktduiing 11 in until he looks tike a mode!. Yo ir ex perience may or m.iy nut !- tlir pmenut vy mis e;in.-r renucini? plan, veryfrirst toi Must Shuw Keaultsor Monry liacx. In clinical tests, comiuctcrt fy medical doctors, more th;m 10 persona lost 14 to 15 pounds average In a few weeks with the A V S Vita min Candy Reducing i'ian. No eierctse. No dnnji. N'i l ix.i tivea.You don't cut out any mciU. starches. potdt(:s, me us or hutti r cue them down, implr u Ipti y -u i-nioy OOU AYLJS ViUmin C.infiv as !in ct l A!.so lutrty harmlew.:i it t:;yS-fy nuiriiiou A $2.25. NOW, phone h- tail at Smith's l ut hate Druff Store It : I i ynit just New, Modern, Time-Saving FILING EQUIPMENT Cabinets - Folders - Indexes - Cards We Feature The OXFORD LINE Just Received, Beautiful STATIONERY By Montajr and Other Nationally Known Manufacturers The BOOK STORE Phone 73 Shook Home In Clyde To Be Dedicated Today At 4 Plaque to Honor Memory of Place Where Pioneer Bishop Preached Dedicat ion Shook House .y v s i d e nc e family and a Methodists a ceremonies at "The in Clyde, now the of t Ii e Morgan house memorable to ; the stopping and preaelugii place lor the pioneer ISishop Francis Asbury, will be eon ducled this aflernoon from 4 to 5 o'clock by the Key. .. B. Billups of Canton. 1 Assisting the Canton pastor will be the Rev. T. S. Kennett of VVea orvillo. president of the W. N. C. Methodist Historical Society, the Rev. Walter B. West, of Waynesville, Bishop Clare I'urcell of Charlotte, and other church of ficials. A plaque telling the significance of Hie bouse will be dedicated and placed (here, largely through the efforts of Rev. Billups. The house j was used iiy Bishop Asbury, the, first Methodist bishop of America,1 to hold services during his trips! through II"." mountain region in' the davs before paved roads. He made notes of his stops there in bis daily journal, and one of his statements is included in the plaque inscript ion. This service will be part of the program under the Methodist His torical Society of the Southeastern Jurisdiction which is now having j its annual meeting at Lake Juna- luska under the presidency of the j Rev. Dr. K. II. Nease of Greens boro. Dr. Flmer T. Clark, national' president, made an address on the j Cataloochee Trail, a historic Meth-j delist shrine at Cove Creek when the meeting opened Monday after-! noon. II. C. Wilburn of Waynes-! ville, formerly of the National j 1'ark Service, directed the cere mony at Cove Creek. Americans in Berlin To Be Issued Pistols BERLIN' Col. Frank I. Howley said July 30 that every officer and American civilian employe in his military government heado.uarters would be issued a pistol and taught to shoot "as a measure of self defense against civilian violence, should Maj. Inited it arise. Gen. Frank A. Keating, States Commandant in Ber i dential section within the city ' limits, with bream, crappie and bass, and after getting the basic ' stock well established, restrict the . fishing there to youth under 16. Under Ilearon's idea, the council would set up a supervisory com mission of sportsmen charged with indoctrinating the young anglers in sportsmanship, law observance, and conservation, and instruct them in the fine arts of angling. The commission would hold each sum mer at least one fly-fishing tourna ment and one fishing rodeo with fish-fry and wildlife movies after wards. The orginator believes the project would cost the taxpayers little, if anything, while providing the facilities for a beneficial sport right within the city limits, especi ally for underprivileged youngsters. That. Ilearon thinks, would put a stopper on some of the causes lead ing to juvenile delinquency. J. C. G A LUSH A CELEBRANTS Vim itf i i it iii w i '-, - xs3T . ik.atK.imtmmmmmm mi i to" i iiIiilliiS)li' .NJOYING THEMSELVES AT A CHRISTMAS PARTY held at the Batavia Metal Products plant ot the Garssons, Batavia, 111., are David Barkley (left), son of Sen. Alben Barkley of Kentucky; E. M. Glazier, (center), one of the Garsson company directors and Col. Herbert Heiss, who passed on contract awards with other Chemi :al Warfare Service officers in Washington. Heiss resigned his post recently and took an executive job v. it:i Garsson' Batavia Metal Products Corn. (Photo Copyright 1946 by International Netr ' Adults Blamed For Juvenile Delinquency, Says Tampa Man "It's adult dcliqucncy that is producing juvenile delinquency today.'' Dr. John liranscomh. ol Tampa, told Itotarians here- Friday, as he discussed. "It is Later Than We Think " "There is an old adage that 'hoys will be boys' and just let them go ahead and sow their wild oats." the speaker said. "But we must re member, that boys will be men. and we must ever keep that in mind as we deal with youth." The world needs to give youth today those weapons with which lo build a better world. The speaker discussed briefly the plight of France and Uussia. and the determination of each to sur vive. He touched on world affairs, and concluded his address by sav ing, "decisions made now around conference tables will determine the destiny of the world for ages to come." There were 29 visitors from six states. Dr. Frank S. Love was in charge of the program. German War Factories Turn Out Pots and Pans Krupps, chief arsenal of the Ger man war machine, has been re prieved for peacetime product ion It is to make equipment for ((, i pleted British kitchens. The Allied Control Council now is considering abandonment of the previous plan to destroy what is left of the great munitions factory. Instead, it is to become a center for light industry. Wood and metal products arc to replace tanks and guns, fertilizers will come from laboratories previously making poison gas, and electric light fit tings will emerge from shell fuse benches. lin, has approved "mere preparedness,' thet plan of he said. "Officers will be in structed to see that their wives and children also know how to use guns," Col. Howley said. "Our occupation forces are thin, so thin that we have to use German prisoners to do some of the defense chores." Main Street THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER AT GARSSON CHRISTMAS PARTY VET'S DEATH BREAKS TRIANGLE SHOT by an unidentified man during a quarrel Arthur Sagart (right) 26-year-old Army veteran, lies dead on the front seat of his car in Chi cago. Police declared they were seeking (or questioning the estranged husband of Betty Fairfax (left), 22-year-old mother of two children, whom Sagart Is said to have been courting. (International Soundphoto) OPA Urges Conserving Sugar, Gives New Rules On Controls KALKinil OPA District Di rector Theodore S. Johnson urges housew ives to keep a sharp curb on the lamilys sweet tooth for the rest of the year at least. "Treat your sugar as you would a store of gold dust." Johnson said. "It's that precious and it is going to con tinue precious for several months. Fslimales show that if supplies uere ample. Americans would con sume eight million tons of sugar Ihis year with our increased popula tion and buying power, but the total coining in will be just under five and a half million tons. Other items: Restaurant prices. No change in Ol'A regulations to the legal ceil ing prices in effect on June 30. However, operators may recalcu late the ceiling price for any meal, food item or beverage, the major of which is exempt from price con trol at all other levels, and file their change with local Price Con trol Boards. Farm Fquipment and Replace ment Parts. Prices have been raised an average of six per cent above June 30 figures. Distribu tors have been granted the two per cent handling and transfer cost raise, also. Used Cars. Prices on all used cars and now eight per cent less than they were at the end of 1945. This decrease is caused by an auto matic reduction of 4 per cent every six months allowed for depreciation. All deliveries of new and used cars made after July 25 must be at or below OPA ceiling, even though an agreement to buy at a higher price may have been made when no controls were in effect. BRITISH SOLDIERS GET BAN ON JAP WIVES I LONDON. Lord Nathan. War ' undersecretary, announced that British servicemen would be per mitted to marry women of any oc- ; cupied enemy country except Ja- ! pan. MERGER ABANDONED President Truman, on the advice of Congressional leaders, has aban doned his request for Army-Navy merger legislation at this session of Congress, according to Senator Elbert Thomas, of Utah, chairman of the Senate Military Affairs Com mittee. Potato Feed Raw potatoes which New England dairymen are experiment!!) with ai cattle feed should b Ui at the rat of 15 to 25 pounds a day at toon as .the cow has become accustomed to them. Jack Richeson, who was recently discharged from the U. S. Marines, left Monday for a business trip to Wilmington and New York. Director Urges Diphtheria Immunization As a preventive measure. Dr. Mary Michel acting health officer of the county and district, is urg ing that parents of all children und er one year of age and older who have not been immunized against diphtheria to have this done at once as October annually records the peek of the season for this dis ease. With an increase of 125 per cent in number of cases of diphtheria in North Carolina over the previous year and the cases to date 28 per cent above the 1945 record for the same period, Dr. Michal points out that parents should cither visit the health department or their own physician and either start or com plete the entire series of diphtheria immunizations for their children. While the increase is not pre valent in Haywood county as last year there were 9 cases during the first six months and this year there are only six for the same per iod, it is a better policy to take this precaution. Health authorities attribute this increase over the state to the lack of cooperation of the public and the restricted means of transportation during the war years, which is showing ,up now in the children who were not given the diphtheria immunizations during that period. During the year of 1945 there were 203 children under five years of age and 538 older children im munized against this disease in Haywood county. During the first six months of the current year there have been 104 under five and 550 older chil dren immunized in the county. Last year in the state during the months of May and June, there were 57 cases of diphtheria report ed while this year there have been during the same months 80 cases in the state. Sartorial Place Nams Near the post office of Vests, N. C, is the community of Suit la the same state there is a place called Coats. AT LAST... RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SWOLLEN JOINTS ARTHRITIS. BACKACHE. NEURITIS Say, 4m I Ht twdlt Not an och er pal Wl'lwt. TlMTt vfcal you'U exclaim toy. t0f Im yeaV frfed this marvcloui acv fciwin vfckb I krlngine vndramd-et tMl to MrenMBds who had suffered roe fmn, kd trM varythln, and wra f-llni to tbiak nttef oat tmpoitibla. Try lAKEU'S 9 DROPS At All Drug Stores talfe's Cut-Rat Drur Store" Dischaged From Service Among the men discharged irom the arined forces from the Waynes ville area of the county during the past week were: Private First Class Sain Gaddis. from Army at Fort Bragg. Walter Let .lames. Seaman First Class, from Camp Shellon. Va. I Edwin Harrison Rogers. Sea'nan j first class, from the navy at Charleston, S. C. Private Hugh E. Price, from Army at Fort Bragg. Lloyd Furnian Koten. Seaman first class from navy, Camp Shel , ton. Ya. Among those discharged from the service from the Canton area were; Clyde James Sharp, Hardy James (iillett, Troy Dee Hill. Marsell (Jaston Trull. Love A. Coman. Jr.. James Henry Milner. Marion Edgar Sharp. ; Joe Howard Roberts. Bruce Ben 1 nett Payne. William Glenn Haney, Eugene W. Taylor, Bill Turner Carroll Floyd Burch. Robert Claude Pruitt. and Maynard Earl Shields. STATE REVENUE CLIMBS GREENSBORO, North Carolina's internal revenue collections con tinnue to climb. July, with reve nue of $82.977.888 08, topped col lections for that month in 1945 by S15.1 16'. 001. 44. Collector Charles H. Robertson announced. Total for July of a year ago was $07.80 l,8:6.b'4. The month just ended was first for the Revenue Department's fiscal year. Figures released for this past June showed collections of $108. 1 1 7.705.59. an in crease of $7,052,004.28 over the previous June. Rich Port Puerto Pdco, mean.ng rich port, got its name from Columbus, and is the only land under the Stars and Stripes on which the New World's accredited discoverer set foot. Land ing there on November 19, 1493, he claimed it for Spain. When, in 1898, Spaniards withdrew from the port of San Juan, Spain had relinquished her last slender foothold in the Western hemisphere. First gover nor of the island was Ponce de Leon, who moved from Puerto Rico to Florida in his quest for the Fountain of Youth. Penicillin Aids Children Three pediatricians reported the effectiveness of ol penicillin ad ministered to 10 children with gon orrhea, 2 with pneumonia and 2 with cellulitis, an inflammation of the soft tissues underlying the skin. There was prompt recovery in all cases. Savory Dish For a savory dish, sprinkle grated cheese over tuna fish flavored with lemon juice. Rectal Soreness Get Relief New Easy Way Sit In Comfort Prolarmon is a quick, dependable relievet of itching, painful rectal eoiencss symp toms which may also accompany piles and hemorrhoids. Brings soothing senie of comfort upon contact, forma protecting film over sore area, helps destroy infectious germs, ai Nature heal up raw, broken tissues. No oil i o grease to stain cloth ing. Sold on nv -y hark gun ran lee. lie sura to get this morjp' ii relief today , . , ask for PROLARMON 4 Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store Lake Junaluska Music Serie $1.50 Reserved $1.20 Unreserved TUESDAY C. R. CLAKKS TO MARK 45TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Clark ui Route 2, Waynesville will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary un Thursday, Aug. 8 at their home near Lake Junaluska. The well-known couple h,i many friends in Haywood and ""-ec 1 1 alloy i vauia luuillltrs ailU 111 Eat Tennessee. MISS LUCILLE CATHF.V To SPEND SUMMER AT CLYDE Miss Lucille Cathey, who has re signed as society editor of the Hickory Daily Record at Hk-korv. a position she has held for the paM year, plans to return to her horn, in Clyde where she will spend tlu. remainder of the summer with her mother, Mrs. Thad A. Cathev be. fore taking work on another "news paper. USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS B IF? qAjJ-aiTfS Sees WINDOW AND I FRAMES Made To Your Orde See Us For - - - SCREEN DOG - - - and MILLVOm The Haywood Com Phone 539 presents Mendelssohn's ELIJAH THE ORATORIO SINGERS Robert Lowrance, Conductor Friday, August Sih The Opera "MARTHA" Flotow - - - In English Walter Herbert Productions Walter Herbert, Conductor Saturday; August 10ih Performances Start 8:30 SEATS Tickets on Sale at Chamber of Commerce wv L-: . "u .j'j. DV Ore.'. '' No ft" Dr.es' -'i i...::- U'.trS ' . . DeDfnil.l ' iuj Stove W RoctS, Vmiiji, Hil), Phoa an N0VI OR i