irGl-3T9.1 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SEVEN (Second SectlorJ Atteinifttoin) s ' 1 ppoirtionnlties ifti mese mmy T AD TES SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK teat word, I Hun 01.; M b, in ul'ii'i- hrfore . ....... a. iv li, I nil nrun. - I .-.. ; cents per 1 -.lie. .,, b, published arrrd Module chars. ..1.1 i. lis I10UIU ire ...mi. inimi" ilutdV- The ,, i,r r.-spon- r incorrect ! ARE OeCorus is 3UA.NrflES By Kt Ill in'' I ' -1 3 want Haywood ,, I Jl llllTS . I.'iud. II .. .1T7-M tf U .inn-air llll lUICl'S. .k. i gut I i .uiklin !.... :. tf I, 111, INC. ,,n Inh Hi-. h.H il 1 nini'll- .ii.l. The .ml it ill Five Ideal r lour iir ftir u ller I.JIIC tf VMeh a. bird RIStS f ROM fE GROUND OR WAtR DOES if FLY ASAINi'f'faS WIND? yes By RJ. SCOTT frill l' ' jllSf: 55-.. L its" TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate House eENfiPEPES A.RE BENEFICIAL fifty lEin on t LiEi ROACHES ANq BEDBUGS NICtURtM BUDDHISTS cAvfi anions wtticri ARE UHEQUALEO IK AMY OTHER SUCrt SECT IN OAPAN ONE foRM of MORTif icAT'iOM IS To ALLOW LIVE CANDLES To Burn doww To -ftt. FLESH oF EACH ARM FOR SALE One antique bed ami two crocheted bedspreads. Can be seen at Mrs. Mary Curtis, Allen's Creek. Aug 0-9 FOH SALE American (fit) Bull Terrier Ruppies, M. L. Oathey, Assembly St., Tel. 445-W. Aug 2-0-9 GINSENG WANTED $1 1 per lb., j dry; $3.50 per lb., green. See or j write R. S. Cowan, Greenscreck, ' N. C. Aug 2-0-9-13 FOH SALE Four - room cottage few miles in country, gravity water, nice for summer liome, $3,500. The L. N. Davis Com pany. Aug !-!) FOH SALE A good farm in Mau ney Cove consisting of 4H acres Said farm overlooks Lake .Juna luska. Easy terms. See Lou Palmer, Waynesville, N. C. Aug 0-13-20 abl I Icpliuni u. 2-ti-y 1 FOH SAMS Look and be con vinced. One of the mosl beauti ful building sites within miles of Waynesville: 4.3 acres, indi vidual hill, mountain stream, easily dammed to form a lake. Large oaks, wonderful view over looking lake, lnuire. T. Henry Gaddy, E. L. Withers Co. Phone 100. Aug (i-S) Kme-t va '.iling raw, all i': some packed in li urn one .1 Hulling k. tf "i; and balh, i'-'M-e needs . I.. N. Davis ug G-9 a. kv acres and one Inini and 'is facing l.-u several lots over i!!e. All lo--y limits. ii A. (,ra fil, iu; 2-G-9-13 FOR SALES 1933 Pont lac Sport coupe, 1936 Dodge panel truck. Model "A" Ford pick-up. I .yd a Motor Co., Depot and Haywood streets. Aug 6 FOR SALE-B-.g lodge at Lake Junaluska, overlooking the lake. This is a money maker. The L. N. Davis Company. Aug G-9 . WANTED TO lit Y: '-ton pick-up I truck. Phone 4:i.",-J. Aug G-9-13 10 I.IHI'.KAI. HE W A HI) for informa tion or return of Retina 135 MM kodak, camera case and light meter. Lost on Atlanta bus or in Waynesville last week. lio l.r, Care Waynesville Moun taineer. Aim (i-9 FOH SALE 23 1 acres of land at the mouth ol Mooney Cove; jul off of Dell wood road. Sep Fred Caldwell, Waynesville, Route 2, liox 72. Aug 2-G-9 WANTED Mature woman of re tinemenl to be trained as profes sional corsetaire at our expense. No canvassing. Only corset in the world sold on a 311-day un qualified money-back guarantee For personal interview write Mrs. L. E. Pago, Route 3, Shelby, N. C. Aug 9-13 FOH SALE Medium sized upright piano, $200. A good buy. Selling because 1 have no where lo house it. Can be seen Depot Warehouse. Mason, 302-.I or 41. at Railroad .1. KobelT Aug 9 Keaverduin Township Fred E. Hendnx. et ux to Carl K Worley. el al, T 1. Jamison, et ux to W. S 1 Worley it ux T. A Khodarmer. et ux. al to I Edgar Deweese. el ux. et al Roy F Duikell. it ux to Wood row W. Duckett (ioidon (i. Reno, et ux lo l.ina E Reno ! Clyde To nship lion-A-N enture. Inc. to L E Enslev .1 Frank Pale, it ux to L. It Enslev . el ux. George (' llavnes. et ux to W V. llavnes Claude V. Thompson, et ux to Dewey Snyder. e( ux. Fines Creek Township Vance Davis, et ux to Dewey Price, et ux. Claude Clark, it ux to (irover Clark Jonathan Creek Township Effie Seter. et vir to W. P lioyd Waynesville Tow nship Mrs Elbert Hay , el vir to lieii- jaiiiiii E. Culsbaw. Gladys O'Neal Harden, et vir to George M Kimball, et ux. Glenn Davis, lo J Wilburn Conaul et ux llallie V, Conard. : .1 N. Tale, ti u lo John i'luill. el ux. .1 II Woody, el ux to William Medford. et ux. Mary W Segars to Kufus E I Wicks, et "ux. Butter Stumps Tokyo, 1 Women Iioil It Tor Oil Notified that butter from abroad was lo be distribuled. women of a Tokyo suburb, mil al all sure what butler was. showed 110 lo uel it will) bottles and bags. One expected lo get oil Another said she thought hotter would be chips of wood. One woman tried boiling it When she saw it turn to "oil." she figured the problem was solved 1 She told other housewives and soon everyone in the neighborhood was busy boiling butter. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Haywood County. In the Superior Court Haiel Walls vs. George Walls The defendant, George Walls, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on statutory grounds, and that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County within twenty days after the 22 day of July. 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 194G. C H. LEATHER WOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1558 July 2G Aug. 2-9-1G. ANNUAL MUSICAL TEA Spon sored by Auxiliary, Grace Epis copal church at Parish House, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, 1 August 12; ""Special 'program foA'-j tilling local and out of lowit' artists. Silver offering. Public invited. Aug 9 FOH SALE -Entire stock of Law rence Arts and Crafts being sold al greatly reduced prices. Aug G-9 WANTED Yard man immediately, (iOc hour, lunch. See Caddy- -K. L. Withers Co. 9-13 FOR SALE Three room cottage and 16 acres, near Lake Logan. $1,200. The L. N. Davis Com- 1 KOIi SALE 4-room nanv. Anir fi-n breakfast nook. ROOM AND BOARD See Mrs. j Robert James, Howell Mill road. Aug 2-6-9-1 3-1 G-20 house with Located in Pigeon Valley near Osborne farm. Approximately two acres land. See Mrs. J. C. Fisher on Evans road. Aug 9-13 Brain Food Phosphorus is essential to the functioning of the brain, and be- eause"fish is rich in the mineral, it has often been referred to as brain fond FOH SALE-Abou( 7 acres of land, 3 houses, an apple orchard, some pasture, good spring near the yard, good two-way road by house, plenty grapes, level land around house, can drive to the house with car W. H. Burnett, Hazelwood, N. ('. Aug 9 LOST -A brown leather billfold. Lost around Henderson's Corner. Contains identification for per son in Charlotte. If found re turn to Mrs. O. T. Alexander, Davis-Smith Jewelers. Aug 9 NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, !!.: wood County. In the Superior Court Charlie Stines vs. Virgie Stines The defendant w ill take mil ice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take nr.tice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Waynesville, No'Th Carolina, within thirty days after the 22 day of July, 194G, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 1940. C. II. LEATHEHWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1550 July 2G -Aug. 2-9-10. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of (he estate of E. J. Hyatt, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Way- XT 11. I: 1 iicsvnie, ioi iu varoiina, on or ne-a fore the 19th day of July, 1947, on this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th day of July, 1940. MARGARET HYATT PILARSKI and W. II. HYATT Executors of the Estate of E. J. Hyalt, deceased. No. 1554 July 19-20 Aug 2-9-10-23 NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Haywood County. In the Superior Court Louise Rathbone vs. John 7.. Rathbone The defendant will take notice Nhat an action entitled as .ihuve has been commenced in l-m Su perior Court of Haywood I 'mini v. . North Carolina, for the pui inc, 10 securing an absolute divonv 1: 1.111 I the defendant upon the ground- o! I two years separation: and .he said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in lb" ('nini I house in Way nesv ille, Norm Caru ! Una. within thirty days alier the j 22 day of July , 1 J4ti, and .ni-wvr j or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff wili apply to the Court for the relief I m n , 1 1 n 1 - ed in said complaint. This the 22 day of July, 19-hi. C. II LEATHEHWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1557 July 20 Aug 2 9 10. USE THE CLASSIFIED Alts There's no "Ifs" or "Buts' about it (In. 11I ,;t 1 ue piv. cuts many iireak-ilnwn.s ! Stop in today! WANTED IRMEiOOTEILY At The H. J. Heinz Company Plant, In Salem, N. J. Men and Women Workers 1 he F An-' Mhite nr 7 Proces8i? Season ... To Leave Immediatelv. "r "tored IS Y.3n, j t. x v :.. x . to, d Wages -'Good living Conditions Transportation f & Vad,la,ely to the United States Employment Service Offices ' "'"""1 oyiva, oryson tiiy ana rranniiii. Representative will give you particulars. in FOR SALE One living room suite and an end table. Good condi tion. Write Box 002, Waynes ville. Aug 9 HANNAH RADIO SERVICE form erly between Federation and Underwood's; now third house on Shingle Cove Road. All makes of house and car radios repaired; also hot plates and electric irons. All parts and labor guaranteed. Aug 9-13-16-20-23-27 FOR SALE White enamel range. J. H. Jones at the American Agent, Depot street. Aug 9 DRIVING from Sylva to Fayette ville Aug. 10 or 11. Can accom modate 2 or 3. Telephone Sylva 9 or write Box 32, Sylva. Aug 9 NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Haywood County. In The Superior Court. Ola Burnell vs. Lewis A Burncll The defendant will take notice thai an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of secur ing an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of two years separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, within thirty days altir the 25th day of July, 194G, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 25th day of July, 1 940. C. H. LEATHER WOOD, j Clerk Superior Court. 1560 Aug 2-9716-23 UMHI 1 CHS vm frTl vV7 jvJlkJ u7 Further Costs The Law Requires That We Ad vertise and Sell All Property On Which Taxes Have Not Been Paid. TOWN OF W1YIJESVILLE JOHN BOYD, Tax Collector HENRY CARL C. ANDERSON DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNEY YOU'RE HAVING A. BOOTH IN THIS Copr 1'6. Witt Diuwy Prodactaaw 'ortH H:fTM 1-rved I" rtl I SUPPOSE! if A SHOOTING ) 7"! 1- .or 1 1 tr-rr-f vouse having a 1 1 "i KL?fl?d Hi UUh. '?,? ' f " "' ' '- li.iiliirBI -- i I I. H1 f,l : 1- fi

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