ArcrsT 13, im THE WATNESVIIXE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE OBACCO FARMER: .. myirt.(i your growing crops against Consult us without obligation. pAVIS Insurance Co. MAIN STREET Thompson-Ratcliff Wedding Which Took Place In July Announced bhtolier Fixtures j3 . TT The nome or tors Lent I'mts Bedroom Units Bathroom Units Outside and Inside Brackets s Home Appliance Company Main Street Announcement has hpn marf f the marriage of Miss Frances Thompson, daughter of C. L. lhompson and the latp Mrs M Henry Thompson, of Mocksville. to nuius Katciilf. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ratcliff. of Waynesville, R. F. D. No. 1. The marriaee took jIdop at the First Methodist Phnrrh nr. Wednesday, July, 31 at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. The Rev. Paul Townsend, pastor of the church pronounced the vows, .using the double ring ceremony. For the occasion the altar of the church was arranged with floor baskets of white gladioli against a background of greenery. Prior to taking the vows a pro gram of nuptial music was present ed by Mrs. W. L. Matney, organist and Mrs. Fred Calhoun, vocalist. For her marriage the bride wore a while flannel suit with white ac cessories. She carried a whit pjayer book to which was attached white orchids and white rosebuds. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a short wedding trip after which thev re turned to Waynesville. where thev will reside. Durself a Lovely tTf;. HAV-IT AWA iDMit at Home vlC!liflT ids of women are lltt( VlW t ft li WAV-IT permanmts In W 4J,I4L ?, l homf. Vou can do It, too jjdfak'flfc I i irntle even tor baby fine lF"z!'itS professional-looking, lonf- IS l!BS(ifc rtttrt C WAV-IT IIOMK If WENT WAVE KIT, It ;.J t ind ready to use. NO IS If J iGIODO. I S i Ask for JL Jk r f DRl'G STORE rj as u Marjorie Davis Becomes Bride Of John King Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harrison Davis, of Clvde. R. F D No. 1 to John Kin,;, son of Mrs. Jessie King, and th late Denthrus King, of Scanton, Punn. The mar riage iook place in a double ring ceremony on Saturday, July, 20 m Grace Methodist Church of Baltimore, Md. The Rev. Charles B. Robey pronounced the vows. The bride wore a street length dress of white celenase sandswept material and I er accessories were in whitn. She wore a corsage of pink rosebuds. The bridegroom was recently dis charged from the armed forces hav ing served for twenty-eight months in the service, nineteen of which were overseas with the Parachute Infantry of the 82nd Airborne Divi sion. Phe couple will make their home in Baltimore. Rev. and Mrs. Madison At Lake Junaluska At Conference Benefit Bazaar Slated For St. John's School A three-day bazaar will be held in SI. John's Auditorium Thursday tthe benefit of SI John's Sclnm! Rev. and Mrs. Clay Madison and Charles Kurtatio Ids been named small son David are visiting at I.ake I chairman of '.he bazaar The cotn Junaluska, where the former is at- i nultee in charge of arrangements tending a conference. Mr. Madison ! consists of Mrs. Michael Skeffing is a former pastor of the First ton. Mrs Frederick Marx. Miss Methodist Church here and last I Lorraine Martel. Miss K'inhcth fall after serving his alloled tini, I W.-i-.::.;. Mk iw.ti m ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR, If nut I'V.ise,!, vmir S.'.c bark at any itnis M'i I I Ol . a STItoVI ftitiarii i.te. '.ntiiinti '""; jl,..l,. IT I'KNKTRATKS. K.a.-ha MOHK B.-iina Ml.l. the mli. TihIjj- al snclhs I 'I it; Store. Sewlnj Ruler A transparent ruler used by high school members of the family in geometry classes can serve well In the sewing room, for measuring bems, seams and spaces between buttons. Miss Mimi Gorslinc, daughter of I Mrs. Jefferson Reeves IS Upending the summer In Windsor, Conn. Sells Exquisite Rugs m The Honorable Bert Fish We And The Seely Castle lection! These rugs were brought to Iveys for quick dis posal by the estates. They know we will sell these gorgeous rugs with no more fuss than we sell pots ad pans . . that's why you will get them without any shop prices 1 FROM THE SEELY CASTLE COLLECTION: ' 1 I'3"x22'3" all over small pattern in blue and red 1650.00 ' IfcTrS" blue field with red and gold all ov pattern 1550.00 ' 17'9"24,4" red field with blue and gold all over pattern i 1650.00 FROM THE FISH ESTATE: in rose 800.00 ' Silk Kashan. 4'i"xT 1 Silk Tarbriz Prayer Rug, Axb'7" 350.00 1 S, 350.00 emi-antique Bokara, 3'8"x6'9' B'xie'Q" Semi-antique Tabriz, blue field with fd and gold border and medallion. 2600.00 . ? are open to buy any fine Oriental Rugs for cash' , , , Jronj --" muiviuuais or trustees ox PJI&rr&, rug - EQURTB ELpofi here was sent to Hickory when is pastor of a church there he Of Mrs. Aaron Provost Hostess Wednesday Book Club Meeting Mrs. Aaron Provost will he hos tess of a meeting on Wednesday of the Waynesville Book Club. ;it her home at 3:30 o'clock, with Mrs, Ben Colkitt. president. nresirtiim Maurice Geoff J y. director of the Summer Players will he in charge of the program and will present two of the actresses from liis eroun Miss Electra Ballon and Km. Bailey Stokes, guest artist. Mi- l'Y for Kat hleen Allium, atured at the baaar are hoot lis t.uuy -work, baked and pre served fond, parcel post sale and rummage sale. The bazaar hall is open each day from 4:30 through 10:30 IV M. Claim's will he played each night and short order refresh ments served. ! ! AT LAST... RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SWOLLEN JOINTS ARTHRITIS, BACKACHE. NEURITIS Say( do I feci swell! Not an acho or pain anywher." Thot't what you'll exclaim joy tally when you'v. tried this marvelous new I . r "in uiihijiiiij ynuicamrg-gr rcltct to thousands who had suffered tor Mr. and Mrs. Glenn had as (hoir fiursts during Ww past week Mr and Mi s. Howard How - IlHL' Miirl ..liilil.-,,.. ,,4- ij-.n : fll . XJ VIIIHUl HI 1 if 1 1 1 - mole. Md- I Smith s Cut-Kate IniB Store WANT TO UKMKMBKR XK ONK YOU JUST CAN'T FORGET? Say It With MfC'rackt'M I0'1" wh hod nc evcrythtng, and wcr w ininn is; iitt wg impoillDia. I ry LAKEN'S 9 DROPS vn sf ms ii urug rors Visit Belk-Hudson's Baby Department k xs s - -A 'Si- -&v, 4Vite& v; 7 or RAIFF'S EVERY DAY PEOPLE REMARK: "I've Hunted Everywhere - - -I Didn't Know Raiff s Handle VENETIAN BLINDS" And When They Hear We Only Ask 3; SaW 'MpP $g.98 If You're Heir - Minded Your Best Friend Is Tlicn you'll want to hurry right down to our shop and .select the layette and little pretties for your expected eheruli or buy that k 1'L for the Stork Shower and the stork, himself! HverythinK a Ki!y needs is here! Second Floor For Metal Blinds Any Size to 36" They Are Greatly Surprised . . . You Will Be, Too, When You See Them! And What's More We're Taking SPECIAL SIZE ORDERS So coino liK.'il away, while our stock Is here. Trices will soon lie raised by manufacturer. HERE ARE HARD-TO-FINDS Monk's Cloth At I-as't ! An oxc-i'llenl quality monk's cloth in a very pretty chevron design. Hum for ours SLOG Yard Just In! Chromium Chairs Handsome, sturdy; solid aluminum frame with red leatherette hacks and seats. OUR PRICK $7.98 O.P.A. Ceilinn $10 !IS Thousands of Yards of CURTAIN MATERIALS ... At 69c - 79c - 89c V. Vs., VT . ' - ' 9 f A far 1 KSSENTIALS FOR THK NKW RAHY Shirts ,'5!)c up Bootees 68c up Sacques $1.98 up Rubber Pants 39c up Sweaters $2.29 up Huntings $1.18 up Towels $1.07 Wash Cloths 10c Blankets $2.18 up Stuffed Toys ....$1.98 up Dresses $1-25 up Rubber Sheeting $1.29 yd Bassinets $4.9. up Just In - - Lovely CHENILLE SPREADS . . . Only $9.98 O.I'.V Ceiling1 Amporo Pressure Cookers Full 4'4-qt. capacity, made of heavy aluminum, and approved by I'nder wrlters for safely. Ilutiy in for yours. And remember, they are strictly aulo Cl 1 QC malic, with no pressine KUae to ALL-MKTAL Medicine Cabinets $4.50 White enamel finish with 1 1x20 inch mirror door. While supply lasts, buy them at this wonder fully low price. Air King Radios 8 TUBES! With Short Wave Antenna! These arc real QUALITY Radios, built to yiw Iuiil; service, with 90-day Guarantee. They bring in your favorite local and net work programs with volume and clarity of tone, and the short wave antenna amply supplies tone and volume. Also a Large Supply of PLYMOUTH Tabic Model Radios of R C'. V Patent Selling at RAIFF'S ' COC OR ,,A $47.30 O.P.A. Ceiling At Only Ceiling You'll find the Largest Selections and the Best Values in Housefiirnishings al "The Largest Baby Department in Haywood" .Belk-Hmdsoe Co ''Home of Better Values'" RAIFF'S of Canton Canton, N. C. I am enclosing Check 1'. O. Money Order or you may send C.O.D. and I will remit promptly for the follow ing items advertised today. (NOTE: Please include 3't Salts Taxi. IS'ame Address City State

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